Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ STUPID COWS! STUPID CHICKENS! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapters are all fixed, well, spell-checked anyway...

Disclaimer: If I owned Zelda, do you think it'll be this popular? Or even this good?


Why Me?



"Oh! You poor little girl! You look so tired and hungry! Look at your dirty clothes! Come in! Come!" But before Megan can say anything, she thrown in the house. Megan was fed, cleaned, washed up, and her clothes were cleaned. Before she could think, she was lying in bed, falling asleep to a loud snoring man in the next bed. Before she fell asleep, she heard the door open and a familiar voice.


Megan felt like she could sleep all day but it was noon when she was woken up by the violent shaking of the same woman that put her to bed. Megan tried to go back to sleep but again was shaken violently and pushed upward to stay up. She right away turned around and fell back in to the bed. "Let me sleep... So tired... Running all night..." She mumbled.

"But missy, you slept all morning and if I let you sleep any longer, your sleep cycle will be all funny." The lady said, making Megan grumble and sit up. She began to stretch by lifting her hands in the air, then ruffle her hair which caused it to be more messier then it already was. When she heard a laugh in the background, she looked towards the door to see Link smiling at her. Looking down, she realized that she was only in her black sports bra which was covering her chest.

"WHAT THE FUCK! Who took my shirt?" Immediately using the blanket to cover herself, she looked back at Link who was still staring at her. "What the fuck are you staring at? Turn the hell away! This ain't no peep show!" Growling to herself, she quickly began to look around. She also noticed the lady gone, "Where the hell is that woman?" She looked back to Link.

"She went out to get something at the moment." He gave her a smile.

Still looking around, she couldn't find the location of her only shirt. Her shirt was a dark red one with a blue stripe across it, what she was wearing now were her blue jeans and the boots Malon gave her.

"Looking for something?" She heard Link speak out.

Looking towards him and to her horror, he was holding it. His smile widened when he threw the shirt in the air, playfully grabbing it. "Do you want it?" He asked her in amusement, waving the shirt at her. 'Cocky bastard,' She thought when he chuckled again. Growling in response, she could only glare at him. How dare he act and talk that way to her!

"Give it to me!" She roared at him, beginning to get up but when realizing her clothing problem, she bent back down. "Give it to me now." She growled to him, feeling the fire in her eyes.

Link again waved the shirt at her, "If you want it, come and get it!” Okay, now was the time to tell you that she did not, she repeated, did not like to be teased. Forgetting her embarrassment of her sports bra, she jumped out of the bed and tackled Link. Throwing him off guard. "Hey! Ow! Off of me woman!” He cried out, trying to keep the shirt out of her reach.

"But Linky-poo! I need my shirt back and you told me to get it!" She told him in a whiny girly voice. Since plan 'A' wasn't working for her about just grabbing the shirt, she went to plan 'B', kicking his ass. Pushing him down further, she punched him in the stomach, making him curl to regain his strength. Thinking she won, she made another attempt to grab her shirt but he moved just in time, pushing her off.

She screamed at him, more pissed off then ever, "Just give me my fuckin' shirt!" But he kept the shirt out of reach by pushing her away and holding it in the air. She tried another grab but he just kept pushing her back.

"You know where you're touching, huh?" She gave a smirk, watching Link look down to see his hand was on her chest, trying to keep her away. Realizing this, he pulled back his hand, blushing redder than a tomato. Trying again at another attempt, she failed.

"What are you two doing?" Both looking at the door, they saw the lady of the house standing at the doorway.

Link answered meekly, dropping his hands, “Nothing.” Giving Megan an opportunity to grab her shirt and shove it over her head. Finally having a shirt, she looked towards the angry woman, a slight blush on her cheeks. The things Megan would do for pride.

She looked to them both, making them feel much like little kids, “What were you two doing? Hmm?” Both never let out a peep, too scared of the woman. But Megan decided to get Link in trouble for taking her shirt, knowing that the woman liked her, she decided to use it against her.

"Oh! Link took my shirt and wouldn't give it back! He kept it out of reach and called me names! Then he kept teasing me and hitting me on the head!" Megan gave a fake sob and covered her face, hiding her smile. 'Hey! It's all true! Well, some of it...' She thought. Hearing Link about to protest, he was cut off by the lady.

Grabbing Link by the ear, she pulled him towards the door, "How dare you tease her with her shirt! You naughty boy!" She pulled Link until all three were outside which she proceed to scowl more at him.

