Fan Fiction ❯ Vergil and Dante ❯ Vergil and Dante: what could have been ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter One

Vergil and Dante: What could have been between brothers and friends?

Trish arrived a little too late that morning, only to see that the two of them were at it again. The bright sun reflecting off two silvery heads, and all she could do was to shake her head. Their lean strong arms struggling to bring the other down. The usual arm to arm combat as to determine who was the stronger and as always, Vergil being the bigger, Dante barely losing, refusing to falter, the sweat breaking out in his forehead, the sight of him taking Trish's breath away.

They had a new visitor later that day and her name was Lucia. She walked in with her strange looks, a foreign tongue sweet to the brother's ears, a woman full of curves and to note, kept dangerous sharp objects. Trish could only foresee where this was going as she handed the newcomer a glass of something to quench her thirst.

She had an offer for the boys; her little quaint village was under attack by no other than the ruthless pathetic excuse of a god; Arius, and his minions that he could conjure up at will. Vergil laughed out loud, not bothering to withheld the rudeness of his voice,
"Oh come now, little woman, you can't make us believe that Arius has taken over?"

His recent account of the underworld gave him free reign as to who were the bad guys roaming mother earth. It was only due time when him and his brother could make the deliberate intention to eradicate them. For now he was content in lounging against the chair, his expression challenging the red haired stranger, wondering why she had designed it to cover the other eye. His fingers itched to pull it aside and take in both green startling eyes.

Dante jabbed him with his elbow, Vergil grunted in response and Trish interrupted,
"Yes, we would love to come and kick some serious butt." The brothers looked at her and she cleared her throat.
"Well? It's not like we can sit around here watching you two battle it out as to who is stronger?"

Lucia was a bit nonplussed at the reaction Vergil gave, noting the differences between the two. One harder and rougher on the edges, giving him a kind of look that even demons feared to battle with but it was Dante who, kinder and full of smart replies brought her decision to recruit their little party. There were challenges to take up, she thought silently, for not only was there an invasion of sorts that attacked her little parish but the other assignment; to destroy all of Arius's new inventions: the secretaries. All designed to look like her, talk like her, the differences lying only in the calculating moves and cruelty of her synthetic sisters.

Why Arius wanted to invent so many secretaries was beyond her. He could have created more of his dirty evil minions, all existing with separate powers but instead he, by design chose to invent sexy looking creatures all hell bent in destroying the entirety of humankind. Or was it because Arius had a perversion?

That was the decision then, Trish and Vergil went ahead to eliminate the secretaries all hidden in small corners of the world and Lucia took Dante with her to her little village. Lucia's mother was so pleased to finally meet the young man whose father's name was legendary. And what a fine looking boy he was, tall and muscularly lean, it saddened her that Lucia could not give one notice to pursue Dante into a relationship, thus creating offspring for her and wouldn't that be pleasant. The legendary dark knights son and her little Lucia. Aren't mothers supposed to play matchmaker when a man of his stature comes along?

Vergil and Trish were at the heart of the phantom town called Deprave, an emptiness filled the place with howls of past ghosts, crying for revenge and unrest. Vergil decided to equip his swords, taking only two, one for ripping and tearing, and the other for special abilities. Trish walked along the streets, noting the tumbleweeds passing by were larger than they.

"Why in bloody hell would secretaries be hiding out in this forsaken place?" she pondered out loud.

Her partner grunted in reply, "Let's not talk about it and check out the fountain in the middle of the palacio. There's something shiny there."

Vergil could be so unentertaining, Trish groaned inwardly. It was always business with him and the fact that he sometimes looked at her in that bizarre way disturbed her. Was she too alike to their mother? Dante didn't seem to mind.

Upon arriving at the square of the city, the water dried out, the fountain head displayed statues of Arius, although unable to decipher what it looked like through the destruction and climate exposure, the wanna-be god was idolized in this abandoned town.

Out of nowhere, a flight of secretaries came crashing out of the shadows, confronting the two with knives of steel and daggers whipping precariously in the air, their target at their hearts.

Vergil, quick to react, gave full reign of his powers as he swung his blade heavily against three secretaries, dressed in tight purple spandex and wearing jeweled black masks that hid the corners of their eyes. The emeralds of their eyes reminded him of Lucia and thought in quick clarity how she would have looked like if she had just wore her hair in a normal way.

Trish hacked and slashed as best as she could, wielding Sparda as easily as it was second nature to her but there were too many of them, all attacking her and they drove her against the crumbled walls of the city. Vergil too busy with his battle couldn't notice the ambush on Trish and he immediately used his instant translocation to evade and attack. In the middle of that square where the fountain stood as a centerpiece, there came a bright flash and a tear in the atmosphere as the entire place became brightly fused. A time continuum of sorts emerging out of nowhere and Vergil drove them back, slicing a few on the way, trying to evade the nicks and scratches of sharp blades trying to imbed in his skin.

It was a wonder what had happened when Vergil ended up in the village, confronting Lucia and Dante. An old woman stood next to them, her expression stunned and bewildered. She didn't know about the twin.

(to be continued)