Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Dreams Are Made of These ❯ Fates First Step ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~There's no action in this chapter, I have to set the mood first lol. But chapter 3 will definitely have some action ^.^ Enjoy.
I own the story plot and characters: Twisted_Agony (no stealy!)
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Chapter 2: Fates First Step
His skin felt so good against his. His mouth grew ravenous for his tongue. His hard length pulsed when he rubbed it against his hips. Their tongues intertwined as idle hands explored each others bodies. Teasing, taunting. They both gasped as they were getting close.
Danny's eyes shot open and he threw himself forward from the shock. Danny was panting hard, whether from the dream or the sitting up so fast he couldn't tell which.
`What the fuck was that?' “ungh…” He layed back down and put his hand over his eyes. He was really getting sick of these dreams; his other hand laid itself on his stomach and he froze. `Oh no…don't tell me' He lifted the covers seeing that he was fully erect and his boxers were drenched in pre-cum. `Oh god…' He thought, he got off the bed and snuck into the bathroom. He tried putting cold water on his swelling erection but it wouldn't work `I refuse to jack off knowing that I got this from kissing and touching another guy in my dream!' He went back into his room and noticed it read 5:30. He sighed; school was going to start in a couple hours. He went back into the bathroom and started the shower, letting the water cascade down his tight body. He got out and dried off, looking into the mirror he let out another sigh.
Danny had short brown hair and gorgeous sapphire-blue eyes. He took out his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth, he was lean and muscular, probably because of all the sports he played when he was younger. He played every sport that was thrown to him but he never grew a big interest on any of them, he'd rather go to the arcade with friends instead of doing drills and doing practices for hours. Danny rinsed out his mouth and went into his bedroom where he started to get clothes out for school. Danny pulled on another pair of boxers and buttoned up his jean pants, he put on a white shirt that slightly hugged his muscles and went downstairs. He kissed his mother on the cheek and sat down to breakfast, after a short conversation with his mother, he put his shoes on, grabbed his backpack, and headed out the door for school.
“No school!?” Danny exclaimed. He had wondered why the school looked slightly deserted; Yuri was on the other line of his cell phone trying to explain. “What do you mean no school? How come everyone else knew and I didn't?”
“I don't know Danny, I got a message from them on my answering machine that said that there was no school today because of an accident of some sort.”
Danny sighed with frustration. “Mom mustn't have read the messages this morning…that really would have been nice to know considering I got my ass up this morning for nothing!” Who was he kidding? He couldn't of gone back to sleep if he tried.
“Sorry Danny…just stay there a little longer alright? I got a feeling that Kaden doesn't know either, I don't think the school has his number. We'll meet at the pizza place alright? I don't feel like bringing the gang with us, so this will be a good time to get to know Kaden better between the two of us.”
Yuri was trying, he would give her that. “Alright…better than going back home and doing nothing at all I suppose. See you soon.”
Danny hung up the cell phone and slipped it into his pocket; he sat down in front of the school and closed his eyes. He was still tired from the dream and not being able to go back to sleep, not to mention walking all the way to school with a slightly heavy backpack. He smirked; the walk and the weight of the backpack had nothing to do with it at all. Danny was so lost in his thoughts; he didn't see the shadow over him.
“Um…whatcha doing on the ground Danny?”
Danny jumped wide eyed. Kaden was bending over slightly looking down at him curiously. Danny smiled slightly with embarrassment, “Wow, I didn't know that you were there, sorry bout that.”
Kaden held out his hand “Yeah, sorry bout that. I tend to scare people with how quiet I am, literally.”
Danny grabbed his hand and hoisted himself up, he was about an inch away from Kadens face which made his heartbeat quicken. He quickly stepped back from the surprised Kaden and scratched the back of his head uncomfortably “Uh…sorry…” Danny blushed a little; he had really not meant to do that.
Kaden smiled “Pulled you up too hard did I?”
“Nah, I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm a little out of it this morning…I'm not really myself” Even though that had nothing to do with it.
Kaden tilted his head to the side “Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me why no one else is here besides you and me? Are we really early or late for class?
Danny shook his head “Neither, apparently the school is closed today because of an accident or something, anyways, I didn't get the message and apparently you didn't either…does the school even have your number?”
Kaden blinked a couple of times “Uh no, I don't think so…so what do we do?”
“Yuri invited both of us to go eat pizza, you interested?”
“Hmmm, sounds like fun actually”
“Good, Yuri wouldn't of taken no for an answer anyways”
Kaden laughed as he and Danny started walking toward the pizza place, when there, they noticed Yuri waving to them.
“Hey guys what's up?” She smiled playfully, looking at both of them from a booth in the corner.
Danny pushed his backpack under the table and Kaden did the same. They both sat down and either side of her with her in the middle.
Danny leaned back “I'm hungry, have you ordered yet?”
“No, I wanted to wait and see what Kaden wants” She looked over to him “We'll? Is their any preference in pizza that you like?”
Kaden leaned back also “Hmmm, well I'm feeling daring so how bout you two order something and I'll try it?”
Yuri looked a little taken aback “Are you sure? Would of you don't like what we order?”
Kaden shrugged “Well, then I'll know for later”
“Ummm, alright…” Yuri looked at Danny who just smiled back at her.
After they ordered and got their food, Yuri looked at Danny “Hey Danny, how about we go hang out at the school?”
Danny looked at her with a string of cheese hanging down, he talked with his mouth full obviously not caring “Why?”
“Because, it'll be fun” She smiled “No ones there anyways, I already checked” She winked.
Danny swallowed his bite, “Wait, what do you mean `you already checked?' how is that possible?”
Yuri smiled “That's my little secret now isn't it? Now c'mon, please? It'll be fun! We'll take the pizza with us and eat it there, I'll drive”
Danny rolled his eyes and looked to Kaden “What do you think Kay?”
Kaden looked up from his pizza “Yeah, it sounds like fun”
Yuri beamed “Then it's settled! Let's get going!” Yuri put the pizza's in a box to go and got in her car with Kaden and Danny sliding in after her. She drove quickly to the school and parked by the sidewalk, getting out. “If I remember correctly Danny, isn't there a shady area around this time on the football field?”
Danny nodded considering he had played football there many times. “Yeah I should think so”
“Great! Let's go” She started walking toward the back of the school with Danny and Kaden following close behind, holding the pizza's. They had just sat down when Yuri's cell phone rang “Hello? Mom...yeah…oh my god are you serious?...yeah…I'll be right there!” She hung up her cell and looked at the boys. “Sorry guys but I have to jet, you guys can stay here and enjoy yourselves alright?”
“Are you sure you don't want us to come with you?” Danny asked
“No no, you two need some bonding time. Besides, it doesn't make sense for all of us to miss out having fun. Later guys” She waved and ran to her car before either of them could say a word
Danny looked over to Kaden “So…looks like it's just you and me…”
~sorry guys, next chapter will have some good stuff alright? Don't forget to write a review and tell me how I can make it better or if it should go on.