Fan Fiction ❯ The Apprentice ❯ Chapter 3: Not A Morning Person ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Apprentice

By: ChocolateEclar

Chapter 3: Not A Morning Person

I really messed up. I should have believed Adam when he said all those things about being scared of his sister, but I didn't and that nearly killed him.

Adam didn't come back the next day, nor the day after that. When he did come back he was bruised and awfully sore. He told us Shannon had hit him several times with a frying pan. I didn't exactly know how it felt to be whacked by a frying pan, but I supposed it was really painful.

He had always walked with a limp when he came back from coming to his home late, but I never really paid attention. I guess I was just ignorant, but this time I felt horribly guilty. It was entirely my fault and I told Orko so.

Orko replied to this, "You are a stubborn one, Kim. It takes something like this to make you reveal you really care about someone who you say annoys you."

I didn't like what he said but I knew it was true. I did tend to be a little selfish when I was around that age. I would yell at Adam for various things in the same way I admit I used to yell at Tit. I couldn't do that anymore to Adam. My conscience wouldn't let me.

When Tit first came I would occasionally yell at her when she got in my way. But one day she climbed up onto the railing in the top room of Guardian Castle and had nearly fallen off. Normally Tit wouldn't have done something like this, but I had made her upset by yelling at her to stop bothering me and she had responded to this by doing something she wasn't supposed to. I had felt really culpable about that one too. I had come upstairs to the top room to find Tit teetering towards the edge of the railing. I caught her but I still felt responsible and very scared.

So when Adam came back, having been beaten up by his sister, I felt truly and totally blameworthy. Adam would be all right in time, but to make amends Orko ad I allowed him to stay with us for as long as he wanted. We gave him a large redwood-paneled room with blue and white décor. He instantly loved it and jumped on his new four-poster bed. He winced in pain, for he had landed on one of his injured sides, and I felt wretched.

His new room was at the end of the south hallway of the castle, four doors down from mine. I was a little nervous living right next to him but it didn't matter. I had to make it up to him. Tit's room is in the west wing. She picked it out herself when she first came to live with us. I wanted her to have a room closer to me, but she adored the large pale pink room she picked out, so I didn't argue.

Adam didn't go back to Jeraci for quite a while. He stayed in the castle playing with Tit or talking with Orko and I. I have to admit I felt uneasy around him now. I would wake up in the morning, hobble like a zombie for I was always only half-awake in the morning, and bash into Adam in the hallway or I would go upstairs and find him politely munching on a bagel. It felt so weird to see him with us so early in the morning!

I must have been quite a sight to see in the morning, my hair standing on end, my eyes droopy. I had to have looked horrible compared to the way I looked normally to Adam, considering my auburn hair was usually in his presence held back in a slick ponytail and I usually wore neat tank tops and jeans. You see I never bothered to get dressed out of my pajamas until after I was 'revived' by breakfast. Adam continuously used to come after breakfast, so he had never got to see my 'morning face.'

Orko laughed when he noticed Adam's first sight of me in the morning. I scowled at Adam, his mouth was stuck in an 'O' position. Adam then abruptly said, "How do you get that mop of hair in a ponytail?" I glared at him harder than ever and proceeded to sit down at the table and make myself a bowl of cereal.

I could hear Orko whisper to Adam, "She's not a morning person, Adam. Be careful what you say. She's turned me into stone with one of those glares when I asked her if she stuck her finger in a light socket."

I heard all that and looked up, placing my spoon down. I glared at Orko and he literally turned to stone. Adam laughed and said, "So she really meant she turned you into stone for real when you said that, Orko?"

Orko glittered for a moment and then returned back to normal. He looked at me and replied, "Eavesdropping spell again, Kim?" I didn't answer and continued to eat my cereal so he turned to Adam and answered his question, "Actually last time she didn't literally turn me to stone. I just think my words inspired 'Miss Morning Dove' to do it for real this time." Adam and Orko chuckled at that and I inwardly seethed. I really hated everything in the morning.

So now Adam lived with us, but that caused me to later have to face his sister's wrath myself, and it wasn't pretty believe me.

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A/N: In the next chapter I hope to introduce Adam's sister, Shannon, to Kim. It should be an interesting experience for my main character. ^_^

So anyway, please review. I want reviews so bad and if you review my story maybe I'll read and review one of yours. So review, come on the review buttons' down there. Follow the arrow.



