Fan Fiction ❯ Together We Stand ❯ Two Troubles... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four: Two Troubles…


The young elf winced at the harsh tone of the dwarf. And very reluctantly, he dragged his grey eyes upward to meet those of the short, bearded man.

The dwarf ranted on. 'How could you keep this from us, this injury is serious Legolas! I should chop you down myself for hiding this from us, though my axe is broken and I would surely blunt its perfect edge on your rock of a skull!'

Startled, the fair prince sought to quiet his shouting companion. 'Calm yourself friend, I did not mea-'

But before he could so much as speak a sentence, Legolas was cut off abruptly by the thunderous voice that was currently Gimli.

'Calm I will not! A friend does not hide such a thing from another. You could have fallen and we would not have known what was wrong until it was too late!'

Gimli's eyes flashed wildly, and his breath came in harsh grunts, as he struggled to come to grips with his impossible friend.


'I am already here Gimli.' The Ranger spoke abruptly.

It seemed as though Aragorn had just appeared out of nowhere, for neither of the quarrelling friends had noticed him there. Most certainly as their fight was so intense.

'Legolas, I am much disappointed in you. When I asked whether you were fine I expected no lies. Now lay down and let me check your ribs.' His voice was icy cold.

Legolas winced yet again, though this time at Aragorn's authoritative tone. He was certainly not very popular in the camp this evening, and he was sure it was only going to get worse.

Aragorn knelt by the young prince's side, and examined his chest with his eyes first.

Finished this, and coming to no palpable conclusions, the heir to Gondor cringed. For from the look of the elf's near black chest, this inquisition was going to hurt a great deal.

He was not surprised to find that he was right.

As he gently probed the harrowing elf's torso, a stifled cry rose from the ground where Legolas lay. And despite his anger at the elf's foolishly secretive nature, Aragorn felt a pang of sympathy for him.

Broken ribs healed slowly, even for the elves. And since there were no known ways to heal them quicker than wrapping them tightly, the Ranger was sure that Legolas was in for a rough time.

'Not, that he hasn't been battered already,' he thought.

His inspection complete, Aragorn looked first to the infuriated dwarf, and then set his gaze upon the elf.

'From what I can tell, you have at least two broken ribs, and possibly three. They will take quite a while to heal, though you are lucky in some respects. As they seem to have punctured nothing vital. I shall wrap them for you now, so no heroics my friend! Stay here I will be back shortly. And please, do not try to sit! As we saw what happened before, and trying again so foolishly will only cause you more pain!'

And with that, the healing heir walked over to his pack and began gathering various leaves and potions, leaving Legolas alone with the enraged dwarf.

The two sat in an uncomfortable silence, each staring out the other. Though eventually Gimli stormed away, moving towards the dinner roasting on the spit. All the while biting his tongue fervently, and withholding the quips of scorn that lay so sharply on its edge.

Not much later was it, that Aragorn moved back over to him. And seeing that no truce had been accomplished, and neither was talking as usual, he sighed.

Aragorn sat quietly for a time, contemplating and staring strangely at the elf. When finally he spoke, it was with a serenely calm voice and even tone, so as to make sure the dwarf could not overhear.

'Why did you hide your injury from us Legolas? It is so like you, yet I cannot see why you did so.'

The young prince sighed. They would not understand.

He had known he was going to have to answer that eventually, so he decided he may as well reply now.

'It is no complicated reason, Aragorn. I simply did not want to delay us more. For we are already late to reach Hobbiton, and with this rain, and everything preventing us from reaching the reunion on time, I do not want to be a hindrance, as I currently am now.'

Aragorn instantly knew that Legolas spoke the truth, by the wide-eyed look in his misty depths.

But he was sure there was something else as well, for it could not just be this simple, though he doubted he'd get this other motive out of the elf.

The Ranger known as Strider spoke again, though this time with reassurance.

'You are of no hindrance, my friend. For had we attempted to travel by this weather, we would surely be bogged down in mud! This weather, over though it may be, has raised the ford to unpassable levels, and we are stranded here until its level falls. And by certain recollection, it was my call that caused us to halt anyway.'

