Fan Fiction ❯ Vergil and Dante ❯ Final chapters and a bit of canto madness! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Who’s in charge of my head today,
dancin’devils in angels way,
it’s my time now
…it’s my world, you can’t have it”
--My world, by Metallica

A/N: I want to finish this so I conglomerated 2 chapters in one page. This is what I did in the previous pages as well. But first a little canto-madness from me.
CANTO VII:...... .” Son, thou now beholdest
The souls of those whom anger overcame”
(Inferno VII 115-116)

Dante: Hey Vergil, what the hell are those guys doing in that dirty water!? It’s all muddy and black!

Vergil: Oh that is the notorious River Styx and home the wrathful and the gloomy.

Dante: Shit, I’d be gloomy and wrathful too if I had to live in there.

Dante walks up to the rivers edge. He peers down at the people in pain and agony.

The wrathful and the gloomy: Ohhhh, we are the wrathful and the gloomy. We have lived cruel and vindictive lives!! Boohoo! We are so mean and evil!

Dante: Guess you guys are all stuck in there. Well you guys shouldn't have been so cruel and vindictive then huh?

Some of the wrathful and the gloomy stand up and the waters knee deep!

Dante: ??

Vergil: Ah, brother, that’s their bane. Ironically they can’t seem to get out of their predicament.

Dante: Oh look a boat coming this way!

Vergil: Hm, that must be our ride!

A boat passes them and it was full of people and Vergil shakes his head.

Vergil: Wrong boat.

Dante: What do you mean?

Vergil: See there on the side of the boat?

Dante: I see………trying to make out the words…..T I T A N I………and one letter is smudged.

Vergil: Oh, there’s our boat now!

Dante: Where we headed?

Vergil: The wood of the Suicides!

Dante: Sounds like fun.

Vergil: It’s not what you think.

Dante: What? Aren’t the souls there condemned because they have taken their own lives?

Vergil: Yeah, but they get to watch suspense movies all day all night!

Dante: Whoa! That doesn’t sound too torturous!

Vergil: It is………if you’re hanging on the edge of your seat at every cliffhanger moment and you NEVER EVER knows what happens!!!

Dante: Oooooo. Ouch.

A/N: Ok, ^_^ I just couldn’t help myself and share those to you guys.
So onto the rest of the chapters and this to my great relief is almost done!

CHAPTER 9: Lucia Goes For It!

Dante watches with something akin to pride at Trish, impressed at her incredible speed and agility and the magnificence of her fighting skills. It seemed almost too cruel to put her against Cornelius who, bleeding and limping now flailed at her with his injured tongue and swinging tail, his four legs jumping at her direction while each time she nimbly avoided without damage to his person.

Yes, even too cruel for that despicable reptile. Dante shouldn't have been bowled over, really. She held guts within like she held his sword; in a deadly grip, repeating strokes that cut through the air and made a new composition. Like a waltz in the air. If she wanted to, she could fight more rapidly. With more force than the lot of them, making fluid quick actions in the air, and on the floor with her booted foot making whisper nicks at the side of graveled stone. The collision of sword and the speed of guns creating bright sparks bounce in his line of vision. He lounges back with a grin on his face and folds his arms.

Arius became disturbed at the presentation before him. Nothing was going the way he wanted. Did he expect to actually beat the devil hunter and his friends? Bah. If it gets too hot for him he’d make head way for the exit but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to see the outcome of the fight. He was as much of an excited spectator as the next person. Yet the workings of his evil mind began to tick loudly. He grumbles to himself--stupid reptile got his ass kicked royally and Trish saunters out of the arena like some kind of world championship fighter about to receive her gold medal.

From how the blonde fought, it was obvious the reptile needed more skill to get around her and knew that Trish could have easily destroyed his trustworthy servant. She was only biding her time to make a final kill. Cornelius was laughable as he chased and injured himself at the young woman’s beating. It was the worth the lengthy performance that excited these stupid fools around the statuesque blonde with a body that looked fragilely deceptive. Trish knew how to win her fans didn’t she?

