Fan Fiction ❯ Together We Stand ❯ Appearances ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dense black smoke surged toward the bleak grey sky, as the three worried companions descended toward what was now the smouldering remains of Hobbiton. Little fire actually remained as they move down the hill. But this fact was of no solace, as all but a little of the town was scorched beyond the eye's recognition.

Ignoring the impending pain of his broken ribs and aching leg, Legolas worriedly surged onwards, determined to hunt down and punish those responsible for this horror.

Not far in front, dwarf and human stopped at the foot of the hill, all thought similar to the fair elf's, and also beyond words.

At last, when the capability of speech was upon them again, and the grief stricken elf had reached the others, Gimli spoke with tones of unabashed sorrow and rage.

'Who has done this?' Cried the dwarf to the pale sky, as he turned hastily to face the sturdy Ranger, and elven prince. 'Who would dare to do such an unkindly thing!'

Though the clouds did not answer, Aragorn did so thoughtfully.

'I think we shall be soon searching for the answers my friend, for an act such as this certainly does not come off lightly! But perhaps the most vital question would be where our hobbits have gone, as surely they cannot have all disappeared!'

No one mentioned the dark possibility of death and murder, which loomed not far off in their minds.

'Let us not dawdle here and only speak of action,' spoke Legolas as his eyes glittered and moved wildly about the disastrous scene. 'But let us instead search rapidly for those would have wronged!'

And with that the three moved hurriedly on into the sooty town.


The sooty fumes rose thickly in what was once a small village. And as smoke flew toward the sky in great wisps, Legolas could not help but gag and choke painfully on its substance.

Legolas cast himself down on a stray log with an agonised sigh, his head coming to rest flaccidly on shaking, un-supportive arms. Grief had set itself deep into his being, and as one depressing thought ran through his recollection, he wept.

'…This is all my fault…'

The prince's talk with Aragorn not long ago, was now far from his thoughts, as any comfort and knowledge that had once been laid upon him, now left in remorse.

They had been searching without clue for over an hour now, and as the smog and clouds broke off the warms rays of what was not seen as a golden sun, hope and energy began to wane thin. This did nothing for the already tumultuous thoughts of the company.

It was not long before Legolas' comrades followed his suit, seating themselves upon the charred ground. In this seemingly fruitless search, not one foul weapon, nor one mud-sunken hoof print disturbed the too calm environment that was once a glorious Shire village.

And certainly without luck, the few things they had come here to see and befriend once again eluded them. Along with everything else.


The young elf had no idea how long he sat there, with his head downcast and his eyes closed. But a sudden flighty movement out of the corner of his eye brought his grieving mind forth from its pity.

'Tis not Aragorn or Gimli,' considered the fair elf, as he looked toward his two depressing companions. For they had not moved.

Whatever it was, moved again on his left.

A warning thought sung loudly in the fair elf's mind. And with the speed born from years of training, Legolas had his arrow instantly nocked to his elven bow. Though no target deemed itself available, for even though the elf was fast, his hopeful quarry had disappeared faster.

A hand on his shoulder alerted him to Aragorn's presence.

'I saw it too,' he spoke with a hurried whisper. 'Gimli and I shall be with you, my friend. Go on.' And with that, Gimli was at the elf's side also. A look of fierce determination glimmered in the bearded dwarf's eyes, and his rigid stance reflected his readiness for battle.

Blade in hand, the gruff dwarf spoke. 'I hope it is the enemy here, as all that runs through my mind is vengeance.'

He paused briefly, cocking his head to the side and reflecting on his words. And it was with a wistful sigh that he cast his eyes mournfully downward, his voice a barely audible whisper.

'…I will avenge you all, my friends…'


As the smoke finally began to clear and the sun began to set, the trio moved stealthily once again through the town, occasionally catching glimpses of whatever figure lay just out of their reach.

For the better part of two hours they had hunted, talking and signalling furtively among themselves when the need arose. As daylight was now ebbing rapidly, and any thoughts of resolve now lay even further from their grasp.

Gimli caught the Ranger's eye, and simultaneously they both nodded.

'It is time to head back, nothing can come of this futi-'

But just as they began to depart, Legolas silenced them with a swift upraised hand. And sparing them but a quick glance, he sped with light feet towards a blackened and destroyed wall.

Without warning, a small figure clad in black, charged out from behind the obliterated structure, running straight into the startled elf.