Racking his brain, Legolas found no plausible reply to the Rangers last words, though this was no comfort. And now that he thought it, he felt rather silly. The prince turned his head away to hide his flushing cheeks.

'Now my fair friend, let us wrap these ribs, and give you a potion to ease the pain.'

'There is no pain, Aragorn. I am fine, please just wra-'

'Legolas! Don't you lie again to me! I saw the expression in your eyes when you awoke, and the expression on your face when Gimli pulled you up. Do not talk such nonsense. You will take the brew I give you, mayhap simply for Gimli's and my own satisfaction, if not for yours. If we have to, we will stay in this very spot until you are well enough to travel. For I know we cannot make the reunion in time now, and though our destination is the same, we need no longer hurry.'

And that was the end of that, for if Legolas had thought to reply he quickly reconsidered. Turning his head toward the light again, he caught eyes with the Ranger, who grinned at him in triumphant merriment.


Gimli looked up irritably from his food, as he heard the raised voice of Aragorn across the fire.

He laughed mirthlessly as he noticed the wild and wounded look in the prince's eyes, for he was sure only his father had ever talked to him in that manner.

'There,' thought the satisfied dwarf. 'He is finally getting what he asked for. An elf is not used to being ordered around, surely, and mayhap this will teach my friend some consideration! If only towards himself!'

And with that, he went back to his meal, all the while contemplating his secretive companion. For Gimli was still furious with the young elf, and perhaps even that were an understatement.

'…No consideration for his own well being,' his thoughts continued. 'And wise and useful though he can be, it is under these circumstances that make him so dense.'

It had been but a moment since the stocky dwarf had thought this last thought, when unexpectedly, another shout rose from the opposite side of the fire. Though this was much louder.

This caught Gimli by surprise. And with a startled cry of his own, he dropped the plate, which shattered with a resonating jingle that could easily have been heard throughout the entire forest.

Kneeling, the angered dwarf cursed loudly, picking up what remained of the ruined meal.

Dumping it outside the boundary of their camp, Gimli all the while directed a look of anger and aggravation toward the arguing duo.


His ribs wrapped tightly, Legolas was finally able to sit with reasonable ease.

And though the aching feeling was still there, he was sure the vile potion Aragorn had forced him to take would help some.

At least Aragorn has not enquired toward further injury.' Legolas thought. For the elf felt confident that his leg wasn't any problem at all.

Legolas looked up slowly, and with an inward flinch he thanked the Ranger for his seemingly concern, with a tight tone of voice. For the elf did not care for assistance, and he was still offended by the uncivil tone which Aragorn had bestowed upon him.

Aragorn smiled at him briefly, though his face quickly returned to the determined and concentrated expression that often lay upon his features.

'Now,' he said, eyeing Legolas carefully. 'Are there any other injuries you would care to tell me about while I am down here?' Receiving a wide-eyed glare, the Ranger continued.

'I know you, my friend. And I would care not to have you collapse mid stride on a pulled calf or thigh per chance.'

Seeing no point in wasting the human's time, Legolas sighed and then spoke quite hesitantly.

'I think the rock bruised my thigh, but I cannot be sure. I have not been able to sit to check it, though I doubt there is much wrong.'

So, when upon seeing the young elf's badly bruised leg, Aragorn let loose another frustrated cry, and this time Legolas could say he was honestly startled.

'That is two injuries you have willingly secreted from us Legolas! And this leg is almost as serious as your ribs. I do not think you'll care to stand on it unless it is treated and braced, so sit still while I prepare you a poultice.'

'I am not a child, Aragorn. You need not scold me like one.' The prince's tone was cold, and his eyes were narrowed to mere slits, his gaze challenging.

But the other did not answer, though simply directed the elf a look of fierce chagrin, as he stood and paced over to his pack not far away. Thus leaving Legolas to bemusedly contemplate Aragorn's last intentionally questioning glance.


As the fierce blackness of night set in the next evening, Aragorn sat contentedly, watching the silent and almost invisible signs of interaction between his other two companions.

