Fan Fiction ❯ Wierd Days ❯ P.E. Interrogations ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
days at SHHS
P.E. Interrogations

It was Friday and it was an A-day. I usually enjoy A-days but I was having a very bad day. I was quiet through 1st Period but when I got to P.E. I knew that would change. I was sitting through the passing period dreading all the problems that would come up when the others got there. I looked down and was in my own little world when Sarah and Lorena came up the bleachers. They put their stuff down and walked over to me.

“Why is Papercutt mad today?!” Groaned Sarah.

“Is the Monkey sad?” Lorena said seeing if I was even listening.

I looked up at them and said “Oh. Hey you two.” looking back down.

Sarah and Lorena walked in front of me and kneeled down looking at me trying to get my attention. Eventually they got frustrated and walked away. They walked back a few minutes later. They tried again, staring at me, but I didn’t noticed them.

Sarah frustrated, screamed “ What did Kasey do now? I swear I’ll kill that boy!”

“Lorena kept calm and asked “Your balls hurt right?” with a chuckle in her voice.

I looked at her, turning really red, and screamed “Wha- What did you say?!” flaring up.

I got up and moved into the corner where David usually sits and they followed me. It was then that I realized that there was no fuck’n way they’d give up. So I just shut down and stopped talking. That’s when David and Kasey came up the bleachers as the last bell rang.

Kasey being an Ass, said “What is the Paper Fucker crying about this time!” Taunting me.

I just ignored the bastard. And Lorena was puzzled at my behavior she just stared at me in confusion because I don’t usually ignore Kasey’s bullshit. So she knew something was wrong.

David came up to Sarah and asked her “What the fuck is wrong with Papercutt? Is he constipated?” Laughing.

“Stop playing around! He always tells me when something’s wrong! So this is serious! He’s not talking at all!” Glaring at Kasey.
I got up and started heading down the stairs.

Kasey laughed and said “His balls probably hurt!” Knowing it’d piss me off.

Hearing that I slipped and fell to the floor. Crashing into the floor I dug my face into my shirt and laid on the ground for thirty seconds hearing the laughs of the whole gym. I got up and was burning mad. I swear I was engulfed in flames as I stomped up the bleachers.

Kasey chuckled and screamed “That clumsy paper fucker cracks me up! He thinks I’m scared of his short weak----”

“Shuddup!” Lorena screamed pushing Kasey down the bleacher.

“Move!” I screamed trying to get around her.

“Hold it! You know I won’t put up with your shit Papercutt! Now! What’s wrong?” She screamed not letting me pass.

I turned around in annoyance and whispered “It’s personal, you wouldn’t understand!” Walking away.

Lorena looked down and said “Well I was just worried ’bout you” giving up.

I instantly looked over at her and walked up to her. She looked nervous but I hugged her.

She asked “What’s this for?” putting her left arm around me.

“Thank you Lorena!” I said smiling at her.

“For what?” She asked backing up.

“For caring about me. Not very many people care about my feelings. So, Thank you!” I said turning to walk away.

“So what’s wrong?” Lorena asked sitting down.

“Drop it!” I said sinking into the seat of the bleachers.

“But--” Sarah tried to argue but I interrupted her.

“I said drop the fuck’n subject!” I screamed scooting over.

Lorena and Sarah sat next to me and put their hands on my back saying that they wanted to help me. I wouldn’t hear it. As I tried to get Kasey grabbed me by the shirt collar and lifted me up. He slammed me into the wall. He tried to get me to share my problem but I wouldn’t speak! He rammed me into the gym wall and jabbed me in the stomach with his fist. I fell down the bleachers again and laid there still as night. I tuned out everything around me and only thought about death and how to do it. David had gone to the bathroom earlier and stood in front of me. He handed me his hand. I looked up and realized that I wasn’t dead. I grabbed his hand and stood up. I wiped some blood from my lips and walked up the stairs when I heard a scream and before I could do anything I was sent falling down the stairs again This time I was crushed by Kasey who was seeing stars. I struggled my way out from under him when I was hit with a rogue basketball. Now I was seeing stars.

Kasey gets up realizing I’m out kicks me saying “Stupid Fuck’n Paper Fucker!!!!” kicking me again.

Lorena, Sarah, and David walked over to me and noticed no liveliness in my eyes. Although I wasn’t dead I was tired of living. Sarah came over to me to see if I was okay and she noticed I was bleeding heavily on my left arm. She searched through my pockets and found a Swiss-army knife in my pants pocket. She noticed a hole in my pocket and found that I didn’t cut myself on purpose but on accident. I started to come to my senses as she bandaged me up. I turned really red as she leaned over me fixing my arm. She noticed I was awake and got up.

I looked at everybody watching me and quickly got up saying “That never happened okay!” laughing nervously.

“I got it all on camera! Hehe!” Kasey said holding a Camera that brought to school.

Sarah got really fucking mad and David had to hold her back. I said there’d be nothing left of Kasey. She was so flaming pissed that not even David could hold her back. I have never seen Sarah so mad before. Before I noticed it Kasey was sent sky-high by Sarah raging strength. As the period went on I told everyone that I was having a pain in the balls. And everyone didn’t laugh like I thought they would. So I was mad for no fucking reason.

See Ya Later. . . .

Next Time: Lunch Time. . . .