Fan Fiction ❯ Vergil and Dante ❯ The Cantos and chapters 7 and 8 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I was on vacation and one of my side trips ended up in Brugge, Belgium for a few days. It's great to get more inspiration from life experiences! My traveling companions and I were chuckling over some great ideas for the cantos in Dante’s Inferno, it was mainly inspired by the awesome awe-inspiring Salvador Dali’s depiction of Dante’s Divine Comedy. (All 33 cantos! If I may be bold to say, it was SUPER stupendously amazing! Wow! My partner rolled his eyes while I got into a deep discussion with a fellow art historian—you just got to love this stuff if you’re into it.) This is just a little preview from one of the cantos:

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“Cerberus, monster cruel and uncouth,

with his three gullets like a dog is barking

Over the people that are there submerged.”

-- Dantes Inferno


Dante: Hey Vergil, what’s going on with that dog over there?

Vergil: Oh him? *chuckles* that’s Cerberus. And those people there are in fear of him, cursed by the sins that brought them here, forever blighted by the presence of his barks and growls.

Dante: *Sputters* But …but…he’s just a cute little three headed puppy!

Cerberus runs around trying to bite his tail but with two other heads wanting to go the other way, the poor doggie couldn’t nip at it even if it tried. Scratching one of his heads with his paw, the adorable hound went nipping and playing, jumping in joyful glee around the sufferers. The puppy grabs at one of the bones and comes at them, wanting attention but the sufferers cry out louder, their strains of horrific agony could be heard to the next canto. Cerberus nudges the bone towards them, whimpers, then barks, jumps up and down, barks again and runs in circles while his tongue hangs out from the playful energy.

Sufferers: Ohhh, noooo, he’s coming back! Oh help us! Help us! *they all start crying, moaning, their faces in great fear*

Dante: *scratches his head* Well, I’ll be damned.

Vergil: Yep, forever cursed that Cerberus is this scary looking dog about to flay and rend their spirits. *shrugs* All he wants is to play!

The two half demons watch as they witness one of cute Cerberus heads, the one on the left trying to go one way whilst the other wanted to go the other, both barking and yelping. So doggedly determined, they’ll never get far and the middle head of Cerberus sleeps peacefully, and you can hear a snore rise up from his nostrils, making grunting groggily sounds.

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A side history from the author/ Had to translate this from German because the original written documents are not found in English anywhere and were only published in German literature:

The graphical series of the divine comedy of Salvador Dali has its origin in plans of the Italian government to honor the 700th birthday of the Italian poet Dante Alighiere. But as the project in the year 1954 in the public became known, there went a howl by the nation. The question arises as the public concern was; would the largely known Italian poet with the graphical series get out of hand to a Spaniards honor? That certainly could not be! And it became also not true. Under the wrath of the people and the pressure of the communist party, the project became a fall out. (damn those guys for ruining the fun *_* )


I thought that was an interesting little history. I tried to look for sites that show Dali's works on the Inferno and Paradiso but they are all in german and show only one painting.

I'll put more of these little fun cantos before my story chapters.

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(Takes place in DMC game, my take where some of the enemies of Dante hangs out)

Phantom: What a dumb piece of luck! Why does he get all the credit? I waste my ass down here frying for Mundus and what do I have to put up with? Vergil!! That rotten half demon gets all the credit! *spits on the ground, making big holey fire pits*

Griffon: Tell me about it. Hey! Watch where you're spitting, will ya? *grumbles and flaps his wings* I get put down here for guard duty, guard duty for what?? I gotta wait it out for that giant ugly glob called nightmare to duke it out with that brother of his, whassahisname? Dante or something and we're suppose to beat the crap out of him before he gets to Mundus. Guard duty my buttcheeks!

Phantom: Psst, quiet, here comes that Vergil. Look busy! *Phantom and Griffon start to whistle, the mutant spider-scorpion creature whistles out fire balls while the big bird whistles like a trombone*

Vergil: What are you two doing down here? You're suppose to be in two different areas! Get moving you lazy no good for nothing failures!

Griffon: *Whispers over to Phantom* Like he didn't get his ass kicked? hohoho!

Vergil: I heard that! *attempts to give Griffin a snarl* You want some of this? *instant translocation and some hup hup yah yah, growl growl, more hup hup and sword-martial arts trampoline ass kicking on Griffon*

Griffon: Ow! Cut it out! Yeah yeah, okay, I'm going, I'm going!

Vergil: Phantom?

Phantom: Wha-What?

Vergil: You want some too? *does a Neo pose from Matrix*

Phantom: Uh, not really. *shyly kicks a piece of rock with one of his crab looking legs*

Vergil: Then get moving, you big piece of lobster reject! *kicks him, sending him 10 feet away landing over on his back*

Phantom: What a dumb piece of luck! Wait till I get you back for this, Vergil! *tries to get back on six legs* Hmmmm....Uh someone, anyone, er.....Help?