For the past whole night and day, the elf Legolas, and the dwarf Gimli had been ignoring each other to the extent of social distraction.

It was interesting to watch, Aragorn had decided. And on such a cold and dreary night with friendships and entertainment waning thin, he could think of nothing better to do.

Occasionally the Ranger would catch one looking over to the other at the fire, and sometimes, as if in reflex the other would look up, only to glance away again.

'This is really quite amusing,' Thought Aragorn with mirth, as he noticed the two companions lock eyes for but a brief moment.

Just as quickly though, all contact was lost. And with a heartfelt sigh, Aragorn watched Legolas rise carefully from the fires hearth, and limp painfully over to his makeshift bed.

Though just as the young prince was moving away, he cast one more harrowing glance toward the mad dwarf, and then one small smile and a wink to the Ranger.

And with a slow blink of his eyes, and a mulling expression, the elf lay down to sleep.


Gimli watched the elf go with a mournful and downhearted expression.

He no longer felt so angry toward him, but apologies were difficult for him, and he felt it was more Legolas that needed to place the amends.

The bearded dwarf caught Aragorn's withering glance. And quietly, as not to disturb the now sleeping prince, the Ranger rose from his place at the glowing hearth, and moved stealthily to sit next to the brooding dwarf.

'He was only doing what he believed was right, my friend,' whispered Aragorn to Gimli.

'That may be so, Aragorn,' the dwarf replied rather shortly. 'But it was also our right to know. I cannot help but be angered at this.'

The human pressed further, sensing some withheld comment just under the dwarf's tongue. 'I agree with you on that account, but will you deprive him of your friendship because of his beliefs?'

The dwarf replied nought to this, but only laughed with no mirth, meeting Aragorn's warm gaze with a pained expression of his own.

As if tiring of this talk, Gimli shook his head ever so slightly, and closed his eyes.

'Ah, my concern is not wanted,' convicted Aragorn inside his head, as he observed this slight movement. And now, so, as to not stand out the confused dwarf in this obviously uncomfortable topic, Aragorn changed the subject.

'I have decided with your permission of course, that if the ford is low enough tomorrow, we shall cross it and be on our way. You already know that we shall not make the reunion, but if we are lucky, we should make it in time for nearly everyone to still be there.'

Gimli met the Ranger's stare once again, and this time he nodded.

'Yes, it seems time to be on our way, though I hope that when we reach Hobbiton, it shall not be in vain. As since Merry and Pippin live there no longer, I cannot see them tarrying in wait of us, as they do not know if we come.'

'I fear you may be right, Gimli. Though I am sure there will be feasts for days to come in The Shire. For Frodo, Sam and Rosemary are still there, and they would not leave so soon after arriving, that I am nearly sure of.'

For some time the two conversed quietly amongst themselves. But at last, with a wide mouthed yawn and glittering eyes, the stocky dwarf muttered a quick wish goodnight to the heir of Gondor, and moved softly to his pallet.

And while Aragorn sat up still and watched, he noticed the tossing and turning of the dwarf in his dreams, his consciousness playing on his guilt.


So early, the next day was it when they left, that the sun was only just making its annual halo across the mountains ahead, and the birds had not yet begun to sing their morning chorus.

The sleepy trio reluctantly set out after a hastily prepared breakfast.

Few words were exchanged that morning, though the reason for this was not certain. For the feud between elf and dwarf remained, and petty though it was to Aragorn, it seemed of most utter relevance the other two travellers.

It took them little time at all to reach the once thunderous ford. But as they got there, the loud assault that had once fallen upon their ears no longer remained.

In fact, apart from the dirty twig filled debris and the quite muddy foreshore, no sign remained of the rapid and dangerous river that had raged here not two days before.

This relieved Legolas greatly. For though his bruised and pulled leg was for the most part healed, it still pained badly when strained, and crossing a high and rough ford would have been difficult, at best.

Setting close, and booted feet into the chill morning water, the three assorted warriors began to walk carefully across the wide ford.

