Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ STUPID MEMORY! STUPID THIEVES! ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapters are all fixed, well, spell-checked anyway...

Disclaimer: If I owned Zelda, do you think I'd leave the ending that way? I would have Zelda at least kiss Link or hug him for saving the entire world but no, she just says 'thanks' she does it every damn day. Damn girl.


Why Me?



"Well, while she's out. We can finish the temple without any distraction." Link said, turning around to the temple entrance. "She'll be safe out here."

"So does that mean we have to knock her out at every temple? If we have to, I'll volunteer to do it!" Navi laughed.



"Where the fuck am I?" Megan whispered. Looking around, she looked like she was in a forest. Grabbing her head in pain, her head hurt like hell. It felt like a hangover but even worse. What the hell was she drinking? And how did she get into a forest? Did she get drunk and stumble into the park across town?

"But how?" She usually remembers what she does, well, except that last time when she found herself in one of her best guy friend's bed. Thank God nothing happened when they found someone that remembered, bad news was that it was her friend Summer. And with her, everything came out the in riddles and puzzles. Damn girl could never remember her own reflection even if it hit her on the head.

"What the fuck do I do now?" Megan got up and looked around better, her head still throbbing with pain. Turning around, she noticed a huge temple like house and it was not hard to miss. Why couldn't she remember a damn thing? And how did she get up here, she thought as she looked down. A good thing she wasn't afraid of heights.

"I guess I have no choice." Megan mumbled out loud and decided to check the temple out. Walking in and looking around once again, it looked just like the outside, except it was inside. 'Stupid thing.' Megan thought and kept walking.

"It's not so bad...." Megan whispered, the place wasn't half-bad. It kinda looked okay for a old/spooky/yucky/ancient/dusty/ugly/cold place. Keeping her pace, she thought about someone, someone that she was with but the thought quickly was wiped from her mind when two huge were-like wolfs came out of the ground all zombie-I-want-to-eat-your-brains like.

"AHHHHH!" She screamed and hightailed it out of there, forgetting how nice and cool it looked. Her mind kept screaming 'Run like hell! Run like hell!', so there were no intelligent thoughts for a while. Finally back outside, she felt better.

"Stupid damn dogs, I could have taken them on..." She thought, '...if they were puppy-sized', came after her sentence. "Why the hell am I here anyway?!" She screamed at the temple for no reason. She was angry but like always, she wasn't gonna put the blame on her but on anything else that moved or was near her.

"Why me?! Huh?! Why the fuck me?! All I did was get drunk! And this is where I always end up! Fucked up and lost!" Megan screamed out to the forest where in the end, a huge and loud growl came in reply. Megan turned around and kept hearing it growl and howl at her.

"Ah, shut the fuck up! I'm trying to pity myself here!" Megan screamed.


"That's better!" Megan screamed and turned around, sitting down and thinking. What was she gonna do now? She didn't have a clue where she was. But a strange stupid thought kept coming to her head, something about a hot teenage boy in a green dress. Yes, stupid thought. She hit her head and muttered. "I must be still suffering from a hangover." hour later...

"I can't take it any longer!" Megan screamed to the surrounding forest. She was so goddamn bored and stuck, yes, very stuck. No matter what, she couldn't find a way to get out of there. And yes, she was still stuck on the high platform that connected to the entrance of the temple. And for some weird reason, she started to lose her sanity again because she started to name the temple 'Bob' and the growling voice down the stairs that she couldn't see 'Fred'. Yes, she was losing it. She even tried to get into a conversion with 'Fred'.

"How do I get out of here?" Megan whispered, looking up to the sky. A dramatic moment there but was ruined by a growl.

"Shut up Fred!"

...let's see what Link's doing...

