Fan Fiction ❯ The Plasmic Dragon ❯ Collison by Boat ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter One
A sudden screen of smoke blew around, and through that smoke a clear flashing sword that sliced through the fire bordered night. It’s tip barely missing it’s opponent as he darted out of range. Another blow, this time the sword hit it’s opponent, but he shielded himself with an iron hand glove.“What’s wrong little brother?” The malice tone came through his teeth as he grinned evilly.“Are you scared?”
Ducharme used all his strength to push back his brothers sword. His brother stood back for a moment as he waited for Ducharme to catch his breath. They had been going at it for a long time, but neither would give in. Each one taking blow after painful blow. And though Ducharme’s brother was ten years older then him, Ducharme had survived longer then most would have thought possible for his age of 12.
“I won’t allow you to betray our kingdom!” Ducharme yelled to his brother as he regained his strength and breath. “Your allegiance is with the Fire Dragons! Not the godforsaken Ice Dragons! Have you no pride in your own nation!?”
Ducharme’s brother closed his eyes for a moment and sighed heavily. “You wouldn’t understand. You needn’t worry of what my intention with this nation are.” His eyes suddenly opened, revealing malevolence in the dark brown hues. “Now, let me pass! I will not allow a young boy to keep me from my destiny!”
He slashed his sword forward and advanced towards Ducharme at an accelerated speed. Ducharme ducked and blocked the sword with his left, iron covered glove, but suddenly his brother was no where to be seen through the smoke surrounding him. Ducharme listened attentively for his brothers footsteps. A sudden burst of flames began to shoot out of the dusky smoke and form a circle around Ducharme. Then out of the darkness, as big as two moons, shown a pair of glowing eyes. The eyes of his brother’s dragon.
Ducharme had little time to think as the flames, created by the dragon, began to inclose on him. The tips of the flames making his body even hotter with each inch they moved towards him. Ducharme looked desperately for a way out of the flaming prison, but to no avail. He looked up at the dragon and notice his brother standing just atop it’s scaly red head. He had a plan, but he wasn’t sure if he could execute it with what little dragon power he had and the far range he had to strike.
“Time’s up little brother!” His older brother yelled in an evil tone. And without another word, dived in for the final attack upon Ducharme. His sword pointed directly at Ducharme’s face and seconds away from killing him on the spot. A blaze of red came into view and the battle field became a blur of pictures in Ducharme’s mind.
Ducharme sat up in bed. Sweat on his palms and forehead. His heart throbbing loudly against his chest. The nightmare had instilled fear into his mind. But what scared him the most was that the battle had not just been a bad nightmare, but a Bloody battle that had happened four years ago.
The results of his battle had not come into view in his dream, but he still remember it’s ending very clearly. And he knew that eventually, to save the Fire Dragon Kingdom, he would need to face his brother until he defeated him.
Ducharme’s boat suddenly shifted and rammed into an unknown ship, the force sending Ducharme to the floor. As he scrambled to his feet, he could hear his men running about the ship in panic of their current position. After putting on a suitable waistcoat, Ducharme headed out of his quarters and rushed onto the main deck where his men were scattered all about like ants running from fire. But unlike ants, his men knew better then to run from fire, and they knew better then to act without his consent.
“Captain Ducharme!” Called out the head crewman. “We seem to have hit straight into a ship.”
“I know that, Udo!” Ducharme’s annoyed voice rang out over the loud hollering of crewmen on the ship. “But who’s ship –
A cold slice of metal hit Ducharme’s iron arm as he blocked just in time to send the sword back with a repelling force. A dark figure, half seen by the light of the moon, stood as his dark hair wisped around his face, his eyes a distinct blue, and his skin rough as nails. Ducharme gave him a look of annoyance, as if asking him “Who are you and why are you on my ship?” The figure did not answer, but instead others appeared behind him from the shadows.
“Your presence is requested, Prince Ducharme, by the captain of our ship,” The blue-eyed figure said calmly with roughness in his voice.
“Captain who is requesting my presence!?” Ducharme demanded a reply. “You should know I take orders from no one.”
