Fan Fiction ❯ The legend of Zelda - the Key of Creation ❯ The rising of the Temple ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

LoZ- KoC - Rising of the temple

Hoshiko looked bewildered at the objects before her. This was the place. She did everything she was supposed to… hadn't she?

"Work damn it! Work you stupid things!" she cried not caring if her follower would here her or not. " What do you want me to do!" She cried to the star filled sky! Hoshiko glanced at her surroundings it was supposed to be here somewhere. "I wish father would have shown me! Oh Farore please give me strength!"

She leaned down and grabbed the daggers! At her touch the topaz orbs shined with a blinding blue light and emitted an energy so powerful Hoshiko was flung backward and into a tree. She landed with a cry of pain and then let her body slide to the forest floor.

The force was like nothing she had ever seen or felt, and she strained to keep her eyes open. The light lit up the forest like a Christmas tree making everything in it scurry for cover. And then it dimmed and the darkness engulfed the woods once more.

Hoshiko stood wincing slightly, "That's it!" Hoshiko looked down at the daggers still wedged in the rock. She darted her gaze about looking for any sign of change. Looking at her feet she found it! Four small pebbles bounced frantically up and down and then! The earth moved! The ground erupted as if a giant hammer was continually beating it! The sudden quake made Hoshiko shriek in surprise, and sending her falling on her rear.

But as she gazed on to the horizon at the hill in front of her, a white marble platform began to rise from the dirt. Then pillars, stairs, and finally a door. The marble glistened in the moonlight, it shining surface looking as though it was the gateway to the heavens. Carvings and inscriptions littered the doorframe and the pillars.

The entrance was sheltered by a large triangle roof, which stood supported by the six pillars. Engraved on the roof stood the kingdoms emblem... But above it sat a strangely familiar mark. Three triangles stood in a pyramid each one in balance with the other two. Hoshiko knew she had seen that some where before… She shook away her thoughts and slowly crept up the steps and entered the door only to find herself in more lustrous beauty than before.


Aleron raced through the woods in hot pursuit of Eryx and his secretly beloved princess. He wouldn't let anything happen to her! He lost himself in his thoughts not really paying attention to anything. He kept trying to figure out what in the hell was going on! Why had Hoshiko run from the town, and why was Eryx chasing her? Nothing was making sense! Aleron snapped back into reality only to find he'd lost the prince…

"SHIT!" he cursed. Aleron looked left and right as he frantically ran through the woods. "How could I've been that stupid?! I…" his voice trailed off and he stopped. Looking over toward the West he saw a faint glimmer of blue light that was steadily growing through the forest.

"What in the…" then he saw in Eryx was running toward the light. A smile arose on Aleron's face "May I join you?" And again he was right on Eryx's tail. The light grew brighter and brighter until he couldn't look ahead of him any more, and ran blindly. The light began to dim. He adjusted his eyes and looked forward again. Eryx was hidden behind a large bush with an odd smile of satisfaction on his face.

Aleron stepped closer inching his way so as not to alert attention to himself. A low rumble took his attention to the forest floor! The ground began to erupt in a violent burst of energy. Small sticks and nuts dropped from the treetops. Grasping a tree at a time Aleron made his way closer to Eryx taking full advantage of the now extremely loud rumbling until he was as close as he wanted… for now!

Hiding behind a large cherry wood he witnessed a large white entrance appear from under the earth! Aleron's eyed the legendary structure and said a little prayer to Farore. As a child he learned of the temple and of the history of Alvaliar from his great grandfather. He learn of the Great war that brought the inhabitants of Hyrule to this land and how they used the… he had forgotten the name. But he knew it was the only reason that Alvaliar was created in less than twenty years!

Unfortunately his grandfather had died shortly after but made Aleron swear he wouldn't bring up that story. It would upset to many people. The memory of death was well embedded into the minds of all in Alvaliar and it would never be forgotten.

Awestruck the two men were perfectly still watching Hoshiko ascend the staircase into the temple. Eryx stood from his crouched position and unsheathed his sword. Aleron crouched down lower. The prince looked around and then made his way to the door vanishing behind Hoshiko.

Aleron made his move and dashed inside while unsheathing his own sword.


The walls were covered with pictographs showing the creation of the land she so knew. She let her hand graze the textured walls caressing each picture as she walked. Large stone arches covered each doorway and glass like panels covered the floor. It was a maze of hallways each connecting to another. But only one correctly taken rout would lead to the alter. Left then right, and left again Hoshiko turned. She had memorized the path in and out. She could do it blind folded. And so she rushed making her way to the sanctity of the center chamber. The place was dark, lit only by a green flame here and there signifying Farore's presence among it.

Hoshiko's mind was entangled with questions and thoughts. Her pulse quickened with every turn and twist, until she reached the Holy Shrine of Farore. She was the goddess whom burdened her family with the relic she now protected. But it had happened long ago before time had even been acknowledged and so the tale had been forgotten.

The shrine glistened with silver and jade creating and ominous affect, as the emerald flames flickered. The altar lifted above the rest of the room towering above Hoshiko. Two staircases ran up along side it one adjacent to the other.

Hoshiko bent down on her knees. "Great Farore hear my plea… Mother to this land, help me to rid my land of the evil that has infested it. I don't want anyone else to die if you wish take my life now and let my soul be payment for this ground! Please help" Her voice trailed off and she began to sob. Her cries echoed through the passages of the temple.

A bright light brought Hoshiko from her tears.

"Please my child do not cry" A soft yet sad voice drifted down to Hoshiko. A figure stood behind the altar dressed in robes of green. Hair red as the earth and eyes bluer than the sea itself. A top her head lay a crown of leaves and flowers and around her shoulders and arms draped thick thorn vines. The goddess herself appeared.

