Fan Fiction ❯ When Two of Darkness Collide ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
In Mushasi City, a muscular half human, half demon, with spiky black hair, blood red eyes, and a cross shape scar on his left cheek, walks down the street with his hands in his pockets. He wears a black muscle shirt, and jeans, and a sword on his back resting in it's sheathe, which surprisingly, no one in this city seems to care. While he walks down the street, he notices some demons harassing some people down the street, and wonders why no one tries to help out, everyone in this city just goes about their business without a second thought. He decided he wanted to have some fun, he could care less about the people, he just wanted to fight, he walked down the street toward the demons. Once he got close enough, without the demons detecting him, he quickly ran up and hit one of the demons square in the jaw with his fist breaking the demons jaw and sending it flying.
“Hey! Who the hell are you?” One of the demons asked surprised.
The man spoke with a cold intimidating voice, “Your executioner.”
“So your the hero then, well we hate people like you” The same demon said, it seemed he was the leader of the gang.
“No, just lookin’ for a fight.”
“Fine , then you got one.”
The demons charged at the man, while he stood there with his eyes closed waiting for the right moment. The people that were being harassed saw this as a chance to escape, so they fled. The demons were in striking range of the man, and one took a swing, the man's eyes opened and he jumped up making the demon miss, then he retaliated with a swift kick to the back of the demon’s head knocking him out cold. Three more demons started attacking at the same time, and the man held all three of them off waiting for a chance to strike.

While out in the distance, just outside of the city, a new face was entering the city. A demon with black hair that went down to his lower back, a red headband, red eyes, and orange markings on his face, chest, and arms. He wore only the headband, black baggy pants, black shoes, and a katana resting in it‘s sheathe strapped to his back. He walked into the city, once he walked a few blocks he felt a power, he was intrigued by it and started off toward it.

The man had just finished killing all but one demon, and that demon was getting scared and tried to run away, but the man was persistent and didn’t let him escape. He jumped into the air and glided down toward the demon and nailed the demon in the neck with his foot instantly killing the demon. The man stared at the dead demon laying on the ground for a second, then turned around and started to walk away, but suddenly stopped when he saw the demon with the long black hair, and orange markings on his body.
“Who are you?” The man asked.
The demon spoke with a soft cold voice, that made it easy to tell he’s been through a lot of pain, not physical pain though, emotional, "Not that it matters, but my name's Halo if you must know”
“I sense much power in you, you’re no ordinary demon”
“I used to be human, but I’m not going into the whole story, you won’t be alive long enough to care”
“If it’s a fight you want, then come on!” The half demon said. ‘Man, this guys power is immense! Watch yourself Talcan’
They charged at each other and both started rapidly punching and blocking. Halo’s reason for fighting wasn’t clear, but Talcan didn’t care enough to ask, he finally met an opponent worthy of his power. After a minute of punching and blocking, Halo vanished right as Talcan was about to punch him, then reappeared behind Talcan and straight kicked him in the middle of the back where his spine was, and made Talcan stumble forward. If Talcan wasn’t so strong, he would have been dead right there and then. Talcan retaliated with a spin kick aiming for Halo’s head, but Halo saw it coming and blocked it with his forearm, and countered with a left hook to Talcan’s jaw and sent Talcan face first into the ground.
Talcan jumped up to his feet, “That’s it!” Talcan focused, and generated an orb of black flames in his hand.
Halo stood still watching Talcan, he was prepared for whatever Talcan could unleash.
“Take this!” Talcan spun the ball clockwise, then punched it as hard as he could sending it crashing toward Halo.
Halo was surprised at the power of the attack, he knew he wouldn’t be able to block it, so he used his incredible speed to dodge it, and stepped to the side as the orb went whirling past him and crashed into a building and completely destroyed it.
“Impressive,” Halo said, “but your aim sucks”
Talcan was amazed that Halo was able to dodge that, but he quickly got over it, and focused. He stared at Halo for a second, then reached for his sword on his back, he placed his hand on the handle of the sword, and Halo saw that this was going to turn into a sword fight, so he did the same. They both withdrew their swords and got into their own stances, staring at each other, ready to engage at any time.
The wind gently blew, sweeping a plastic bag away. Both suddenly lunged at the other, blades clashing. Talcan swung, Halo parried. Halo struck, but it was blocked. They kept swinging, every once in a while their blades slamming into each other in a temporary stalemate, but sliding off, followed by more attacks. The blades sung as the sound of metal clashing metal rose again and again. Their swords slammed into each other again, this time, neither gave an inch, and their blades were locked.
“You’re pretty strong,” Talcan said, still holding his own.
“And you,” responded Halo.
The locked blades parted, setting up for a fury of strikes, blocks, strikes, and so forth. Both, noticing that the blades were only hindering them, sheathed their swords. Halo was the first to make a move, jumping off of a nearby building and coming down at Talcan with his heel. Talcan barely managed to sidestep this, but was caught by a hard punch to the gut. Talcan jumped back and launched his Flaming Magnum. He created an orb of black flames, spun it clockwise, and punched it as hard as he could. But at the same time, Halo, not half a block away at this time, was using his Spirit Cannon. He held his arm out, palm flat whilst he grabbed his wrist with his left hand and fired off an orange energy blast. The two energy blast’ were headed straight for each other, they missed their mark, hitting each other, creating a huge flare and smoke, also destroying two buildings, and killing civilians. The two fighters both came barreling through the smoke, slamming into each other, a series of punches and kicks followed. When the smoke cleared, the results of the fight was evident, and the brawling soon slowed, then halted.
“Thought you were the big hero, and you just let half the city get blown up.” Talcan said, then started laughing.
“Me? A hero? I thought you were the hero.” Halo replied as he started chuckling for the first time in a year (other than a cruel kind of chuckle). “It‘s been a while since I‘ve faced someone this strong. ”
“Same here.”
Their quiet laughter echoed through the remains of the downtown area, reduced to ruble in a matter of minutes. Innocent people dead, not that anyone cared anyway, everyone in this place only seems to care about themselves.