Fan Fiction ❯ Sun Fyre ❯ In which we meet the Sisters... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1- In which we meet the Sisters

It had been ages since any of them had seen the sun, but there it was a bright and shining beacon for those who had strayed. They hadn't exactly strayed, they had simply hid until the time was right for them to awaken and fulfill the prophecy that had been made about them.

The dark one made it to the surface first, her hand reaching from the ground to claw its way to the sweet air above her. Gasping, she lifted herself from the seeming dark, dank, and merciless grave in which she was buried. She dragged in small gasps of air, her body exhausted from its fight to free it from its hole. She lifted her head only when she heard the small tinkling sound that alerted her to the wakening of her sister. From the water to the left of her, a hand appeared and seemed to grip the air as she pulled herself from her watery grave. She was the exact opposite of the one who now sat calmly on the ground. She was all silver and light, while the other was all darkness and shadows.

"Well met, sister," whispered the dark one, her voice raspy and gravelly from years of disuse and dirt.

When the other sister finally felt her feet touch solid land, she turned looking down at her sister and smiled, "Well met."

Laughing the dark sister stood shakily and hugged the light one, "It has been so long," they whispered to each other.

"And yet, not long enough…"whispered the dark sister.

A husky voice drew them from their happy reverie. "Luna, Ebony," said a voice that came from nowhere and everywhere at once. The sisters turned at the sound of their given names and stared wild-eyed into the darkness.

"Who's there?" ventured one to ask.

"It is I, the one who sent you to sleep and now has wakened you. You must fulfill the destiny that twines you both together with the rest of the universe. It is dependent upon you two if the world shall ever be free from the persecution of the evil ones. This is my last request of you: Go to the village in the east called Oakshire and retrieve your weapons and meet up with the last member of your party," ordered the voice that seemed to whistle with the very wind.

"How can you be sure our weapons are there after so long?" asked the light sister.

"I know, trust me, and begin on the last leg of this journey. It will be the most difficult, but the most rewarding," replied the voice.

The two simply bowed with a custom that had died years before, and started out to the east.