Progress was slow, and low as the water was, the ground underneath remained slippery.

Legolas was finding it hard to stay balanced here in the middle, for his leg was aching badly now, not used to so much abuse. And quite often, when a rock had stood in his way, he found his arms would fly outwards and whirl in tiny circles, as he struggled to stay standing on his own.

It was one such unlucky circumstance like this however, that the young prince found no matter how much he squirmed, and how much his arms twirled, he could not stay standing.

Legolas cried out as his right knee buckled from contact with a loose-grounded rock, and he felt himself tilting unstoppably toward the icy water beneath. His breath caught, frozen in his throat. There was nothing he could do to stop his steady fall, and with a quick wince, he closed his eyes…

The coldness never came however, as he suddenly felt himself suspended in the air, supported by strong arms.

'My thanks, Ara-'

'You should be more careful, my friend. 'Tis not like you to stumble on such easy ground. Here, let me help you along, for you leg is not fully healed, and this water will help it none.'

Shocked, Legolas' eyes snapped opened. And with a gaping mouth and a wide-eyed expression, he found he was not looking into the eyes of his human companion.

Gimli laughed.

'Do not look so shocked, elf. For you have already hurt yourself enough these past few days, and it is our job to prevent you from any further harm.'

Finally able to pull his mind around coherent thought, the elf smiled warmly toward his friend, for the first time in over two days.

'Thank you, my friend. For as you have said, I have bathed enough these past few days, and I wish for no more.'

And with these last words, any tension still remaining from the past few days dissipated at that moment. And as the three set off once more, Aragorn, heir of Gondor could not help but smile.

They could travel together now.


It took them the better part of three days to reach The Shire. And as the small group walked among the livid green foliage, a cool westerly wind blew wistfully along the gullies and fields.

'I am growing tired of these endless hills,' grouched Gimli quite suddenly. 'One hill rises simply to meet another, and you cannot tell them apart. How much farther to Hobbiton, friend elf?'

'Just over thi-'

But just as Legolas lifted his arm to point toward the next grassy knoll, a whiff of a strong, dark odour foully greeted his senses.

Turning abruptly, the young elven prince spotted what appeared to be swift rising, wispy thunderclouds. But upon closer inspection, Legolas established the fluff for what it really was.

'Smoke,' whispered the elf alarmedly. And with renewed haste, he began hobbling quickly toward the top of the hill.

Human and dwarf exchanged a brief and unsettled glance, before speeding off to catch up with him.

'What is it Legolas? What do you see?'

'Look for yourself. Quickly!' There was no amusement in the young elf's voice, and without so much as a backward look at the gradually progressing prince, the two companions sped off to the top of the hill.

What they saw, sent them reeling in shock.

Smoke billowed in enormous tufts from burnt buildings, and wrecked cart pieces lay strewn across the roads. Though what shocked them most, was what they did not see.

And as Legolas finally reached the top of the hill, his worst fears were confirmed.

His recovering leg forgotten, the distressed prince raced with a pounding heart toward the deserted town.

AUTHORS NOTE: Well, I hope you like this chapter…because it's the only time I HAVEN'T been tired when I wrote it...Its only 12.47am this time!

:::Grins happily:::

Anyway, please read and review, as I'm curious as to what you great people think! And thank you for all your wonderful reviews, they're aaaaaaaaaaawesome!

TO TEEGAN: NOOOO! Caring for Legolas is in no way boring…its just that when I compared it to the other chapters I found it so lame. ^v^

TO ARWEN: Thanks for the advice! I don't think there are any errors in this one, as I wrote tiny bits at a time, but ya never know right? Oh and about Aragorn finding out…I was gonna write it in, but it didn't fit in any place. But basically its more interesting with Gimli finding out, and its gonna help the plot later on. It wasn't too big a mistake to have Gimli find out was it?

TO RAISTLIN: Your ideas were great, I've now pretty much planned out the next few chapters because of that!!!! AWESOME!

Anywho…I'm off to bed ay…I may not be tired, but I've got milking at 5am :O !!! Hehe, nunite all.