Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ STUPID CREATURES! STUPID BOY! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapters are all fixed, well, spell-checked anyway...

Disclaimer: If I owned Zelda, do you think I would have thought of this?


Why Me?



"So, want to join my quest?"

"Why should I? What's so good about it?" Megan muttered, still catching her breath.

"I'll feed you." Link reasoned.

"Okay, why not?" It seems like a good idea, Megan nodded and closed her eyes.


"So where the fuck now?" Megan asked the annoying blond ahead of her. Right now, they were in the middle of nowhere but Link kept saying that he knew where they were going. 'Men, why can't they ask for directions? Like it's so hard...' Megan thought when Link stopped to look around again.

"Right now, we need to get to Kokiri Forest and see what happen to my friend Saria." Link said, shielding his eyes from the sun. Megan rolled her eyes and looked around too. They were in the middle of the forest, 'Lost Woods' as Link called it and were trying to find his damn village. At first, Megan wouldn't go on the horse to ride to this stupid place but he finally gave in by walking here all the way. While walking across the bridge to the place, it broke and now they were lost in the stupid forest.

"Now I know why they call it the 'Lost Woods'. At least this name I'll remember pretty easily..." Megan muttered while Link jumped on a fallen tree, trying to see the distance around them. Megan looked around too and once swore she saw something that didn't look normal. Sure it was a shadow but Megan wasn't familiar with shadows that were there on their own. I mean, shadows have to have something that they came from, like a person, tree, or object. Yet that one had none. Megan looked back at Link, "Are you sure you know where the hell we're going?"

"Yes! I'm sure!" Link snapped back at her. Goddesses, doesn't she ever shut that trap of hers? She just nags and nags and nags. Reminds him of someone he knew, then he remembered, where was that someone? It seems a little too quiet for his liking, well, besides the girl behind him swearing at every little thing she stepped on.
"Well, it sure doesn't fuckin' seem like it!" Megan snapped back, losing her patience. How much longer was she gonna take this? Why did she even bother to come with him? 'Oh' Megan remembered, funny, he sure isn’t doing what he promised. Another thing was why did he want her to come along? What good can she do? Hell, even provide? The moment they meet and now, they seemed to be at each other's necks. Well, she was at his neck.

"So where are you from?" Link asked the girl behind him.

"Hmm." Megan thought for a moment, should she tell him? Would he think her weird? And why the hell is she worried about shit like that? Grinning, she decided to answer.

"I'm from another world, way more advance than yours and somehow ended up here because I kicked the damn T.V. too fuckin' hard and landed on your stupid game." Megan said simply. Link raised an eyebrow, 'His game? Another world? T.V.? What were these things? She must really be from a strange world.' Link thought and kept walking. 'Either that or she's just insane...'

"So do you know how to get home?" Link asked but all Megan did was shrug. Link nodded and kept walking. Wondering if Megan would ever go home, he hoped she did, he didn't want to be stuck with her all his life. Or did he? Gods, he didn't know. Link looked up, glancing at the morning sky and trees.

"Hey, Link." Megan called to Link who was now climbing a tree. But he didn't answer. "Hey moron!" Megan called out again. She yelped when Link's head popped out of the branches, upside down.

"What is it?" He asked, going back into the tree. Megan looked up and watched him climb higher and higher. 'Damn, he has a fine ass...' Megan grinned but snapped out of her thoughts.

"Why the hell did you ask me to join your little quest? I mean, what's the damn point of me coming along with you?" Megan asked the hero. But he just kept looking around, then after what seemed to be forever to Megan, he finally answered.

"Well, I do need bait and a distraction to the monsters around the place. Also, I need the company." Link answered, moving a branch out of the way.

"Gee, I feel loved." Megan said sarcastically, watching Link climb back down. So she was only here for bait and a distraction for all the damn monsters. Oh, and company for him. Wow, what an adventure this was going to be.

"Okay, if we go in this direction, we should make the village by nightfall. I saw movement so we should find someone to help us." Link told Megan while walking in the direction.

"I thought you lived here, I mean, shouldn't you know where to go? Like know the damn place like the back of your hand?" Megan asked, now bored. Walking after him, he answered.