"And blah, blah, blah, best friends, blah, blah, together forever, blah." Was all Link could hear from his best friend Tara, no he meant Saria. God, Megan was getting to him. He wasn't disrespecting his friend but he was so tired and beat from defeating the Woods Temple, no Forest Temple....yes, Megan was getting to him. It was because he was so beat from trying to kill the Phantom Ganon and how many times he missed and got hit was getting to him. By the way, what was Megan doing right now? He bet that she woke right now, pissed as hell that he left her there when she wanted to go.

"And here Link, is the Forest Medallion." Saria smiled and watched Link left up his hands and fill with the power of her forest. Yes, he indeed has grown. Oh, how much she missed him and was happy that he was still alive and well.

"Thank you." Link whispered and disappeared again into the light that engulfed him earlier. Back to the forest, back to Kokiri forest, back to his friends, and yes, back to Megan. Weird, he actually missed getting yelled at and hearing her curses.

...back to our little Megan...

"And yes. After that, I woke up and remembered nothing and am now talking to you." Megan finished talking to the rock pile that she made. She had just finish telling her life story to the pile right after she finished telling the leaf, Fred, the tree stump, and yes, even Bob.

"God, there is nothing to do and I don't want to fuckin' break my neck jumping the hell down!" Megan screamed and huffed when again, nobody answered. Where's an escalator when you need one?

...back to Link...

"And blah, blah, not a Kokiri, blah, blah, destiny, blah, blah, save Hyrule..." Again Link had to hear the same speech from the now Deku Sprout. When will all the lame speeches that everyone gives him stops? He knew the routine but WHEN? It's the same as before, he was tired so he was thinking grumpy and ‘why-should-I-care?’ like. All he wanted to do right now was fall down and sleep then after that, eat.

"Thank you." Link said as the Deku Sprout finished and smiled when Link left. 'Megan is gonna kill me.' Link thought as he sprinted back to the Lost Woods.

...back to our little going insane Megan...

"No, I think that outfit looks very good on you. And yes, red is your color." Megan said flatly to the skull kid in front of her. The little imp came a while ago and introduced itself, well, she thought it did... If she could remember. "Yes, I-" Megan eyes went wide, realizing what she was speaking to.

"AHHHHH!" Megan jumped up and the skull kid disappeared. Holding her chest and checking if her heart was still beating, yes it was. She calmed down and took deep breaths, 'What the hell was that thing?' Megan thought and rubbed her head. Once in a while, her head would hurt and...
A painful howl.

Turning around and crawling near the edge, Megan whispered, "Fred?"


"Yo! Fred, you still there?" Megan called out, hoping he would growl back to her. Hearing footsteps and someone coming near, Megan was actually gonna see Fred. How he looks and why the hell he always growled for an answer. Seeing a green hat and then a face, Megan was surprised that Fred looked that way.

"Fred!?" She always pictured him as a big ugly dog-like monster for some reason. But this guy was HOT! Watching him make it all the way to the top, she noticed that he was wearing a green dress. So green dress guy and Fred were RELATED?! So that's who green dress guy was! He was Fred the whole time! No wonder she kinda knew how he looked, she must have seen him when she was drunk and stumbling up here!

"Who's Fred?" Link asked out loud. What was this girl saying? Hell, even thinking? Walking closer, he noticed that she was giving him a serious look.

"If you're not Fred, then who was the one making all the growls down there?" Megan asked, one eyebrow raising. Link just stared at her. Okay, he was expecting her to yell and curse at him but who was Fred?

"Uh, I think the one that was growling was the one I killed down there..." Link muttered, trying to go along with the whole thing. But as he said the last words, he watched her eyes go wide.

"Oh Fred! What has happened to you! Why?! Oh why did it have to be you?! You were so young! So young... I think..." Megan mumbled, lifting her hand to her head and falling down. Link could only raise an eyebrow and stare amazed at her. "You were the reason why I survived so long in this danky little hellhole!" Pointing at Link, she continued, "Why the hell did you have to kill him, huh?! Why?! We were gonna run away some Goddamn day... The moment I get down, anytime soon... We were gonna be best friends, travel all over the world..." She continued as Navi flew to her.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" The fairy questioned loudly.

