Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Deadly Disaster ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Deadly disaster:

Authors note: Jewels also helped me with this chapter.

Go-chan, Ben, and the kids arrived at the fair. Go-chan headed straight for the line to get Muzai's autograph while Ben and Rae took Jewels, Kat, Tifa and Jade to go on the rides.

"I want to go on the spinning ride!!" Tifa said as she pointed to the ride.

"I want to go on the flying upside down thing." Kat said as she pointed to the ride.

"Uh… I don't think your old enough Kat.." Rae said with a sweat drop on her face.

"Awww…" Kat said with disappointment in her voice.

"Lets go on the spinning ride we can all fit on that one!" Ben said as he rushed over to the line for it.

"Yay!! Uncle Ben is so cool!!" Tifa said as she quickly followed behind him. Rae just sighed as she thought how cute Ben looked when he was all happy and excited. They all then got onto the spinning ride.

"Hi Muzai will you sign these for my daughter and nieces and me?" Go-chan asked Muzai as she put five pictures of her to signature. Muzai had a huge sweat drop from having so many to sign from just one person.

"Sure." Muzai said with a smile as she started to sign them as Go-chan told them the names. She then handed Go-chan the pictures with the signatures.

"Thank you so much Muzai! I love all the movies you've been in!" Go-chan said as she tried to make conversation with her. Muzai looked behind Go-chan and saw that the twirling ride was going out of control and was unable to stop.

"That ride over there is going out of control!!" Muzai yelled as she got up and pointed. Go-chan then quickly looked and saw that Tifa, Ben, Rae, Jade, Kat, Jewels were on it.

"Oh my goodness!! This is bad!!" Go-chan screamed. Go-chan ran over to the guy that operated the ride.

"What happened?" Go-chan asked franticly.

"I'm not sure nothing's working." The guy said as he kept messing with the controls. Just then Go-chan spotted Trinityblue which was looking around to go on a ride.

"TRINITYBLUE!!!!!" Go-chan screamed as she ran over to her.

"Huh? Go-chan what is it?" Trinityblue asked as she looked at Go-chan

"A ride is going out of control and you're a mechanic so you probably can do something about it!" Go-chan explained.

"Of course I can!" Trinityblue said Go-chan then leaded her over to the ride. Immediately Trinityblue started messing around with it and within a minute the ride stopped.

"There!" Trinityblue smiled as she spoke.

"YAY!! Thank you so much!!!" Go-chan squealed, as she hugged Trinityblue. They then watched as everyone walked off looking all dizzy. Tifa and Kat collapsed as soon as they got off.

"I think I'm going to throw up.." Kat said as she held her stomach.

"Me too." Rae commented as she sat on the ground covering her mouth. Tifa was laying on the ground with swirls for eye's next to Ben who also has swirl for eye's. Jewels and Jade where walking all over the place not knowing where they were going from being so dizzy.

"I think we should start getting back now." Go-chan said with a sweat drop and a smile.


"What's wrong Zak?" Jess said with concern as she looked at her younger brother.

"I was just wondering how your doing… And I've been wondering if you noticed anything strange about how Joey has been acting." Zak replied.

"I.. I don't know what your talking about everything's just fine." Jess said with a fake smile and sounded nervous when speaking.

"Jess I'm not stupid. I noticed how you act strangely around him or asked about him." Zak answered with a stern voice.

"Zak please stop. I.. " Jess started to speak when they heard a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it." Jess said as she went to get the door once she opened it she saw the police.

"Is Zak here?" An officer asked.

"Uh why?" Jess asked, When one of the police officer noticed Zak in the room behind her and went past her.

"You have to come with us for questioning." An officer spoke.

"What for?!??" Zak asked while wondering what the hell was going on.

"It's about the death of Commander Victor." The officer said as he took Zak by the arm.

"There has to be a mistake officer." Jess said, trying to defend her brother.

"There's no mistake he was in that sector when it happened. We have to go now." The police then dragged Zak out of the room.

"Look after Messa for me while I'm gone!" Zak yelled as he was dragged out of the hall. They then shut the door as they left.

"What the hell is going on?" Jess though out loud as she sat on the couch. Just then Ian walked out of the bedroom laughing.

"Now that was amusing. Except for what happened before that." Ian laughed but then stopped as he looked at Jess.

"You had something to do with this?!?!" Jess spoke as she looked up at him angrily.

"Yes but there were other witnesses. And you are also introuble…" Ian said as he glared at her. Just then Jess felt scared and got ready to run off the couch. He then stepped closer to her and she jumped off the couch but his arms and speed stopped her from getting too far.

"What did I do?" Jess asked.

"You know what you did… You were talking to your brother about me and being very suspicious. Remember I told you what would happen if you did something like that." Ian growled at her.

