Fan Fiction ❯ The legend of Zelda - the Key of Creation ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter five -

Jumping upward Hoshiko lost her balance and fell to the soft grass taking in deep breaths as she lay there. She lay there with no intentions to get up and closed her eyes again.

"Why don't I just lay here and you people kill me! Then I wouldn't have to suffer this entire time slamming into shit!" She cried a bit agitated for the disturbance! Aleron and Link jumped down and walked next to her. Aleron grabbed her hand pulling her to her feet and pushed her hair from her eyes.

"Now why would I want to do that?" he asked her. She opened her eyes at his touch and gazed awe stuck at the man before her. She touched his face as if she was unsure that it was not a dream. He smiled at her dumbfounded look and held her hand on his cheek.

"Al… Aleron? Aleron it is you!" were the first words to come out. Aleron tried to speak but she gave him no chance rambling on and on until they hugged. Which brought back happy to memories to Hoshiko initially bringing back the most recent as well. Aleron then lifted her off her feet. He squeezed harder and she cried out just a bit as her body began to feel like a twig. He put her down. Link and Taff who now stood together just watched the two for a moment.

"Ya all right?" he asked, sympathy growing in his eyes for the pain he knew nothing of.

She opened her mouth but, then hung her head down in shame… Taff answered him instead.

"She's been pretty beat up the past few days from what I've heard Course if she wouldn't be so STUBERN she could've saved some of that energy." Aleron looked at him and then back at his princess. She pushed away from him and began walking to the castle. Everybody followed Aleron a bit confused.

Taff's words meant to be something to laugh at but for some reason Hoshiko resented them. She hid her anger, under the joy and pain that hung over her head. Link ran up ahead of his company knowing very well what would be a good thing to avoid in the up coming corridors.

Link really didn't know what to think of these new people. They were from a land he had never heard of bringing tales of legends and asking for assistance. He adjusted his hat, which seemed to keep slipping down the back of his head. He was more than ready to take in another adventure. Being cooped up in the castle all day and night was torture for him. Unfortunately, he knew Zelda would allow him to go at least not until after the celebration. He was the glue that bonded the land together, and he would no doubt be the center of attention. Link sighed to himself these people made him depressed.

The castle gates were now open and people flocked into the front fields. Most would wait there until the darkness set in and the castle's drawbridge would lower. Inside though was still swarming with people on the first floor and so Link steered his company to the stairs to avoid all the commotion. This was Zelda's affair. She was to plan it, arrange it, and of course make sure EVERYONE attended. They group walked up to the third floor.

"Your kind of young to be the captain of the guards" Link began breaking the uneasy silence between them all. Aleron looked up.

"I don't think so the kingdoms only about twenty, twenty-one years old… I was born a year later so it works out I guess" Aleron replied in a tone that really showed no sign of interest. He didn't want to talk right now his thoughts were else were but he still provided the information that would hopefully bring the sudden conversation to an end.

"Your kidding! That's it?" Aleron sighed at Link's new question.

"Well you see it was created because of the Great War… Everybody whom could escape the terror found his or her way together and we formed our colony. Or so that's the story told to me by my grandpa." Link was intrigued. Barely anyone talked about the war anymore. They all said it was too painful an experience to recall and left it at that. Only thanks to the Great Impa did he even know how it happened.

Taff piped up. "All the people came from Hyrule, Soul, and a few other places over the years. However, you'd think it was as old as Hyrule if you were to stumble on it. So ancient and filled with it's fair share of mysteries, if I might add."

"Hmmm sounds like an interesting place to visit… Course I wouldn't mind just getting away from this place again." Link laughed a bit. His smile was refreshing for him but the rest of the company remained still and unwavering. Link shuddered a bit this was a touchy group. He was especially surprised at the oracles sudden silence. Taff and Aleron stared at one another for a moment exchanging a mental conversation but turned quickly once voices started again.

"You are the Hero of Time correct?" Hoshiko stared blankly ahead of her. Her eyes never looking up and her face filled with no emotion. She clenched her right fist as she walked Aleron was defiantly in for an earful later. They all looked at her and Link nodded. Aleron and Taff were a bit worried. She seemed to age years in days. Her moods changed so suddenly and Aleron worried that she was changing from the girl he loved to the woman that in thirty years would rule Alvalair.

"Then what was your decision" she looked at Link whom she now walked next to.

"Umm… well… we've decided to go on with the celebration as planned so as not to cause alarm… and go from there." His face seemed a bit puzzled as he talked. He was edgy as if the words would not come out in the tone originally chosen for them.

She gave him a look a disapproval, but did not question him further. "Oh" she reverted her gaze. They walked into a hallway with doors leading in all directions. Taff branched off from the group and up another flight of stairs giving his good-byes. They saw him off and walked through another hall and around another corner until a woman dressed in a blue gown was seen.

The dress had purple sleeves and a soft yellow ribbon that cascaded down behind her. A magenta cloth was draped down infront and was christened with symbols of much variety. The young woman clasped her hands together as she saw her guests. She smiled at them and motioned for their company. It was Zelda.

"Ahhhh m' love what brings you to this section of the castle I would have thought you were over making preparations for tonight. You only have three hours." Link sang the last word and shook his index at her. Zelda giggled.

"Your highness." Hoshiko bowed a small bow and Zelda did the same. Unfortunately it hadn't donned on Aleron that the man before he stood was the King of Hyrule. He jerked a bit not wanting to believe what his eyes and ears told him. Hyrule was defiantly a strange place. He put his eyes in his head as Hoshiko jabbed her elbow in his side.

"Well, I was looking for all of you!" Zelda said. "I figure it's about time all were ready for the party tonight especially our guests. I met Taff on my down the third stair well and he told me about your where abouts. Seams he forgot where the kitchen was!" Zelda laughed again.

Hoshiko opened her mouth in protest but it was promptly closed by Aleron's hand. "We look forward to it your highness." Aleron piped up before Hoshiko pried his hand away.

"Splendid!" Zelda giggled to herself at the two whom were obviously meant for one another. Link on the other hand knew what was going to happen after she was done with the Alvalairiens, and so kept quite and leaned on the side of the corridor arms crossed. Hat slowly sliding down his forehead.

Zelda clapped her hands and three women came from a door to the left and three others from the right. The first three took Hoshiko and dragged her into the room from whence they came and the second bunch pushed Aleron into the left side.

When they were all gone and Zelda and Link were alone in the hallway, Link pushed off the wall and hugged Zelda from behind. "You and that shieka power. Waiting here the whole time weren't you?"

She giggled as he kissed her neck, "Maybe… Now my dear it is your turn!" she spun around and pushed him down the hall.

" No… no!" he playfully laughed and dug his boots into the rugs. Zelda laughed and they continued to walk to their own room. However that didn't last long as Zelda pushed Link to the side and began running down the corridors her love not far behind. He caught up to her rather easily though and swept her off her feet still running down the halls and up random flights of stairs.

It was like time had stopped with their ages and with that they all seemed to remain the happy teens they had always been. Link would have it no other way. He slowed down a bit and gently kissed the Queen cradled in his arms. She returned his love passionately and together they remained in the middle of the fourth floor corridor lip locked. Time was not a factor to them anymore. They accepted all that came their way and Link learned that age didn't really matter as long as you were enjoying life. The good with the bad and the boring with the adventurous. They ended their kiss and silently walked the rest of the way to their room. Their eyes never wavering from each other.