Link looked towards Megan and saw her smiling. He knew the girl had won this time but just wait till next time. Wait a minute, how did she know his name? He didn't even know hers!

The woman continued her ranting, "You don't tease girls like that! You also don't call them names! Especially your girlfriend!" Dropping their mouths, both were shocked that she would say that. Right away, both of them tried to protest.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Shrieked Megan.

"She’s not my girlfriend!" Argued Link.

The woman gave a wave of her hand, "Nonsense! You two are good together! When he came to check up on you, I knew right away! Don't be ashamed of each other and your love!" She was probably happy to yell it out but Megan didn't want all of the world to hear it.

"But she's not my girlfriend! I don't even know her name!" Link tried to tell the lady, his face was red. Megan couldn't figure it out if it was from anger or embarrassment but she didn’t care.

"Don't lie to me!" She gave another wave of her hand. "I know that someday you two will get married and have many, many kids!" The woman closed her eyes and smiled, thinking of all the romance young kids get these days. Megan was about to get mad at her but decided to use it for the good, getting back at Link even more. Giving another evil smile, she thought of the perfect plan. Going along with the lady.

Megan yelled out, a huge grin on her face, "Oh, yes! It's true! We're madly in love!" Her smile became wider when Link's face went blank. She decided to go on. "And someday we'll get married! And have three kids!" Counting off her fingers, she continued, "And I'll name them Link Jr., Theoandra, and FRED!" Smiling at her last choice for a name. She liked the name Fred.

Waiting for the lady to go in her house, Link finally spoke. "What kind of name is Fred for a kid?" Link told her, angry and embarrassed. "It's bad enough I have to be with you!" He tried not to yell. After a few seconds, he muttered, "I would never call my kid Fred."

Megan just realized what Link said and gave a smile, "Link! How dare you talk about our unborn child like that! I would–“ She him a look, “Wait! So you do want kids then!" She laughed when Link just realized what he just said. "I guess we better get married before we do that!" She laughed out more and turned around, walking away.

Link stuttered, running after her, "W-wait! I didn't mean it like that! W-what I meant was that... That..." But Megan kept walking, around to the well, rubbing her stomach. She now remembered that she didn't eat anything since lunch yesterday at school. Link kept trying to convince her, "I was just playing around and was going along with whatever you said."

She waved her hand at him, showing she was listening to every word carefully, "Yeah Link, go along when the lady's gone...” She turned to the right and kept walking around the place, now noticing that she was near the graveyard. Turning around again, Link was still following her. "Don't you ever go away? Or do you just follow people around for no reason?"

Link did not want to get mad, "Look, I'm not following you, I just wanted to tell you we're never getting married and..." He trailed off, remembering something. "Wait, how do you know my name? I never told you!"

Megan stiffened at his question, 'Damn what was she going to say?' She thought and shrugged, using her favorite excuse. "I'm gifted! I know many things and the unknown." She stated simply, like it was an everyday thing.

Link just gave her a look, shaking his head. Megan then took a left turn then a right, down the stairs. Link kept following her, another question on his mind. "What are you doing going in circles?" Link raised an eyebrow, what was she looking for?

Megan looked around, her hands resting on her hips, "Where do you people eat around here? I see no MacDonald's! No KFC's! Not even a fast-food place!" Hitting herself, she just remembered that this world has no such things. "Why me?" She cried, falling to her knees. "How am I supposed to survive?" She whined, letting the whole village hear her. I mean, who couldn't?

“Are you hungry?" Link asked, wondering what was a Mc-dan-old and a K-F-C. Probably something from her land.

Megan looked up and gave him a 'Duh' look. "What the hell do you think?" She said angrily and got up, "Unless you're going to feed me, go away." Looking around even more, she saw no bake sales, no people selling food. Damn, she had no money, well, she had some bills of money but no currency that this world had. What did they call it here? Dollars? Quarters? God, she didn't know.

"I can't feed you and even if I wanted to, I don't think I will. Especially after that little show you put on for that lady." Link looked away, angrily. Megan gave up and turned around. What was she going to do? How was she going to get home? How was she going to eat? How will she get rid of Link? Wait, Link! Maybe she could do something with him.

"Well, you could–“ Link cut himself off when Megan suddenly began hugging him, “What the hell are you doing?" He panicked with a blush.

