Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Deception ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


The next morning Jess woke up early she saw Ian who she thinks is Joey asleep next to her in bed. She then noticed a strange mark on his back. (What is that mark? Jess wondered as she tried to see it in the dark.) Jess then sat up and turned on the light as she turned on the light he quickly tossed on his back. And covered his eye's with his arm trying to block out the light. (Maybe I was just seeing things. Jess thought) He then tossed some more and turned facing Jess. (Hmm if I climb over him I could see if the mark is really there or not. Jess thought) Jess then slowly got on her knee's and bent over his body as she tried to look at his back. She blushed and then fell on him as she felt him licking her leg.

"Sweety stop that!! Aren't you supposed to be delivering those papers for me?" Jess said as she moved away from him and sat down.

"Sure I'll do that now." Ian yawned as he spoke while he wiped his eye's and sat up. He then stood up and stretched his arms as he did this Jess saw the mark on his back. Her eye's widened in horror as she recognized the mark. It was the Boe corporation logo it was tattooed on his body. Jess knew Joey had no such mark on his body.

"I'll go turn your papers in now. I'll be right back so don't go anywhere." Ian smirked as he looked at Jess. She then covered her body up with her blanket. He looked at her strangely as he grabbed her papers. He then realized that she found out he wasn't Joey.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. And also honey just know that I do know everything about you. And I will kill your children if you tell anyone." Ian smirked at her as bent down and kissed her on the cheek. Jess just sat there in shock as he left. A few minutes after he left Jess burst into tears and curled into a ball. (I must be so stupid… I couldn't of known before though or could I. I'm so confused…. What is Joey going to think. He'll probably hate me and leave me. Where is Joey? What if he killed him? Who is this guy? Jess thought as she cried)



Zak was in the mechanic's room getting his suit upgraded by Piper.

"Next time you need something upgraded go to Trinityblue. I'm so damn tired of having to be bugged by you all the time." Piper sighed as she continued to upgrade Zak's suit. Just as Zak was about to reply he saw Ian who he thought was Joey pass by the room. (I wonder where he's going at this time… I've been having a bad feeling about him since I talked to him last.. Zak thought) Piper waved her hand in front of Zak's face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Piper growled at Zak while thinking of what an idiot Zak is

"Nothing…" Zak replied with a serious tone. Piper was surprised by that.(When did he start acting serious? Piper thought)

"Ok… Well why don't you leave me the hell alone while I get this done for you." Piper sighed as she grabbed some tools and got back to fixing it. Zak nodded and then left to go home knowing that Messa was off because she's getting farther along with her pregnancy.

Ian walked into the monitor room and saw that no one was in there at the time. (They have to be the stupidest guards. Humph…Now to get started with my mission. Ian thought with his cocky attitude) as he messed around with the security camera's. Commander Victor looked up at the security camera as it stopped working.

"Piece of $hit camera's. I need to call some one to get that fixed. I wonder if any f@#$%$ person works around here." Commander Victor then called in Agra.

"Yes sir?" Agra asked.

"Sweety could you go see what the f@#$ those security guards are doing?" Commander victor asked.

"Yes sir!" Agra said as she walked out of the room. (What a jerk he is. If he calls me sweety one more time I'm going to kill him!! Agra thought) As she walked down the hallway full of frustration. Ian then hid as Agra went by and then headed towards Commander victors office. Ian finally made it to Commander victors office and walked in.

"Oh hi Joey. Why are you here?" Commander Victor asked as he put papers into his desks.

"I just wanted to give you these papers." Ian smirked as he handed Commander Victor the papers. Commander victor then put them in his desk.

"Why the hell did you give me those papers? Your b#$% of a wife was supposed to give them to me. Grr…." Commander victor yelled.

"You know what Commander…" Ian said as he leaned against Commander Victors desk. And then put one of his hands under the desk and grabbed Commander victors gun that was taped to the bottom of his desk.

"What is it already?" Commander Victor angrily said.

"You're a f#$%#% a$$%#%#." Ian said as he pulled out the Commanders gun from under the desk. The commander was in shock at what he was seeing. Ian walked next to the Commander and put the gun next to the commanders head. He then forced the gun in Commander victors hand with his finger on the trigger.

"Joey what the f#$% is wrong with you?!?!? Why ?!?!?" Commander Victor asked as he struggled to move the gun away from his head.

"I'm tried of listening to your $hit Sir!" Ian said as he pulled the trigger and blew Commander victors brains out. Ian then let go of Commander victors hand and the gun and walked quietly out of the room without being seen. A few minutes later Agra came back from looking for the security guards and walked into commander victors office with her eye's closed.