Legolas fell unceremoniously to the ground; the pain from his previously healing ribs igniting in ultimate, agonising force.

The elf's mind descended into a violent swirling fog and his vision began to cloud. The last conscious things he heard and saw before pain overrode his senses was the face of a worried young hobbit, and the accompanying high pitched stuttering that rang throughout his reason.


'I-I-I…I thought…is he okay?' Pippin's voice trailed off uncertainly as he looked with confusion down at the incapacitated elf. His shoulders slumped. The poor hobbit was clearly not himself.

'You fool of a Took! He is already injured, and does not need any further pain! Had I not been so glad so see you I would have strung you from a tree and left you there!'

Aragorn spoke with mixed tones of happiness and worry, as he knelt by Legolas. Quickly examining the prince, he found no further signs of injury. Sighing in relief he sat back, running a shaky hand through his tousled hair.

Gimli, who was initially startled by the appearance of the hobbit, now grinned broadly as he embraced Pippin warmly, slapping him on the back. The tiny hobbit winced.

'Glad we are to see you my friend! We imagined the worst when we arrived here, and all hope was lost as we searched! But it is with full hearts that we talk now!' He paused, his eyes narrowing to mere slits. 'Tell us! Where are the others?'

With this query, a sorrowful look wove its way into the young Took's eyes, and Gimli and Aragorn assumed the worst.

'They came upon us so suddenly with fire on poles and in their hearts,' Pippin spoke with a distantly voiced tone, recalling some awful memory. 'We tried to stop them, they …they were too fast. Merry was so brave, and was faring well. But a hobbit is small, …and…and a child became caught up within them, and…and…' The young took broke off, and flung himself down to the charred ground, weeping openly.

'…Poor, poor Merry,' he whispered at last.

'What happened, my young friend! What happened to Merry?' Aragorn had moved, and now sat with a reassuring hand on the grieving hobbit's shoulder, though his eyes grew savage with worry.

'He…tried to save him, but…but he was seen, and they cau-,' his breath caught in his throat, and with a sniff and a loud sob he continued, reasonably composed once again. 'One caught him with his flames…so black...there is no hope…he is dying Aragorn.'

'There is always hope!' Bellowed Gimli with optimism he did not feel.

What di-' But Aragorn was quickly silenced as Pippin suddenly stood with renewed haste, and spoke quickly. To him, every second counted.

'I should have remembered. Come Aragorn! You are of healing bearing, you must help us! Help Merry!' And with that, Pippin sped off with agility not known of a hobbit. 'Come, quickly!' He yelled back again, as he disappeared down a blackened lane.

Dwarf and human eyes met, and both shared a look of understanding.

'What of Legolas?' Gimli spoke. 'We cannot just leave him here! I shall not leave him here, such as this!'

Aragorn nodded, and spoke in haste, eyeing the spot where he had last seen the hobbit. 'He will be fine. Nothing has been re-injured, but he must rest a while, as the pain will be great for a short time. Stay with him, and follow when he is able. Merry is in need of help, that much I comprehend. I shall have someone watching for you, as I am not sure where the hobbits are all located. Stay out of trouble my friends.' And with a last pat on the remaining two's shoulders, Aragorn spared a brief grin, before he too sped out of sight.

Gimli laughed in spite of himself and laid a hand upon Legolas' clammy brow.

'Stay out of trouble? Now, now. Mayhap we have at last found something you cannot do, my friend!'


As the white swirling fog cleared from Legolas' pained mind, a hand on his forehead alerted him to another presence. Looking up, he was met with a warm smile and a concerned gaze from Gimli, son of Glóin.

'How do you feel now?'

The answer to that was clipped with pain, and curt with arrogance. 'What do you expect! I feel like a Balrog has crushed me against a wall!'

A brief laugh brought forth a startled reaction from the elf. 'You would do well not to laugh at my misfortune Gimli! I am perhaps much more well than you think!'

The laughing continued, and did not stop for quite a while. Though when it did, the stout dwarf was breathy and red in what you could see of his bearded face. 'Tis not your misfortune I laugh at, Legolas. For if it was truly a Balrog of Moria that ran you down, then it was a mighty small one indeed. Perhaps even in the form of a fool hobbit named Pippin!'

'So it was a hobbit that I saw! I was afraid I was seeing things as I blacked out, but at least he was what we wished to see!'

Gimli only raised his head in agreement.

