Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown ❯ The Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“I will NOT marry a man more than twenty years my senior, and then be expected to pleasure him every night! I am a virgin, and I plan to remain that way until I meet someone I love, not a power-hungry ball of money!” Exclaimed Evette aloud. With that, she grabbed her long black cloak and wrapped it strategically around her body to conceal her fine garments. She walked to her balcony, walked down her staircase to her private courtyard, and approached the surrounding wall. With a deep breath, she grazed the enormous wall, then, once at the top, jumped down on the foreign ground outside the castle. With a quick glance to make sure no guards had seen her, she ran towards the unknown horizon, not sure of what she would find beyond it.
Chapter 2:
It was a dark, moonless night before Evette even spotted a town. It was cold, and Evette's feet had gone numb a long time ago. Every step she took required all her strength, her feet made a rhythmic, `dub-thub, dub-thub' as she moved towards an unknown destination.
It must be well past midnight; she thought to herself, I can't be too far from Paris. Once I'm there it'll be easy to find an inn.
As soon as the thought began forming in her head, Evette noticed the street was lined with shops and markets. She had made it to Paris!
Now all I need to do is find an inn; thought Evette. She walked a little faster now, encouraged by the signs of civilization. But the farther she walked, the less shops there were. She started noticing nooks and crannies by the walls, all of which were closed by curtains made out of various rags.
Evette stopped at one of the nooks and pulled aside the curtain. The chamber contained only one item; a bed without any linens. As she stood in the area, she heard a male voice behind her, “Good evening, mademoiselle. How much for the night?”
Evette jumped around, shocked to see someone else with her. A man was leaning against the wall. Evette noticed a scent dangerously close to that of ale. She remembered his words and replied with a polite “Excuse me?”
“I asked,” said the man, closing the curtain behind him as he slowly moved towards her, “how much for the night?”
Evette had backed against the wall and the man stood inches in front of her. All of a sudden, he grabbed Evette around the waist and threw her onto the bed. He pinned her down by placing both hands on her shoulders. She struggled with all her might, kicking, biting, and screaming as the man fumbled with her skirts. Just as she felt his hand touch her bare leg, another mans voice came from the entrance, “Something tells me she isn't in the mood.”
The man stopped fumbling with Evette's dress as he looked at the intruder. He had a placid look on his face and was leaning casually against the wall. His hair was wavy and golden, falling gracefully around his deep blue eyes. Evette noticed that in his right hand was a very menacing looking sword.
“Sorry, sir,” replied the man sheepishly, “It's just that I've had a long day, and just wanted some pleasure tonight.”
“Then go find it elsewhere. This girl is obviously no whore. Leave her alone and go home to your wife and children.”
The man walked out of the chamber with his head hanging, ashamed of his behavior. Evette drew a deep breath, grateful the stranger had intervened. “Thank you.” She muttered.
The stranger looked at her and walked over to the bed. He sat down next to Evette, took her hands in his and asked, “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” she replied. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen. She thought. The man's grip on her hands loosened. He stared into her emerald-green eyes for a moment before saying, “You must not be from around here. Any French woman would know not to walk the streets of Paris without a male escort.”
Evette looked down at the floor, ashamed of her stupidity. She should have known that someone would try to take advantage of her. She felt the man's hand touch her chin and, adding the slightest bit of pressure, guided her head back up. Their eyes met again, and Evette saw a look in the man's eyes that one only gets when they're in love. He leaned towards her, about to press his smooth lips against hers when Evette heard a sound of trumpets in the distance.
Both Evette and the man turned their heads towards the entrance, not believing how bad the timing of the King's army's arrival had been. Evette turned to the man and said, “I'm so sorry, but I have to go.”
The man's expression was enough to break her heart. “Don't go,” he said to her grabbing her hand.
“I'm afraid I have no choice,” replied Evette apologetically.
“But I may never see you again,” the man's words seemed to stab at her heart like a thousand knives.
“If we are meant to be together,” said Evette soothingly “then we will meet again.”
Evette reluctantly pulled her hands out of his and left the chamber. I should have just stayed there. She thought as she headed towards the blaring trumpets. I would have been hidden in that little nook, not to mention I would have been with him, in his arms, maybe until we died. But in Evette's heart she knew she had done the right thing. Had the men found him, her father would have him executed, thinking he had kidnapped the princess.
Before too long she was in plain sight of the King's men. “Princess!” the general exclaimed “It's good to see you looking so well. We were afraid you had been killed. Who was your kidnapper, and how the devil did you escape him!?”
“There was no kidnapper,” Evette replied coolly “I left the palace on my own free will.” The general stared at her for a moment before saying, “Well, we better get you back to the castle. The King's worried sick.”
I'll bet he is. Thought Evette bitterly.
End Chapter 2
Thanks for reading everyone! I am shortening Evette's name to Eve because Evette is too hard to write every few sentences! LOL......please keep reading! By the way, I love reviews, so feel free to leave `em!