Fan Fiction ❯ Vergil and Dante ❯ Chapter 5: Confrontation ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: DMC is owned by capcom.
Sorry for the delay, my muses took me elsewhere, writing other non-dmc fanfics, then school started, life and all that. This wasn't in the humour side, but some chapters tend for the fun comedic antics, and I'm editing the future chapters right now.....


"What kind of offer?"

"Myself" Lucia lifts her chin.

Arius snorts, "Psfff, what? Is that it? Yourself? I can make a hundred more of you."

"Your secretaries have been eliminated. You can make more but they'll be toast by the time your entertaining devil hunters get to them."

He considers for a moment, vacillating between her offer and then rolls his eyes,
"Ehhhhhhhhh, nope. Don't want it. I want something else and you are not IT!"

Lucia could feel her adrenaline rushing as she faces Arius. This wasn't the first but she hopes, no, knows deep in her mind that this would be the last time she confronts him. Arius as typical as he was as a stupid god would be easy to predict. Though his power is nothing to be underestimating at the moment, he snaps his fingers giving the signal to attack the fiery haired woman.

She lifts her knives, already flying in the air, discharging at the minions descending towards her. Several noisy chunks embed its way into several bodies. She uses her other hand, grasping a sword like weapon to slice her way at the enemies' arms and legs.

Damn, she thought as she flies in the air, swerving her body back and forth to the rhythm of her battle dance, damn damn damn, and a litany of curses invade her mind, wondering what Arius really wants. Could it be?

At this time, Trish awakens in that small corner of the room beneath the towns cobbled streets.

"Whoa! Ah crap!" she holds both hands on her head, massaging the pain there and sensing someone coming, she reaches for her pistol.

A chuckle emits from the stranger, the small candle in the room illuminates the figure approaching, revealing Matier. "Do not worry. It is only me. I have come to bring you something for your pain."

Never one to be impolite at another's hospitality, she thanks her and accepts the proffered warm drink.

"Where's Dante?" immediately sensing that something was not right.

"Why, he and his brother along with my little Lucia went to fight Arius' monsters."

"I've got to help. They need me." Trish stands up, dizzy from the quickness of her movements.

"Is that wise?" Matier inspects her wounds, already healing. "Do you not think three of them can handle what comes?"

"Something tells me that it is impertinent." Without a moments hesitation, Trish arms her weapons, pistol reloaded, sword wiped clean and sharpened now sheathed at her back.

Dante and Vergil finished off the remaining foes, blood dripping on the sleeves of their arms and sticky dry blood clung to their swords. Dante twirls Ebony and Ivory, both used excessively round after round as they had been pumping magic bullets into their enemies. The open holes of their chambers emitting smoke, the aroma of heavy ammunition blessing the air and to Dante it was the smell of sweet success. He kisses his babies, whispering, "That was beautiful."

"Let's go and get Lucia." Dante motions to his brother. Vergil said nothing. He was unusually silent as they devil triggered in flight mode to Lucias location.

It wasn't hard really to find her. Dante had the instinctive feeling she'd go and do the stupid thing and be a heroine. Face the king at his throne. Typical Lucia.

As they arrived, they were expected, the face of Arius a happy delight, clapping his hands, "Well, what we have here? Two devils come to play? You've been expected boys. I've got something planned for you two and you're going to LOVE it!" he ended with a gleeful high soprano.

"Whatever." Dante replies.

"You see there." Arius points at Lucia in bounds, AGAIN! Dante groans. Shakes his head and sighs, "Okay, blah blah blah, let's get this over with."

"Not so fast, pretty boy." He sneers, "I have a proposition for you two. Enter my battle arena with the chosen opponents and you get to have the princess!" he mocks as he nods his head towards the imprisoned Lucia.

Lucia screams, "No! Forget about me! Get him! Both of you can take him down!"

"Lucia, last time that happened, ahhh, forget it." Dante sighs.

Arius continues, "You see, my offer is for you two to have the girl and ME. Yes, me, I will surrender." Then mumbles to himself, "As if that's going to happen."

"You two can't lose," continuing, "Being part demons you both want to be in a fight, a challenging fight. It'll be very tempting don't you agree? I'll give you foes that will make you break a sweat. Nothing compared to these ridiculous minions I've sent after you, they were only planted for the use of a set back." Twirling his mustache, he hisses, "a delay as you will, for you see, I needed Lucia to come after me to get you both here."

"Stupid plan. We were going to come after you anyway." Scoffs Dante.

"Well?? What's it going to be?" impatient now, Arius's eyes took on a strange light. "Let me introduce to you, Cornelius, one of the many challengers."

A great big dark lizard steps up, his tongue snakes out, "Your ass is mine, demon hunter"

Dante smiles tauntingly back "Bring it on."

Vergil who was silent the whole time, steps up from behind the shadows. "Dante, look"

Both brothers looked to see more challengers appear, all different races of monsters imaginable, from the deepest recesses of mankind's nightmares. Snake like creatures, wizard type beings cloaked in long gowns, cowl faced demons, long arms, legs, even robotic creatures ready to do some action, holding axe like weapons, the sockets of their eyes fathomless.

"Oh, yeah, I see alright." Dante nods to his brother.

"I don't know about you, bro, but I'd like to taste some victory if you know what I mean."

But of course, what's two half demons going to do? Say no to a challenge? Or rather to a bunch of challenges? Ah yeah, it was the most tempting offer, a palate of delectable daring to liberate two brothers for the chance at conquest.

"But first you let Lucia free. She comes with us." Vergil challenged. "I think she'd like to fight too."

Arius nods. What the hell he thought. That irritating Lucia can serve her purpose as well.

Lucia gives Vergil a look of something between gratitude and annoyance. She was glad of the offer and as she was being freed from her bounds, she stands next to the brothers.

"Then come, Sons of Sparda, come into my lair." Arius lets out a giggle. His white suit spotless, he motions for his adversaries to follow him into a portal that was immediately created by the snap of his fingers. How he attained such power, Dante was going to find out.

"Not without me!"

Everyone turns to see Trish at the doorway, her body tense with the heavy blade of Sparda at her grip. She takes off her dark sunglasses with the other hand. Shaking off her blond tresses to the side, her eyes defying Dante.

"Fuck if I'm going to be left behind."
