Fan Fiction ❯ Stormy Conscience ❯ Story of the past ( Chapter 14 )
Chapter 14, (Cinsanati POV). Story of the past.
I sigh my breath was white with cold, I was sitting on a low wall in the court yard, with the small brat beside me.
"What's your name brat?" I ask sharply.
"I'm Catherine the Horse and I'm not a brat. What's your name jerk?" She pouted childishly at me.
"Whatever, I'm Cinsanati the mongrel." I replied sharply, she looked confusedly at me.
"What? Do you mean? Are you going to tell me about your parents of not?" She asked impatiently.
"O.k. Do you know about stuff?" She gave me a puzzled look. "like where babies come from and how only the first born are the only one with clan blood?"
"Of course I do, I'm not stupid you know." She seemed quite offended by that question.
"Of course stupid me, your elevenish you know everything." I stated sarcastically. "Anyway let me start I'll tell it like a story so it's easier for me and don't interrupt ask questions at the end. There was once a strong warrior who went by the name of Hasnen he was a sub leader of the Bear's Army. He was a very respectable man and the king held him very highly. The only reason this warrior was only a sub leader and not the leader of the Army was because the King's son had that post. Hasnen and the prince where very close they were best friends in fact. At that time there was quite a big war going on in-between the Bear Clan and the Shark Clan and there was a rumour going round that the Shark Clan were planning something big that would give them an upper hand over the Bear Clan. When the king heard of these rumours he gathered his son and Hasnen to him and told them of this rumour. They decided that they should send a spy out, but it needed to be someone that they could trust and so Hasnen volunteered to go and find out this secret. He left in the afternoon and arrived at his destination 2 days later he had manage to get to the palace undetected, which is a great triumph in it's self as there was guards wandering around the woods and the look out for spies. Hasnen was a very skilled spy, he managed to sneak into the well protected castle, being ever so careful not to be heard or smelled. He came to this large room that had documents in the draws of a large chest, he started looking through them. They were all to do with the planning of the war and other documents, this was it Hasnen had found what he was searching for. Suddenly he heard a silken voice behind him `What are you doing in my father's chamber? You must be…' but she stopped as she made eye contact with the handsome warrior. He to paused in breath not because he feared for his life, it was because of the beauty of the face he saw before him. The eyes that glittered like the stars and the lips a crimson blood red. The beautiful women broke the silence `what is your name brave warrior?"
"It is Hasnen and may I ask of yours fair and charming maiden.' He replied courteously. `Yes you may I am Klissa, princess to the Shark Clan. I am afraid that I will have to call the guards, even though I don't want to.' She said mournfully. `You do not need to I will not touch a thing and I shall tell my king that I could not find a thing and that I make a lousy spy.' He replied quickly not really wanting to be caught as they would kill him after torturing him for information. She agreed to this on one condition that they would be able to meet again next full moon in a hidden cave near outside the city walls. And so it was agreed when the next full moon arrived the two friends meet, they enjoyed each others company and sense of humour. They decide to see each other more often and their friendship bloomed into love. Of course the two knew it was wrong, Bear was earth and was meant to marry a wind Clan like Falcon and Shark was water and was meant to marry a Fire like lizard or salamander. Though their Hansen's friends would often ask him where he had gone over the months he never told a solo and being so respected they trusted him. Though one day the King of the Shark Clan went to his daughter to tell her that she was to get married and so it was the very next dawn she was married. She was so miserable and upset that on the next time that she was to see Hasnen she was careless and she was followed by her maid who was worried about her. The maid saw her and Hasnen together and went back and told Klissa's husband who was out raged. So he and a group of his men followed Klissa to Hasnen and pulled him from his lovers arms. Klissa had to watch as they drove their swords in to Hasnen body. She was dragged back to the castle and her husband made her life living hell. She had shamed her Clan, she had fallen in love with the wrong person. 9 months past and she gave birth to a healthy boy with hair the colour of the fire's of hell. Klissa's husband was thrilled as he was king at this time as the old king had shortly passed away, he now had an heir to the throne. As the years past the child grow up and listened to the stories his mother told of a handsome warrior, and hate and rage built in to the boy against his own father, his king. Then it happened the day that changed his life, he had reached 15 years, the day he found out what Clan he was in. everyone had a nasty surprise, he was a cross. Half Bear and half Shark. It was Hasnen son, Klissa husband was furious to put it lightly. The next child his wife would bare would be human; there would be no heir to the throne. He had his wife killed for betraying him and exiled the son out in to the wild. The king was sure that the boy would be killed by an animal or would come to some accident and die. But he didn't the boy grew strong through hate, anger and fear and grew to be come a heartless and merciless warrior. Needless to say that I am that warrior and my mother was Klissa and my Father was Hasnen." I looked down at the floor it felt weird telling a stranger a secret that I had kept bottled up so long.
"Wow, so your parents loved each other so much that they were willing to break every rule just to be together even when your mum got married. I hope one day that I fall in love like that." Catherine smiled happily.
"Yeah well good luck to you, it's quite hard to find such love." I get up to leave.
"Where are you going Cinsanati? Can I come?" The little brat demanded in her annoying squeaky voice.
"I'm going to bed and I don't think your parents would approve to much if you came with me. Wait until you're a bit older and then ask someone your own age." I smirked as Catherine blushed with embarrassment. "I'll probably see you in the morning I have a feeling that Dragon wants to talk to your uncle about something. Oh and I know this will probably be really hard for you because your eleven and all, but can you keep the story a secret, its kind of private and all."
"I can keep a secret Cinsanati, I'm very mature and I'm actually twelve not eleven." She corrected "Anyway if it's so private and all why did you tell me. I'm practically a complete stranger to you. So why? Huh why?"
"Why do you ask so many questions child? Are you never satisfied with your knowledge?" Was this child ever going to stop asking questions she was so annoying.
"Because I'm a twelve year old and am trying to broaden my knowledge of the world around me. It's what all twelve year olds do and to do this I must question all. So are you going to answer my question or not." She informed me. Wow she has some great excuses for being nosey.
"O.k. O.k. it's because your young you haven't yet been corrupted by your Clans society and to hate everything that's different from you and to hate people that live their lives differently. To put it simply you innocent enough to accept the story and understand that love is more important then rules will ever be." I summed up clumsily and left the girl in her thoughts.