Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Secrets Begin to Unravel ( Chapter 33 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Sorry, the only thing I own in this story is the plot and my characters the rest belongs to Tolkein.

~~*~*~~Chapter 33 - Secrets Begin To Unravel~~*~*~~

Legolas knocked on Rain's door the next morning. He had done as Elrohir had asked and left her alone to her thoughts last night, but he was chafing to see her. Frowning at lack of response he was getting he cautiously opened the door and peered around the frame. Looking around he stepped in and noticed that she wasn't there. Wondering if she had left early for breakfast, he turned back and left the room hurrying down the stairs and into the dining room. His frown deepened as he saw that she wasn't among the people gathered at the long table.

"Good morning Legolas. How did you sleep last night?" Elrohir called as Legolas crossed the room.

"Fine, has anyone seen Rain this morning?" he asked, looking around the group.

"She hasn't shown up here this morning. What, did you lose her?" Elrohir said slyly, a gleam twinkling in his eye.

"No, I didn't lose her, she just wasn't in her room this morning and neither was Nanook." Legolas answered, glaring back at the grinning elf.

"Well then, there's your answer. She's probably outside with him." Elrohir retorted. "She'll be back soon, so let's get some breakfast."

Legolas glanced longingly at the door leading to the courtyard, but knew that she wouldn't take too long outside with Nanook. Moving around the table, he sat down next to his mother smiling down at her. A slight frown crossed his face at the pensive expression gracing her face.

"Mother, are you all right?" he asked softly.

"Yes, my son. I'm fine." she answered gently, a hint of distress plainly visible in her voice.

Legolas gazed worriedly as his mother picked listlessly at the food on her plate, concerned about her state of well-being. She looked up and smiled wanly at him, before reaching over to pat his hand gently. He covered her fingers with his, squeezing lightly before turning to his plate. He was anxious to finish and find Rain quickly this morning. Sliding back from the table, he quickly excused himself and strode out of the dining room, unaware of his mother's unhappy gaze following him sadly.


Legolas searched the interior of the palace for most of the morning, becoming steadily worried as he hurried outside into the garden. Everyone that he had talked to this morning had not seen Rain since last night. Striding through the outer doors, he spotted his mother sitting beneath her favorite tree. Hurrying towards her, he slid to a halt next to the bench she was sitting on.

"Mother, did Rain ever show up after I left this morning?" he asked, worry clearly coloring his voice.

"Legolas, please sit down for a moment?" she said softly, her eyes downcast and her voice quivering.

A shaft of fear snaked through his stomach, causing it to clench down tightly. He cautiously sat down next to her, a sense of foreboding creeping though his body. His body tense and his eyes pinned on her, he waited anxiously for her to look up at him.

"Legolas," she started, her eyes meeting his for the first time, filled with a sadness and regret, "she's gone."

His heart skipped a beat as her words sunk in, his pulse pounded in loudly in his ears. A rushing sound of wind filled his senses, causing his body to feel weak. His head fell forward, hands reaching up to tangle in his hair. "What do you mean she's gone?" he said, his words sounding hollow and foreign.

"She left late last night and it is all my fault." she whispered softly, looking back down at her hand twisted in her lap.

"What?" he said, his voice hoarse.

"I went to visit her last night, she seemed so confused at breakfast that I wanted to talk with her. She was in such agony, I could almost feel it. She doesn't think she is good enough for you and I tried to convince her otherwise. I fear that I have only caused you more pain, my son." Tia said her voice trembling as she tried to contain her sorrow for hurting her youngest child.

"When did she leave?" he said, his voice suddenly cold and hard. She looked up, started by the tone. Rearing back slightly she stared, suddenly frightened by the cold expression that covered his face.

"Legolas?" she started, but jumped at the harsh words he uttered.

"When. . .did. . . she. . .leave!"

"Around midnight, I saw her heading north with her beast and Arod." she said gently, trying to contain her fright and sooth him at the same time. She watched as he stood up abruptly and walked quickly towards the palace. She suddenly was very concerned for Rain when he caught up with her.


Rain looked up from the map she had spread over her bent knees and up to the terrain they had been traveling. She was exhausted but knew that she had to travel as far as she could before Legolas decided to track her down. It had been an impulse to leave, but she knew it was for the best. Legolas deserved someone who didn't lie to him, someone who was of his own stature; not some broken down Senior Master Sergeant from his future.

Suddenly, Rain's thoughts flew to her future. She fully intended on retrieving the sword, and then returning to her home and her life. But suddenly the usual rush of excitement that thought inspired was gone.

She knew there would be a court martial. But how would she explain where she had been for all these days? And if by some miracle she managed to hold on to her job, would she be able to simply return to her life as if nothing had happened?

Her mind filled with images of her irate Captain bellowing at her, followed by her returning to her empty house. No-one to share her experiences with and certainly no-one who would even care where she had been.

Even her favorite past-times seemed to have paled. Hours spent scouring the Internet reading fanfiction about Lord of the Rings would seem redundant after having spent so much time here, getting to know the characters intimately. Even taking Nanook for a walk through the woods surrounding her home would seem lack luster after having traipsed through the lands of Middle Earth.