Capcom owns DMC and their respective characters.

*(a/n): I'll add one of these for insight in between the storyline.

FINALLY...onto the story!


Dancing dark spots were the first things Vergil saw upon opening his eyes, he was conscious now, the poison ebbing away from his body and he hopes for a moment that he had been given release. It was Lucia who sat next to his body, administering a wet medicinal cloth to his injuries.

“Nothing to be worried about, oui? You’ll survive and good news, depending how you look at it. Guess what? Your lovely snake challenger just kicked the bucket so it looks like you’ll live to go on to the next challenge.”

“What happened? How could I have--?” he chokes. The smell of the herbs strong filling his nostrils to the point of suffocation. “Get that away from me, Lucia. I can heal!”

“Sit still. Your body is healing from the poisonous effects and this herb is very effective against many toxics.” she scolds, “I’ll tell you ALL about it, as soon as you lay still and let me finish up here.”

Angry at her words, he bit out, “If you’re done here, I’d like to get back out there.”

“Don’t you want me to tell you what happened?” Lucia’s shapely brow lifted.

“Don’t keep me in suspense.” Vergil tilts his head. “I remember my vision going black. That’s all.”

Lucia’s eyes widen, “Really?” then laughing, “You won’t believe what happened next. Your body devil triggers, I mean really devil triggers into something like Sparda! I wouldn't have believed it either if I didn't see it with my own eyes! And this right after that Serophine had you in her grips, Dante and Trish were ready to climb down and help but as you know we are refrained from doing anything to interrupt the event.” She aptly applies the last herbs and notices that his body heals fast.

“Yeah….and?” edgy now, he hated to wait for what clearly was a triumph for him, conscious or unconscious.

“Let’s just say, your demon ass thrashed her to the next underworld.” Standing, she perkly replies, “I want to go back, I might be next.” Then with a happy laugh, "Maybe I'll take on Arius." Then winks, departing out the door into the noisey forum, leaving the stunned Vergil, he yells out to the now empty room, "Not before me you won't!"

Vergil curses inwardly. It was just like the old days when he fought for Mundus. Not remembering a thing. Damn if he couldn’t just die and end the blight that courses through his body.

At the arena, the mass of fiends and beasts alike called out obscene screams and with guttural, unintelligible words, grunted approval at the upcoming event. (a/n:I mean, what do you expect? Have them all sitting around talking about Plato? Conversing over a cup of tea over who will win the next tournament?)

Okay, so one of their own but with the face of an Adonis and Dionysius alike, a half demon whose fathers name was infamous and filled with fear, (just to add that affect)

Now with renewed interest, shoves and pushes to get glimpses of Dante. Arius had introduced Dante and a new challenger, a shape shifter and then, Arius safely places himself above the forums ugly background. (I was thinking of the voice of that intro guy in DMC2 to say this)

Spardas son, liberating his brother Vergil and eradicating the demons of the underworld, became a celebrity as big as his father, taking Mundus into retirement. Delivering them all from evil. The lizard like creature approaches Arius, "He was suppose to be MINE!" hissing out at, the yellow slits of his eyes constricting in and out.

Arius waves him away, "You'll get your turn, I have something else in mind for you."

Now, in the forum below, with the visage of an avenging angel up against the shape shifter called Shifty

possessing too the power to control a mere mortal minds through his incredible ability to form another, tapping a little of what his foes possessed through memories and acquaintances.

Dante surveys his contender, measuring the movements and memorizes each challenger’s power and ability. Shifty is impatient for the fight makes the first move. The shape shifter’s form fell on him, only to find that the half demon’s blade held his own off.

The singing clash of strong steel resounding against the noisy background, making the shouts fade in the hazy backdrop of that quivering stadium, alive with skulls, maggots eating away at the rotting ground, not afraid of the commotion and the clamor, hoping for a carcass to come their way.

Dante’s strength; dominantly overmatches the other, pushing his foe back, the hunter’s sword coming closer each time, and with each thrust and strike, the shifter ran backwards to avoid another deadly blow. Shifty wickedly smiles, and shouts, “What is it you want, o’ fallen angel? This?”

He flew at him and his form shifted to a tall, large stone figure, with monstrous height and the heaviness that struck at the ground with a deafening sound as Dante rolls, a flash of quick silver away from the assault.

The granite weighty figure slowly gets up and being too sluggish, the demon flails away at the stones, chipping off blocks with his sword and the shape shifter screams, striking at the smaller figure at his shoulder.

