Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding bells ❯ A Shocking discovery ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't not own the charters only the line. Anyone under the age of 18 PLEASE quit reading. I'm not making a profit of this story.
Chapter 2
A Shocking Discovery
The next day Nightcrawler came with several papers in his hand.
Everyone looked confused and still upset at the death of Professor X.
Storm asked Nightcrawler “what are you doing here?”
Nightcrawler answered “I have some papers I need to give you all. The professor wants you to read them by yourselves and not talk to anyone about them. He also hid a drink for all you which I will be right back after I hand these out”
Nightcrawler cam back a few minutes later. He told all of them “now you will need to drink these by yourselves as well.”
They all were shocked and even more confused then before.
Wolverine asked “why do we have to read and drink those by ourselves. And why can't we tell anyone about it?”
Nightcrawler just said “that's what Professor X said. I have to go by what he says. Weather or not I want to.”
Storm thought to herself `the Professor would never do this without telling us we can't share what was in those papers. Would he?'
Jean Gray thought to herself `why would the Professor prohibit us from sharing what is in those papers. All I wanted to do was share them with Cyclops because I love him and I thought he had the right to know.'
Wolverine who by now wanted to hurt Nightcrawler very badly thought `the Professor would tell us not to share something this important with each other. All I wanted to do is share mine with Storm because I love her too much to hide anything.'
Cyclops thought `man this sucks bad. Since when can't we share what we want to share with other people. All I wanted to do was share my paper with Jean Gray because I love her.'
Storm said to Nightcrawler “The Professor wouldn't tell us not to share whatever is in those papers. What are those papers for anyway?”
Nightcrawler who was waiting for someone to ask that question. He answered “There the wills that you need to read by yourselves that is exactly what he ordered me to tell you. We all know not to disobey the Professor even if he is dead”
“So what your saying is that because there wills for us only that we can't share them with each other?” asked Jean Gray in a confused manner.
Everyone was shocked because Jean Gray hadn't talked since the talk with Cyclops and Wolverine and Storm.
Nightcrawler answered “yes Jean Gray that is true. I know that if I got a will separate the others I would want to share mine with the others as well. But sometimes we can't always do what we want weather or not we like it.”
Cyclops said “this sucks meagerly. Why can't we share them if WE want to?”
Nightcrawler was beging to get sick of answering the same question over and over as he finally yelled it “BECAUSE THE PROFESSOR SAID SO. Now please quit asking the same fucking question in different words you're driving me mad. And all I can do is say the same damn thing and I'm sick of it.”