Fan Fiction ❯ What Is And What Should Never Be ❯ Darkness ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer:: This story is all mine! All characters used are of my creative imagination. In later chapters I will introduce characters that belong to Kira Adones. Kira has given me advanced permission for the use of her characters, THANKS SWEETY!
Rating:: [Y] Young Adult - For future rating
Authors Note:: Advanced Critique Encouraged! I do not mind if you flame my story, but if you must, PLEASE give a good reason why you do not like it. This will help further my writing ability.
What Is And What Should Never Be - Chapter One
Piercing jade colored orbs looked upon the melting flesh of the vampire, her eyes were representing the coldest glacier, but inside she could not help feeling a sense of guilt.
The vampire released an unearthly scream as the amber flames continued to eat at its flesh, the white skin melted in smooth downward ripples, almost as if this moment would be left with bones and a small oozy white puddle. But the skin would almost magically combust; it would char the color of red, then black and crumble into ash.
Black blood gushed from the creatures' lacerations, dripping in thick globs over most of the exposed bone, giving a sick caramelizing effect in combination with the heat of the flames. In the last few moments of this vampire's tortured life, it helplessly clawed helplessly at the girls booted feet; a single tear fell from its right eye, it's the only eye it has left, since one of the other hunters has carved out its other eye. “I don't wish to die”, Said the vampire. With that the burning body collapsed fully upon the sandy soil, the last remnants of life, or as alive as vampires can be, ended with a few convulsions. The only sounds that filled the night air, was the light breathing of two other Hunters and myself, and the aftermath of the fire crackling out, leaving only the vampires ashes behind.
The girl harshly kicked at the ashes and spat upon them, “Take that you foolish bloodsucker!” With a sadistic smile, she tossed her hair back over her slender shoulder. Chocolate colored locks were neatly kept back in a French braid that reached the back of her knees, though usually her style was to have a ponytail. Her eyes were of the most amazing shade of jade green, a color that is dominant among her family. Hunter skills make her very limber and agile, standing about the height of 5'4” and weighing around 130lbs is also two factors that increase her skills and enable her to move quickly. Born and raised in England, she is caucasian, though her name suggests otherwise.
“Damn it Saholi, lets get a move on! Lets celebrate your birthday and the death of another S.O.B vampire! Woo hoo!” Saholi tossed an icy glare over to her brother, “Shit Darrell, if I'm to slow for your liking, then go on without me!” Turning on her heels she started to walk off into the forest. “Stupid older brothers”, She mumbled to herself.
The Father of the two teens, who was behind the wheel of an old, rusted, pick-up truck, just rolled his eyes and yelled out the window, “Darrell, get your duff in the bed of this truck and leave you sister alone! She'll be home when she's good and ready to, you know that.” Darrell grunted, he knew better then to have a pissing match with his Father, over dragging his baby sister home, “Yeah…sure.” He turned and headed for the back of the truck. “What was that you said to me Son?” The Father called out in a gruff voice. Darrell jumped into the bed of the truck and plopped down, with a defeated sigh he replied, “I said, yes Sir.” His Father grinned, “Uh-huh, that's what I thought you had said.” With that said and done with, he started up the truck, the engine coughed and the truck gave a small jump before they were finally rolling off back home.
Saholi stood at the edge of the dark forest, watching her Father & Brother drive off. They looked so much alike, both men with their honey colored hair and jade green eyes. Both had much the same type of build to them, the build of someone who looked like they chopped down trees for a living. And me? Well, I look exactly like my Mother and so did my younger brother.
After the truck was out of sight, I let down my mask, my mask that I called, “Stone Cold Heartless Bitch”; these words softly fell from my pink lips as I thought about it. I have these moments all the time, the moments when you say what your thinking. Quietly walking over to the ashes of the vampire, I allow myself to shed tears for this innocent one. I admit to willingly killing other vampires, but only those who I felt were a threat to Humans, as well as their own kind. For this I feel my soul is already condemned to darkness, it is not my right, or anyone else's to determine who lives and who dies, and yet I am forced to make these kind of decisions everyday of my life. Hesitantly I reach into satchel that's around my left upper thigh, and pull out a small glass jar. “This is the least I can do for you…I'm not going to ask for your forgiveness.” Popping the lid off the empty jar, I gingerly scoop up small amounts of the ash and poor in into the jar until full, and then seal the lid back on. Using knowledge I gained from my Mothers witchcraft, I whisper a soft incantation to the ash filled jar. Next, using my bare hands I dig a small hole in the earth, the after placing the jar snugly and safely into the ground, I slowly push the dug out soil back into the hole. Supposedly, the spell I placed upon the jar will allow this vampire to be reborn. I have never seen for myself if it does really work, but it is all I can think to do, as some kind of penitence for my sin. My mind slowly fogs over as I remember the moments before this vampire's untimely death. “You were the innocent, I'm so sorry.”
Darrell's brash actions had been the cause of the vampires' death. This vampire had only been sitting on a large boulder, watching my Father, Darrell and I. He wasn't being a threat, just watching us work. Then Darrell yells at the vampire to quit staring at us, and the blond bastard pulls out his handgun and shoots the vampire in the foot, for no good reason other then that. Then of course, the vampires' first reaction is to retaliate, and he did this by leaping out at Darrell and tackling him to the ground. They both had a good roll in the dirt, punching and kicking each other. Then out of nowhere, Darrell pulls a knife and gouges the vampires' left eye out of its socket, with a sickening squish sound. After screaming out in pain the vampire backs off, only to come back and try to mutilate one of my brothers eyes. Its only fair right? An eye for an eye, as they say. But apparently my Father would have none of that. A vampire attacked one of his own, which was reason enough for him to fire off a round of flaming arrows. I watched in horror, though my cold mask, as the arrows penetrated the vampires' back, and he began burning to death.
I don't know how much more of this I can take, I've watched vampire's die for useless reasons, for 17 years now. But what can I do? I'm already a heretic among all Hunters, just for thinking such a thing. I need a plan.