Fan Fiction ❯ Sun Fyre ❯ In which they find something special... ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8- In which they find something special

Onyx woke later, as she awoke, she noticed two things: that night had fallen again, and there was a clump of whitish strands of stuff near the back of the wagon. She stood slowly; stretching out her cramped and still tired muscles. She lifted her face to the sky and smiled as the moonlight washed over her face…Finally… She looked around for Aidan and Ivory wondering where they had gone, and as worry turned to fear, she got cranky.

"Aidan? Ivory?" She called into the darkness, she heard whispers behind the wagon and saw Aidan's fiery hair and sighed with relief, only to have a sudden evil spurt of jealousy grip her.

"What are you two do---" but her question was cut off when she walked up and found Ivory crying and realized the whitish clump of stuff was her hair; her beautiful, long, silky, wavy hair.

"Luna," she whispered so in shock she forgot to use her alias, "What have you done?"

"It just seemed logical," she sobbed as she lifted her face from Aidan's chest, "So logical."

"What does this mean Onyx?" Aidan asked gently, his arms protectively held around Ivory, which made Onyx's blood thicken with jealousy.

"It will hinder her succubae traits along with the siren, her song won't be as powerful, but being as ancient as she is it shouldn't affect her too much, I hope." She mumbled rather angrily and uncertainly.

Aidan looked up at the sky silently for a moment before turning back to Onyx, "It's a full moon Onyx. Shouldn't you be doing something important?"

She snarled at him and glared at him telling him to mind his own business even as she took his advice and stalked off into the dark forest away from them, the ritual of the Dragon Fey Blood Transfusion rather graphic by their tastes.

She moved silently through the trees finding a nice clearing with a small pond where the moon hadn't reached yet. She set down her weapons and removed her armor; standing naked in the clearing, she lifted her face to watch the tops of the trees for a hint of the moon.

After a few moments, the very tip of the moon showed above the trees and she turned kneeling before the pond and picking up one of her swords at the same time. She slit her wrists cleanly and swiftly letting her silver colored blood flow into the pond, it swirled and spread, sliding along the surface of the water. It shone a bright silver color, glowing with it's own inner light when the moonlight hit it. As soon as the entire pond had this film of silver over it, and she was severely weakened, she licked her wrists, tasting the metallic, sweet taste of her blood and plunged her wrists into the water. Immediately the silver, shining film began to ease back into her shriveled veins, she closed her eyes, her breath escaping in a swift rush. The silver blood raced it's way back to her heart, it's path lit by the silver lines that traced all the way up her arms and the rest of her body, soon her entire body shone with silver veins. Then in an explosion of brilliant light, she fell to the ground in a huddled dark mass.

Not that far away from Onyx, Aidan was returning from checking on her, he stopped when something caught his eye in a clearing to his left and he stopped to study the figure on a rock in the middle of it. It was silent in the moon bathed clearing, not a cricket chirped, nor animal cry. The trees rose up on all sides, silent guardians of the woman within; when the wind rose they swayed in a creaking dance that sent shivers up watchers' arms. The woman in the clearing was bathed in moonlight, her silver hair glistening but she was still as a statue. Her silver hair floated around her head like tiny strands of starlight falling upon the earth, her head bent to her knee, the other leg slightly beneath and behind. Her arms were wrapped lightly around the upturned knee, and then the wind rose and playfully tugged her silvery white hair; as if on cue, the still creature woke and stirred. She lifted her head and her hair drifted back like glistening silver spider webs, she stood quickly her sudden movements making her stillness even stiller.

"Aidan?" she called into the night, her clear, deep blue eyes searching the darkness with a sudden urgency. She called again into the night, her voice tremulous and on the verge of tears.

Then suddenly out of the darkness and from behind the shivering silver form came arms of darkness to envelope her body. She let out a shrill scream before her mouth was covered by the dark hand.

"Shh… Ivory, it's just me," laughing he turned her in his arms and hugged her tightly to him.

"Oh, Aidan, I thought you had left me…" she sighed into his strong muscled chest, her arms sliding around his waist.

He tipped up her chin with one finger and emitted a soft rumble of laughter, " Ivory, how could I ever leave you?" With that, he kissed her with a soft, trembling kiss of uncertainty. Nevertheless, it soon grew in passion as her lips melted against his and her body melded to his: hip-to-hip, chest-to-chest, and shoulder-to-shoulder.

Her eyes closed slowly as he placed feather light kisses across her lids and brushed a large hand over her hair to tangle in the thickness of it.

" You're so beautiful," he whispered into her ear before he slowly took the lobe into his mouth and nibbled gently. She gasped into his chest, her hands bunching the dark cloth that served as a shirt for him. He pulled away from her for a moment and tore off the confining shirt revealing his muscled chest but also his amethyst amulet that enabled him to change forms.

