Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ STUPID TV! STUPID GAME! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Summer: This story came to Megan and I when we were suppose to be working at school. We couldn’t stop laughing at everything Megan said she would do if she ever went to Hyrule. I had the idea to type it up and place it up here! Hope you like it! (Laughs) We did!

Warning: This story contains a lot of swearing, violence, and adult humour in some chapters. If it offends anyone, please forgive us, we didn’t mean it.

Disclaimer: If I owned Zelda, do you think I'd be writing this?


Why Me?



"ASSHOLES!" Megan screamed when she came into her house, slamming the door with such force, it felt like a shock through the house.

"Language, dear." Her mother told her softly from another room.

"I know!" Megan said through clenched teeth.

"Are you alright? How was school?" Her mom walked by her heading for the kitchen.

"Very good! I just had a great day at school!" Megan screamed, stomping up the stairs. Megan had spiky short black hair with red ends, green eyes and an infamous temper. Her body was the usual sixteen year old which meant a slim figure and a barely developed chest size. The clothes she was wearing where tomboyish and far from showing off her skin.

"Honey!" Her mom called from the kitchen, "You know that anger is going to get you in trouble someday!" Sighing, he knew her daughter had a problem with controlling that temper but it was better for her to let it all out in her room then at her or her son, Bryson.

"I’ll be in my room!" She roared from the top of the stairs. Opening her door and falling on her bed, she thought life over. She hated school, she hated boys for now, and she hated her life. Her friends always cheered her up but they seem to be elsewhere so she had to let out her anger somehow.

"Oh, beloved TV! How you understand me!" Megan tried to smile but couldn't so she went over to her TV and began to check though her movies. Throwing videos in the air and behind her, she looked through the pile.

"Nah, nah, nope, no way, maybe... There!" Finally grabbing a movie, she jabbed it into her VCR. and turned on the TV and sat back on her large beanie bag that looked like a soft potato. After an hour of watching her favorite movie, she felt a little better because it took her mind off school. She was around the ending where the guy was about to find out who the killer was.

"Alright! Here's the part that I totally love!” She tried not to squeal, “That bastard is so going to get it!" Smiling and hearing her favorite actor recite his lines, the TV froze.

"What the?" Hitting the TV on the side, she couldn't believe it.

"It was just getting to the best part!" Hitting the TV harder and harder, she was getting really annoyed. Getting up and using all her anger, she kicked the TV which just ended up breaking the window part.

"Shit!" Jumping around and trying to get her foot out of the TV, she jumped on her little brother's Nintendo system. "Shit! Just fuckin' great!" Losing her balance, she fell completely on the system, her foot still in the TV. After hitting the system and TV, she finally got shocked by it all.

"OWWWWW!" She let out a painful scream, darkness overcoming her. After what seemed like a while, she finally opened her eyes, but instead of seeing her poster covered ceiling, she saw blue sky. Which was very strange. Did her mom drag her into the yard or what?

"Where the hell am I?" She let out flatly then sat up slowly, looking around. Fields, grass, trees, more fields, and a large freaky bud not far. Where the hell was she? Something about the place looked familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it at the moment. She decided to walk around and check the place out since, well, what else was there to do?

"Great! I don't know where the hell I am! I'm lost in a freakin' field that I don't know! I'll just add that to the great list of things I did today!" Grumbling to herself, she kept walking.

"What the hell is that?" Walking near a huge freaky bud thingy, it started to move and pop out of the ground. Noticing that it had razor-like leafs, she freaked. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Screaming and running away from it, she looked behind and saw that it was following her, realizing that she was its next meal or victim, she took off. "AHH!" She kept screaming, running in any opposite direction from the killer plant.

...from on top the hill...

Not far away, a famous blond teenager was sitting on his horse, tilting his head while noticing a female run from a Peahat. He also noticed that she had no weapon or anything to defend herself with. 'Time to help the innocent...' He thought.

"I don't wanna die yet! I'm too young!" He heard her cry out.

Chuckling a bit at her words, he decided that she did need help. Nudging Epona, he began galloping toward her.
"I wasn't suppose to die now! I was supposed to die in a car accident three years from now! I'm still a freakin' virgin!"

Blushing at her words, he almost stumbled when he pulled out his bow. Getting an arrow ready, he began aiming.

...back to Megan...

"I don't want to die now! I never even got to kick Bradley's ass!" She cried when one of the plant's blades almost gave her a haircut. Bradley was one of her best guy friends that pissed her off that day. After falling down straight on her face, she got up and kept running, she needed her runners to do this type of thing. Her socks were not cutting it. Falling again at the slightest rock, she kept swearing at every little thing that got in her way. "Stupid ass rock!" She cursed while her face was still in the grass.