"And go Walt Disney! And camping with Bob, leaf, and rock! Then we were gonna... AHHHHH!" Megan panicked, noticing a light bulb fly next to her and talk. Still screaming, she got up and backed a bit away. But like Link, she fell and this time, on the back.

"And again, everything is unexpected with this girl." Link watched Navi sweatdrop as she flew next to the unconscious girl. "I guess I'll just carry her to Kokiri Village where it's safer." Link spoke and walked over to Megan and picking her up.
"Why do you bother to bring her along?" Navi asked quietly, wanting nothing but the silence from the girl. Link looked at his fairy and back to the path, this question took more time than he thought.

"I guess I just need the company, somebody that'll lift my spirits when I'm down. Like comedy relief, I guess. By the way, she has no home or family here so it's better if she's with me. She also doesn't know the land or the creatures so she won't know how to protect herself." Link smiled at his fairy and then yawned loudly.

"Gee Link, you should really get some rest." Navi looked worried at her partner. Still trying to smile, Link nodded.

"I will, once we get home."

...a few hours later...

"What the hell happened to me now?" Megan whimpered, as the sun shined onto her eyes. It was early morning and again, she woken up without a clue where she was. But this time, her whole back, legs, and head hurt like hell. Not moving the rest of her body, she lifted one of her hands up to rub her forehead.

Ba bump.

What the hell was that? Since when did her pillow make noises?

Ba bump.

And when did her bed feel so warm, hell so good, soft, and yet firm?

Ba bump.

Okay, something is not right, this isn't normal. Moving only her head to look up, she saw a face, a boy's face. A very familiar one. She also noticed that she was sleeping on top of him. Thoughts of very disturbing things came to her head and she did what was natural.

"AHHHHH!" She screamed, jumping up. Her scream also woke up the guy, making her fall off him onto the bed and him onto the floor. He jumped up, trying to grab something from his back, but finding nothing there. So she screamed again. "AHHHHHH!"

"What the hell is happening?! Why the hell are you screaming?!" The boy screamed at her.

"Oh my God!" Megan yelled out, realizing that he was only wearing his long green shirt. What the hell were they doing?! Did she get drunk with this guy?! Why couldn't she remember anything?!
"I said, what the hell is wrong with you woman?!" Link shouted at Megan, who just stared at him.

"Did we sleep together?! Did we do anything else?! Who the hell are you?! Why can't I remember anything?! Where's Fred?! How did I end up on top of you?! Why the hell does me body hurt...OH MY GOD!" Megan screamed again, making Link cover his ears.

"Shut the hell up!" Link cried and grabbed her shoulders. "We did not sleep together, Megan! We did nothing else! We needed somewhere to sleep for the night and this was the only bed and I did not want to sleep on the floor." Link let out his breath. Damn the girl, he really thought that something really terrible has happened. Then the thought popped up, turning to her, he yelled, "What the hell do you mean you can't remember me?! Or anything else?! And who the hell is Fred?!"

"I fuckin' don't remember anything but since you know my name, I guess you know me. All the hell I remember was waking up in front of Bob!" Noticing the guy's clueless look, "I mean, all I remember was waking up in front of a temple, a really old one in the forest." Megan looked around, noticing a light buzz around now.

"Why are you guys yelling?" The flashlight talked.

"You were the one that made me fall! You damn floating nightlight! Get over here you!" Megan jumped up and was about to attack the light but the guy tackled her before she even got the chance.

"What the hell are you doing?!?" The guy yelled and got up, dusting himself off.

"Hmph." Megan huffed and crossed her arms, looking away. Turning around and decided to get dress, Link looked out the window and guessed it was around seven in the morning. A good time to start with the next temple.

"So why can't I remember anything?" Megan closed her eyes, waiting for an answer from the cute dude. But out of temptation, she peeked, just a little...okay a lot instead of a little. Cute ass.

