Fan Fiction ❯ The legend of Zelda - the Key of Creation ❯ Exhausted ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Good weather today isn't it?" An Older man proclaimed. His bare head glistened in the sun and his white mustache swayed in the wind. He was the oracle of healing known to everyone as Taff. He had traveled worldwide collecting foreign matter to create the potions he used to heal. Taff looked over the large crystal lake that he had come to call home.

It was the Great Lake Hylia largest water source in Hyrule. It was kept by the Zoras, whom were a group of fish people led by Queen Ruto. Often they could be seen swimming through its waters checking on the temple below the waves. That was their duty… Every one in Hyrule had one whether it was to look over a temple, a special artifact, magic or the sacred relics themselves.

"Mmmm yes, A lovely day indeed. But what's that there?" An odder little man replied. He wobbled and always had his mouth gapped open. He had messy hair and a beard that hung low over his robe like clothes. He was the scientist of Hyrule, often helping Taff with his concoctions. He may move slowly but he was very wise.

Taff looked at where his companion had pointed. There in the water floated a white and gray object. Th thing slowly turned over revealing a pail face.

"Good God it's a person!" Taff yelled before diving in the chilly lake waters. He reached the person in seconds. His splash caught the attention of the Zoras in the area as well and they aided him to get this person to shore. The little scientist remained at the doorway of his cottage.

Taff thanked the Zoras and then began to resuscitate the half-drowned girl. He moved her hair away from her face and looked in shock! "Oh God it's Alvalair's princess." Taff continued to get her to breathe. After a few minutes he gave up. He stood and turned around to walk away… then he heard it. With a choke and a sputter the princess choked all the water out and began to breathe. She opened her eyes for a moment and then fainted. Taff picked Hoshiko up and carried her to the cottage on the hill.


Hoshiko woke up two days later. She lay on a blanket posed to the side of a small but weird room. She sat up her body ached from the raging waters but continued to sit up. She examined herself she was no longer in her dress but in a pair of baggy pants and an over sized shirt. Her left hand was bandaged but it seemed there were no other wounds. Which really surprised her.

"You had me worried there…" A soft familiar voice rang out behind her. She turned and faced Taff.

"Uncle!" she chimed. She turned and hugged him. He really wasn't her uncle but she had known him since she was three years old and that is how she had come to know him.

"Hoshiko how did you manage to wash up on shore? I mean it's a five-day walk from Alvalair to Lake Hylia." He laughed but Hoshiko went solemn. "Well We better saddle up we'll need to leave to night. Your father's probably worried about you and…" He stopped when he saw Hoshiko's expression and shaking head.

" My father's dead…"

"WHAT! How, when where?" Taff was in shock and quite confused.

"Eryx killed him… He… he tried to kill me! Eryx took the key Taff! He took it! He dropped me into the canyon for dead! If it wasn't for Alero… ALERON! I… I left him there! H… He was still in the temple!!!" Oh God what am I to do!!" Hoshiko was hysterical, and Taff desperately tried to calm her down and tell him every thing. She eventually settled down and told the long sorrowful story beginning with Maggie's horrid news.

"Eryx said he was going to kill the Hero of Time and then take over Hyrule!! I have to get to Hyrule! I must warn them!" Hoshiko ended her story.

Another voice echoed out of the other side of the room. "But my dear your already here." It was the scientist Hoshiko jumped slightly startled at his words. He seemed to glide over the floor to them. "So this is the princess of Alvalair? Taff speaks about your land quite frequently. But anyway your problem has been acknowledged by the goddesses. And…"Hoshiko cut him off."

"Wait a minute… Goddesses? But there is only that of the Great Farore the goddesses whom gave to my family the land in which we call our own," Hoshiko gave them a weird look.

"Well for now that isn't important we must look at the problem at hand." Taff blurted out changing the subject. She knew nothing of the past. How her land actually came to be, the king had told her nothing. Hmm…maybe it was for the better…

Hoshiko stood and looked around until she spotted her bag. "Good it made it with me!" She went and picked it up it was empty.

"Everything is drying outside, on the…" Taff began but Hoshiko was already outside.

"She has her mothers spirit." The little scientist whispered. Taff just nodded and followed her.