He watches her with growing interest. There was not even a drop of sweat in the young woman’s chaste face. Dark thoughts of all their powers and their lineage stamps in his mind all too well. The need was so great as to possess everything they all represented offered itself to him in a tempting palate. He didn’t even have the patience of a monk. He’d have to do something. The idea in his mind was too precious to not give birth to! It was difficult for these lower minions of the underworld to fight against these devil hunters. He had to put them against each other.

The next battle announced held everyone in suspension.

Lucia goes up against Vergil.

Vergil draws a sharp breath in as he pushes himself away from the columns he had reclined against and couldn’t believe his ears. What the fuck? He had his fight with the damned serpent and now goes against one their own? Shit--and she looks as if she isn't too unhappy about it either!

Lucia jumps at the opportunity to kick some Vergil Sparda ass. She didn’t particularly care that it wasn’t one of the stupid and ridiculous foes in the crowd. Judging from what she saw, they have proved to be so easy to defeat as Dante, Vergil and Trish had gone against. This time she’ll get a REAL fight. A good challenge. Besides, she wouldn't mind showing a thing or two to put Vergil in his bad ass arrogant selfish self in place. The thought drew a wide grin from her and double somersaults into the air, landing with a thud on the ground with both booted feet making dust swirl around her like a cloud.

“Avancé vers le bas! N'ayez pas peur !"

Vergil half smirks, and replies languidly--and half jokingly, "Oh great, sure, speak french to me now, Lucia. I'd rather you do that on our third date."

"There won't be a first one to begin with!"

The redhead scathes in hot anger at his insolence and daring. The fact that Vergil took pleasure at this gave her more need to beat his Sparda ass into the ground.

From above the arena floor, Trish walks up to Dante and whispers,
"I think we should do something about this, Dante. There's no need to waste any time! The crowd is incessant with madness and they're distracted. We should take Arius now."

Dante tries to shoo her, waving his hand towards her to be silent.
"Wait till Vergil and Lucia fight one on one. This is gonna be good!"

Trish heard his chuckles and shakes her head.

"I can't believe you! Lucia and your brother are NOT suppose to go against eachother. We're suppose to go after...."

"Babe, you're becoming tense as a virgin on her wedding night so loosen up and have some fun. Vergil and I will take care of things. You watch carefully and take things from there." with that confident reply he reaches over and whispers, "Maybe afterwards....."

Trish couldn't believe her ears! Dante was making her feel like some giddy school girl in the middle of a demons forum surrounded by hundreds of their worst kind. Shouts and screams seem to be drowned out as Dante had resumed his position to watch the event. She was left there not knowing what he had whispered! The jerk! They obviously had a plan and they didn't let her in on it! Did Lucia know?
She peers over the colleseum and decides to trust in Dante. Besides, if she couldn't kick Vergil's ass, maybe Lucia will. When Vergil had left her behind to fight against an army of secretaries she wanted to get back at him. The french woman below looks like she can handle him. This made her smile.

Vergil and Lucia pace around eachother. Grinning, Vergil taunts Lucia with one of his come and get me looks and his challenger felt the rage of disgust checked inside. He even took the time to brush back his hair with the swift caress of his hand.

"You're unbelievable!" Lucia cries out as she takes the first plunge and the first stab!

Vergil dodges out of her way but gets a few daggers stuck in his chest and leg. "Damn, you know how to get to a guys heart don't you?"

"Stop joking around like a horny leech and fight like a man!"

"A horny leech? Didn't they teach you better comebacks in Vie de Marli? Ah well, I can be both. A horny leech of a man." Vergil laughs, thinking he had made a good joke out of it and Lucia growls--the man is infuriating!

With whiplash agility, Lucia does a backflip over to avoid her opponents energy ball--a blue white hot flame that will render anyone with some major damage! Then in fluid movement, the redhead boldly goes up close to do a few thrusting kicks and Vergil shields the attack with his sword. The sounds of hard boots against metal making loud echoes in the frenzied arena. They could hear the roars above in feverish pitch, going wave after wave of uneven screams. You'd think that these demons had nothing better to do than exert their vocals and lust for first cut of blood.

