Fan Fiction ❯ The legend of Zelda - the Key of Creation ❯ Awake O Sleeping Angel ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4- Awake O Sleeping Angel

Disclaimer - I don't own Tenameru he's Legolasofthewood's character, and Nikki is Lady Nikki's character.

Hoshiko opened her eyes for the second time in three days. Her body ached more than ever. She turned on her stomach and slowly pushed forward lifting her torso into the air. She scooted to the sitting position and leaned up on a cold wall.

Her vision was a bit blurry, as it grew accustomed to the dimly lit surroundings. A faint torch flickered in a corner and a wooden door sit infront of her bars on a window. Figures after all that she still got caught. That seemed to be her luck. She had been lying on a mound of straw pieces of it still lingered in her hair, but she really didn't care.

"I wish Aleron was here…" She quietly said to the empty room. A tear ran down her cheek.

Footsteps echoed down the hall halting at her door. Keys jangled and soon the door creaked open.

"Get up girl!" It was a guard. Of course it was a guard how could it be anyone else? She sighed and looked up at him.

"Get up!" he reached out and grabbed her right shoulder pulling her to her feet. She winced a little and her knees wanted to buckle, but she remained standing. The guard pushed Hoshiko forward. She stumbled but walked in the direction motioned by him.


"Remind me again why we halve to do this so early in the morning?" Ask the young king as he sat in his throne.

"First of all it is ten o' clock and second because the prisoners are more prone to tell the truth in the morning when they are still tired." Replied the equally young queen.

"Uh huh…" Link replied. Giggles came from a distant corner as Malon and Karzon sat munching on some fruit. Link shot them an evil glare and Karzon threw up his hands pretending to be scared. They both laughed. Link was really still new to this living in the castle thing and being king. He had only married the lovely Zelda a year ago and now every thing had changed.

They all grew solemn as the door began to open and a weary Hoshiko literally stumbled in. She walked up to the King and Queen and kneeled in front of them.

"You must forgive me for my sudden intrusion last night m' lord. It was urgent that I see you and yet you bumbling guards would not let me through." Said Hoshiko as she slowly stood.

"Ok but now who exactly are you and why in heavens name did you feel it was so important to visit us on such a late hour?" asked Zelda she had been through this before watching her late father question the prisoners all the time. Link how ever was nodding of and Zelda gave him a sharp elbow to the ribs.

That lightened up Hoshiko's spirits a bit and the mood. "My name is Princess Hoshiko of Alvalair and I have been sent by the great Farore to seek help from a "timeless hero. So to speak that is what was told to me." Hoshiko took a deep breath. "You see two nights ago I was forced to leave my home when I received news that my father had been murdered. So I took refuge in the Temple of Creation but the murderer followed me along with my captain of the guards. I came to find that my own brother had murdered my father and when the first attempt to kill me failed he stole the Key. He chased me to the canyon in our land and dropped me into the waters below. I washed up in Lake Hylia and thanks to my uncle am still alive to relay my message." She stopped.

"And what might this message be?" Link yawned. This was seriously boring him.

" That the Hero of Time and his bride are to die for the murder of… I'm not sure how to phrase this… the dark master." Silenced engulfed the room as Link, Zelda, Malon and Karzon all looked at her with disbelief. Then with out hesitation Karzon and Link started laughing.

"You think that a bunch of Ganon's minions governed by you brother are going to try to kill us?" Karzon blurted out. "Ganon was not even a match for Link!" Karzon laughed harder. Zelda and Malon her not amused and so Link and Karzon got a quick smack to the head.

"If I recall quite correctly you two…" Malon stated, "It was MUCH harder than you are making it out to be. What did you do? Let your ego go to your heads?" Link and Karzon shut up. And Hoshiko looked in disbelief at how these people acted. This was not traditional at all!

"And if I'm right there is a second part to this isn't there Hoshiko?" Zelda asked.

"Actually yes… The key my brother took was a legendary relic capable of controlling all the elements of creation. It is very powerful and he claims to want to start a war soon but it's date is unknown… " Hoshiko crumbled to the floor she couldn't stand anymore. Tears streamed down her face… and she quickly wiped them away. "I'm sorry… I was supposed to protect the key but I couldn't do that and I don't want to think about…" She stopped. She didn't ant to say his name again. It was too painful.