"Umm...” Link muttered before answering, he guessed that when she hit her head while using his Hookshot, she forgot who and where she was. "We were together for a short time, you wanted to come with me into that temple you were in front of but bumped your head and was knocked out. I guess that's why you can't remember anything. But I bet your memory will come back pretty soon so just wait or something." Link spoke, finishing strapping on his sword and taking it out, examining it.

"But that doesn't explain why I hurt like hell."

"You fell, remember?"
"Oh yeah. God, thank you for helping me." Megan muttered.

"Huh?!" Link turned around and walked up to Megan. Did she just thank him?

"What the hell are you looking at?" Megan glared at the guy, but all he did was stare and left up his hand to fell her forehead. Big mistake. Link gave a 'ouch' look when he just realized that he just knocked out Megan again for the third time. At least that shut her up for a while. And as if hearing him think that last thought, Megan snapped out of it and sat up.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Huh, Link?! And why the hell are we in your house?! Weren't we suppose to be at the Woods Temple?! Huh?! Huh?! And don't you even start you floating lightbulb!" Megan yelled at the fairy before she could even start. Link smiled, yep, she had her memory back. Lifting his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. He only ended up knocking her out cold again.

"Geez Link, I thought you would learn that you have a sword in your hand when you were feeling her forehead but knocking her out twice?" Navi said.

"The second hit wasn't an accident." Link smirked.

...much later, after the hit...

"Geez, deja vu..." Megan muttered and woke up again for the hundredth time that day. Rubbing her forehead, she swore that she'd have a bruise worse than anything she ever had before. Maybe even worse than that time James from her team hit her with a hockey puck and knocked her out. Later, she kicked the shit out of him but surprisingly, forgive him instead of holding a grudge.

"Where the hell am I now?" Megan groaned and got up, stumbling a bit to the side. Looking around where she was, she made a face at the cow staring right back to her, about to lick her.

"AHHHHHH!" Megan yelled and fell off the bed which the cow walked over to. Breathing hard and jumping up. She backed away slowly and out of the house very carefully, keeping a close eye on the cow incase it tried anything funny. But then fell down the balcony.

"SHIT!" Megan groaned and rubbed the back of her head. Why the hell did this feel so familiar? She didn't remember anything about falling before, except when Link did. And why did she have a strong urge to call him 'green dress man'? And why did the name Fred and Bob kept popping up on her?

"What the hell happened to me at the temple?" She knew something happened because she couldn't remember anything. Turning around, she noticed she was in Kokiki, Kokoro, Ko...Ah hell, Link's midget village. It must be past noon.

"How the hell did I get here? All the hell I remember was waking up when the bastard hit me on the head with his damn sword." Grabbing her head in pain again, "Ouch! Man, that sword sucks ass." Megan whimpered and walked out of the place, following the path to the outside. She was sick of this shit, and she wanted out and food.

"I'll just leave and make sure he can't find me. That's if he cares to look. I don't need him, I can get along fine without him." Megan muttered to herself, getting closer to the entrance. Then suddenly, a short blond kid jumped out of nowhere, blocking her path. "Out of the way pipsqueak!" Megan yelled and shoved the boy out of the way. "And get a haircut!" She yelled, turning her head back to the boy with the extremely long bangs.

"It's not like he needs me." Megan grumbled, getting angrier by the second. Nothing in this world is real anyway, it's all created by a Japanese guy. One with a great and big imagination and a name really hard to pronounce and remember, a big thing for Megan. Walking out the entrance and to the field, everything went black...again.

...back to Link...

"Thank you." Link smiled and left the store, counting his rupees and packing the stuff he just bought. Smiling, he waved to the girl that always seemed to sit onto of the store. Jogging back to his tree house, he expected a loud girl but was greeted with silence. Was she still sleeping?

"Hey Meg, I jus..." Link stopped when he spotted no one on the bed and the sheets a mess. "Strange, I swear I left her here."