"It is called the 'Lost Woods' for a reason, besides I just never been to this part of the woods, actually I never entered this part before because it was rumoured if you stay here too long and got lost, you would turn into a creature of the forest. The last time I was here was when I got a song from Saria." Link glanced back to Megan. She was looking to the side, watching the trees they went by. He smirked, she looked cute when her mouth was shut and not giving him dirty looks. Link shook his head and kept walking.

"So do you think we're going to turn into the creatures of the night?" Megan asked again, she didn't mind turning into something creepy and scary, that'll be cool! The first thing she'd do is scare the crap out of Link. Then if she got home, she would scare the hell out of Summer, then Vixen, then make Bradley piss his pants. Oh that'll be priceless. Smiling to herself of all the evil things she could do, she kept walking.

"No, I don't think so." Link looked at her, concern on his face, "I mean, I never saw it happen and nobody ever disappeared. So I guess it's really just a rumour." Megan only nodded and kept looking around the forest. Yeah, the forest was cool but she still couldn't figure out the strange shadows. Megan glanced at a stump and was about to look but then looked back. There, on the stump was a short freaky dark creature, looking at her with its flute in its hand. Its red eyes burning holes into her, watching her every movement.

"" She tried to talk but nothing was coming out right, only squeaks and silent words. She kept trying but Link still couldn't hear her. He just kept walking so Megan kept trying to tap his shoulder. "L.....i.....n....k...."

"What the hell is it?" Link snapped at her, trying to find signs of anybody but none so far. What was wrong with the girl behind him? Hearing her try to say something, he stopped and looked at her. "What's wrong now?" Instead of trying to talk, she pointed to the short dark freaky creature still staring at them. Link looked in the direction of where she was pointing and saw the creature. He looked back at Megan with a calm expression. "Megan, that's a creature of the forest." He told her calmly. Megan couldn't believe how calm he was. Suddenly he yelled and took off running, Megan right behind him, screaming her lungs out.

"AHHHHH! Don't turn us into ugly creatures! I'm too young to be short and freaky!" Megan cried. What the hell was that thing? They kept running until they went through a huge log and ended up in a homely-like village. They stopped before going over a cliff.

"This is Kokiri Forest!" Link said out loud, forgetting the creature. Looking back to Megan, he frowned. Megan was looking around the place, glaring at his friends that were hardly out. She looked pretty surprised, but why? Then he found out when she yelled out something pretty embarrassing and rude.

"You live with midgets?! And-hmfft!"" Megan shouted but Link covered her mouth before she could say anything more offensive about him and his childhood friends. He decided to show her around to show her it wasn't a half-bad place to be living in. In less than a hour, he showed her the houses, the dead Deku Tree, Saria's house who wasn't home, everyone's else’s houses and then last, his. Walking in his house, she turned around to him.

"Okay, you live with midgets, you also live in a tree even if you live to the laws of a dead tree. You're best friend's a midget and missing, and the leader here's a dork. Then to top it all off, the weeds in your yard is fighting back. That really shows that you been neglecting your chores..." Megan looked around his place, and then paled again. "And there is a damn cow in your house! Why in all things that are holy is there a cow in your house?!"

"Malon gave me that cow for a prize..." Link tried to defend her words. But then got into the groove. "What the hell about you?! I don't know where you're from?! It's probably weird too! And what the hell is your name anyway?! I can't believe I still don't know it after how long we were together!"

"If you want to know it so fuckin' much, give me one!" Megan shouted back at him. Why did she say that? She liked her name so why did she say to him to give her one?

"Huh? Don't you have one?" Megan nodded but Link kept going on, "So tell me, I don't want to always call you 'Hey!' and 'You!’ all the time you know." Link turned around and Megan sighed, she might as well. If he was going to be always this annoying, she might as well shut him up now then later.

"It's Megan..." Turning around and glaring the cow in the eyes, she was pissed again. God, she hated telling people such things even if it was as simple as this one. Right now, all she wanted to do was punch something or someone in the face. Maybe her punching bag that hung in the basement of her house would be good right now to get rid of stress. Ha! She could just pretend that the punching bag looked exactly like Link, oh that would be fun.