Without a moments notice, Dante's brother takes a more forceful approach and back slashes with a dynamic push against his challenger, sending her back onto the ground on her ass. With this opening, he quickly pounces on top of her, his face just inches from hers.

"Had enough?"

Lucia opens her lips slowly, almost seductively and her one green sparkling visible eye stares back at his, "Depends."
she heard his intake of breath and knees him in the groin.

"Fucking shit! That wasn't necessary." Vergil groans in pain and slightly doubles over.

Dante from above laughs, "Oh man, that's gotta hurt." then looks at Trish, "Ready, babe?"

Trish blinks, "Huh?"

"It's almost time."

Trish opens her mouth in surprise, "Excuse me? I...."

"Just get ready to double trigger out of here when me and Vergil start, alright?"

With that little bit of information, Trish grinds her teeth. "I think Verge needs more help down there if he keeps it up with Lucia. And why am I the only one who doesn't know about this? Does she....?"

"Lucia knows."

"Oh really?" lifting one shapely brow, she glances back at the arena floor,"From my view, it appears as if she's doing more to put Vergil out of commission than help."

Below, with her opponent momentarily stunned, Lucia takes her chance to back kick him with her own energy bolt as she goes in devil trigger mode for a second--sending him flying back on his backside and staring up at the sky. Then before he has the opportunity to bounce back from that blow, she's on top of him. Her knife readied at his throat and her lips close to his ear.

"If you're ready. I am." her french accent came in a thick whisper.

Groaning, Vergil couldn't figure out if she was either teasing him or making light of the whole situation. He didn't really want to fight her but she was determined and all he could do was defend his honor--though most of it pained him below the belt.

"As ready as I'll ever be." he harshly replies.


CHAPTER TEN: The Final Countdown!

Lucia pulls Vergil up to his feet with the ball of her fists wrapped around his collar. Vergil pushes her away, "I can take care of it! Damn, are all you french women pushy?"

"Only to you."

"Now that's just being prejudiced, you know that? You don't even know me. Maybe if you did, you'd actually come to like me."

"So sure of yourself, aren't you? You're not even trying your best to fight me! What's the matter? Am I not challenging enough for you? I would LOVE to keep fighting."

"Well, come on! I've got time. If you want more of me--take me." With that last retort, he teleports himself around her and uses the butt of his sword with enough force to knock her ten feet back. She recovers quickly and rolls into his peripheral area to jump over and cut him with her throwing knives. With as many as she throws, they felt like tiny bites of savage piranhas on Vergils skin.

They resume their fighting, Lucia making battle cries as she throws her daggers in the air toward him and Vergil deflecting them with his sword every so often. The sharp objects hit the dusty ground around them and the redheaded lass quickly grabs them on her way as she forward lunges. Vergil then translocates himself in areas where she least suspects it. Once grabbing her from behind to hold her fast and translocate her with him. That brought a surprise to her face and she elbows him sharply in the process.

"Ask before you do that!"

"OOOF! Fuck! What's the matter? Can't a guy take you for a ride?"

The fight ensues for several more minutes, Lucia flying out of the way as Vergil attempts to use his sword to lunge at her. He really didn't want to hurt her but she was asking for it the way she kneed him in the groin and called him names.

"Had enough?" she calmly replies, her breath coming in fast. Noting that her voice came on a little shakier this time, and her attire stained and torn from a hard fought and playful battle, it was a wonder she continued on as she did, trying to prove something.

The man across her, gasps for air and manages to say, “Yes, enough. You’re obviously very well trained. I can’t deny that. It’s been a pleasure.”

He stepped slowly away, as if he didn’t trust her. Trust her? Vergil scoffs inwardly, almost laughing out loud. She had the blood of a demon and the purity of a human that she was suppose to be. If no one believed that blood lines and ancestry were partly responsible for the characteristics of your temperament then he must beg to differ.

