Fan Fiction ❯ The Begginig of it all ❯ Prologue
The Beggining of it All
Disclaimer: As much as I wish I do not own Spider-Man. But I would like to add I did make up Silver-Spinnerette. She's me, I mean mine!!!
Also some pre-warnings. One: I didn't follow any plot. Two: There is bad language and if asked for a lemon to come. Three: If you want MJ and Spidy together, well I'm sorry. It just ain't happenin' ! Four: This chapter may be a bit short.
Ch. 1
"Mysteria! Stop daydreaming!" Angel said as she pinched my arm.
"Sorry!" I wasn't. "No, you're not!" She was right. She too had noticed that I had been picking up more newspaprers, lately. We had just moved to New York, and I wasn't used to "city life." I had visited before, but it was bigger than I imagined. We lived in an apartment building, it wasn't all too great but at least our neighbors were nice. I worked at the local newpaper, and that's how I had met Peter Parker, who was also one of our neighbors. I was a reporter at the Daily Bugel.
"I swear if you dream about that Parker anymore, you'll stop living."
"I can't help it. He's so nice, gentle, and well, perfect!" I said a glimmer in my aquamarine eyes, as I pushed an anoying strand of golden hair behine my ear.
"I give up! You just will never learn." Mabey she was right.
"Oh, man I'm late for work!" I had a "special assignment".
"Me, too!" So we went on our seperate ways as we each ran out of the apartment building. I was always late. Just when I turned the corner. SMACK! Right into Peter!
"Ow!" "Double here!" As I picked myself from the ground. He offered me a hand, but I politly refused.
"So what's your assignment today?"
"The usual, you?"
"I have no idea. I haven't been told yet."
We walked to work, but didn't talk much. I was too nervous to. I was told of a new genetic project, that was supposed to have been shut down. I was to do an inside story.
The lab was underground, in part of an old unused subway system. This information was received through a snitch in their program. I had never been given such an assignment, but it was paying the rent.
I made my way down the tunnels, and I admit, I was a bit, okay alot, scared. I kept reading the map wrong, I wasn't used to "city life"! I had almost reached the enrty point when a big, guy jumped out at me.
"Well, lookie, lookie, a little girl."
"Well, lookie, lookie, a gargantuous morron. Do you want me to spell that out for you?" I think that pissed him off, because he instantly punched at me. He missed, and tried again. I dodged but then I slipped, and hit my head,the last thing I heard was laughing. When I came to, I was strapped to a table.
"Isn't it so nice of the newspaper to send us a guine-pig." The scientist, said with a grim smirk. He was holding a needle, filled with a black liquid.
"What are you going to do?" I asked, trying not to show my fear.
"You see, miss, we took some of Spider-Man's DNA, and we replicated it, adding a bit of our own componets. So far all of our subject have died, and well you're next."
I swallowd hard as the needle periced my arm, and the liquid entered my system. Next thing I knew there was an explosion, and I saw quick movements, but it was all a blur. I was feeling as if I was in a steam room. My muscles wouldn't stop convulsing. Then I was cold. I saw a man in red and blue unstrap me, but I blanked out.
When I awoke it was dark outside. I was feeling much better, and I was in my own bed. I looked around to see someone jump out of the window. I got up and walked around. Mydnyght, my black cat was asleep, next to Angel's blue-grey cat Mercury. I still felt cold, and I changed into my nightgown, and I went to bed, but I didn't feel normal.
That morning, I had more energy and I was up before dawn. I litteraly jumped out of bed. I kept wondering what it could have been that they did to me. I called in work, to tell them I couldn't make it. They thanked me for the great story, it had blown the cover off of the weapons factory. They also thanked me for the info on how Spider-Man stopped them. I was stumped, I hadn't sent any storied in. I was uncounsious, but it let me know who saved me.
"You're awake early!" A very sleepy Angel said, as she reached for her coffee. " I usually have to drag you out of bed." She got dressed and went out with Marrius. She had the day off as well. I had forgotted today was Saturday, and I didn't work either. I was wandering around the apartment when I knocked over my favorite lamp. I reached for it as something came drom my wrist and caught it. I dropped it nonetheless, because that had scared the living daylights out of me. I stood there for five minutes and looked at the glass and webbing. It suddenly hit me, as I rememberd what the scientist had said. Spider-Man's DNA, and other componets. I could do what he could do, and mabey more. I was scared because I didn't really know what to think. I had questions, and I wanted answers!
There was a knock on the door. I cleaned up the mess, and answered the door. It was Peter!
"Hi. Feeling ok?" He said scratching his head.
"Yes, how did you know that i had been ill?"
"Heard mumbling and a illish groaning, as if someone was going to throw up. I figured I'd come to see how you were."
"Yes, fine. Confused, but fine." "How?"
"I don't think I can talk about it, and I don't remember much anyways."
I ended up telling him about the lab, but not what had happened earlier. He seemed confused, and told me everything will be fine.
After he left, I went to my room to try to figure out how to control this new thing. I had and advantage because it had been published in the paper, some of Spider-Man's abilities.
It took what seemed like forever but I got an understanding of the "web-slinging" part. My aim needed imporoving but I could control it. I remembered that he could climb walls, but I had no idea how. So I did what came up to me, I walked up to it. I found this to be one of the eaisiest things to do. The rest I learned by trial-and-error.
I decided to make a costume but I couldn't figure out what. So I made one like Spider-Man's, but mine was a black and silver. I also added a black fairy-like skirt. When I put it on, I felt as if it should be. Then I set out to find Spider-Man and get my questions answered.
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Mysteria:More info? Send reveiws, tell me what you think Hope you liked it. More to come.
Spidy: Man! Were you pissed at me or something.
Mysteria: No, I already told you I was confused by what I had become, I couldl've blamed you but it wasn't your fault either was it?
Spidy: No, but I'm not in this chapter enough.
Mysteria: You wanna tell this?
Mysteria: You always want to, but don't worry you'll get to put you part into this as well. After all it's your story too.
Spidy: Yes!
Mysteria: Note to self, write when Spider isn't around.
Spidy: I heard that!
Mysteria: Heard what? *She runs laughing.
Spidy: I'll get you! *Laughs as he chases her.