With swift efficiency, Dante avoids each blow thinking this was too easy. Shifty transferring back and as quickly as he changed, switches to another form; a dragon with black charcoaled body and fire steaming out of his cavernous mouth blew in the direction of the devil’s way.

Dante’s quick reflexes changes him also, into his demons form; glowing red aura emitting to stay the flames harmful effects on his body but it was a moment too late before some of the blaze struck. His wings extended out to fly away from the dragon’s burning breath. The claws of the great creature whipped around to get at his opponent.

Above, Cornelius and a breathless Lucia stood side by side, watches in anticipation.

"So you make fun of my name eh? What name would you call me then?" his foul breath too close to her ears, Lucia stands silently, tolerating his presence and the hate he emits. Lucia thought of minty breath fresheners to pop into his mouth but curses herself for not bringing them.

“Not interested. Anything not ending in Latin, you know with “us”?” she mocks. Her eyes riveting to the players down below, not losing sight of Dante and the forbidding figure of the shape shifters impressive transformation. Great Dragon of ancient lore, those spoken in hushed whispers and feared hearts. She had great faith in Dante. This malicious shape stealer couldn’t take this demon hunter down. No way in hell.

The reptile beside her kept pestering, “What think you? Between the immortal with the humans’ blood or the pathetic shape shifter?”

Daring not to answer, she knew as well as he that the winner would be the obvious. Her eyes studies the moves of the hunter, quick, efficient and well versed in weapons, the modern mans guns at his side. Not once used. Dante was the best shooter around and he wasn't even using them!

Feeling a little sorry for the shape manipulator, the young woman measures each move the devil hunter makes, her intake of breath too loud in her ears as Dante’s moves went in and out of his challengers attack, clearly playing around.

Dante was too agile, too rapid even for his tall, finely toned body, the demon form was temporary and he struck at the back of the dragons great tail.

Shifty let out a scream, re-shifting back to his former self. With all he could muster, he let his sword skills take over, fuck the shape shifting and fight the demon head on, he rages in his head. But his injuries were great and Dante’s own small wounds had begun to heal as rapidly.

In his attempt to make the fight fair, Shifty wasn’t going to give up just yet. As the immortal demonic man saunters up to him to strike the final blow, the shift transforming, revealing a familiar vision, the sharp end of the sword just inches away from the white throat of the face that possessed Trish, her eyes, dark blue in that violent haze of sadistic setting, looking into the demons steel blue eyes. Dante stops, his hand wavers, shock registering in that instant.

Trish herself gasping from above, witnessing the devious strategy, her throat dry from the vision of herself in that arena below, amongst the array of broken skulls and maggots, the red blood earth beneath them, a strong contrast to her mirror image; a yellow white glow from her skin and her classic features perfect against the myriad of skeletons, open scars of rock and dirty limestone.

“Maybe the shape shifter knows what goes on in that demons heart. hehe.” The reptile chuckles in mischievous amusement at the new turn of events.

Shifty's new shape gave new excitement to the crowd; streams of obscenity could be heard from the beasts above.

“Dante, please. Don’t hurt me. I need you.” The voice was exactly as her own and continues to draw near the half demon in mid pause.

Shifty grips at the sword behind him, preparing for the surprise attack, edging his way closer to the hunter’s heart, easy now, he thinks quietly, closer now. Closer…..closer....closer.......closer.....closer....closer.... (a/n: ok, I'll stop! haha)


Trish stood from above, watching warily, and turns angry at the depiction of helplessness in her likeness could only stare at disbelief.

"The frickin' nerve of him! humpf! I'm not nearly so pale, am I?"

Shifty took this opening, focusing on the hunter's heart, just missing the target as Dante moves too quickly, avoiding the deadly blow, but taking the slight injury to his arm, ripping the jacket seams from his arm, blood brightly showing from the damage.

"Yeah, right, as if that's going to happen." Dante ridicules, "'Sides, I've had my heart and chest stabbed into before." with that last statement, he looks up at Trish. Her cheeks burning at that old memory.

Then without a moment’s hesitation, swings his blade at the false image in front of him, causing Shifty to cry out in the woman’s form. Her imaginative body strikes against the back of the serrated walls of the enclosed arena. Blood dripping down the front of the clothing, stark white against a crimson array artistically scattered, and a trickle of blood fell out of the soft mouth, gagging.

“Stop! I quit! I admit defeat!” Shifty cries out in agony and whimpers, Dante pauses above the young woman’s body, watching warily as Shifty's make shift eyes looks up at his deliverer. Knowing what the shape shifter had done, giving in without a fight to the death was the worst possible thing to do in this chaotic asylum.

He had signed his death warrant.

Now the fiends above and anyone else could not give him deference. He might as well be dead. Dante lowers his sword and walks away. Throngs of monstrous beasts crying out, hissing and booing at the turn of events calling out for the shape shifter’s blood, to end his miserable life, but Dante had sealed his miserable fate.