"About what?" Link now felt really bad about laughing at her. And tried to make it up.

"Nothing I'm just worried about someone… If I may be excused now I would much like to sit down somewhere… If that is alright."

"Yes, of course… Maria would you take Hoshiko down to the dining hall maybe get some breakfast while we talk about the situation at hand?"

"Yes of course my lady" with that Hoshiko and Maria left and Karzon, Link, Malon and Zelda began to chat.

"So what are we doing?" Malon asked.

"I'm not really sure…" replied Zelda, "She seems to be telling the truth but what if it is a trap!"

"True... and canceling the festival could cause a panic among the people…" added Karzon.

"Well if you ask me I'd go along with her, have the celebration and go from there…" commented Link, " What more could we do" They talked for a few hours, but Hoshiko was up and about in less that thirty minutes and began wandering the halls.


People were pouring into the castle by now and all of them stared at her… They whispered among themselves, and steered clear of her path even though she had been unarmed. Somewhere in the crowd she had ditched her guide and wandered off by herself in to the more deserted areas not wanting to be the center of attention any more. She had wandered for hours it seemed until she opened a door to the outside.

Light glared in her face as she stepped out into the warm rays. It was the castle gardens, which she navigated easily until reaching a dead end. It was secluded and peaceful just what she wanted. It was a round area with a stream that ran on the boundaries of it. A tree had been planted in the middle in the of the garden surrounded by flowers. On the other side six steps sat leading to a window, but nothing more.

She sat down on the steps and began to think of all that she had lost an all that she may loose thanks to her arrogant brother. Tears welded up in her eyes and this time she let them fall. She was alone no one to see her cry.


Four days he had traveled on horse back sleeping only a few hours a night. He made it to the gerudo valley and stopped for a rest the night before. But now her was off again to warn the king of the coming invasion. There was plenty of time but if rumors were true then Hyrule would nee a lot of help in training their men for battle and he was considered one of the best.

Aleron made his way over the large field galloping at full speed. He had been here only once as a boy and the land had been barren and filled with turmoil. They had left there in a hurry once their task was complete. But now… now the world had done a lot of changing.

His stolen horse kicked up clods of dirt as he galloped to the market entrance. Jumping from the horse even before it had stopped he started jogging to the entrance.

"Aleron? Is that you?" a voice rang out from behind him. He turned and was greeted by an old but welcomed face.

"Taff! Where have you been all this time? You never come visit anymore!" cried a very enthusiastic Aleron.

"Well you know… I'm not exactly what I used to be and there has been a outbreak of children illness all over the country and so I been taking care of that." Taff replied. "You heading to the castle?"

"Yeah how did you know?"

"Well I'll let you find out!" Taff smiled back at Aleron with one of those I know something you don't smiles.

"You and your secrets… can't give a guy a break can you?" He smiled back and giggled a bit to himself. Seeing Taff put a little ease to him.

"Well I'm heading to the castle myself so come on this I'll save you a little bit of hassle…" they began walking. Upon entering the crowded street Taff looked for Hoshiko. He knew she wasn't there but he thought he'd look anyway.

"What's ya looking for"

"Nothing…" he flashed a sneaky little grin under his mustache. Not much could take Taff's happy spirit away. He was always in good moods and he brightened up even the dreariest day with an adventurous tale. He was one person no one could hate.

It took a little more time to get to the castles gates as people from every where crowed into the streets wanting to get a glimpse of the royal couple. Before the real celebration would begin. The night before was not really part of the festival more like a night of prayer to the goddess in which family members extended their thanks. But tonight was the real celebration were everyone would flock to the castle for the big ball and vote for the night queen. The next night the Queen would be crowned and offer the sacrifice of the night and lead the ancient ritual. It was old fashioned and medieval but it was a strong tradition that everyone held on to. And so that was the Lunar Festival.