"I didn't mean to.." Jess said as she tried to defend herself.

"Yes you did you little bitch!" Ian yelled as he back handed Jess and she went flying across the room. He then walked over to her body which was laying on the ground.

"Now… Do you understand who's in control? Also you mite want to wash the blood off your face it won't look good if someone comes to visit." Ian said he smirked as he grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet and then kissed her.

"Grr… Don't touch me." Jess whispered and then punched Ian in the face and Ian let go of her arm.

"You think you can actually take me on? Your feisty aren't you?" Ian laughed as he rubbed his cheek. Ian just watched Jess as she then ran into the bedroom bathroom and locked the door.

"Hmp I'll deal with her more later." Ian said as he went to walk around the base.

Meanwhile three days later:

Jewels woke up early she walked out into the living room and noticed that her father was sitting on the couch going threw some sort of papers.

"Hi Daddy! Where's Mumsy?" Jewels asked as she walked over to her father.

"She went to the clinic for some reason." Ian quickly replied and didn't even look up from the papers he was looking at.

"What are you doing?" Jewels continued to ask.

"Papers on the base to make it safer." Ian said as he smirked from knowing what he was really doing with the plans of the base.

"Cool!" Jewels said happily. Kat and Tifa then came out of their room.

"Daddy I want breakfast!" Kat said as she walked up to her daddy.

"Me too!" Tifa and Jewels commented.

"Uh… Ok.. I'll go get you some cereal." Ian said as he got up and went into the kitchen with the children following right behind him.(This is wasting my time I really need to get more stuff done. I hate babysitting. Ian thought as he got the bowls and cereal down) He then gave them all the cereal.

"There now leave me alone so I can get stuff done. Julo's supposed to be coming to take you to the daycare center." Ian sighed as he looked at the three little children and then went to sit down.

"Ok Daddy!" Tifa replied and then went into her room with Kat. Jewels looked at her father one more time and wondered why he was acting strange and then went to go eat with Kat and Tifa. Jess then walked into the door. She quickly walked over to Ian.

"I need to talk to you in the other room." Jess sounded infuriated as she spoke and then walked into the bedroom. Ian quickly followed her.

"So you want to have sex that's why you want me here?" Ian said with a smirk as he moved close to Jess.

"DON"T TOUCH ME!! I need to tell you something!" Jess screamed as she backed away from him.

"What is it?" Ian started to become curious.

"I'm pregnant…" Jess said as her eye's became watery.

"WHAT?!?" Ian yelled in shock.

"Your most likely the father and I hate you for this!!" Jess screamed at him and started to cry. Ian quickly composed himself.

"Oh well, a little fun, a little problem. Want to have some more?" Ian said as he slyly looked at her.

"Shut up!" Jess said as she continued to feel upset. He then grabbed Jess and kissed her. She quickly bit his tongue as he kissed her. He quickly went away from her and put his hand to his mouth.

"Bitch… That's it..." Ian said as he hit Jess and she fell to the ground. He then quickly left the room as he left he grabbed the papers he was looking at. Ian then left the house and went down the hallway muttering to himself. Julo walked by and saw him as she was walking to go take the kids to the day care.(I wonder why the hell he looks so pissed… Julo thought) She then went to Jess' homes door.

"Hi Julo!" Jess said trying to be happy. Julo looked at her strangely as she saw that Jess' lip was busted open.

"Are you ok?" Julo asked with concern.

"Oh yeah I just tripped into a door that's all! Anywase the kids are all ready let me go get them. And put Dimond in his walker." Jess said with her hand behind her back and then went into the kids rooms and got them all.

"Mumsy what's wrong with your lip?" Jewels asked as she looked at her mother. The other looked with concern at their mother also.

"It's ok it's nothing you better go with Julo now." Jess said as she put Dimond in his walker and then looked back up at Julo.

"You mite want to go to the clinic for that wound Jess. Well I'll hurry up and bring them to the day care. Bye." Julo said as she grabbed the walker and had the other kids follow her.

"Ok bye!" Jess said as she waved while she watched Julo go off with the kids. She then went to look in the mirror and noticed how bad it looked. (Gosh it is really bad I probably need stitches for it.. Jess thought to herself as she sighed) She then left for the clinic for the second time that day.


Julo walked into the day care and brought them to their teachers. She then walked out of the day care as she did she looked down both ways down the hall and noticed Ben was around there. She then went on her way and turned her back towards him and went towards the research lab as she did she heard something coming from a vent behind her right outside of the day care. (Huh? What the hell is that sound? Julo thought as she looked at the vent) Suddenly and explosion went off and Julo went flying to the end of the hallway and broke her arm and was unconscious. Ben was blasted in the other direction and the day care was demolished. Ben sat up and had pieces of metal in his arms and one of his legs.