She smiled back at him, her smile turning from sweet to feral as she led him back to her rock in the middle of the clearing. She let go of his hand and stood in front of him, her hands at her sides, her head down as she waited for him to do something.

He took a step closer pulling her into his embrace as one of his hands trailed to the bottom of her white gauzy dress, her breastplate having already been discarded before she came to the clearing, and tugged at the hem. She looked up at him for a moment before stepping away and pulling the thin gossamer dress over her head and revealing herself to him fully, the only thing hiding her body was her pair of delicate lace panties, and a bra made from the same spider web like material. She blushed as he stood in awe and looked her over in the moonlight. He made a throaty growl as he pulled her against him again, crushing her against his body as he pulled her tight against his lower body; wanting her to feel his desire for her, his need for her, his love for her. She simply gasped and trailed wet, openmouthed kisses across his chest as her hands searched for a way to remove the rest of his clothing.

He simply chuckled at her urgency and leaned away from her, his hands deftly untying the knot around his loose fitting pants, and there he stood in all his masculine beauty. He threw the offending pants into the grass surrounding the rock and took her back into his arms, pulling her close to him in a tight embrace.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" he whispered into her neck as he placed soft feathery kisses against the ivory column.

"Yes, but tell me again," she whispered back softly against his chest, her hands running down his back over his taut buttocks and down farther to his thighs.

"You're so beautiful," he groaned softly as she rubbed herself against his lower body wantonly. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, his head bent over hers, his hand in her hair, as he smelt whom it was he was pledging his life to protect and love, his mate, his woman.

His erection poked solidly into her belly as she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, her tongue tracing his lower lip before sliding past that silken barrier and onto the dark, sweet cavern beyond. Her tongue stroked his as her hand slide down his chest and stroked other manly parts of him.

He groaned into her kiss and slowly set her down on the rock, his body effectively pinning hers beneath him. He lifted her upper body and skillfully unclasped her bra; he pulled it off slowly and threw it into the grass with his pants. His eyes gazed over her womanly beauty. Her body burned deliciously under his gaze, heating her blood and then pooling in the pit of her stomach, a coiling sensation. He brought one hand up to stroke beneath one breast softly before he moved up to cup the other. She closed her eyes slowly arching to his touch, her legs moving restlessly beneath him.

He kissed her softly, his kiss tracking down her throat and leaving a glistening trail in the moonlight. He circles her breast with his tongue before taking it entirely into his mouth.

She gasped her fingers tangling in his curly red hair and pulling him closer.

"Damien, please don't tease me…" she pleaded breathlessly.

He looked up from his ministrations, his fingers never leaving her breasts, always teasing, always gentle, always loving. "Slowly, Luna, slowly…"he whispered into the dark night.

He slid up her slim body to kiss her deeply as his large dark hands slipped the spider web like lace panties from her slender waist.

She lifted her hips to allow him the ability to pull them off, effectively rubbing against his erection with her feminine softness.

He gritted his teeth, resting his head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close, "Please Damien, love me…" She kisses him softly, her body arching up to push against his in all the right places; One hand sliding down to stroke him tenderly along his male shaft.

He closed his eyes and groaned long and hard, his pelvis pressing hard against her hand. She smiled as she looked up at him, her lips trailing little kisses on his chest.

Finally, he drew himself back, kneeling between her knees. He slid his hand down her body massaging her shoulders, breasts, and stomach before sliding to the apex of her thighs. With deft fingers, he parted her feminine petals and gave it a quick lick, her hips nearly coming off the rock as she moaned in desperation. Finally, he looked up at her sliding his body up, his arms bracing himself just behind her shoulders and he eased himself into her tight sheath. He let out a cry of triumph while she moaned in pleasure and clung to him desperately.

"Damien, don't move…please this is perfect," she whispered quietly.

And though indeed it was perfect he withdrew until he was barely in her body and thrust forward, beginning a rhythm as old as time. She pulled him close, her eyes closed, body arched against him as he moved in her. He increased his speed and force, his body branding hers with his heat. His body rocking hers as he thrust deeply, the hard rock working to his advantage as he thrust as deeply as he could, her mewling cries driving him on in a desperate attempt for her to sing his name.

Suddenly she was crying out his name to the night, declaring her love to Coy as the world burst into a million colors of bright light. Right after she reached her pinnacle of pleasure Damien climaxed, long and hard, his cry into the night declaring his loyalty and love to this woman, this tiny sprite of a woman.

They lay there for a moment; her soft breathy gasps a symphony in the night with his deeper drags of air.

"Sweet Mother of Coy," he gasped breathlessly as he nuzzled the valley between her breasts, "You must be part succubae because I've never felt like that."

She simply grinned and kissed him lightly on the forehead, her body still rippling around him as she gave herself over to her succubae nature.