"Mooo..." Link looked at the cow and smiled.

"She must have woken up and got scared by the cow. And by the looks of the sheets, it was a rough awakening!" Link chuckled and ran outside, expecting the girl to be yelling at someone or cursing at an object. Looking around from his balcony, he spotted no girl anywhere.

"Navi, check around for her, I don't want her to cause trouble for others." Link looked at his fairy. Watching the fairy speed off, Link got worried. Not worried for Megan but for the person that was with her. He pitied that person.

...back to Meggie....

"When will this stop...?" Megan groaned and got up. Holding her head, she cursed. When will these blackouts stop? She was sure that she had serious brain damage now. "Can't I just go the fuck home?!" She screamed and huffed a bit. Hearing laughter behind her, she turned quickly to a voice.

"She's quite the lively one, Milord." She heard a silky voice talk to another man. Looking around, she noticed a group of men, no travellers. Hell, she bet her life it was bandits. It was pretty oblivious due to their clothes and junk that they had. The one that talked was a cute one for many reasons. First, he was dark-haired and muscular, just the way she liked them.

"She certainly is." Another man chuckled, "Judging from her clothes and the condition, she had it rough in the woods." The leader no doubt spoke. And he was the hottest of them all. All the other guys were cute and okay with a little flaws but this guy was HOT! Just from first appearance, Megan could tell he was strong. He had blond spiky hair with the bluest eyes Megan has ever seen. His smile almost made her blush, almost. It was so seducing and perfect, like the dentist was his favorite place to go. He was wearing tanned trousers, tucked into his leather boots, a cool way. His long black leather coat flew behind him as he walked up to her, examining her. He had no shirt under his coat but with straps of leather, holding his sword and Megan thought other swords, or maybe even daggers.

"And who might you be? A lady of your status and beauty shouldn't be out here alone, especially with men like us prowling the lands." The man purred at her, happy with his catch. Megan smiled, her cockiness getting the better of her. She might as well try to get the upper hand of this situation.

"Well, a beauty like this should know how to look after herself if she is alone." Megan purred right back. She hated acting like a girl, or this way but hey, she had no idea what this jerks could do to her. Smiling seductively, she walked around and examined the place. She was still outside, the place must be like a camp or something. Looking around, there seemed to be about thirty of them. All cute looking except the older ones, the younger ones had all the looks...maybe except a few. All the other guys mostly dressed like the leader except with different clothes.

"I see that no one is with you." The man spoke, examining a sword on the side. Not even getting nervous, Megan continued.

"I was but lost them in the woods. This shows that I know how to take care of myself." Megan turned back to him, pretending to be interested in something else.

"May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" The man smiled, looking at her in the eyes, "It's not often we met a beauty such as you in these parts of the lands. I'm also not this very nice." The man reassured himself. Megan just grinned and looked away, stretching her arms over her head.

"Has a name ever been given to me in trade?" Megan looked back.

"Forgive me, fair lady." Megan also snorted, if Link could hear this guy now. "For I am Jack Bandit, simple as that. And these men are my crew; we hunt and plunder other travellers and kill for their merchant then sell it to others for a higher price." Jack smiled, telling the lady the truth.

"Hearing your name, I shall tell you mine." Megan smiled wider and walked up to him. God, thank the classes she took in English and Drama. "I am Megan, simple as that." She smiled, wishing she had a fancier name now.

"Just Megan?" Jack smiled, holding out to grab her hand and kiss it softly.

"Just." Megan smiled. Then grabbed his hand and shook it firmly, surprising Jack.

"I see that you are no lady." Jack smiled.

"You see well." Megan laughed and turned around. "So where can a lady get some food around here?"

"Forgive me. Colin, get the lady some food." Jack yelled out, and then whistled out loud. "Come on guys, we have a special guest tonight. At least look nice for her!" Jack laughed and turned back to Megan, smiling brightly. "And maybe the lady would like some clothes?" Megan laughed and looked down at herself, she did look like a mess. No harm in free clothes!