Megan smirked, if he wasn't going to cooperate, she was going to make him her slave. Hugging him tighter, she whispered in his ear. "Link, I'm going to give you the worst reputation ever." She gave another smile before letting go of Link who gave her a clueless look. Turning around and walking to the centre of the village, she looked back to Link. He thought about what was she doing, how was she going to give him a bad reputation? He was Link, the Hero of Time.

He watched Megan began to sadden then yell out, "How could you, Link? I thought we had something special! After all this, you're dumping me for another girl?" Turning around and letting out huge sobs enough for everyone to hear, she continued, "I can't believe you're leaving me! We were perfect together, all those walks, dates, lovemaking were nothing to you?" Blushing at herself for what she said, she knew Link had it worse.

She decided to add more, "Link, you lying pig! You betrayed my trust and... And..." She decided to wait it out a bit, till more people came crowding them. She peeked at Link who was trying to show the people that she was lying. "And to top it off, you got me pregnant!"

Hearing what she said, Link practically fell down, stuttering, "P-pregnant!"

Smiling and getting up, she continued on. "Who's the other girl, huh? Is it because she's prettier than me? Oh God! You think I'm ugly!" Turning around and falling to her knees, her smile began wide when she heard people getting angry at Link, scowling at him for what they thought he did. Megan thanked every lesson that she had in Drama class, they were really helpful, especially now. Who would have thought she would be using them in another world?

"I can't believe you're leaving me! Especially since I'm carrying your child!" Trying to 'cry' harder, she almost snorted, trying to keep in her laughter from the large forming crowd around them. Hearing more people whisper and scowl at Link, she knew she was going to get her way.

Walking over to her, Link pulled her up. "Okay, I'll do whatever you want, just stop this all now and fix it!" He whispered panicky into her ear.

Smiling because she kept winning, she jumped up, "Thank you! Thank you! Now to finish my dramatic show! Give a hand to Link! My assistant in helping me on my one-time show!"

Pretending that it was not a real show, the people began clapping, acting as if they were not fooled. Megan heard some whisper things that she really got them going and another muttered that they weren't tricked for a second. Funny, she thought that was the one that scowled at Link.

"Thank you! You're all too kind!" Megan lifted up her arms to thank them before Link began dragging her away. But just before leaving, she managed to yell out, "I'm here on Mondays to Fridays! Seven to eight! Be here to see the next chapter of 'Heartbreaker'!"'

...outside the village...

Link angrily asked, "How could you say or even yell things like that?" But all Megan did was smile back in reply. "I can't believe they believed you! Then didn't when you said that it was all a show.” Link turned around, mumbling with amazement, “You really had them wrapped around your little finger, huh?" He really had to admire the girl for that little stunt.

Megan answered, turning around too, "I know, I know." Okay, what she needs to do is somehow catch a ride to Lon Lon Ranch, maybe she can figure out things there. But she needed Link for this. Turning back to him, she asked, "Okay Link, give me a ride to the ranch over there and I'll leave you alone... Well, for now." She gave him a goofy smile, proud of her performance back there.

Link tilted his head to her, "Like heck I will."

Megan smiled and began walking up the stairs to the village. "Fine then, the villagers would probably like another show..."

Growling then grabbing her by the collar, Link dragged Megan toward the field. Oh how he hated her at the moment.

"Change your mind...?" She asked when Link took out a weird blue coloured thing, placing it to his mouth. "What the hell is that supposed to be? A flute?" She smirked, "Well, if it is, you got ripped off man!" Laughing at him more, she stopped when he began playing it.

"Wow! It works?” She stopped laughing, scratching her head, “Well, that shows you can't judge a book by its cover." Turning around after hearing something come behind her.

It was a horse.

"AIEEE!" Practically jumping in Link's arms, she almost pissed her pants. "What the fuck? We're riding a horse?" Dropping Megan to the ground, Link walked over to the huge horse. 'Why a horse? Why? Why?!' Megan thought when she gave a weak smile.

"How else are we supposed to get there?" Jumping on and riding over to Megan, he held out his hand. "Come on!" Watching her face turn white, Megan twirled around and began walking toward the ranch. "What the hell is wrong this time? Didn't you want a ride?" He nudged Epona to follow her.

"I changed my mind! Go away!" Thinking he would want to leave her, she kept walking, but strangely enough, he kept following her. "I said FUCK OFF!" She swore at him, now all angry again. Boy, did this feel familiar.

