Fan Fiction ❯ The Four Emeralds ❯ Secrets of the Past, Hope For the Future ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“Elizabeth! Time to wake up!”
Elizabeth groaned and turned over in the bed and hid her head under the covers.
You've got to be kidding me. Morning already?
“Elizabeth Louise! Get up right now!”
Muttering under her breath, she rolled over and put her feet on the cold floor. She walked over to her closet and looked through the clothes she had unpacked. She picked up a jean miniskirt and a red sleeveless shirt and pulled them on.
Where did my shoes go? Ah, there they are! she thought, slipping them on.
She walked over to the mirror and pulled her long brown hair up into a ponytail, then braided it and let it swing behind her.
Last of all, she took out the matching bracelet and necklace her mother had bought her and put them on. Instantly, she began to change. Her pointed elf ears grew more rounded and looked normal. Her cat tail disappeared and her claws began to shrink until they looked like human nails.
As grateful as she was for the concealment charms her mother had had made to look like jewelry, Elizabeth wished she could just be accepted for who she was.
Why do I have to hide myself?
Of course, she knew the answer. If people knew that her father was an elf and her mother a cat youkai, Elizabeth would become an experiment to the government.
“Ellie, dear, are you almost ready?” her mom called from downstairs.
“Yes, ma'am. I'll be right there!” Hurrying to make her bed, she picked up her backpack and ran down the stairs to the kitchen.
“Good morning, dear. Are you ready for your first day at your new school?”
Ellie looked at her mom and sighed. “As ready as I'll ever be. Why did we have to move? Why couldn't I have just stayed with my friends?”
“You know why Ellie. Your father couldn't have passed up this opportunity just so that you could stay where you feel safe. Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones and live a little. Besides, I'm sure you will meet some wonderful people here.”
Ellie had heard the talk a million times before. It was the same talk she got whenever she complained about the move.
With a huff she sat down and began eating breakfast.
“Do I hear my favorite two women bustling about the kitchen this fine morning?”
Ellie looked up from her cereal and sighed. “Dad, you're so embarrassing!”
“What? Did I do something wrong?”
Ellie smiled as she pushed her chair away from the table and stood up. “Come here,” she said. Her dad walked forward and she fixed his tie for him. “Next time, try tying it around your neck and not your head, Dad.”
“Oh, right. Sorry about that.”
Ellie just rolled her eyes and sat down again to finish her breakfast.
Here we go, she thought, bracing herself as she stepped through the doors of her new school. She turned back around and waved to her mom one more time before looking at the insides of the school. It looked pretty nice, for a school. Tiled hallways, and carpeted classrooms. The walls were painted beige, the lockers were tan, and the entire place was very clean.
I don't think I can do this.
“Here is your first hour class,” the receptionist said. “English, with Mrs. Both.”
Ellie walked partway into the room and looked around. The carpet was a dark brown, and the walls were the same beige as the hallways. There were four rows of desks, all filled except two. One was in the back, and one desk was right in the middle, and right in the front. Right in the center of attention, exactly where she didn't want to be.
“Students, please welcome Elizabeth. She has just transferred here from Georgia,” Mrs. Both told them. Ellie waved slightly and walked all the way into the classroom.
“So, tell us a little bit about yourself, Elizabeth. What do you do for fun?”
“Um, well, I like to do a lot of stuff, but I'll do just about anything as long as I'm with friends.”
“That's nice. I see you already have your books. Did you get the list of supplies that you will need?”
“Yes ma'am. I've got them all in my backpack.”
“Good. Now, please take the seat in the front. I guess Ryo is going to be late again.”
Ellie sat down in the seat, feeling very uncomfortable.
Beside her, a girl with golden blonde hair smiled and flicked a piece of paper to her. Ellie opened the note and read,
Hi! My name is Lolli. I know yours is Elizabeth, but do you have a nickname?
Ellie took out one of her new pens and pretended to write down the bell work. In reply she wrote,
Hi Lolli! I do have a nickname. My friends in Georgia always called me Ellie, and you can too if you want.
Lolli smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
A/N: Well, the first chapter of my first fanfic is officially done. *pats herself on the back* Hope you like it! Read and review, please!