"Megan, huh?" Link turned back to her, a grin on his face, "Megan...that's nice, kinda weird but nice." Megan turned around and glared at him. So he thinks her name is weird, huh?

"So what kind of name is Link? It sounds like an internet thing, almost like cables..." Megan looked up and thought some more things to tell him what was really weird.

"In-tir-net? Ka-bells? What the hell are those? My name is normal! Your's is the weird one! Me-gan! See! It's completely strange to my tongue!" Link got mad and turned around again.

"Isn't this house a little...." Megan asked, completely off topic. Link turned around.

"A little what?"

"A little small!" Megan huffed at him, the place was so God-damn small. Megan glanced at the bed, 'And how can he fit into that puny bed?' Megan thought and kept looking around. This was the weirdest boy's room she was ever in, sure, she's been in her guy friend’s rooms and they were the dirtiest rooms she ever saw in her life but Link's room....wait...

"I know it's a little small but I never been here for seven years so give me a break! I never had the time to get anything in a bigger size for me..." Link stopped when Megan turned around, a sly grin on her face. "What the hell are you looking at?"

"I can't believe all the things we've been through and we haven't been together long! And look, you already bought me to your bedroom!" Megan laughed when Link went completely red. Link had to get back at her somehow, but the question was how? was a little rude but maybe it'll make him win this round, she had no comeback.

"Ha! If I really bought a girl back to my room! At least she would be matured in some places!!" Megan went red, looking down at her chest, oh God, how could he say that! Now completely pissed off, she would have had stream coming out of her ears if this was a cartoon.

"Bawhahahaha!" Link kept laughing, turning around to look at Megan, he stopped, "Megan, what are you doing?" But Megan didn't answer, she stomped over to him, completely furious.

...outside the house...

The blond girl on top of the pillars looked around at the view she had, looking towards Link's house. She was glad he came back, she hoped that he would save them and the forest. But suddenly she heard Link yell then come flying out of his house. Then a girl with short black hair with strange red ends came out, angry and yelling her lungs out.

"How dare you say that about me! That was uncalled for! I'm leaving and this ain't no show or lie!" Show? Lie? Why was she yelling all these things? What did Link do to her? Why was she so mad? But the girl decided to leave this situation to Link, he probably started all this.

...back to our lovely couple...

"It was just a joke!" Link coughed and got up. He looked around and noticed Megan stomping towards the Kokiri Forest entrance. He ran after her and stopped her by throwing his hands around her hips. She struggled for a while then let it all out.

"Let go of me you pervert!" Megan yelled at him but Link wouldn't let go. He had to make her stay, he wanted the company of this girl so he was going to work and lie for it. So he thought of the only thing Megan would probably want.

"I know how to get you home..." Link whispered in her ear, stopping Megan's resistance. Silence came from the girl, would she agree? Does she even want to leave? Questions raced through Link as the silence crept by. Surprisingly, her warmth started to creep up on him after holding this long. God, how long had he wanted to hold someone this way, even if it was this strange girl. It just felt so right and warm.

"You know how to get me home?" Megan whispered, still in shock. Link nodded against her, his chin on her neck. Link smiled, he had her but suddenly she grabbed him by his shirt and flipped him over her, landing hard on his back. "Then why the fuck didn't you tell me in the first place?! You bastard! I would have gone with you without questions!" Megan took a breath, "And when the hell are you going to feed me?!" Megan huffed, damn! She was hungry!

Link smiled from where he was, she was in his hands, finally! Now he could get her to do whatever he wanted! But if she found out the truth was the thing that worried him because she had one mean temper. "I'll feed you, soon. First we go to the Forest Temple and if I beat it and IF we survive, we'll eat!" Link got up and dusted himself off. Megan growled and strangely enough, her stomach growled too.

"Okay! Where the hell is the Woods Temple?!" Megan yelled at him, wanting to get the whole thing over with. Damn she was hungry! All she wanted to do right now was beat up Link's ass, eat, and go home. Go home to her nice comfy bed, go to the precious fridge of junk food, and have a nice warm bath.