Dante rolls his head from side to side, making a slight creaky noise as his neck loosens up from all that muscle tension, and checking his injuries, lifts both his shoulders as if to adjust his attire, the red-black jacket flying behind him, sauntering out of the arena, looking like some bad ass cowboy who had clashed with the terminator. Raising his head brought about a dull but manageable ache and assesses the crowd above.

Annoyance gripping at his gut, he grits his teeth, the small closure of hesitation during the fight cost him some time. Neo used the image of his mother and Trish in one, wavering between the motherly appearance and his now sexy partner. Just like Mundus, and you think he’d have learned his lesson by now. Obviously not! A strange wild card. He shakes his head.

Vergil lounges lazily against the pillars surrounding the discarded arena, surveying the events past, evaluating the presence of the other competitors. He had been quiet; witnessing his brothers’ event, knowing that shape shifter wasn’t even a challenge for Dante. He had felt a whole lot better, the poisons completely out of his system and not wasting precious time to watch his brother’s fight.

The noises dimming for Arius's next announcement, his body became alert as Vergil lowers his lids to guess at the next challengers.

Arius’s voice, becoming more high pitched and excited turned shrilly, he shouted out to the crowd, introducing the next challengers to the mass of blood thirsty fiends. “This next event will delight you all!”

His small hands waving around, and then in the direction of the crowd’s denseness, His dark eyes dilated, “You want to see your enemy’s most beloved fall at your feet? There!” pointing at Trish, “A demon shaped by Mundus’s hands among you is the next challenger!”

The throng of monsters with their oh’ so attractive variable guttural sounds became delirious,

obscene gestures and mocking vicious declarations were thrown at her,

realizing the blue-purple of her eyes weren't quite closed;

she was squinting carefully at the non-sky, quite composed at her ambiance. And humming to herself.

Not the time to be eager, Trish, she says to herself. Ignoring the throngs of evident lust and hate secreting from her enemies, she took a dive into the stadium floor, hitting the ground with ease and grace.

Her challenger, to her astonishment was that nasty creature, aptly named Cornelius, wondering if the ugliness of his demeanor was caused by the christening of his name. To the reptile's delight, his elongated meandering tongue strikes forward, wanting to taste her fleshly white skin.

His tail, green and scaly whips at her frantically and tries to capture her quick movements. Her body flies out of harms way in the airless atmosphere behind. Trish's booted feet, quick and nimble spins harmoniously with her body, gliding airlessly in the space between them, she was quicker than his slow movements, agility and experience was on her side but the big lizard was strong.

She kept moving, finally taking out her pistols, shooting bullets into his thick skin, they bounced off his crusty hide. Damn--she thinks in a quick repentance, gotta do something fast! Trish gets out Sparda and throws it; the blade goes spinning in the air, landing in deadly circles around the body of Cornelius, causing major damage.

This is my chance! Trish cries out in her mind, crashing against him, maneuvering Sparda right back where it belongs, until with great speed, she pins the lizard beast against the wall with a horrible thud, the crowd’s voices elevating to a powerful pitch.

Her strength with the energy bolt running through her body made her as powerful as any man or beast there. Cornelius chokes as her deadly grip situated itself at his throat. Her sword coming out of her back, unsheathes, making the first attempt to strike.

She didn’t look quite like the angelic mother that everyone assumes her to be, just like Eva was, no, she was Trish, not Eva, TRISH! Her voice grates, “Say goodnight, ugly!”

Whipping out his tongue in a desperate attempt to save himself from humiliation, Cornelius stays her hand. His tongue lashing its way around her sword hand, then with great strength pushes his way with the back whip of his tail, causing her to stun.

“Not just yet, sweetling.” he hisses maliciously. “Not before I get to taste your flesh beneath me.”

His tongue, stinging like a sharp tool, encloses at her waist in a sudden movement, so quick to caress her breasts. Rage nearly choking at her but she remains focused, this was so disgusting, UGH! Talk about someone with hygiene problems with a bad case of raging hormones!

The ease to which her movements deny the observer what she would do next. Her free hand grabs at the stinging tongue and freeing the other, pierces the object that enfolded her, releasing the embrace. She makes a backward flip, distancing herself and the lizard brute.

The wounded tongue made her challenger cry out in pain. Blood oozes out like acidic foam.

The glint of his yellow eyes sharpens, and he cries out, charging at her in fury. Missing her each time as she evades him as easily then swinging a furious side kick, unbalancing his chaotic moves. There were no rules in this game, baby!

"You might want to ask a lady before you use that tongue again!" doing another side round house kick, her boots made contact again and again, disorienting her opponent, the black yellow eyes glazing over as his tongue hangs limply out.