Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Uncle Elrond? ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Tolkien series, but I wish I did, then I wouldn't have to work 40 hours a week and then spend all the hard earned money paying off my credit cards.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 10 - Uncle Elrond?


Rain stared up in disbelief at Lord Elrond, she was related to him. She was an elf, but how could that be. ~ I don't look like an elf, so how could I be one. ~ she thought. She tried to remember what she had read about the elves. ~ Elros ~ she thought, brother of Elrond. ~ What had happened to him? ~

Her pondering was interrupted by Legolas, who with a stunned expression on his face was leading her across the room towards Lord Elrond. ~ Wait a minute, shouldn't that be Uncle Elrond? ~ she thought hysterically. ~ Get it together Rain ~ she thought, straightening her back and employing her military bearing to cover her confusion. She schooled her face to display none of the emotions rolling through her. She could hear the other elves in the room talking excitedly, as if she was some sort of surprise. Trying to focus on the moment at hand, she looked up into Elrond's gray eyes, who was currently smiling gently down at her, holding his hand out to her.

Withdrawing her hand from Legolas's arm, she took Elrond's as he led her up to the raised table at the head of the room. She swiftly threw an imploring look over her shoulder at Legolas. Catching the meaning in her eyes, he nodded softly and followed close behind. She sat in the chair that Elrond had pulled out for her, before he sat down on her left. Legolas quickly took the seat to her right, frowning at Elrohir who had tried to beat him out.

Rain tried to focus on the meal and the conversations going on around her, but for some reason she was having trouble. Shaking her head suddenly, she startled when she felt a hand on her thigh. Looking down she saw that Legolas had covered her fidgeting fingers that had been drumming on the top of her leg. Her eyes flew up to meet his and she relaxed slightly at his concerned expression. She curled her fingers around his, squeezing them lightly before releasing his hand to focus back on her dinner.

"Rain, dear. Are you not enjoying the meal?" Elrond asked as he leaned over to talk quietly to her, watching as she circled the food around her plate.

"I'm sorry, but I am just not hungry." she said, putting her fork down next to her plate and picking up the wineglass in front of her. She downed the entire contents quickly, wishing it was something quite a bit stronger than wine. ~ Preferably a lot of something stronger. ~ she thought sarcastically.

Seeing that nearly everyone had finished and were departing, she folded her napkin and turned to Elrond, "Would you please excuse me Lord Elrond, I am not feeling well and would like to go to my room."

"Oh, I hope you feel better, dear. You and I will talk in the morning then. Shall I have someone escort you back to your room?" Elrond said, concern written across his features.

"I'll take her Lord Elrond." Legolas spoke up before anyone else could answer, pushing back from the table to stand up.

"No, please Legolas, stay and enjoy the company. I can find my own way." Rain said as she placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him in his seat. He looked up into her eyes and nodded, as he understood her need to be alone for the moment.

"Thank you for the lovely dinner, till tomorrow then." she said as she turned and hurried out of the dining room.

Once outside of the dining room, instead of heading up the stairway to her chambers, she turned and darted out an archway into the darkness surrounding the manor. Picking up the hem of her dress as so not to trip, she dashed quickly down a darkened path and deep into the forest.

Feeling a stitch in her side, she collapsed under a large tree and pulled her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth. ~ What in the hell was going on here? ~ she thought hysterically, her emotions now free to run rampant over her.

~ How could she be related to an elf? Did this mean that she was in the past and Middle Earth was really Earth, not another world or dimension? ~ her mind was spinning, trying to take in all of the facts and process them reasonably. Taking a deep breath, she straightened and leaned back against the tree behind her.

~ Ok, let's work this out. ~ she thought, her military logic finally kicking it.

Number one, Uncle Elrond, nope better make that Lord Elrond until I know more. Lord Elrond's brother was my ancestor about fifty generations ago. Elros was his name. I wish I had my Tolkien books here so I could research him.

Number two, If I am related to Elrond through his brother, doesn't that mean I have elfin blood flowing through me and if so is that why I have always had such excellent hearing and eyesight.

Number three, If I am really related to the elves then that means this is Earth and not another dimension. That means I have been dropped back into time. But for what reason?

Number four, I really wish I had a fifth of tequila right now.

Sighing, she closed her eyes trying to clear all of the thought out of her already over-crowded head. That not working she tried reciting the Air Force Values over and over in her head until she could stop thinking about what all was going on.

Integrity First -

Service Before Self -

Excellence In All We Do

She keep repeating it over and over, pacing back and forth now in front of the tree she had stopped by until she felt a tap on her shoulder. Reaching quickly, she grabbed the hand and with a twist of her hip, flipped the person to the ground and sat on him, her knee pressed painfully into his stomach.

"Ompf, Rain. . . It's me. . . Legolas." came the breathless reply.

"Oh, sorry Legolas." she said as she moved her knee from his stomach and sat back on top of his thighs, looking down at him. "But you should know by now not to sneak up on me." she chuckled as his disconcerted expression.

"What were you mumbling before you tripped me?" he asked, not saying anything about her still sitting on him. He was enjoying it too much.

"Oh, I was trying to clear my mind. Too many thoughts flying around and I needed something else to concentrate on so I was reciting the Air Force Values." she said as she leaned forward and put her hands on either side of his head and stared down into his blue eyes. "By the way, what are you doing here. Didn't I say that I would be alright by myself."

"I know, but after dinner I went to check on you and you where not in your room. So I waited, but since you didn't come back I got worried and decided to look for you." he said, trying to keep his words light and even, not wanting her to know how she was affecting by being so close. Her hair had fallen forward over her shoulder to brush against his chest and the light smell of lavender was intoxicating to him. He wanted to reach up and pull her down to him and kiss her senseless. But he knew this was not the time nor the place, she needed time to adjust to Lord Elrond's announcement.

Frowning down at him, she asked "How long have I been gone?" ~ It couldn't have been that long, could it have been? ~ she thought.

"You have been gone almost five hours. It is after midnight." he said, watching the startled expression cross her face.

"Five hours! Man, I didn't now that I had been gone that long. I understand now why you were worried." she grinned as she bounced up off Legolas, ignoring his groan, she held out her hand to him and hauled him up.

"Come on, we probably should get back before anyone else comes looking for us." Rain firmly grasped his hand and pulled him back down the path to Rivendell manor.

"Rain wait." he said, stopping and pulling her up against him. She looked up at him startled by the feeling of his firm body pressed against hers. "Have I told you tonight how beautiful you look."

Blushing slightly at his words, she looked up into his brilliant blue eyes, mesmerized by the emotions racing through them. She watched as his head dipped and she closed her eyes as she felt his lips drop gently across hers.


A/N: <Ducks flying chairs> I know, I know. . . I am the master of cliffhangers, ha ha ha. Well, what do you think? A: Like it B: Love it C: Hate it D: All of the above. . . Press that review button and let me know, what do you want to see next, hummm?