Fan Fiction ❯ What innocent games lead up to ❯ Busted ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3: Busted

DISCLAIMER: I own everything J.K Rowling stole my idea. <Police sirens outside house> OK, OK I don't own anything. <Police sirens go away> whew! That was a close one.

A/N: No lemon yet. Maybe next chapter.

Hermione woke up wrapped in something warm. She opened her eyes and looked up into a pair of beautiful silver eyes.

"Good morning Hermione."

"Good morning." Hermione said groggily. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon."

"What?! We're late for class-"

"Hermione calm down, it's Sunday. Get up and get dressed and we'll go eat lunch."

"Draco, I'm not sure if we should tell anyone yet. I want time to tell Harry and Ron first. Is that okay?"

"Yea, I'll head down to the Great Hall and see you afterwards?"


They both got dressed. (Draco got done first of course.)

Hermione sat down in her usual spot. All she could think about was Draco. She looked across the hall and saw that he was staring at her.

"What's wrong `Mione?" Ron asked with his mouth full of food, as usual.

"Nothing is wrong. Why do you ask?"

"Because you are staring off into space. It almost looks as though you're staring at Malfoy." Harry answered for him.

"That's silly. I'm going back up to my common room I'm tired I've been up since 6:30 this morning doing my Potions homework that's due next Thursday." She lied.

She stood up and walked out of the Great Hall. On the way out she passed the Slytherin table. She made eye contact with Draco and signaled him to follow. He waited until it wouldn't look suspicious and then walked out. He was in the Entrance Hall when he felt a small body push him into an empty corridor behind one of the tapestries.

When he looked down at his captor he saw that it was Hermione. "Hey babe." He said and then kissed her. He kissed her with so much passion that she didn't notice where his hand was until they pulled apart. It had somehow ended up on her inner thigh, but she didn't push it away.

She grabbed his hand and moved it further up her thigh causing him to gasp when he touched her underwear which was wet from arousal. She giggled and then kissed him again.

"What the hell is going on here?!" They pulled away from each other and looked at Ron. "Get the hell away from her Malfoy."

"Ron, shut up, I kissed him." Hermione said grabbing Draco's hand lacing their fingers.

"Then why was his hand up your skirt?" Harry asked finally finding his voice.

"I put it there." She said matter-of-factly.

She didn't want to answer any more questions that would be thrown at her so she pulled Draco along with her to the head common room. As soon as they stepped into the common room Hermione and Draco sat down on the couch. Hermione immediately started crying.

"What's wrong?" He asked her as he rubbed her back in a comforting way.

"They will hate me now. You know how they feel about you."

"Why don't you go talk to them? I'm sure-"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, someone knocked on the portrait entrance. "I'll get it." Draco said standing up from the couch. He opened the portrait and Harry was standing there. For some reason Ron wasn't there.

"Can I come in and apologize to both you and Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Come in."

Harry sat down on the chair facing the couch while Draco sat down next to Hermione and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Hermione, Malfoy I'm sorry for the way I acted. I know you both have the right to like whoever you want. Hermione I'm your friend and I don't care who you like or don't like, even if it is Malfoy. No matter whom you like you will always be my best friend. Ron however now hates both me and you. He called you some rude things and I punched him and came here. I'm not his friend anymore. `Mione forget Ron he's a dumbass. Okay?"

"If Weasel wants to be like that, than he was never much of a friend to begin with." Draco said hugging Hermione. He kissed her forehead and stroked her hair lovingly.

"Harry thank you for understanding. I love Draco. I know you aren't the best of friends, but could you get along a little bit, for me? You don't have to be on first name terms. Just no more potty, no more ferret. Okay?"

"Actually," Draco said looking at Harry. "I was just about to ask Harry if we could start over and be friends. If that's okay with him of course."

"Sounds good to me Malfoy."

"Call me Draco."

"See, it's not so hard now is it?" Hermione said.

They sat there until dinner than all three went down to the Great Hall.

Since Hermione and Draco were Head Boy and Girl they were aloud to eat at the head table. They asked Dumbledore if Harry could sit with them, and with a flick of his wrist Dumbledore made an extra seat. They ate dinner and talked until dinner was done being served.

After dinner Hermione and Draco had to make their rounds. After they were almost finished, Draco leaned down and kissed Hermione. Its kiss held passion and need. Hermione kissed back with just as much need and passion.

"DRACO!" A voice screeched.

Hermione and Draco pulled apart to look at the person, it was Pansy.

"What the fuck do you want you pug-faced bitch?" Draco yelled.

"What is my boyfriend snogging a mudblood?"

"I'm not your boyfriend. I only went out with you because my father made me. As soon he died I told you I didn't want to look at your ugly face. Now go to bed. Oh and 50 points from Slytherin. Yes Pansy from my own house."

"Wait till I tell your father."

"Didn't I just say he's dead?"

Pansy smirked, turned around and left. Hermione and Draco stood there for a minute and then went back to their dormitories. It was late so they both went to their rooms and went to bed.

A/N: So what do you think? For all those lemon fans I've decided that there will be lemon in the next chapter. So till next time, C YA!