"Are you scared of horses?" Link asked when he closed the gap between them, watching her jump a foot away.

"No!" She squeaked. Trying to walk faster, she was already starting to freak out, the horse was too close for her liking. Stupid horses, why did horses have to exist? That and every other animal?

"You are!" Link laughed out, finally he had something to get her back with! Smiling and going closer to her every few steps, he couldn't get enough of her freaking out.

"Okay! So I'm afraid of horses! So what?" She yelled at him, angry that he found out her dirty secret. So what if she was afraid of every damn animal? She can just walk away and ignore Link for the rest of her life. But at the moment she couldn't because the damn fairy boy was following her.

"Don't you have something to do? Like save the world or something? From that dorky enemy of your? What was his name... Oh! Ganondork?" Turning around and stomping away, she wanted so much for Link to get lost or die right on the spot.

"How do you know that?” He asked then something came back to him, “Wait! You said you were gifted, then why don't you use it to help yourself?" Link questioned the girl stomping away.

She stopped and turned around, "I have plenty of talent and visions! I just don't give a damn! It doesn't always work that way!" Megan yelled at him. God, how much she hated him at the moment. Sure, he had a nice body but hell was he annoying and would not go away. "Now go away and leave me in my misery!" Shouting at him one last time, she finally left him.

...following Link...

"That girl needs serious help..." Link whispered and turned around with Epona. After a few minutes, he realized that he needed to tell Malon that her father was coming home. Turning around, he started to ride back there slowly, taking his time.

...going back to Megan...

"Piece of shit! That fuckin' little bugger!" Grumbling to herself, she was now almost to the damn ranch. Yelling to the place, "And damn you! Why did you have to be so far away? What would I give for a taxi now..." She grumbled even more. Finally making it to the ranch, she noticed that the gate from before was gone, so she went in. Walking by the houses and to the middle of the place, she saw it, all the damn horses and animals. Hitting her head again and again, she remembered why it was called a ranch.

"Nice to see you again!” A cheery voice was heard from behind her.

Turning around and seeing Malon walk over to her, Megan smiled. She liked this girl because Malon gave her a pair of boots the last time they met. Of course it was in the middle of the night but who cares? This girl was nice!

Remembering that she owed the girl a favour, Megan said, "Yeah! Nice to see you too. The name's Megan, sorry I didn't give it last time." Malon nodded to her so she continued, "Hey! I was wondering if I can pay you back for the boots you gave me." Megan smiled and walked over to her, shaking her hand.

Malon smiled and waved her off, "No, it's my pleasure to help someone in need. It's alright."

"No, really, I want to repay the favour and I'm not taking 'no' for an answer!" Megan smiled and turned her around.

"Well, I do need help with something..." Malon began but Megan cut her off.

"Great! Show me! But first, can we have breakfast?" Megan smiled, not noticing Malon give a smirk.

...five minutes later...

"I so hate that girl. Just like that damn boy Link." Megan muttered, shoving crap out of the stalls of the horses. No wonder the damn girl was smirking at her when they were walking over to the stalls. Shoving more out, some of it fell on her boot. "Just great! Just fuckin' great!" Megan muttered out in frustration. Her life here in this world was just getting better and better.

"I give up!" Dropped the junk and walking out, she kept cursing her luck. Finding Malon in the place where they kept the horses, Megan gave a shudder and walked over to her, keeping a distance from the horses. "Malon?"

Turning around to see the girl stalking toward her, Malon asked, "Yes, what's the problem?"

Megan's eye began to twitch at that question, "What's the problem? WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? Shoving crap is the problem!" Megan shouted out angrily, hearing some horses trot away in fright. "I wanted to help you! Not shovel shit!”

"So do you want to do something else, right?" Malon asked her. Megan nodded and turned back to the red-haired girl. "Alright, here." Malon tossed a brush to Megan who raised her eyebrows in confusion. "You brush the horses with it silly!" Laughing, Malon watched the girl turn pale at the thought.

Megan squeaked, "Every fuckin' one?" What was this girl? A slave driver? Throwing the brush back, she mumbled, "I'm sorry but horses and I do not go together..." Megan flushed, why did she always have to tell everyone her dirty secret?