"Hell, I'd like that. And remember, I'm no lady so don't fuckin' expect me to act like a one!" Megan smiled.

"Finally a lady I like the talk of!" Jack laughed again and turned around, ordering the men around. Hey, she could get used to this! Maybe she could stay with the guys for a while until she got things sorted out. And Jack doesn't look half-bad! He almost looked the same age as her, she guessed nineteen or somewhere close. She didn't need Link, even if he did know how to get her home, it was not like her to go running to him every time she or he screwed up. She always rather ran away or stood up stupidly to her problems. She guessed it was running away this time.

...back to Link...

"I'm sorry Link but she isn't around here. But one of the kids mentioned that they saw her leaving the forest." Link frowned, why did she leave? Jumping down, he started for the entrance. He needed to make sure that the brat was okay and safe. He hated his goody-goody ways and how he worried about others that were less fortunate than him.

"So we're gonna find her?" Navi sighed when she already knew the answer. Link nodded and walk at the entrance, walking out and into the field. He took out his ocarina and played Epona's Song for his horse to come. But nothing came or even made a sound. Did Megan take the horse, no, she wouldn't take it, let alone go near it.

"Come on Navi, something's not right here." Jogging out into the field, he noticed something pretty bright in the distance. Running faster and his heart beating faster every second, his thoughts wondered other places when he noticed it was the same color as Megan's shirt. 'Oh no...'

...let's see how Megan's doing...

"That was great!" Megan laughed and sat back onto the silk cloths that were formed as a seat for her. She finally got her meal that she waited so long for, and turns out, one the men was a prized cook and favorite her because of her unusual dishes. No, she was not a cook in talent but her mom owned a bakery and catering shop so she knew a lot of dishes and how things tasted. Soon, after the meal, it must have been past five.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Jack smiled at her, she was okay to be around with. He thought at first that she'd be a snotty girl with a bad attitude, turns out, she just had the bad mouth! "Do you wish to stay the night or do you have someplace to be?" Jack asked.

"Fuck! I would love to stay! No, I have no place to go at the moment, but the people I'm with could wait! Being with you has been cool so far!" Megan smiled at the man, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. Megan knew right away the guy had a thing for her, it was obvious because he would look away whenever she caught him watching her all day. Turning back to herself, she knew she looked great. The men had given her some nice clothes, she was wearing a long leather coat with no sleeves and a low neckline shirt with long sleeves that was white. She was also wearing tight tanned pants with her boots. She wanted a sword but they insisted a dagger considering the way she grabbed and dropped the sword on one of the older men's foot.

"It would be..." But Jack was cut off when one of his men came up and reported something. "Sorry, this would have to wait." Megan nodded and tried to peek at what was happening.

"Sir, it seems we have a spy. A young man, status unknown and highly suited for battles." Johnny, as Megan had learned his name from another, was a large black man with seemed to Megan was the loyalist to Jack. On the other hand, Megan was extremely scared of him, I mean you would be too! He's like seven feet tall....I think.....He's just tall and had that look 'mess-with-me-and-I'll-smash-your-face' kind of look. So Megan stayed clear of him.

"Let me see him." Jack answered strongly and looked to Megan who nodded. The men bought a struggling guy which Megan couldn't see because too much were in the way. The guys laughed and pointed, making Megan very curious to see who it was. Pushing a guy out of the way, Megan was shocked to see who it was.

"Shock?! I mean....Sheik?!" Megan gasped, watching Sheik, yes, she remembered him for once. But what was he doing sneaking around here?

"Do you know this man?" Jack frowned, looking at Megan. Who was this man that his Megan knew? It hurt him how the man looked at her, making him rage and want to kill the guy right on the spot. But he didn't know what Megan would do to him which made him stand his ground.

"I guess I do."


End chapter

Thank you for reading and please review.
Summer Maxwell
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