Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding bells ❯ Tender Moment ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the charters only the story line. If under 18 please stop reading. I'm not responsible for any behavior or any parents who get angry for their children reading this.
Chapter 1
A Tender Moment
Everyone was upset and devastated by the death of Xavier. Wolverine had to calm down Storm who by now was crying so hard that not only rain was coming down but so was lightening.
Cyclops was trying his best to calm down Jean Gray.
Storm was remembering every good moment with Xavier. She thought of the first day she arrived at the school `Xavier asked me to be a teacher here and help the children. And when I said yes, he was so happy.'
Wolverine was remembering the first day he met Xavier. He thought `it's all thanks to Xavier for bringing me here after he took me from that hellhole I was in.' he said “how can he die?”
Cyclops was remembering anything he can. The only thing that he was able to think about was Jean Gray. He thought I wish I could ask Jean Gray to marry me without me using my power if she said no.' Wolverine who knew what was going through Cyclops's head because he was thinking the same thing said to Cyclops to where no one can hear him “I'm thinking the same thing you are.” Now Cyclops asked him “what do you mean you know what I'm thinking?” Wolverine said “I'll tell you later.”
Jean Gray was crying and trying to remember what she can. All that came to her was when Xavier introduced her to Cyclops. She thought `Cyclops is sooo handsome. Why won't he ask me to marry him? Doesn't he love me and does he thin I'll say no to him.' Storm looked at Jean Gray and said in a rather loud voice “I know how you feel.” And then in a lot quieter voice “about wishing Cyclops would ask you to marry him.” Jean Gray smiled and said “But why don't they”
The guys were now confused about what was going on. They asked the girls in unison “what are you guys talking about?”
The girls said “we aren't talking about anything important. Why do you ask?”
Whatever the girls were talking about the guys let it go.
When wolverine was able to get Cyclops alone he said “what I meant by I know what your thinking is you were thinking about how to ask Jean Gray to marry you. Am I right?” Cyclops said “your right. But how did you know that?” Wolverine said “because I was thinking the same thing with Storm. That's how I know.”
They all went up to their rooms.
No one could remember what happened next because they all fell into a deep sleep.
The next day Jean Gray and Storm had managed to get up before the boys did and made breakfast for them. When Wolverine and Cyclops woke up and went for a bowl of cereal Jean Gray and Storm stopped them and said “we made breakfast”
The boys were surprised that the girls woke up before them for once, but to make breakfast as well. Now they were more confused then the night before. Which they remember so well.
They asked “what the hell is going on.”
The girls had to act surprised and asked “what do you mean?”
The boys said in unison “you're asking us what we mean. Well here is what we mean. For one you were talking about something last night and when we asked about it you said you weren't talking about anything. And two you managed to wake up before us and make breakfast. Tell us please what the hell is going on?”
The girls gave up and said “we just want to show you how much we love and care for you. Is that a problem?”
The guys said in a confusing voice “no it isn't a problem. We are trying to figure out what is going on.”
The girls asked them “why don't you tell us what you were talking about? And don't say you weren't talking about anything. We overheard the conversation.”
They asked “which part of the conversation did you hear.”
The girls said “the part where you said `I know what you're thinking'”
All the guys could do was smile at each other. This made the girls angry.
They asked “what are you smiling about. Especially at each other?”
The guys said “well….well…we had a question for you but…but….we don't know how to ask it without you guys saying no.”
Jean Gray looked at Cyclops and asked “what is the question?”
Cyclops answered “it is nothing important. That's all.”
“Then why did you stutter?” Asked Storm.
Wolverine said “just nervous. That's all.”
Jean Gray and Storm knew that was an unlikely story. They obviously had something on their minds but they wouldn't say it. So they let it go.
They hoped and wished they would say what they were talking about. But they didn't push it too far because they knew what could happen if they did.
Wolverine and Cyclops wished they came out and asked the question. The only problem is they were scared to do so.
All of them wished that Xavier was here to help them through this whole mess. They knew that he wasn't coming back. So they gave up hope on the question.
All of a sudden Jean Gray was in tears and no one knew why. Cyclops asked her what was wrong. But she wouldn't answer to anything. Storm even tried.
They had wished that whatever put Jean Gray in this mood had a good reason for it.
Storm thought `f I ever found out why she's in this mood I'll put the sunshine back in the sky. Until then it'll be rainy until she will say something' After that it was rainy all day and night.
Cyclops thought `I wish I can do something to help her. I would do anything including making love to her physically and sexually. As long as she would feel better'
Wolverine thought `I wish I can help her. I wish she would let Cyclops hold her. Maybe then she'd feel better. I know I would if I was her and Storm was holding me.' A smile crept across Wolverine's face when he thought that.
Cyclops and Wolverine decided on making dinner that night. Storm asked “what are you making?” Wolverine said “it's a surprise.”
When Cyclops yelled dinner, everyone came running except Storm and Jean Gray who were trying to figure out why the guys did this. When Storm and Jean Gray came in Wolverine and Cyclops had a smile on their faces as they led the girls to different tables away from the children. Both tables were set for two and had candles on them.
It was Jean Gray and Storm's turn to ask “what the fuck is going on?”
“We only wanted to surprise you tonight.” Said Wolverine.
Storm whispered “this is weird” to Jean Gray.