"Oh no! THE CHILDREN!" Ben screamed as he winced in pain and got up as he started to walk towards the day care he noticed the door way collapsed. (I have to go to the clinic and tell the medic's about this… Ben thought as he slowly stumbled towards the clinic.

15 minute later:

Jess just finished getting her stitches.

"Thank you so much Cheche!" Jess said with a smile and hugged her.

"Just be more careful Jess I know your clumsy but I never thought you were that clumsy." Cheche answered.

"It's…." Jess stopped in the middle of her sentence as she saw Ben all bloody. Jess immediately ran over to him.

"What happened?!?!?!" Jess franticly spoke as she helped him to a medical bed. Cheche walked over to help Ben.

"It was horrible. Some one planted a bomb out side the day care…" Ben said as he continued to wince in pain.

"WHAT?!?! How are my children are they ok? Is the day care ok?" Jess asked questions with panicky tone of voice.

"Oh my…" Cheche though in shock from what she was hearing.

"I… don't know it looked like it was demolished. I'm not sure if anyone is alive…" Ben replied as he put his hand on his sister's shoulder. She burst into tears and fell to her knee's for two minutes. (Ian did this.. That BASTARD!! I'm going to fucking kill him… Jess thought angrily as she got up). She then ran out of the clinic to go to her home to get a gun.


Zak was being interrogated by the police for days and was unable to see Messa.

"I didn't do it…" Zak said weakly from being tired.

"We know you did there are eye witnesses that saw you around there around the time of the murder. No one else was seen over there at that time. And no one buys that excuse that Joey was in that area for some strange reason you're the only one that saw him in that area." The officer continued to question him. Another Officer then busted into the room and went over to the officer that was interrogating him.

"The Day care has been bombed.." The officer spoke the other one.

"What?!?!" Zak yelled as he over heard.

"It's none of your business. Lets go there immediately to look for survivors!" The officer said. They then ran out of the room and locked Zak in it.

"But my nieces and nephew are at that day care!!" Zak yelled to the officers but they ignored him.

The officers arrived at the bomb scene and they saw some of the soldiers already picking up pieces of the ruble to get the survivors out. MarronZ, Silverstar, Trunks, Tharren were going through the ruble. While Desty and Son Cheche were helping Julo get on a stretcher so they could bring her to the clinic.

"We'll be back as soon as we bring Julo to the clinic." Desty said, as she looked at all the hard working soldiers getting rid of the ruble. Desty and Son Cheche then left for the clinic. The officers then helped the soldiers get the ruble off of the doorway of the day care.

"We need to hurry I think I smell smoke through the cracks of the ruble." Silverstar told the other soldiers. They all then began to remove the ruble in more of a rush.

"If there's smoke and fire in there we mite be too late by the time we get through…" MarronZ commented as she used all her strength to try to budge through the cracks of the ruble to get to them quicker.

"Then we must try other ways to get through.." Trunks said out loud as he looked around for another way to get to the children.

"What other way could there possibly be?" Tharren asked as he continued to move ruble from the same spot. Trunks then spotted a wall where there was no ruble against.

"Now lets see if the laser cutter works…" Trunks thought out loud to himself as he got a laser cutter from his belt. He then started to try cutting a door way through the wall.

"What are you doing?" Silverstar said as she looked back Trunks.

"I'm trying a faster way to getting to the survivors. Although even this approach will take some time." Trunks explained as he continued to cut through the metal wall.

Mean while:

Jess grabbed her gun and ran out of her room as she did she noticed a few papers on the table. (What are these papers from? Jess thought as she looked at the papers) She then noticed that they were plans of the bases ventilation system.

"He's probably planning something to destroy the whole base." Jess said to herself as she ran out of her home and headed to the ventilation system. She already wanted to kill Ian after all he's done to her and what he did to her children. She now didn't care if she died trying to kill the son of a bitch. She then finally reached the ventilation room as she entered there were no bright lights on. She began to feel frightened as she entered the room not knowing where Ian was or what his plan exactly was. But she had to get him back for what he did.

"Jess?" Ian said in a surprised tone as he looked at the back of her head. She quickly turned to look behind her but saw nothing.

"Where are you?" Jess said as she pulled out the gun and looked around the dark room.

"Awww I feel so hurt. I never thought you would actually try to kill me." Ian sarcastically spoke as he watched Jess move in the dark. (Where is he hiding? Jess thought)

"I'm sorry but you don't stand a chance against me." Ian smirked as he watched her every movement and walked closer to her. Jess then shot at where Ian's voice was coming from but missed him.

"Aww you wasted a bullet now your in even more trouble." Ian said as he then quickly jumped at Jess and threw her to the ground. She dropped her gun when she hit the ground.

"Shit!" Jess said as she watched her gun slide away from her on the floor.