"I'm sorry commander I couldn't…" Agra stopped in the middle of her sentence and screamed as she saw and found Commander Victors dead body. She then ran to go get someone as she ran screaming Piper ran into her.

"What the hell is going on?!? I heard a gun shot." Piper yelled as she grabbed Agra by the arms who was panicking.

"You heard the gun go off? I… didn't hear anything I… just came back to the commander and I saw blood everywhere… and his dead body in his chair..." Agra said while still in shock that something like this could happen.

"You need to get a grip. I can hear a lot of things since I have these ears. " Piper explained and pointed to her pointy demon ears.(Now that I think of it… The gun went off a few minutes after Zak left.. hmm… He was acting strange… Piper thought)

"I need to go lay down at the clinic…' Agra sighed while feeling like she was about to faint. Piper and Agra then left for the clinic to tell them what happened and to bring Agra there to relax.



Ian walked back into Jess' home and went into the bedroom bathroom to wash the blood off his hands and uniform.

"What did you do?!??!?" Jess yelled with concern in her voice and fear, thinking he mite of killed one of her friends.

"Don't worry honey I just got rid of the mean old commander for you. You can thank me later. And I thought I told you to stay how you were. I didn't give you permission to get dressed." Ian said with his cocky attitude as he looked at her. He loved to tease people and play on their emotions.

"Stop calling me honey… What? I don't have to do anything you say! And who are you?" Jess wondered as she looked at Ian. She wasn't that effected by Commander Victors murder knowing what an a$$%#&# he was to everyone.

"Aww but I like calling you honey. And I do hold your children's life in my hands just to remind you. My real name is Ian I'm your husbands twin brother. " Ian said as he dried his hands. Jess then ran over to him and clenched his coat.

"Where is Joey?!?!? Tell me!!!" Jess angrily asked Ian. Ian laughed at Jess' anger.

"Why do you care about him? I look just like him so what's the big deal? You don't like me? It looked like you liked me a lot last night." Ian smirked as he spoke, as he put his arms around Jess. Jess slapped him for his comment and for touching her. She then quickly backed away from him when she noticed how infuriated he looked from her hitting him. She felt scared but was more full of anger towards him.

"He's my husband I love him! You may look a lot like him. But you are nothing like him! I hate you for what you did by deceiving me. You're a f%$#$%$ a$$%#$#!!! And I hate everything about you!!!" Jess yelled at him as her eye's got watery.

"Humph…. I don't believe in any of that. But if it stops you from whining he's still alive." Ian said as he looked down. She was relieved that Joey was still alive but was still worried about him.

"Joey…. I hope your alright…" Jess whispered as she turned her back to Ian and walked into the other room. Ian then walked quickly behind her and grabbed her by his arm.

"Huh?!?!" Jess said as she looked up at him after he grabbed her.

"You need to learn something fast. If you tell anyone about me not being Joey I will kill all your children." Ian threatened her angrily.

"I won't tell anyone…… " Jess said as she looked away from him. Just then Kat walked in the room after waking up.

"Hi mom and dad." Kat said as she looked at them both and thought it was weird how her father was holding her mother by the arms. Ian then wrapped his arms around Jess' waste. Jess couldn't hit him and back away because Kat would think that's odd.

"Hi Kat. Could you be a good girl and go back to your room?" Ian told Kat, to have her leave them alone.

"Hi Kat…" Jess said as she looked down at the little five year old.

"Sure daddy! But I want breakfast first! Mom what's wrong?" Kat asked looking at her with concern.

"Nothing! Can you let go of me sweety?" Jess said with a smile trying not to let Kat know she was upset. And have Ian let go of her so she could feed Kat. Ian let her go.

"Ooo can I eat in Jewels room this morning?!?!" Kat asked happily.

"Good idea. You can do that for the rest of the week." Ian said to the girl. Jess turned and glared at Ian while Kat wasn't watching. Jess then set up a table in Jewels room and put Kat's cereal on it and Kat started to eat. Jess then walked into the living room she didn't like being left alone with Ian.

"Finally she's gone." Ian said as he sighed and walked into the living room. Just then the phone rang.

"I'll get it!!" Jess said as she ran into the bedroom and shut the door. She then picked up the phone.

"Hello! Hi Silverstar! Oh that's horrible... So Agra told you? Their going to pick a new commander? How long will that take? Oh ok. Thanks for telling me Silverstar bye-bye." Jess said as she hung up the phone. Jess sighed (Great how the heck am I ever going to leave this place if I'm not working for over a week. I don't want to spend another second in the same room as Ian. Jess thought) Ian in the other room then contacted the Boe corporation with the wall monitor.

"Sir I've made it in the base." Ian spoke to Sirus.