"It's called the Forest Temple." Link corrected her and sighed, when is she ever going to get it right. He snorted, 'Probably never, even if her life depended on it'.

"Whatever!" Megan started walking towards it. She just wanted to get this over this and get home in time for her TV shows. Maybe she could make the eight O'clock show of Fear Factor. God, what she would do to get on that show and show her wimp-ass friends that she had a lot of courage and guts to eat bugs, fall off buildings, and crash through things.

"It's in that direction." Link stated simply, pointing towards the Lost Woods. Megan stopped and paled, looking in the direction of the Lost Woods. There had to go in there again?! Didn't they just get out fo there?! Letting out her breath, she tried to calm down. She had to get through this, Link knew how to get her home, right? Following him towards the Lost Woods, she thought, 'But what if he doesn't?'.


"Are you sure this is the right path?" Megan asked for the hundredth time. Right now, they were in the middle of the Lost Woods, finding the damn Woods Temple, or was it Bush Temple? Megan sighed, couldn't she just remember one damn name in this whole place? What the hell was this place called anyway? She was in a world and she didn't even know the damn place's name, how pathetic was she?

"Yes! I'm pretty sure I know where we're going! Now stop asking me!" Link finally snapped at her, making Megan smile. She was starting to enjoy annoying Link so he would yell at her like this! Finally deciding to ask a different question this time, she kept talking.

"So what's this place called?" Megan asked then stopped when Link turned towards her, one of his eyebrows raised.

"Didn't I tell you? It's called the 'L-o-s-t W-o-o-d-s', remember?" Link told her slowly like she was a bloody idiot.

"No, you moron! The land! The whole place! What's it called?!" Megan yelled at him. How stupid can he get? Link sighed and gave up.

"It's Hyrule, geez, you must really be from another world if you don't know even the land's name." Link turned back to the path and then Megan mocked him with a weird face.

'This is going to be so boring...' Megan stretched her arms behind her head, following Link. While going into the dream world, she began to forget what she was doing so naturally, she walked into a tree. What was even worse was that Link saw the entire thing. What she would do to push Link into that pond they passed awhile ago. Getting up and rubbing her nose, she heard Link start to crack up.

"Shut the fuck up! This only happened because this little quest is so damn boring!" Turning around and rubbing her ass, she heard him say something.

"Oh, this is probably only the beginning, just wait till we get to the mountain, lake, cemetery, and the desert." Link smiled as she paled.

"Cemetery? We have to go to a cemetery?" Megan shivered but then remembered the dead walking skeletons in the field. This just angered her more, turning around. She started yelling again.

"Bring it on! I ain't afraid of no dead walking creatures! Especially perverted ones! BAWHAHAHA!" Laughing and thinking of all the things she could do to them, she didn't notice Link staring at her and sweatdropping. Finally after awhile, she thought 'I really need caffeine.'

...later, after passing the moblins...

"AHHHHHH! Freaky mutated dogs!" Megan cried, running ahead of Link and falling on the large stone floor on the ground. Whatever the hell it was, it had that stupid three-squares, no triangles, three-triangles. They just passed the damn maze with the freaky dogs that scared the shit of them both. Right now, both of them were sitting on the symbol thingy in front of the woods, no I mean Forest temple? God, she needed a post-its notepad.

"I told you not to run!" Link tried to yell at Megan, catching his breath. He told her not to run ahead, especially with the Moblins watching the maze. But no, she had to run ahead and get the moblin startled, she was lucky that the moblin had bad aim. He stopped the attack just before it hit the damn girl.

"Yah, yah, yah...." Megan huffed out and fell flat on the triforce symbol. Catching her breath and checking if her heart was still beating. "What the hell were these things?" Megan asked, closing her eyes.

"They're called Moblins. Very bad tempers..." Link fell down next to her, resting just for a minute. Just a minute. "Worse than yours."

"Scary thought." Megan opened her eyes while Link nodded to her words. "Why the hell..." But Megan stopped when she heard someone coming.

