Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding bells ❯ Wolverine's letter ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don not own the charters of x-men only the story line. I am not making a profit of this story. This story contains violence and sexual situations. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE'S ACTIONS.
Chapter 3
Wolverine's letter
Wolverine was now in his room trying to figure out if Storm would ever marry him. On top of that he was also trying to figure out how to tell his first class that Professor X died.
Wolverine was lying on his bed when he looked over at his bedside table on saw a piece of paper there and immediately picked it up. He had hoped it was from Storm but instead it was a letter from Professor X. Next to the letter was a drink. It looked like someone had thrown up in his cup.
So he read the letter. It said this
To Wolverine
You were and still are the bravest man. I have been watching you these pat couple of weeks. You have been looking as if you wanted to ask a question. I know what question you want to ask and who you want to ask it to.
Wolverine thought `How does he know what I've been thinking.'
His answer came next in the letter.
You have been wondering if Storm will ever marry you. If you ask her she might say yes. She has always wanted to be with you and she even said she would have a child as long as it's by you.'
This scared Wolverine a little too much. He thought `so that's why Storm is acting strange lately.'
He made a mental note to ask Storm about this.
He read on
Now I know this may upset you because you don't want to work alongside Iceman but you need to work with him there is something going to happen if you don't. He is like a brother to you. You both are alike in some ways. I did write him a letter also.
This drink next to your letter is something you NEED to drink.
Forever and always
Professor X
He now looked at the drink. It had turn from the someone had thrown up in my drink to a perfect shade of blue and smelt strongly of dequilla and blue raspberries.
He drank it all in one gulp.
He felt warmth and confidence for the first time in a long time. He also felt as if he could walk up to Storm's room and ask her to marry him right now. But he thought of her feelings. He knew she would still be upset at the death of the professor.
So he thought and thought of a way to ask her when she was feeling better. In the mean time he was thinking of buying her a dozen roses and something else to make her feel better. He thought of a card. He thought of a stuff animal.
He thought to himself `what if she hates all my gifts.' `I'll give anything to have her forever.'
He started feeling as though the whole world was against him. He was hoping she'd say yes. He was expecting her to say no.
He thought to himself `I'll die if I don't get her. I can't go on without her. She's my life, my soul. She has my heart.'
He now felt angry with himself for thinking that Storm would have him.