Fan Fiction ❯ Sun Fyre ❯ In which they learn the way... ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 9- In which they learn the way

They returned to the camp, just barely before Onyx returned. They were nervous about their newfound love, but they were more scared about how Onyx would react.

Onyx appeared shortly after they had taken a bath in the river, they silently thanked Coy that she had superior timing and hadn't walked in on them while they were in the water. They wondered for a moment how they would explain their relationship to Onyx, but they were completely distracted when Onyx returned.

She looked the same, same dark hair that had been braided into to Dragon Fey Warrior style, same body type, same searing violet eyes, same armor, but there was something that wasn't the same. They stood silently for a long moment trying to figure it out until she extended her recently regained wings with a snap. They were leathery, black, and bat-like, and didn't look big enough to hold her weight but she was smiling so they let her be.

"Aren't they beautiful?" she gushed, running a loving hand over on tip.

"Simply gorgeous," replied Ivory smiling.

None seemed to realize the sudden storm approaching, the black dark thick clouds grouping themselves above and around their clearing.

Onyx looked up suddenly as she felt a chill go through her, she trembled leaning against a tree. "Oh shit you guys, Coy is angry," she whispered in a midnight voice.

Both Aidan and Ivory lifted their heads and gaped, Aidan protectively wrapped his arm around Ivory as they fell to their knees. Then a booming voice was heard, laced with lightening undertones, "You have disobeyed me!" It stated bluntly, "I gave you explicit orders to destroy the distorter of my Balance, and what do you do? Dally around gaining wings and other things. It seems like the children you are I must tell you the seriousness of this task. In five days, the Balance will be totally unhinged and the universe will change, as we know it. You have five days to destroy him."

"How do we find him?" asked Onyx meekly her tail curling around her leg as a sign of submission; even she wasn't stupid enough to stand up to Coy.

"In the city of Byzantina, south from this place. Go now, be swift and steady, and never stray from this path I've set." With that the clouds dissipated and the rising sun burned the rest away.

"Well," said Aidan as he got to his feet helping Ivory up to hers, "I say we get going."

"For once," whispered Onyx still in shock of the display of power from Coy, "I agree with you shape-shifter."