The guards let them pass with out question and Taff and Aleron made their way to and inside the castle. The leaders of the surround the areas and tribes greeted the Oracle of healing as did the sages who ruled over nothing. Taff made his way down the hall Aleron following. They stopped when a rather small woman hurried down the hall a bit frustrated by the look of it.

"Mina what's wrong?" Taff called out to her and she looked up a bit surprised.

"What's wrong? I tell you what's wrong! I lost another one! Every time a teenager comes into this castle I have to show them around and what do they do! What do they DO they run off! This one is just about as bad as Link was with Zelda! I've been searching for three hours for her and yet she isn't anywhere to be found!" Mina kept yelling out grumbling to Taff. But Taff just shook there shaking his head silently laughing.

"Awww come on I wasn't THAT bad…" Link walked up from behind her. He laughed and greeted Taff. "Good to see you again!" they shook hands. "So who did you bring with you…

Oh yes almost forgot… this is
Aleron. He is the captain of the guards at Alvaliar palace." Taff replied and Aleron and Link shook hands.

"Glad to meet you …Link?"

"Yes, and pleasure is all mine. So he's another Avalairian? Speaking of that have you seen that girl running around somewhere?" Link asked.

Aleron looked at him a moment and began to open his mouth when Taff said, " So you can't find Hoshiko eh?" Taff quickly covered his mouth. "Whoops secrets out!" he laughed.

"Hoshiko's here?!?! She…she's alive? Thank the heavens!" Aleron cried forgetting about the reason that he had made his journey in the first place. "Were have you looked?" he grabbed Link by the shoulders.

"I don't quite know really? I was just getting to search when I met you! But we're combing the area!" Link was a bit stunned as Aleron let go of his shoulders and asked a simple question.

"Where is the most quiet place in this palace?"

Mina kind of agitated by being shunned out of the conversation piped up, "That would be the gardens! That's were all the star crossed lovers go to be alone! I should know I caught Link and Ze…" Link cupped his hand over her mouth.

"Ok, they get the point Mina!" Link said and Taff chuckled. " Follow me the entrance is right around the corner and…" But Link was cut short as Aleron dashed around the corner and out to the gardens.

"Ahh young love…" Mina said going from extremely pissed to sweet and cheery.

"I'll never under stand you…" She turned back to Link and gave him an evil look. He just smiled down at her with a funky expression and followed Aleron out the door Taff right behind.


Aleron made his way around hedges and though short passages. The gardens were seemingly endless yet he swiftly made his way to the back.

Upon reaching the end he was astounded to find no one there. Just a big island surrounded by the castle with a large tree in the center. He strode over to the tree and leaned up against it's hard trunk and sighed. Link came in moments later followed by Taff.

"Where could she be, I thought for sure she could stay in a place like this…" Aleron mumbled to himself. Link strode over to him feeling the worry that his new acquaintance felt. It was quite obvious he liked the young princess more than friend and so he understood the feelings Aleron was feeling right now.

I'm sure she's around here somewhere… I mean she couldn't have left with out the whole town running for the hills. At least not after that little seen last night." Link laughed.

"You'll have to tell me about it later…" replied Aleron.

"You like her don't you?" asked Link.

Aleron put on a smug smile, "How'd ya guess?"

"She know?"


"Ya going to tell her?"

"Tell me what?" a soft yet faint voice echoed from above. Aleron looked at Link and Link at him. They both climbed up the side of the tree and on one of the main limbs lay Hoshiko. Her eyes were shut and her head rested on her arms.

"Hoshiko I'm so glad your alive I…" Aleron stopped. Hoshiko made no movements and jus continued to lie there. Then it hit him see was asleep! How could he have been so stupid? He laughed a little to himself.

"Well ya going to wake her?" asked Link and Aleron nodded his head.

"Hoshiko wake up… Hoshiko… Hoshiko" Aleron said softly in her ear. Her eyes shot open and startled Aleron as he jerked back. Hoshiko jumped upward at the sudden scared and

There it is!! Me liked this chapter! Sigh I was hoping to get to the festival BUT I had to bring Aleron back so yeah things didn't go as planned. What will happen next? Only I know!!! Muhhhaahaahaa! But you could probably guess! ^_^()