And so the two sat for a while, pretending to contemplate what to say or do next. Though in reality little contemplation was going on, as Legolas sat breathing heavily, and re-gathering his wits that Pippin had so quickly taken from him before. Gimli just as obviously saw this, and sat quite contentedly, waiting upon his companion's eventual composure.

It took no longer than a few moments, but Gimli was glad that his friend was recovered, and ready to move so soon. For he did not wish to stay in this depressing scene any longer, especially whilst out in the open.


Hobbit and Human sped along secretly, chancing nothing as they weaved stealthily in between nooks and shadows around the remains of the town.

After a short while of silence, however, Aragorn became curious, and spoke in a hurried whisper. 'Tell me Pippin, what madness destroyed this beautiful town? You cut me off before I could so much as talk before, but I would like to know.'

When the young Took answered, the wise Ranger was sure he had misheard. But upon catching Pippin's fierce and anxious stare, he knew his understanding to be the truth.

'Yes Aragorn, you heard true. 'Twas Ringwraiths that did this to us.'

The Ranger, shocked as he was however, had no time to retort. As from afar over the hills, the sounds of many hooves were heard, and high toned screeching now rung through the previously silent air.

'They return, and worse…they do hear us!' Cried Pippin alarmedly. 'We must hurry. Do not worry, for we are nearly there!'

Any thought toward stealth was now gone, and the two flew as quick as they could through lanes and alleys, until at last Pippin seemed to reach what he was looking for.

But trained as his eyes were, Aragorn saw nothing worth a second glance. Unsure about his location, he turned to the small Took.

'Pippin, eve-'

'Hush! We are here, make no sound, for if you do everyone will surely perish from your mistake.'

And with that, the tiny hobbit crouched and pulled mightily upon a charred rope, recognising when he was needed, the Ranger lent his strength as aide. The ground grated slowly backward, and a large cavern in the ground revealed descending stairs that appeared to lead down into deep and musty darkness.

Aragorn bit back a gasp of shock. The stairs seemed to stretch forever into oblivion. But the Son of Arathorn, concluding it was nor the time, nor the place for questions kept silent.

And so it was without further adieu that Aragorn, led briskly by the grinning Pippin plunged down into the pitch-blackness before him. They were just in time.


'Silence!' Legolas hissed. His last words were spoken through narrowed eyes full of concentration, as he strained to hear over the constant talking of his companion.

From not far off the in the green hilly distance, rhythmic thudding and shrieking was heard echoing throughout the silent town.

'Ringwraiths!' Spoke Legolas once again in a hushed tone. 'That Took did not tell us it were Wraiths that destroyed this town! Come Gimli, we must hide, for the enemy returns and I do not wish to be found, though it seems that ill luck has once again befallen us!'

Places for concealment were scarce, and as the two heard the sounds grow ever closer, there was not one place they found to hide in.

So, as the riders appeared for the first time over the hill, elven prince and dwarf lord drew their assortment of weapons and prepared hastily to fight for their lives.

AUTHORS NOTE: Right…here's my apologies… sorry guys, I know this isn't a very good chapter, as my mind is just NOT piecing things together as it should. Half the sentences in this story do not seem to flow like the other ones in my fic, so if you awesome peoples out there have suggestions for me, I am all ears!

Oh, and another thing. …My characters seemed to have lapped back into semi-archaic (if there is such a thing) so if there are any complaints, let me hear them, cause I will change them to suit! ^v^

TO: Shen Panda….Sorry! Heres another cliffie!…(albeit not a very good one, but a cliffie nonetheless.)

TO: Britt…Thanks! But hey, isn't that what reviewers are here for anyway?…I mean without reviewers how would we know if anyone had indeed even read our stories? Or even know what they think of them. I'm just glad people have given me feedback enough to keep me writing. ^v^

TO: Nimhiril…Sorry about all the 'fors'…and I know they're tiring to 'hear'. Hehehe. I will try to fix some up, as when I read it through again this evening I noticed it too. Sorry about that ay. May take some time, but I'll get better at word use and all that other gunk one day!

TO: Calandra….Hope this made it in time for the finals. If not, I'm sure ya did fine without my fic, there are plenty of better ones to read on this site! ^v^ Sorry about the crappy quality of it, but I just 'couldn't get it to go!'

OOOOOOOOH!: And ps everyone!: (not like you'll all care at all…hehehe) But I just got all my fifth form School Certificate marks back!…I passed them all going from 73%'s up to 85%'s…maybe I should stick to arts and sciences instead of writing huh?! LMAO!