"Good I'll tell your father. Why did it take you so long? You were supposed to contact us last night." Sirus asked angrily at Ian, Ian could here Joey in the background.

"I was busy. Is Joey there with you? I would like to talk to him." Ian asked acting cocky as he always does.

"Yes he is." Sirus answered, then had the camera move to where Joeys cell was.

"Oh hi bro having fun? I know I sure am!" Ian smirked as he spoke to piss Joey off.

"Dammit if you touched Jess I'm going to f$%$#%# kill you!!!!!!" Joey yelled angrily with his hands on the bars of his cell.

"Oh I'm sorry but she thought I was you. And lets just say we've become very close!" Ian laughed.

"YOU F%$#$%# B@$#@#%!!! I'M GOING TO F#$%#$% RIP YOUR…" Joey screamed furiously but was cut off when Ian turned off the monitor. Ian laughed at how easy he could upset his brother it was so amusing for him. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door. As he answered it he noticed it was Go-chan, Zak, Jess' youngest brother Ben. (What the hell is this a family reunion? Ian was annoyed and thought)

"Hi. Why are you all here?" Ian asked trying to sound happy to see them.

"Well we wanted to check on Jewels and Jess and see how you are doing." Go-chan said happily. Ian then moved out of the way as they all came inside.

"Honey your brothers and sister are here!" Ian yelled to Jess who locked herself in her room. Jess then quickly came out. She ran and hugged Go-chan and her brother.

"You missed us a lot?" Go-chan asked thinking it was kinda odd that she was that extremely happy to see them after seeing them last night.

"I'm going to go in my room." Ian said trying not to stay around them to long he gave Jess a look no one saw him do this but Zak who was already suspicious of him. (I wonder why he was near the Command room around the time of the murder… Zak thought)

"Is everything fine Jess?" Zak curiously asked.

"Yes I've just been upset that Jewels hasn't woke up yet." Jess said trying not to hint to Ian wasn't Joey for fear of her children's lives.

"Why don't we all go check on her then." Ben said as he headed towards Jewels room. As he opened the door he saw. Kat and Tifa on Jewels bed with a fake thermometer in Jewels mouth and fake hot water bottle. With Jewels complaining to Kat and Tifa.

"It looks like she's up now!" Go-chan laughed at how silly Jewels looked. Zak and Ben also laughed.

"Mumsy we healed her!!" Tifa said happily as she jumped off the bed.

"That's great!" Jess smiled as she spoke, she then went over to Jewels to feel her forehead.

"There's no fever she's perfectly healthy. Why don't you both put your toys away." Jess told Kat and Tifa they then grabbed their stuff. Jewels then got out of bed easily when she stood up everyone looked at her oddly.

"What is it?" Jewels asked as she looked at them all.

"Is it me or is Jewels taller?" Ben said as he looked at his eight year old niece.

"She does look a few inches taller." Jess commented.

"I guess she just had a growth spurt or something.' Go-chan said as she shrugged.

"Cool!" Jewels said as she stood next to Tifa who was now five inches shorter then Jewels instead of two.

"That's not fair!" Tifa said as she crossed her arms. After Jewels noticed that she was taller she went over to her mother as she did every morning and hugged her. She then looked around the room and noticed that her dad wasn't there.

"Mumsy where's dad?" Jewels asked as she looked up at her mother.

"Oh… he's in our bedroom." Jess said and smiled a fake smile trying to hide how uncomfortable she felt referring to Ian as Joey. Jewels looked sad because her father wasn't there but everyone else was.

"Well I was wondering do you all want to go see Muzai today? She's signing autographs at the Zeta sector and there's also a fair in that sector." Go-chan said with a big smile on her face.

"YES!!!" Tifa, Jewels, Kat all screamed happily at the same time.

"Yay this is going to be so much fun!!" Tifa said as she ran around the place.

"Is that ok with you Jess?" Go-chan asked.

"Sure they deserve to have a fun day!" Jess said happily as she looked at how excited her children looked. She really wanted them away from Ian where they would be safe.

"I'm also going fairs are so cool!" Ben exclaimed happily.

"We have to go get my daughter Jade and then also get Rae before we go! Yes I invited Rae!" Go-chan giggled knowing that Rae had a huge crush on Ben.

"Um ok." Ben responded not thinking anything really of it.

"Well lets go! Are you coming Zak?" Go-chan asked as she picked up Kat. Ben, Jewel and Tifa already headed out the door and were excited.

"Actually I want to talk to Jess about something. And I also need to stay in this sector since Messa is late in her pregnancy." Zak answered with a smile.

"Ok then well we're going off then!" Go-chan exclaimed happily and then quickly left to meet with Jess' kids that were waiting outside.