Hoshiko ran to the bridge. There all her spare clothes were laid out drying. She quickly picked them up and ran around the house. She went back inside and shooed everybody out. She adorned A long-sleeved green under shirt clasping the baggy sleeves with armbands of turquoise. A pair of Black pants and a purple tunic like shirt. On her feet a pair of brown leather knee high boots resided clasped at the top with the same turquoise matter as the armbands. (Same boots as earlier.)

She stepped outside and looked at Taff. They all smiled. She walked over to them and combed her fingers through her hair.

"So now where does the rulers of this kingdom live?"

Taff looked at the little scientist and then back at Hoshiko. "Which rulers?" it didn't really don on him that she didn't know of the mini lands with in Hyrule. The out of the water splashed out on of the Zoras. Hoshiko jumped back behind Taff wide eyed and in shock of the creature coming out of the water.

"So how's that girl you pulled out a couple of days earlier?" cried the Zora now stepping onto the shore.

"See for yourself!" cried Taff as he pushed the frightened Hoshiko forward. "Hoshiko this is Gyiko one of my Zora friends. They are the keepers of the waters of Hyrule and many other secrets."

Gyiko out stretched his webbed hand and Hoshiko reluctantly did the same. "Please to meet you Hoshiko."

"Pleasure is all mine I…I'm sure." Replied Hoshiko.

"Is Queen Ruto going to the Festival this year?" asked Taff.

"Oh yes, Now that Link is on the thrown the Lunar Celebration is a country wide thing. Everybody is attending! The Gorons, Deku Scrubs, maybe even a few Gerudoes! But don't count on that… I think that we may all be able to be a bit more well… friendlier to each other from now on…"

"That's good I unfortunately I'll have to be late for the festivities. Seems there is a sick little girl in Kokiri Village and who better to call than me!" He laughed at this. "Just finished the potion this morning."

"Well that's good. Will we be seeing the lovely Hoshiko at the festival?" Gyiko asked nonchalantly.

Hoshiko began but was cut off by Taff "She's here on strict business regarding her kingdom."

"Oh… Well I wish you all luck. I better be returning to the fountain now. See you all later!" With that Gyiko dove back into the water and disappeared.

"Well now you wanted to go to the castle right?" Let's see… From her you head North ward." Taff said, "If you want I could take you on my way to the Kokiri. But we'll need to leave in a hurry to make it there before nightfall."

"Alright! Let's go!" Hoshiko yelled.

"I think you might want these…before you leave…" the little scientist said holding out Hoshiko's daggers and belt.

"Yes thank you" she couldn't believe she forgot about them…

Taff went back into the cottage and grabbed a small bag and walking stick and then Hoshiko and him began walking out into the field.

She was awe struck at the wonders before her. Mountains that touched the sky, lush foliage covering every inch of the ground. The most her land had to offer was some large hills and a forest filled with who knows what now… How could she possibly convince the King to leave this land to save one barely anyone knows about…

Hoshiko became solemn and bowed her head. Taff was a few paces ahead of her and decided to let her catch up.

He put his arm on her shoulder, "You do fine. Just don't think about possibilities and stay focused on what must be done. I think you will find that the King is a very kind hearted man." Hoshiko looked up at him and smiled and together they headed onward.


The sun was beginning to set as they came across a split path.

"Hoshiko now I'll see you in the market tomorrow afernoon and…"

"But won't the celebration be over?" she cut him off.

"No, now listen. I don't want you going to the castle Hoshiko… I know you won't listen but I'm asking you not to. Getting caught by the guards on this celebration will have you locked up. Now all you have to do is follow this path. There should be others heading that way as well so just follow them…" She cut him off again by taking a sprint down the path…

" Sorry Taff but I can't promise anything I have to talk to them the moment I get there!" Hoshiko called back and Taff shook his head and smiled.

"I know…" he whispered, "I know."


At a run it took her no more than ten minutes to reach sight of the great castle walls. She stopped and rested. People were flocking from every where. It seemed they were heading for the castle as well.

