Fan Fiction ❯ Sun Fyre ❯ In which Ivory does something rash... ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7- In which Ivory does something rash

She opened her eyes and looked blearily at the dying fire; both Onyx and Aidan had fallen asleep on logs, their quiet snores announcing they weren't going to wake for some time. She felt dirty, filthy, even after Aidan comforted her and told her it would be all right. She lifted herself onto her elbow and then straightened her arm so she could stand but something caught and kept her head down. She let out a muffled cry, but felt embarrassed when she realized that it was her own hair. Her beautiful, white blond, silvery hair and cursed it. It was what had got her caught by those men in the first place. She grabbed a clump of her hair and yanked it, but it only succeeded in bringing tears to her eyes.

If it weren't for this cursed hair, I wouldn't have been caught; I wouldn't feel as I do now. I wouldn't have had to reveal anything to Damien.

She stood, flinging her hair back wildly, it hung in the air for a moment drifting down like strands of snow, and then stormed off behind the wagon to the small stream, barely a trickle really. She stared at it for a moment before she made up her mind and walked toward it purposefully, her gait determined not graceful as usual. She fell onto her hands and knees and dunked her head beneath the water, then raised it sputtering and blinking. She flung her hair over with a flick of her neck; it whipped around in a graceful arc. Droplets of silver water sparkled in the near full moonlight. She began to braid it into one big thick plait of silver hair, but when she finished and stood she, turned slightly, realizing her hair was still long enough for someone to grab.

What can I do if not cut it off? But as she asked herself that question she knew what she must do. She raised the dagger to her head.

Aidan woke, sweat pouring off his body, his fevered dreams of Ivory had caused him to wake, and he looked at the evidence of his feelings. His pants were uncomfortably tight. He dwelt on his dreams a bit; she was siren-succubae, what did that mean? Did she seduce men all the time? He wondered why he was suddenly wondering all this. He closed his eyes and pictured all the delicious things he had done to her, his little succubae. Nevertheless, she's so embarrassed of her body, I can't believe she's succubae but then again, it's seductive that she is. I wonder what she feels for me. I wonder what she said after she revealed her heritage to me? I didn't quite catch it, but I don't know, it sounded as if she said--- His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the distinct sound of a dagger being unsheathed. His first thought was that the goons were back, he jerked up and toward where Ivory had fallen asleep. He had been with her until his watch, he had moved to watch the south side easily. Then he noticed two things, Onyx was asleep and Ivory was gone.

Oh, Shit! He thought to himself and ran in the direction he had heard the dagger unsheathe.

"Ivory, don't worry I'm coming," he called as he raced around the wagon only to stop in his tracks.

His breath hissed out of him as he watched her, she was wet and lovely. A beautiful sculpture made out of moonlight. His dream came back to him full force, that was until he saw the dagger.

"Ivory, what are you doing?" he questioned coming closer afraid she was distraught enough to take her own life until he saw the dagger slice cleanly through her beautiful silver hair. It fell onto the ground in a pile of white blond stands, which still seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. She turned to look at him with tearful mercury eyes, her shorn hair framing her face, as her long hair couldn't. Air slammed out of his lungs as he looked at her, beautiful, forlorn, sexy, and seductive.

"What have I done Aidan? What have I done?" she sobbed as she ran to him.