Her gaze drifted down to her lap where her hand restlessly smoothed the map. Her uniform suddenly seemed drab and harsh, compared to the soft suede's and silks she'd worn since here. The dresses she could have done without, although once she'd become accustomed to them, they'd grown somewhat on her. She grinned as she thought of going in for duty dressed in the suede leggings, silk shirt and gold embossed vest she'd worn on several occasions here. She could well imagine the dropped jaws and sputtering of her squadron.

And then her grin faded as her thoughts turned to family. In her own time, she had none left. Aside from her father who'd run out and left her and her mother to their own devices while he created a new life better suited to his whims. He didn't even really qualify as family.

Images of Elrohir's smiling face and bursts of laughter filled her head. Memories of leaning into his solid warmth and taking comfort from the simple act of touch. Elrond's gentle smile, kind demeanor. Galadriel's guidance and mind meddling, that would all be lost.

And then there was Legolas. Grimly, Rain realized that no man would ever be able to compete with his grace and quiet strength. No man's eyes would ever be blue enough, nor their hair pale enough or long enough. So she would be destined to spend the rest of her life alone, mourning the one she'd given up, refusing to settle for second best.

Turning her gaze toward Nanook, she saw him laying in the clearing by Arod, his large eyes never leaving her. In those eyes she saw worry and regret. He whined softly, his bushy tail swishing slowly, as if to say, I'm sorry I can't make this easier for you. Watching him, she began to envy his way of life. He took pleasure when he found it, without worrying about its source or the consequences of it. His decisions were based on his emotions, rather than what was right or wrong. And he always chose what made him happy, unless otherwise ordered to do so. Why couldn't she be more like him? Why did she always have to wait for the moment to end with pain, instead of simply enjoying the moment for what it was?

Rain rubbed her now aching temple with her hand wearily. What had seemed so clear last night, was now uncertain. And for the first time in her life, she began to doubt herself. Doubt her way of thinking and doubt all the rules she had chosen to live by.

She sighed as she rolled up the map and stashed it back into it bag. She hadn't realized how hard it would be to leave him, even if it was for his benefit. Standing up, she brushed the dead leaves and dirt off her clothing and walked over to Arod. He stood tall and alert, keeping watch over their impromptu camp.

"Come on guys, we have a long way to go today." she said as she packed away the maps. Arod nickered softly as his head turned and nudged her in the back. She slapped tiredly at his nose and swung quickly up onto his back.

"Let's go boys." she called, closing her eyes as she leaned forward over Arod's neck. "On to Laketown."

Arod plodded carefully forward, balancing the sleeping woman on his back, instinctively heading in the direction she wanted. Ears pricking for any sign of trouble or the sound of Hausfel's great hooves behind him.


"Legolas wait." yelled Elrohir, as he watched Legolas storm angrily down the hallway and up the stairs. Hurrying quickly to catch up, he barely slid into Legolas's room without getting hit by the slamming door. He watched silently for a moment as Legolas slammed open the closet door and began throwing clothes and bags towards his bed.

"Legolas, what's. . ." he stopped mid-sentence at the heated glare thrown his direction. "Sorry." he mumbled softly. Leaning back against the closed door, he observed Legolas's actions. Something was definitely wrong, and he was going to find out what it was.

Legolas finished packing quickly, ignoring Elrohir's looming presence. Sliding his twin blades into their sheaths, he slung his quiver and bow over his shoulder and reach out to pick up the saddlebag. Turning towards the doorway, he found Elrohir blocking his exit.

"Move." he growled threateningly, one hand resting on a sheathed blade. Elrohir's eyebrows twitched at the location of his hand.

"Not until you tell me what is going on." Elrohir replied steadily, tensing lightly in preparation of any objection to his request.

"I'm leaving." Legolas hissed, his voice cold sending shivers down Elrohir's spine. He ignored the feeling, determined to get to the bottom of Legolas's unexpected anger.

"I can very well see that. Why?"

"Because your exulted cousin decided that she was better off on her own than with us." Legolas snapped.

"What do you mean better off on her own?" Elrohir said, confusion coloring his face and tone.

"She left late last night with Nanook and Arod to continue her mission without our help."

"Arod! How did she get him to go with her?" Elrohir replied, puzzled how Arod, who was loyal only to Legolas, would go off willing with Rain. Even if she had been riding him for the past month.

"I would also like to know. Now, will you get out of my way so that I can catch up with her." Legolas snarled harshly.

"What are you going to do when you catch her?" Elrohir asked, worried by the feral gleam in Legolas's eyes.

"I don't know, kill her."

"Legolas. . ." Elrohir started, concerned greatly for Rain's welfare.

"I don't know what I will do yet, I haven't decided." Legolas replied, breaking into Elrohir's words. Reaching out he pushed Elrohir aside and stalked out of the door.

"Hey wait, I'm going with you." cried Elrohir as he jumped out of the room and ran after Legolas.


A/N: Uhh Oh, Legolas is pissed and Rain is regreting her decision. What't going to happen when our two intreped adventures meet up again. Press that button and leave a review.

~Thanks for reading DBZ Vegeta