Finally after giving up on running, she decided to die yelling at the mutated plant. Stopping and turning around, she began cursing the damn plant. "You fuckin' plant! I never liked your green ass anyway! The plants I always had died on me! You bastard! You're nothing but a quitter! You're a..." But she was cut off when the plant fell and died.

"Wow! I never knew my swearing was that bad... I'LL NEVER CURSE EVER AGAIN AT ANYONE OR ANYTHING!" She screamed out in horror but then noticed something, "Huh?" Looking at the plant's side was a couple of arrows. Already forgetting her promise, she went to look around for the archer. She glanced toward the sun and there was some guy on a horse riding toward her, bow in hand ready to shoot with the sun shining in the background. This was too much. It looked like these knights in those cheesy romance movies.

"Oh dear God, I'm not seeing this..." She muttered, watching the guy stop beside her and ask the familiar words of those movies.

"Are you alright, miss?" He asked gently, checking her for any injuries.

She could not believe it, sure her friends would love this but this wasn't for her. Something was messed up here. Were her friends fucking around with her? Did they hire this guy or something? No, that wouldn't explain the killer mutated plant.

"Of course I am! What do you think ya loser!" She yelled at the guy, now mad at him for no reason.

Link told the girl hotly, "Excuse me, but I think I just saved your life.”

Megan gave him a 'do I care?' look. Turning around, she began walking away. "If I wanted your help, I would've asked!" She told him. Who does the guy think he is? Then suddenly the dude came in front of her and stopped her with his horse.

"What the fuck are you doing? Let me go by!" Megan glared at the stranger.

"Do you even know the lands?" He questioned her, lifting an eyebrow.

'Cocky bastard.' Megan thought, probably thinks he knows everything. "Duh, if I didn't, I wouldn't be here!" Megan told him, folding her arms and standing there. It was a lie but she was willing to say anything to win the argument with this annoying dude.

"Well, if you did then you would have known that there are more peahats in this direction and in numbers, they're much more dangerous." He told her.

"Does it look like I care?" Megan turned around again, trying to get away from the guy. Sure, he was hot and all, but boy was he annoying! Again, he came in front of her, blocking her from her path.

Megan roared at him again, "What the fuck now? Is there more pisshats over there too?" Was he going to do this all day? Because if he was, she was in no mood for it.

"No! And the names are 'peahats' and even with your attitude, I just wanted to know if you would like a ride to the nearest town, Karkariko village." He glared at her, not liking his own idea. Megan glared right back at him then to his horse. Her face fell.

"What is it now?" Link noticed her face. Megan glared back at him. Huffing to herself, she turned around again and headed for the nearest path. Link let out his breath, thinking that this was going to be a long day. He moved his horse to walk by her.

"Why the fuck are you following me?" She asked him, still mad at him for even talking to her. God, her feet hurt like hell but she wasn't going to show him that she was in pain. That would be just showing him how weak she was.

He asked her softly, "Why haven't you given me an answer to my question?"

Why was he being all nice all of a sudden? He sounded pretty mad a minute ago. Probably to soften her up, like hell that would happen so she answered, "Because I don't wanna!" Trying to lose him, she began to walk faster. Why wouldn't he go away? Realizing that she had no idea where she was going, she stopped. Where was she? Why did all this seem familiar? She knew that all this had something to do with her little brother.

"Don't you want a ride? It's faster you know." Link asked her again, trying hard to be nice to her but it was so difficult with her temper.

"I know it's faster! But I don't wanna ride with you!" She wanted to scream at him, now pissed off. This guy doesn't give up!

Link had enough, "Look! I just wanted to know, okay?” After a few minutes, she heard him in the distance, "It doesn't hurt to be nice, you know..."

Getting even angrier by the minute, she screamed out to the open sky, now realizing where she was. "What did I do to deserve this? I like movies, not games! Why couldn't I be in a movie? Not my little brother's childish games! Why? Why?" Falling to her knees, she let out a good long scream. She knew that she was in a game, she watched her little brother play it so much times. She sometimes helped him in the dungeon parts because she was good with puzzles. But she never really understood the game, just the dungeons, not the story.

...following Link...

Link rode away from the strange girl with the weirdest hair. He knew that she was not from here, sure her clothes were a dead give away but her attitude was too.