“I see,” The figure grinned evilly. Suddenly, someone took a hold of Ducharme’s arms from behind him and he was unable to move. “But it’s not up to me to say who it is. And it’s in you best interest to be present.”
“My prince!” Udo cried out as the figures began to take Ducharme aboard the unknown ship. Ducharme turned around from his imprisonment to face Udo.
“No, Udo! You must stay here and man the ship!” Ducharme forcefully released himself from the grip of the person who had imprisoned him. Then heading forward he added, “I won’t be long.”
Inside the ship, the walls were made of nothing but steel. That was, until they arrived at the main hall of the ship where the captain sat upon a cushioned chair. The room was filled with the smell of flowery perfume and the wallpaper, with pictures of elegant flowers, appeared to be what was giving off the aroma. Ducharme also noticed a long dinner table off to the far left, filled with all kinds of imaginable juicy foods. And at the far end of the room, sitting content and happy, was a figure who clearly looked like the captain of the ship.
“Aw, Prince Ducharme!” The captain called out in a happy tone. “I’m glad you have joined me.”
“It’s not like I had a choice,” Said Ducharme in an annoyed tone. The captain only laughed nervously and then resumed his composer.
“Young Prince,” Ducharme cringed at the sound of those words put together. “I have heard many things of you wanting to journey to the Ice Dragon Kingdom, am I correct?”
“Yes, I have business to attend there,” Ducharme said quickly. The captain looked at him as though Ducharme was hiding something.
“What business do you have to attend to?”
“It’s not something I like to discuss.” Ducharme said coldly.
“Did you know that my king has been against the Ice Dragon Kingdom for many decades even though we are neighboring kingdoms?”
“Really? Does that mean you’re apart of the Water Dragon Kingdom.” Ducharme inquired. The captain gawked at him with amazement.
“Very good, Ducharme,” The captain praised. Ducharme hated it. There were sometimes when he could stand praise, but to receive it from an old man like this captain, he would have nothing to do with it. “But of course I must tell you why I have chased you by boat and called you here. I, Captain Astor, would like to ask you for a favor. And in return, I will give you whatever you desire.”
“What kind of favor?” It was true that Ducharme wanted to get his journey started, but he wouldn’t pass up a deal if it meant having anything he desired.
“I only wish that you bring me back an Ice dragon,” The favor shocked Ducharme. Why would a Water Dragon keeper want an Ice dragon? An Ice Dragon was a dangerous creature out of it’s own boundaries, and if it couldn’t be wielded right it would destroy everything in it’s wake until the owner was able to stop it. Ducharme couldn’t risk something like that. “I will give you anything at all that you desire.”
Ducharme thought for a moment and then agreed that as long as this captain could provide him with fighters, money, and supplies he would capture the dragon for him. The only problem was that he needed a dragon captor.
“Alright, I’ll do it,” Captain Astor seemed satisfied. “But I request fighters, money, and supplies before I capture this dragon.” Astor nodded his head in agreement. “And I will need a dragon captor.”
“Of course,” Captain Astor clapped his hands twice. Suddenly, from the door behind where Ducharme stood, a young girl of 15 came walking towards the captain. Her long gold-like brown hair swirling in the wind as it brushed past her lovely makeup covered face. Her eyes a beautiful blue yet gold tinted color, and her lips as pink as the flowing dress she wore. When she stood by the captains side he began to speak once again. This time with much pride. “This is my daughter, Shiori. She is to be your dragon captor. Take her with you on your journey and bring her back to me in good health. You hear!” He elaborated on the last words. Ducharme nodded his head “yes”. “Good. I don’t have the men for fighting at present, but I will meet you in about a week to give them to you. In the Water Kingdom. Sound fair?”
“Sure, just as long as you give me the supplies and money now,” Ducharme spoke firmly. Astor let out an amused laugh.
“Of course,” He said as he caught his breath. “You will receive your money and supplies in the morning, and you are welcome to sleep aboard my ship if you do not trust me.”
“Oh I trust you,” Ducharme turned to the door, his head still facing Captain Astor. “After all, you need the dragon and I need the stuff.” Then after a second glance, most likely directed at Shiori, Ducharme headed back to his ship to set any chaos back to normal.
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