"Fa.. Faro"

"Hush and remember my words

A darkLord shall riseand rule over all.

Plagues and diseases will spread `ore the land.

And slowly this kingdom will fall.

But in a land that knows no time

The sky shines a glisteningblue.

There a Hero liveswith bride andcrew

Go to this land and seek help from thistimeless herothat

Knowsno sin.

Find the "Link" to thechain thatbroken so long ago.

And then this forsakenworld will have peace again."

The goddess stopped and smiled at the girl below her. "Remember my words Hoshiko" and with that Farore was gone. Hoshiko remained silent and still unaware of the danger behind her.

With a silent tread Eryx crept behind her. Slowly he raised his sword ready to kill her. Slowly, Slowly the sword was above his head… He closed his eyes and released!

Hoshiko screamed. Unfortunately for Eryx it wasn't out of pain but surprise as she was pushed out of the way and Aleron blocked the fatal blade.

"Get out of my way Aleron! I command you!" Eryx cried.

"Just doing my duty sire… You know protect the innocent and destroy all the enemies of the crown! Not my fault your going against you father's command!" Aleron cheekily replied.

"You worthless brat I'll kill you and that wench!"

"Now is hat anyway to talk about your sister?"

"She's not my sister!" Eryx slashed his blade furiously at Aleron. But his attempts were in vain. `Twas no one who could beat Aleron in a clash of the swords. Aleron yawned.

Hoshiko had run up the stair well and now stood behind the altar. Writing was written all over the thing! All in ancient script. It told of how to open the exit, for you see you could enter the temple one way but you must exit it another. One entrance four exits, the main one behind the altar. Hoshiko frantically deciphered the text. God why had she not listened to her father more closely?

The swords clashed and banged in the front. Aleron and Eryx eyeing each other as ravish animals. One wishing to destroy what the other secretly treasured.

"Got it!" Hoshiko cried. "Ohama rekio medalinu alira!" The old words tricked from her mouth as water to a fountain. Again the floor shook, startling Aleron and Eryx from battle. The altar slowly started to sink revealing a latter going down into more shadows.

"The Key's chamber!" Eryx's eyes widened and he bolted up the stairs next to Hoshiko. Aleron came in the opposite direction. Eryx reached Hoshiko first and pushed her into the dark below the climbing down himself. Aleron was to late for as he reached the alter it was rising back up sealing Hoshiko and Eryx beneath.

"Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Hoshiko screamed as she fell down into the large cold chamber.

"Hoshiko!" Aleron yelled. He pounded his fists on the Altar. "Hoshiko"

The fall knocked the breath out of Hoshiko and as she stood she struggled to attain more. She looked around this area was not as glamorous as the floor above it. It was dark and damp with only two torches surrounding the sides of an old rusted treasure container.

"I knew you were the keeper" Eryx's voice echoed on the walls of the dungeon like room. "I had to be one pure of heart… one who would trade their life if it meant saving another." Hoshiko moved infront of the chest and unsheathed her own weapons. She wasn't scared to die and she wasn't letting him pass her. "Going to protect the holy relic eh? Heh heh heh Problem is you don't know of my new power. Given to me by the wondrous people from the west. Seems some body killed their leader and the few who could make it came here. They gave me power in return for the death of the Hero of Time, and of course his lovely bride heh heh heh! I think it is about time for another war don't you Hoshiko? But instead of civil it will be country wide!" Eryx walked back and forth putting his sword in it's sheath.

Hoshiko stared at him in disbelief Why was he doing this? "I'll never let you will Eryx, never! This treachery will not be taken well by the people!"

"Hyrule will become mine! But first I need that Key! It's the Key to the weather, to the land, and to the water. It is the Key of Creation and with it the world will bow to my feet! Now move girl!" Eryx raised his hand and a rush of energy swept Hoshiko in to the dampened wall.

The Prince made his way to the chest and pulled up. A shill creak was heard and then Eryx's laughter came! He stood and turned. He had the key… Raising it above his head he commanded a rainstorm with in the temple! Hoshiko scrambled to her feet. She looked in horror. She had failed again she knelt and wept for her people. Then that same soft yet sad voice echoed in her head repeating the poem to her again.

Her eyes narrowed as water poured down. She had to get out. Looking around she noticed the lone exit in the far corner near the latter Eryx used earlier. She ran!

Seeing the fleeing princess Eryx made chase. The passage was short to short. Reaching the entrance Hoshiko tripped and landed in the soft mud. She scrambled to her feet.

The exit had taken her back to the stone filled clearing. She glanced around figuring a way to go. She ran to the dragon eye stone and picked up her bag from earlier. Hearing footsteps she ran toward the canyon. Dodging between trees and stones the princess ran. She looked back, Eryx was in plain sight smirking as if it was all a big game.

He was right on her tail and with out realizing it, (before it happened) she ran off the canyon! She screamed as she began to fall, but before she went to far down a hand caught her. She looked up Eryx stood above her.

"Trying to spoil my fun?" he brought her face up to his, "Say hello to My father for me won't you?" he laughed and the dropped her into the raging rapids below. The prince looked down into the river. She didn't surface. He walked away-satisfied back to the castle.

Aleron reached the exit of the temple hours later finding himself outside the castle walls. He stopped as he heard Eryx's voice proclaiming what he had accomplished and the plan that would take place shortly against Hyrule! Tears streamed down his face, but he knew what had to be done. He would travel to Hyrule and warn the people there of the coming attack. It was the only thing he could do to save lives as Hoshiko had tried to do

Well what did ya think of chapter two? Sorry it was so long but had to cram a bunch of events in there… ^_^()

Anyway there we go! But what will happen only I (and maybe Nikki) know! *Evil laugh*