"Hurry up people the sun is setting! Once it does these gates go up!" Cried a guard, "Come on." He yelled over the crowd. Everybody seemed to be in a rush. The sun went over the horizon and the moon appeared. Every one began running it the gates. Hoshiko turned around in the distance two horses could be seen coming toward her.

Two people were laughing and having a good old time. She tried to get a better look at them as she stood there. Still pondering over the fact that practically everyone was scared of the dark. But a deep howl in the distance startled her for a moment and she snapped around away from the people.

"Come on! I wanna shut this gate!" the guard called again with a little more force and Hoshiko started jogging toward the gate stopping to talk to the nervous guard.

"Sir where is the castle located…?" He looked at her in a weird way and then pointed north.

"You just go strait though town, But know one will be able to enter until the morn. So you might want to rest at one of the shops like most people do... HEY, Watch out!" Hoshiko was stupefied by his little remark and didn't see the thing that came up behind her and Wham!

"Ouch!" Hoshiko; now a bit upset turned around suddenly and sliced the creature in half. Bones crumpled to the ground and she looked down as a small glittering gem lay in the rubble. She bent down and picked up the small glittering blue gem. And then felt the knot on the back of her head.

"WOW!" she turned around and looked at the bewildered guard gem still in hand. "I... I've never seen a a girl do that!!!" She pocketed the gem and started walking into the market.

"You must not get out much see said to him as she passed him and then began to sprint though the town. The poor guard just stared until she faded into the darkness. Seven minutes later the people on horse back walked up.

"Karzon, Malon how have ya been? Making a late milk drop.

The tall shieka shook hands with the guard, " Nah Zelda wanted Malon to come help her do something… and I came to protect my lovely lady. From these bad ol' scull kids!" He smiled and hugged Malon. The towered over the guard his shoulder length, brown hair blowing in the light breeze. He was the shieka of healing adorned in the traditional clothes minus the turban. He was loved by all ever since he along with five or six others saved the kingdom and its royal heir once again.

"I'm here to give a girl to girl advise on the thing to night." Malon interrupted. She had long red hair and piercing blue eyes. She had lived in Hyrule all her life and loved everything about it. The mysteries, the adventure, and especially the people. She was the farmers daughter but got quite a bit more respect than half the rich folks living there.

"Well obviously some people don't need any help. This girl that entered here right before you sliced a skull kid right in half and then ran off Kind of weird when a girl does that!"

"What's that supposed to mean!" Malon yelled.

"Come on Malon Zelda is expecting you" Karzon said dragging her into town chuckling a bit to himself.


Hoshiko turned a bend and met up with an enormous and seemingly well-guarded gate. She jogged up to it and was stopped by the guard.

"Halt no one enters the castle until morning!" he said.

"But I half to get in there! It could mean others lives! Please." She pleaded, but he refused. She tried to convince him for several minutes. Then a weird smile was seen under his helmet.

"Pay me ten rupees and you can pass"

"What I have no money What's a rupee Hey will this work." She stuttered for another minute until she remembered the gem she picked up outside, and pulled it out.

"Oh yeah that'll do" He took it from her and lifted the gate. She quickly dashed through it and caught a snicker in the air.

"He thinks he's so smart! I know damn well that if I'm seen I'm screwed… Is this so little game they play?" She wondered to herself.

Slowly and silently she crept through the shadows along the path cutting up a steep hill before the second gate. Two guards patrolled this area walking back and forth. She stepped forward careful not to make a sound like Aleron had showed her. God she wished he were here

She jumped behind a tree, then another until she was facing the entrance to the castle. Three guards guarded the gate. She sighed and squinted her eyes to get a better look through the darkness. A smile appeared on her face. They were all a sleep.

She scurried up to them slowly walking around the slumbering boys. The grassy plain area ended before she realized it and with a loud echoing "CLACK" she stopped and froze. They didn't wake up. She slowly made her way over the pile of legs and arms and when she reached to other side she uttered a low "Yeeeeeeeessss!"

"Huh who goes there! Stop you!" the guards woke up and Hoshiko bolted down the cobblestone walkway.

"Intruder! Intruder!" The voices echoed through the night and lights flickered on in the castle.