"Why Link, I don't believe I was informed that you were bringing a lady." Both Link and Megan jumped up, ready for an attack but seeing that it was just Sheik, Link relaxed. Megan was still in a fighting stance, waiting for the weird guy that was obsessed with bandages to attack her. Hey! Being in this world, she had to be ready for anything.

"If I did, I would have freshened up better..." Sheik purred to the beauty in front of him. Who was this girl? He thought he knew everybody in Hyrule but this girl was different, he could tell. The girl had short black hair with red tips, and how he loved the red. It seemed to show the spark of fire in her wonderful green eyes. Her figure was not yet curved out but he wasn't complaining, her strange clothes were a dead give away. What she was wearing was strange to his eyes, he couldn't exactly describe it but he liked it.

"Megan, this is Sheik. Sheik, this bundle of joy is Megan." Link said and sat back down on the triforce symbol. Watching Megan calm down a bit at his new friend, Link laid back down, resting his eyes and pulling his hat over his eyes.

"A pleasure to meet you." Sheik walked up to Megan and kissed her hand. Megan just kept glaring at him, something about his cute dude wasn't right. Something in the back of her head kept trying to tell her something, but she couldn't remember at the moment. All she could remember was something her little brother mentioned about bandage boy.

"And back to you." Megan huffed and fell back on the platform. God, what she'd do for an aspirin right now. This world just kept getting better, first, she gets stuck in a field, chased by mutated plants then rescued by a guy on a damn horse. After that, she gets stuck in the damn field, got violated by a freaky creature of the dead then a scary lady claims her in as her new daughter and made a scene in front of dozens she didn't know. After that, she shovelled shit, got attacked by crazed chickens then stupidly agreed to go with a guy she barely knew to go on his quest to every dangerously place in the land. And to top it all off, bandaid guy had the hots for her. Life is so unfair.

"So how did you get to meet Link, milady?" Sheik asked the beauty. Megan snorted and raised an eyebrow at the strange dude. Should she tell the truth and make it a sappy romance, make it all up with a few added things, or go along with her 'Soon to be married couple' routine? But in the end, she didn't really get to say anything because the dumbass behind her answered a little too quickly for her liking.

"We met in the fields, she was lost and I helped her out. After that, she found out that she was so lost that she has to stay with me to survive in this part of the land." Megan looked at him, 'Damn he was good at excuses!', she had to give him some credit. Then the thought totally left her when he sat next to her and placed an arm around her shoulders, "And with her attitude, someone has to keep an eye on her so she's always gotta be with me 24/7. You know what I mean?" Link laughed while Sheik nodded to his words.

"What the hell do you mean by attitude?!" Megan blew up at the green-obsessed guy next to her. Attitude? What attitude? She was down right normal. "And what the fuck do you mean you have to keep a eye on me?! I'm capable enough to look after my fuckin' self!" Megan finished getting mad, looking away from Link.

"I see what you mean, she's quite the fighter Link." Sheik smiled at her, God, how much he wanted her right now and every passing minute with her increased it greatly. Megan snorted and glared at the new guy in the eyes, as if challenging him. But then she quickly regretted it because the moment she looked him in the eyes, she saw something she didn't like, lust. Totally forgetting her reasons for hating Link, she got up and tried to look at everything except Shock, Sink, whatever the hell his name was.

"Come on! Don't we have to save your midget friend, Tara?" Megan tried to talk but came out all loud and almost squeaky.

"Saria." Link corrected her for the hundredth time that day.

"Whatever! Let's just get the whole Woods Temple done with." Megan folded her arms and looked at the temple. Boy, did it look spooky at the moment.

"Forest Temple." This time Shock, Sink, whatever the hell his name was, corrected her this time.

"Shut up! Not you too!" Megan snapped at him but again regretted it because he still had that disgusting look on his face. Turning around and looking towards the Woods temple, something bright was floating in front of her face. Doing what she was good at, she fell on her ass and screamed.

"AHHHHH! Floating light bulbs!" Megan screamed and heard Link in the background.

"Oh no, not now."

End Chapter

Thank you for reading and please review.
Summer Maxwell
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