Vergil looks up, searching for Dante. The signal--quick and ready, brought on the initial round of surprise!
The noises in the arena rose to a high pitch and Dante devil triggers his way up above--firing rounds of ammunition into every demon there! Vergil does the same, the twin of the same blood, forward double flips over onto the walls and flies up to give more of his energy balls into the surprised audience of demons.

Lucia takes this well opened chance to fly up in her white glorious glowing devil trigger mode, white wings spanning out and sharp blades shooting out like silver bullets. The target--Arius!

Arius was deeply enraged at this turn of events and he tries to call his minions but they were otherwise preoccupied at the scene of madness and mayhem from the repeated attacks Dante and Vergil brought on. He creates a portal and tries to run away but Trish, who takes a break from throwing Sparda whizzing in the air--decapitating a dozen demons in it's wake comes up against Arius, stopping him from entering his time continuum.

"Play times over, Arius! Your ass is history!"

Lucia and Trish both attack him before he goes into his Arius disembodied mode (or was that ONLY for last time?) The pathetic part of it was, was that he was too easy to beat with all his minions too busy to fight off the blasts and the shooting of gunfire coming from Dante. The head chopping and teleporting manipulations from Vergil--avoiding attacks and giving it back with full fury. Trish uses Ifrit moves to finish him off and just in time for Sparda to come swinging back into her hands, stained with new blood and sharper than ever!

The entire arena was demolished. Many of the demons were eradicated and the few that could escape were less worthy to fight with anyway. Vergil recieved several wounds in the process, his energy dipping lower than Dantes since the previous fight with Lucia and the serpent had drained him. Dante used the magical rounds of his ammunition to wipe out the last departing demons. Blasting them to shattered pieces. The sounds of Ebony and Ivory making a symphony that created new music.

In the aftermath, Trish in her leather attire covered in bloodstains wipes off the rest of her hands and exclaims in anger, "I swear! I am going to have to get a new wardrobe!"

"You should, Trish. Dante and myself got the demin look awhile back. You should try it!" Lucia pipes in.

Dante grunts in, "Humpf, I didn't exactly like them on me. I looked really lame."

Vergil laughs, "What's wrong? Thought you looked kind of like a pussy? A lame ass devil hunter wuss!"

At that taunting remark, Dante starts to go at it with his brother, jaw punching and fist fighting on the floor, both struggling to see which one would win. Since Dante had the most strength at the moment, he had the upper hand and was about to beat Vergil until Lucia stops him.

Trish stands idly by shaking her head at the display of brotherly affection. "I swear! I am going to have to get a new occupation!"

Dante looks up at Lucia in a stunned expression. "Uh, yes?" His fist was going to make one last contact with his brothers face. Vergil lay there groaning in agony and he wonders how much longer his healing system was going to kick in before he can gain strength to teach his little brother a lesson in humility andreturn the favor.

"Cet homme est le mien."

Dante let that sink in and nodded his head. He got off his brother and walks over to Trish who stared back at him with some confusion. She was still wiping off the rest of the blood that stuck to her body. Damn if she had less clothes than anyone else! It did no good for a girl like her. Blood on skin just doesn't bode too well for her complexion. Yet she was curious as she asks Dante,

"You understood her?"

"Not really. But I thought she might want a few minutes alone with Vergil."

The moment Vergil opened his eyes, he sees two bright green eyes staring back at him. Or was it because his vision was so blurry that he was seeing double?

"Je vous ai pensé peut-être et est-ce que je pourrais aller cette date après tous?"

The smile on his face split into a grin, his handsome bruised face alight with a mischevious glint.
"Je vous ai connu viendrais autour tôt ou tard."

You could hear Lucia's quick intake of breath and her eyes had widened in complete shock.

Trish and Dante turned around to hear the resounding slap and an angered Lucia stomping away.

~~~The end~~


a/n: for those who want to know the translations:

"Cet homme est le mien."= this man is mine.

Je vous ai pensé peut-être et est-ce que je pourrais aller cette date après tous?" =
Perhaps I thought you and I could go this date after all?

"Je vous ai connu viendrais autour tôt ou tard." ="I knew you would come around sooner or later."