Fan Fiction ❯ Sun Fyre ❯ In which we learn of Aidan's true nature ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6- In which we learn Aidan's true nature

Onyx returned near the early morning, licking blood from her lips and other extremities; still in her Dragon Fey form, but slowly as her anger diminished, she began to meld back into her normal self.

Aidan and Ivory had taken that time to collect the swords that Onyx had called hers and had found the camp of the men not too far away. It had a rabbit roasting over a dying fire, which Aidan had made Ivory eat. Aidan turned when Onyx came into the clearing in which they were seated, "I'd offer you something, but I see you've already eaten."

"Ssspare me the talk, ssshape-ssshifter" she spat angrily, the Dragon Fey in her making her seem angry and spiteful.

"Ooh, that really stung, Onyx," he tossed back as he turned to continue eating the rabbit.

A little more of the Fey yielded to Onyx's normal self and the claws returned to normal fingers, the scales disappeared and her bones melded back to normal feet. She appeared to be a normal human, with fangs of course. She looked slightly sorry at her outburst, but she'd never say so to him. She retrieved her swords from where he had placed them after coming into the clearing and ran a reverent hand over them.

"Did you find anything else, if they found my swords they must have found something else," she asked.

Aidan nodded turning around to the small wagon behind him that the men whom Onyx had killed had been living. "All of our things are here, Ivory wanted to wait until you came back to sort everything out," replied Aidan.

He stood then, digging into the wagon and tossing miscellaneous items out: a pair of dragon scale boots, a pile of bronze and black armor, an amulet and in it was embedded a purple amethyst, some gauzy white material, a delicate silver chest piece, numerous silver guard rings, shark skin pants, silver throwing daggers, silver ninja stars, and a pair of leather sheaths. Aidan stood dusting off his hands and turning back to their things, "Now, let's sort this out."

After about an hour, Onyx, Ivory, and Aidan had their respective belongings.

Onyx had donned the pile of black and bronze armor, it stuck to her body like a second skin, and where she moved, the bronze scales shimmered. After a while, she realized that there were slits in the back still, for her wings, which weren't there. She strapped the leather sheaths onto her back and placed her twin swords in them, and then slipped her dragon skin boots on. Now she looked formidable, now she looked like a member of the Dragon Fey Court.

Ivory had less to put on; she slipped the gauzy white dress over her body behind the wagon, still embarrassed of her body. It slid over her curves and showed them off nicely. She pulled the silver chest piece over her head and fastened it across her chest, then slid all the guard rings around her wrists, ankles, and neck. She then hooked the throwing daggers in an unseen place along with the ninja stars.

Both Onyx and Ivory turned to Aidan and waited, their eyebrows raised at his sudden hesitancy.

"I'll be right back," he mumbled as he walked behind the wagon. He had only one piece of jewelry to put on, but it affected him more than any of the armor Onyx and Ivory had put together.

He slipped the amulet over his head and let it settle over his chest, a great weight was lifted from his shoulders but at the same time, his fingers began to tingle. With a rush, darkness raced up his arm, flowing melding darkness that swirled beneath his skin. It flowed throughout his entire body, his form melding into what it really was. He was a shape-shifter. One of the Tokugovu people of the north; he had black skin, small flightless wings, and ears that pointed toward the sky. Sighing he looked at himself, "This will never do, I draw too much attention." He willed his body to change again, the amulet flashing it's amethyst light as the blackness slowly drained away and the peachy color of his skin returned. His flame colored hair had stayed the same, which worried him slightly, too long in one form, and you begin to acquire those traits. He shook his head and stepped out from behind the wagon, dusting his hands off.

Onyx growled slightly as she spoke sarcastically, "Ooh, wow, what a fantastic transformation."

He glared icily at her for a moment before allowing his usually blue eyes to meld into the golden gaze of his people. "Better?" he asked softly?

She huffed a bit crossing her arms over her chest, "No, but it will have to do won't it?"

"I don't draw as much attention this way," he tried to explain.

She just waved her hands and sat down on a log across from Ivory who was staring at the fire, oddly silent.

He wondered if she was still in shock so he placed his hand gently on her shoulder, she looked up at him, her eyes lost and forlorn.

"What is it Ivory?" he asked gently.

"I don't remember things, things I know I knew before I died," she looked back at the fire, the pain etched on her face as she tried to remember what it was she had forgotten.

"Like what?" pushed Onyx as she began to clean under her claw like fingernails.

"Like what type of creature Aidan is, what our mission was before we died, what relationships we had before I died. I can remember none of it," she spoke as if possessed, the words tumbling from her mouth as if she didn't know she was speaking.

"I don't think she is well, Aidan," whispered Onyx, her usually feral eyes gleaming with human emotion, she was spooked and she didn't spook easily.

"Maybe she just needs to sleep?" he suggested and pulled a blanket from the wagon and wrapped her in it settling her down for the night. Onyx pushed by him and sighed into her ear, the magic she had used again Misha flowing off her tongue. It was heavy, sleepy, but sweet like a lullaby and sent Ivory to sleep in seconds.

He looked concerned as he stared at her, "Do you think it was to much trauma before she stopped it?" He couldn't bring himself to say what had almost happened to her. The goodness in her was too pure to be tainted by such hands.

Onyx shrugged and turned to stare into the fire, "I think that we'll need to take shifts in watching the fire tonight."

"Oh? Why is that?" he asked softly, settling down beside Ivory, softly lifting her head into this lap and brushing her wild hair from her face.

"Because I didn't kill all of them," she sighed, extending her claws repeatedly, ripping the bark from the logs beside her. "I was too afraid of losing my humanity, but it was singing to me, It was calling to me Aidan."

"What was calling to you, Onyx?" he asked alarmed that something was speaking to her. Even Dragon Fey people shouldn't hear people speaking in their heads.

"The emptiness, the stark darkness of no feelings, and that scared me more than anything," she replied quietly.

"Don't fret Onyx, the full moon should rise tomorrow night."

She looked up at the sky and nodded hoping that he was right, "It will feel good to have wings again."