"There she goes!" Yelled some one from with in the castle. Hoshiko turned a corner. It was a dead end she looked around for a way out. The place was bared in and the doors were locked. Two crates stood in the distance. She climbed them. Another light rocketed out of the castle as more shouts and yells rang out, but providing a great source to light the area.

On the other side of the little mote a ledge span around the castles outer rim and a small incline perfect for getting over there. So with the guards biting at her heels she made a flying leap and landed on the incline perfectly.

"There she is!" the guards were now climbing the crate so Hoshiko started moving along the edge of the castle. She pressed her body close to the cold stone and moved around the first corner of it.

"Splash," she laughed a guard couldn't jump the gap. She stared behind her there way no way to go pass the bridge. The only way to go was up. So with a burst of determination she dug her nails into the old rock. Every so often a foot or handhold could be found from were erosion had taken its toll. She was half way to the second floor when an arrow shot out to her left deep into the rock. Then another and another. All of them nowhere near her. She began using the stronger ones to help with the climbing.


Meanwhile on the third floor a tall young man walked down the hall bored stiff. His blond hair shot out under his green hat and swayed over his dark baby blues as he walked. He had on his everyday clothes he hated wearing those stuck up suits and robes he was supposed to. No he enjoyed his green tunic and hiking boots. He was known as Link hero of Time. There was not one person in Hyrule that did not know his name and he was often ambushed by fans (^_^)

He kicked at the floor and stopped by an open window and looked at all that fell before him. The night called to him but now… now he couldn't go to it. He was stuck in this paradise and he hated it.

"Stop and you will not be harmed!"

"Bull shit you already tried to kill me!" Link looked down Guards were lined up around the perimeter of the castle… yelling at someone. Link turned as a butler ran down the hall.

"Hey what's going on?" Link asked some how hoping it was a big disaster.

"There is someone scaling the southern wall!" the butler's voice was a bit frightened.

"Really! … I mean Oh no I better go stop them!" he ran in the direction of the stares clicking his heels in the air upon reaching them.


Malon and Karzon walked around the bend leading to Hyrule castle. The commotion was quite loud as guards frantically ran around positioning themselves around the castle with bows and arrows.

Malon looked at Karzon and he at her they nodded and with drew their weapons. Karzon unsheathed a sword that had been loyal to him for several years and Malon a magic bow that needed no arrow just great concentration. The gate was now unguarded and so they ran inside and up to one of the guards.

Karzon questioned a guard but Malon was already on top of things. She raised her bow and shut her eyes. Soon a small glint of blue emitted it's self from her thoughts forming into an ice arrow.

" Hold it people Malon and Karzon are here now!" one guard yelled. A large cheer went throughout the crowd. Aiming carefully Malon shot the arrow with great accuracy. It shot right by Hoshiko's head and encased her left hand in solid ice stuck to the wall.

"Damn it, if you people would have just listened to me I wouldn't be on the verge of getting myself killed!" She yelled down at the crowd. Her hand was going numb and she wouldn't be able to do this much more. Yet she was only three feet from the second floor.

"What is she doing now?" One guard yelled. Hoshiko withdrew her right dagger and stabbed the ice cracking it. She then could free her hand. The dagger stayed steady in the rock and would not budge. She held on with both hand and pulled up. Using it as a foot brace. She jumped the remainder of the climb. Everyone below was in awe as she barely hung on to the ledge. The presser had dislodged the dagger and it fell to the ground-landing blade down before Malon's feet. Malon picked it up and Karzon pulled her into the castle and together They ran up the stairs to the second floor.

Hoshiko wanted to let go. Her body was aching and she couldn't breath. But somehow she gathered the remaining strength and pulled her self to a little ledge infront of a window that she now sat on. She strained to breathe.

Link on the other hand was fine and with one swift motion grabbed the back of her shirt and launched her to the nearest stone wall
(he didn
't realize she was a girl) putting his sword on her neck.

"Alright who are you?" he said with the most fearsome tone he could muster.

"Link what's going on?" Karzon and Malon ran up to him and looked at the intruder.

"Shhhhh. Now again who are you and what are you doing here?"

Hoshiko opened her mouth but only mumbled her sentences " Hoshi Hero … bride die…evil consumed land… help… no time must warn" she stopped and then blacked out.