He was mad at her and strangely enough, he liked her. Not 'love-like', more like 'annoy-like'. Maybe it was her stubborn way or how she blows up so easy. It was fun to see her mad. All he hoped was that if he was the one that caused it, he would get out of it alive.

Nudging Epona to go faster, he hurried to Karkariko Village. 'Time to get the Hookshot' He thought. 'It'd be nice to bug her again but what are the chances of ever seeing that idiot again?'

...back to the ever so polite girl...

"Where do I go from here?" Noticing the sun start to lower, she needed a place for the night but where? The guy, what was his name...? She should know, her brother kept mentioning it. Um... Something with an 'L'. LINK! That was it! He mentioned something about a town nearby or something. Kakiyoko, Kikarka, God, she was bad with names.

"But which way to go?" She looked around. A fence there, a ranch way over there, a tree not far away, a... RANCH! Yes! She knew that place! Um... What was it called again? Something that you said twice then ranch. Lan Lan Ranch? No, Lin Lin Ranch? Hell no, Lon Lon Ranch? YES! That was it. Lon Lon Ranch!

"I guess I have no choice..." She muttered and began to jog toward the ranch. After halfway there, she heard a wolf howl in the background.

"Now where the hell did that come from?" She mumbled out loud. Shrugging her shoulders, she kept running. Finally reaching the ranch, she noticed gates keeping the place locked.

"Oh, come on!" She harshly whispered, holding the gates and trying to see in the place. Why did they lock it up? Didn't they keep the place open for anybody? No, the Link dude was a kid when that happened. But the seven year thingy had passed and she didn't know what happened after that. Her brother was still in the beginning of the game.

"Hello?" Looking toward the sound of the voice, she saw a red-haired girl walk towards her. Was she the one you had to get the chicken from? To get to the Princess chick? Getting off track, she looked back to the girl. Boy, has she grown! But wasn't she supposed to be all happy and carefree like? Why did she look so depressed? Not that Megan cared but it was bugging her.

"Hello? I need help, er, I mean shelter for the night." Megan asked in her sweetest, most innocent voice. Hey, if you were in need of help, you would do anything to get what you wanted too.

Megan watched the girl struggle to think of an answer. "I'm sorry but I cannot because Ingo would not like it. But I would love for you to stay but again, I'm sorry." The red-haired girl whispered back, trying hard to stay strong. Megan frowned, what was she going to do now? She can't sleep outside, that's for the animals. She could probably make it to the next town but her feet were killing her and throbbing with pain at the moment.

"Do you need shoes?" The girl asked.

Megan snapped out of her train of thought when she heard the girl speak. "What...? Did you say something Malon?" The girl's eyes went wide when she heard her name. Shit! Malon was her name but she didn't tell her yet! Stupid, stupid Megan! Now she's going to think you're a stalker or something.

"How do you know my name?" Malon gave Megan a questioning look. Megan panicked, 'what now, dip-shit?' She thought to herself. Think of something fast!

"Um... Link told me. He talks about you sometimes!" Megan smiled.

Malon seemed to brighten at that name. "He's alive! Fairy Boy's alive?"

Almost snorting at the name Malon has given Link, she tried to keep a straight face. "Yeah! That's the dude! But he's on a mission at the moment so I was left to fend for myself! As you can see, I'm not doing too well." Hearing the girl giggle at her words, she was doing well for her first impression. "What did you say before? Something about shoes?" Megan asked, remembering that she asked something like that.

"Yes, I thought you might need some." Malon smiled, pointing to Megan's wiggling toes.

Megan smiled, "Yeah, I kinda need a pair." Megan looked down at her feet then back to the girl who was walking back to the house. A few minutes went by and not long, Megan thought she heard something but assumed it was nothing.

Malon came back, holding a pair of boots, "Here you go, it's my second pair. It’s yours." Malon passed the boots through the gates. Megan took it with thanks and looked it over. It looked a lot like Link's which was good because she didn't want to get stuck with high heels with her 'blisters on blisters' feet. Malon spoke up again, "If you follow this trail and take a left at the fork, you should make to Karkariko village by sunrise."

Megan looked back to her and smiled. "Thanks so much, I owe you." Megan watched the red-haired girl leave, "Remember that." She smiled.

Turning around and looking at where she was supposed to go, she remembered what Malon told her. Thank God her best friend Summer wasn't here, that girl couldn't find her way out of a paper bag if her life were to depend on it. Bending down to slip on the first boot, she noticed it was very comfortable compared to how it looks. Then slipping on the next boot, someone tapped her on her shoulder. Waving her hand to shoo the person away, she went back to slipping on the boot. Then the tapping hand came back.

