Fan Fiction ❯ the talent earthquake ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

They where Ready to go but it was Brittany went before them. She sang: “don't cha''
“Ok people give it up for Brittany Bernard the … semi- lovely girl,” the announcer people said as she came out, took the microphone and began to sing “don't cha” (to Yuki).
Oh, baby dolls

I know you like me (I know you like me)
I know you do (I know you do)
Thats why whenever I come around shes all over you
And I know you want it (I know you want it)
It's easy to see (it's easy to see)
And in the back of your mind
I know you should be home with me

Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Everyone covered his or her ears she was terrible her voice was cracking, her microphone was making weird sounds, she was off beat and she was singing way to loud!
Fight the feeling (fight the feeling)
Leave it alone (leave it alone)
Cause if it aint love
It just aint enough to leave a happy home
Let's keep it friendly (let's keep it friendly)
You have to play fair (you have to play fair)
See, I don't care
But I know she aint gon' wanna share