“That's alright but since you won't do the first two jobs, I have one more that you can help me with." Malon smiled when Megan could only glare at her. Pointing toward her house, she continued, "Go to my house and beside it will be chicken feed. You can just throw it around for the chickens, if that's not too hard?"

Megan looked to the house and gave a nod, "I guess that's easy enough if the chickens don't fight back." Turning around and walking away, she heard Malon call out. "Just as long as you don't hurt them, they won't!" Laughing to herself, Megan thought the girl was trying too hard to be funny.

Grabbing the bucket of chicken feed, she noticed a figure walking over to her, a horse following him. She right away knew who it was, "What are you doing? Stalking me?" Megan gave a shout at Link.

Glaring right back at her, he replied, "No!! I'm just here to check up on a friend! I didn’t think you’ll make it!" Link growled at her, already forgetting why he was here. He remembered one thing, and that was to get in good terms with the weird girl. Reasons why, he had no idea, he just didn't want the thing to be haunting him if the brat died.

"Yeah... That's what my last stalker told me before I kicked the crap out of him." Megan told Link flatly. Don't ask, the guy was obsessed with something about her hair. Reasons why she cut it and dyed it on the tips. Link was about to say something but Megan decided to talk first. "Look, Malon's over there so leave me the fuck alone." Giving up and turning in the direction that the girl pointed, Link started for Malon.

"That guy's going to give me a headache soon..." Megan muttered and walked over to the field. Throwing chicken feed on the ground, she watched the chickens dive for it all. 'When's the last time these suckers got feed?' Megan thought. Looking over to Link and Malon, she watched them talk while absentmindedly throwing chicken feed everywhere. Seeing Link point toward her, still talking to Malon, Megan growled. They were talking about her. Dammit, did she hate that. Now noticing Link walking over to her, she continued throwing the feed around.

"I'm sorry but I didn't get your name. What was it?" Link asked, Megan just growled some more, she decided to answer him.

"That's because I didn't give it to you, ya moron." Megan tried to keep calm but so far, she was losing. How much she wanted to hit the bucket over his head. She kept wishing for the blond to leave but he kept standing there, watching her. Turning around and glaring at him, she yelled at him. "What the hell do you want? Why are you always staring and following me?"

"I just wanted to be friends." Link mumbled, surprising Megan. He just wanted to be friends? Well, he's pretty bad at that. Thinking to herself, she thought 'Or it could be me.’

"Just friends?" Megan asked, Link nodded. Turning around and ignoring him, she said, "If you want to be friends, go away and let me think it over." Starting to hit the chickens with the feed, she giggled. At least something was calming her down.

"You shouldn't do that." Link warned.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want." Megan snapped, "And didn't I just say to leave me alone?" Megan growled and kept hitting the same chicken.

Link swallowed and kept talking, "I just don't think that's a very good idea...." Link kept trying to warn her. He knew what would happen if she kept continuing what she was doing, memories of pain coming back to him.

"Look, if I throw a stick, will you leave?" Megan looked to him, hoping he would just leave her alone. She could do whatever the hell she wanted. But suddenly the chicken that she was hitting stopped and began crowing out loud. "What the fuck is it doing?" Megan raised her eyebrows. Looking up and seeing a huge flock of chickens dive for her, she screamed. "IT BOUGHT REINFORCEMENTS!" Turning and running away, she threw the bucket at Link and hightailed it out of there.

Link looked to the bucket then the huge flock. "Like hell I'm taking the punishment!" He took after Megan while throwing the bucket down. He knew the pain of a dozen chickens pecking every inch of you. And to think, all this happened because all he wanted to know was her name.

...not far away...

Malon felt a sweatdrop form when she watched the two run away from the chickens. "I told them both not to bother the chickens." Deciding to ignore the two, she turned around to continue care for the horses.

...back to Megan...

"This is why I hate things that have more legs and hair than me! Why didn't you warn me Link!" Megan screamed at him, placing all the blame on Link.

"I did!" Link answered. Megan cursed and kept running towards the barn. Both running inside and slamming the door, they heard the chickens hit it. Leaning against the door and catching their breaths, Link decided to ask an unpredictable question that just came out, "So, want to join my quest?"

"Why should I? What's so good about it?" Megan muttered, still catching her breath.

"I'll feed you." Link reasoned.

"Okay, why not?" It seems like a good idea, Megan nodded and closed her eyes.


End chapter.

Thank you for reading and please review.
Summer Maxwell
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