Fan Fiction ❯ Stranger Things Could Happen ❯ Trouble in Space ( Chapter 3 )

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Ian's ship was sideways, smoking, and about a foot in the ground. Billowing smoke poured out of the ship as I opened the door. I choked on it for a moment, but putting my shirt over my mouth, I climbed in. I saw him hanging from his chair and for a moment thought he was dead. My parents, who were at the neighbors, saw the smoke and came running over immediately. I managed to Ian out of his seat but I could not lift him out of the ship. Just then my dad hopped inside and took him from me. We both clamored out of the ship. I closed the door so that the smoke would not attract any attention. My dad took Ian inside and laid him on the couch. He opened his eyes for a moment, looked at all of us and passed out again. My mother called Kurt while I contacted the Sierra.

The Sierra had been attacked and Ian along with several others were on their way to earth. An order had been sent to put people in groups of two or more because loners had all been attacked. Somehow this new enemy knew where everyone was and when they would be alone.

Kurt came over with a medical kit to do what he could to Ian and stayed to make sure he would be ok. I had to move my ship into the backyard so that I could get to it quickly if I needed to. Using my ship as a crane I lifted Ian's out of the ground and began to try and fix it.

Kurt came outside and asked me what happened. I told him what my commander had told me and that we didn't know much else. All that had happened still hadn't completely sunk in with him and he sat there and watched me fix the ship. Unfortunately I could not completely fix the ship. It could do everything but fly.

It was two days before Ian could get up and walk around. He wasn't surprised when I told him about the state of his ship. Actually he was quite happy more damage was not done to the ship with the way he had landed.

"The thing that gets to me is that the ships that attacked me looked exactly like ours, except they were larger", he said after dinner one night.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, that is what's so strange about it."

"But why would someone want to copy our ships?" I asked.

"I don't know it's not like our ships are better than anyone else's, really."

Summer although full of things to do was not much fun. Filling out reports about what happened was the first task, then we had to repair Ian's ship, and I had to find ways to avoid friends that kept coming over to see me. When we were finally done a little more than half of my summer had gone, and I decided that I should do something with my friends.

Unfortunately I was not able to do that. Time does not work around my schedule. We were called in the day after finishing our work. We would be gone for quite some time and I would miss the first week or two of school if things went smoothly.

I almost hoped that I would not be going home after we left. It felt so normal being in space. I had not known Ian very long but we had become close and I really liked him. The problem is that I didn't know if he liked me too so I kept my feelings to myself.

The trip to the Sierra was short and I couldn't wait to see Maura, my new friend. We had met on Boton, where she was a mechanic that fixed Sierra's broken ships. Shortly after meeting her she was put on the Sierra to fix the ships full time. She was also learning to pilot the ships and was not doing to bad, being as she already knew how they worked.

The reason we had to go back was because these copycats had seemingly grown in number and were destroying many ships. No one that had been attacked had survived. We were to first travel to Boton for a Universal Meeting and then depending upon the Peacekeepers decision we would go to, well basically, war with these copycats or we were to protect the Peacekeepers and their home planets, which seemed to be the main target of the copycats. I wasn't sure which one looked better.

*Well this is all I have. If you would like to see it continue let me know and I will figure something out. Thanks.

Love to all