"Go away, can't you see I’m busy here?" Megan told the tapping hand and finished slipping on her boot.

Wait a minute, who was that? Whose hand did it belong to? Didn't Malon leave? Wasn't she the only one out here? Looking at the hand, she noticed that the hand was mostly of bone and blood. A chill going down her spine, she turned around completely to see who or what it was.

“GAH!!!” She screamed until she was sure she heard a window break. “OH MY GOD!” Right in front of her was not one but three dead skeletons warriors watching her with yellow glowing eyes and bloody remains as their clothes. Definably knowing that she was terrified at the sight, she knew the best thing to do in a situation like this. Run like hell, like the devil himself was after her. So, she did.


It was pretty obvious why she was running but she stopped when she felt like nothing was following her. Turning around, she noticing that the skeletons ran right after her at their fast rate, which was like what? One-eighth of a mile an hour? She stood there for a while before falling down laughing.

"To think... I was scared... Of you wimps!" She tried to say between her laughing. She got up to her knees and motioned the skeletons to hurry up. Looking at her watch-less arm, she told them with sarcasm clearly in her voice, "Can you hurry your ass up? I'd like to be running for my life by the next century!”

When she noticed the skeletons go into the ground, leaving her alone, she let out flatly, “What...?” Where did they go? Did they feel bad? Oh well, easy come easy go. Turning around and back to the path she was distracted from, she began to walk all over again. Hearing something behind her, like ground been moved, she suddenly felt a hand swipe at her ass.

“What the fuck!" Turning around, totally furious at whomever even touched her, she saw that it was that freakin' skeleton. Now forgetting her fear of dead walking things, she was angry. And she meant angry.

A twitch was now seen at her eye and a vein popped out on her forehead, she screamed, "Why you BASTARD! How dare you touch or even look at me!" Using all her rage, she beat the skeleton to a bloody pile. Still angry, she was now stomping on the pile but soon, she stopped, muttering to herself, "Calm down, remember from anger management classes. Anger makes the problem worse..." She closed her eyes and let out a slow breath. But a few seconds later, she let out evil smile, opening her eyes, "But it relieves the stress!" She began to stomp on the pile again.

Now walking back on the path to Karkiyoko, Karkar-something, whatever the damn village was called. She was now making her way there. Soon jogging and watching the sun rise, she felt loads better. ‘Boy, did the night sure slip by...' She thought as she made it to the bottom of the stairs that lead to the village.

Bending down and waiting till she was breathing normal again, she began to question, "What the hell do I do now? What would I do when I get into the village? How do I get home? When will I stop asking questions to nobody around me?" Stopping at her last question, she looked up to the village. 'Might as well go.' She thought and began jogging up the stairs.

Megan looked around, muttering to herself, "Well, it's not what I expected but it's something..." It was a fairly large village but not the size to impress her. A few houses from where she could see, two men arguing in from of a tree, a few chickens, but no one she knew. Well, knew in the game. The only characters she knew was at the Ranch and of course, Link. Who doesn't when they play the game? God, it felt so stupid when she thought she was stuck in a video game.

"Hello? Excuse me?" Megan tried to talk to the two men arguing in front of the tree. But quickly left when at first they didn't listen to her but then wouldn't stop talking to her and let her talk. One kept laughing at the other and the other kept muttering nonsense about a dead guy living in the graveyard, carrying a tookshot? A bookshop? 'Something stupid', she thought.

"Hello? Anybody home?" She called out when she was knocking on the door of the first house she saw next to the stairs. The door opened to reveal a woman with the biggest lips Megan ever saw. She was a middle aged round woman with the funkiest hair style ever. Megan swallowed a bit when the woman sized up on her, making her feel extremely small and weak, a first time for her.

"Oh! You poor little girl! You look so tired and hungry! Look at your dirty clothes! Come in! Come!" But before Megan can say anything, she thrown in the house. Megan was fed, cleaned, washed up, and her clothes were cleaned. Before she could think, she was lying in bed, falling asleep to a loud snoring man in the next bed. Before she fell asleep, she heard the door open and a familiar voice.


Summer: Oh, I noticed on the game that the lady at the house where everyone thinks she has a mustache but I found out it was just big lips. Only if you look reeeeally closely.

Summer: Oh! (smile) And I don’t mind if you reviewed every chapter or just a few, shows me which was your favorite!

End Chapter

Thank you for reading and please review.
Summer Maxwell
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