Fan Fiction ❯ Vergil and Dante ❯ Chapter 6: The Arena ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Ok, here’s the chapter 6 ! I didn’t have time to edit because of vacation but I wrote it in a simple style so it’s easy to read.

"Today is the greatest
Day I've ever known
Can't wait for tomorrow
I might not have that long
I'll tear my heart out
Before I get out

I tried so hard
To cleanse these regrets
My angel wings
Were bruised and restrained"
--Smashing Pumpkins

Chapter Six: The Arena

Arius rubs at his chin, picking at the bristles there and his face makes a bit of lemony twist. "Bring her along then, I have something for her as well."

Dante gives Trish a warning look. He approaches her as everyone goes into the open portal one by one. His face a mask of concern, "Trish, are you sure?"

"Never surer." she walks ahead of him. As she stands next to the portal, which makes a sucking noise, she turns at her demon hunter, gun at her hip, "Ready to take on the world? Well? Come on, babe." Trish motions her blond head then winks, disappearing into the time traveling black hole.

Dante shakes his head then smiles, being the last to follow her into the portal he whispers into the lonely chamber, "Yeah...let's rock, baby."

Trish and Dante stands at the perimeter above the ethereal forum, along with other beasts; exuding the energy of insanity and disorder, crying out for blood. The noises could wake the dead and our devil hunter notices that the arena is an enclosure of force field power, which surrounds the opponents within that inclusion.

Arius stands in the middle of the forum, looking like a circus leader, and it was unexplainable as to how dark his powers ran.

There in the center of the forum with Arius, standing apart; Vergil and the large creature as his contender. Vergil's features were always discernible, unable to fathom where his thoughts lay as he scans the forum with disinterest.

“Let the games begin”, roars Arius. “The first challengers, to my pleasure, Vergil and Serophine.”

Arius looks over at Vergil, winks, "I want to see some action, Son of Sparda, show me what you're made of."

Vergil laughs, "After I take care care of her, I'll deal with you next." then turns his attention to Serophine, the foul serpent now sliding her way toward her prey.

Serophine is a big serpentine creature and those unfortunate enough to come across her sees just a great big snake, with three heads, the one in the center larger than the other two. If a beast or challenger were to notice the slight differences, though small one could tell the other two were of no significance.

She on the other hand would wait it out until it was her turn and those closest to her paid her no mind; they couldn’t touch her if they wanted to anyway. She was protected for the time being, a future participant of the games and the upcoming challenges to prove if she was worthy for the fight.

Trish became a part of the game to prove to Dante and to somehow help them even if it meant the cost of her immortal soul. She knew she wasn't as strong as Vergil or Dante but she wanted to fight. Fight alongside Dante and hardly able to stand it, as she too burned to battle against the most challenging demons in an ethereal forum. Her blood roaring in her ears, and with a startling revelation, her fingers began to twitch around Sparda, too eager, she calmed herself. This wasn't good. She didn't want to be eager.

Staring around, Dante notices the others who had been chosen for the competition, they stood standing across from him, some transfixed at the bloody fight, waiting for a chance to partake. Was it because they wanted to prove to themselves that they were worthy or that they were powerful enough to do away with the rest of the underlings that were obviously here? Or was it the opportunity to kick some half demons ass all the way to hell and back?

“Let the games begin”, roars Arius. “The first challengers, to my pleasure, Vergil and Serophine.”

Arius looks over at Vergil, winks, "I want to see some action, Son of Sparda, show me what you're made of."

Vergil wanted to rip out Arius's throat but turns his attention to Serophine, the foul serpent now sliding her way towards her prey.

Serophine, true to the creatures name, is a large sinewy beast with three heads, the middle larger than the other two. Her opponent would clearly notice the slight differences, though small that the other two were of no significance.

Lucia watches the two opponents, biting her lip as she scans the arena floor, noting next to her, the lizard beast aptly named Cornelius, his eyes meeting hers, glinting in the yellow ugly light of the stadium. She can’t wait to rip those yellow eyeballs and hang it around her neck. Oh wow, she thought, when did she become so trophy hungry? That was Dante’s job.

She felt stupidly claustrophobic, in that place of terrible, open arena, suffocated by the intensity; the noise and the bodies of deformed fiends, pushing against her at times, perhaps on purpose. A whisper at her ear, hissing seductively,
“When it is your time, spawn of Arius…..”

At her shoulder, the cold blooded fiend hisses at her ear. She rolls her eyes and replies, "And what spawned you?

This little laugh startled the vampire, wondering what she had been drinking. He sneers, “Excuse me?”

“Maybe you’ll have to face me, vampire but I’ll let another take my place.” She taunts.

Smiling at the corners of his mouth, replying back, “We’ll see about that.” Then averts his attention to the main arena floor, noticing that the white haired young man owned too to his special ability.

The crowd roars as the two participants with the three headed Serophine snaking out to poison the agile half demon. Vergil cries out, baring his teeth, grabs a hold of the snakes neck, hanging on while the serpent twists and turns, shaking off his passenger, he stabs the offending beast with his sword, then double back flips away but not before the snake was able to sink his fangs into his ankle and lets go, with Vergil falling unsteadily to the ground.

“Aw shit! Now look what you went and done!” Vergil moans, more pissed off at the torn material of his pants, going all the way through his boots and in his flesh.

The serpent's other insignificant heads slashes out at him, Vergil rolls in and out of the sharp attacks, not realizing that their mistress caught him up, feet first up, up and away, the movements of her wiry assault sent him reeling into a frenzied roller coaster ride, all eyes on the forum following the darted figure held in a deadly grip.

Vergil curses his stupid luck and his body vibrates into hot red fire, ember glowing to release the clasp on him. The feeling within his veins like hot red coals, blasting and discharging energy into the serpents body, disintegrating the two other heads, then with a grin, he whispers, "Pathetic. Any last words?"

The snake hisses, "Not before I give you my affectionate embrace, here, let's have a kiss......" spraying poisonous gases that went to fill the air around them, a cloud of fumes like acid rain blinds Vergil, momentarily setting him back, his sword fell to the ground with a noisey clank. Blinking, he moves forward, he would not falter, no way, no way in hell......

The toxic immediately burning the half demons body, everyone could see the venom affecting him, the purple redness appearing immediately.

“What the fuck?” Dante moves forward. His brother can heal, he shares the same blood as him yet the affects of the poison was notably strong. But something was seriously wrong.

Vergil could feel the raindrops of the serpent’s powerful poisons in his hair, wet and sudden, and cold on the backs of his hands, his throat and willing himself not to succumb. He could feel the pull and rush of the moving stream of movement, the serpents body wiggling free of his deadly grip beneath his feet.

For just an instant, he felt that if he were to let go, he might be buoyed and swept up, caught on the quick movements of the sinewy creature, down and away into oblivion and then looked up for a moment, saw Dante above, his face a blur yet before he slowly fell into oblivion, Vergils lips opens in a sort of ecstasy, his glorious blue eyes alight with anticipation and something like excitement then all went black.