Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ First Kisses and Anger ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I have now and never, ever ever have owned Tolkien's work or the Lord of the Rings. <Ya think they have stopped watching me yet???>

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 11 - First Kisses and Anger


Liquid fire burned through her veins as his lips brushed lightly over hers. Sighing lightly against his lips, she automatically curled her arms up around his neck as he deepened their kiss.

Devouring her mouth passionately, his hands slid down her back to draw her closer to him, pressing her sweet form against his, reveling in the heat that seemed to burst through his skin. His hand glided up her back to rest tangled in the hair at the nape of her neck.

She shivered at the feel of his strong fingers brushing against the skin of her neck. The thoughts that she shouldn't be doing this fled as his lips moved from hers to trail lazily down to her neck. Moaning softly, she tilted her head to give him better access to the soft skin there.

So caught up in their embrace, they did not hear the footsteps that approached them, until a loud cough drew their attention. Springing apart guiltily, Rain and Legolas both quickly glanced towards the figure just entering the clearing.

"So, Legolas are you going to introduce me to your beautiful companion." came the amused voice of the tall dark hair man, his gray eyes twinkling merrily at Legolas. She noticed that he was dressed in rough black trousers, with a dark gray shirt that was open at the neck. A silver pendant, gracing his neck caught the moonlight as he strode confidently towards them.

"There is no need to introduce him, Legolas." Rain said as she looked coyly up at the man. "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, is he not. Or maybe I should call him by his elvin name, Elessar" she grinned at the confusion that spread across both men's faces. She looked up at Legolas, who at the moment seemed unable to form any words, she was delighted to see that she had rendered the elf speechless, as she turned back to Aragorn.

"My name is Rain and I am a guest of Lord Elrond." she said as she held out her hand to him. He took her hand in his and was just about to raise it to his lips when a growl and a low menacing bark suddenly sounded behind him. "Oh, of course, I should not forget to introduce my large friend behind you." she chuckled, amused at his sudden reaction. He had dropped her hand and spun around into a crouch, his hand flying automatically to the hilt of his knife.

Nanook stood at the edge of the clearing, his large body shadowed by the trees so that only his piercing blue eyes seem to glow eerily in the darkness. Laughing loudly, Rain went to walk past Aragorn to go to Nanook, when his hand came up to block her progress.

"Stay back my lady, 'tis a wild animal." Aragorn said softly, never removing his eyes from Nanook's gaze.

"Nanook is a baby, just ask Legolas." she replied as she reached to push his hand down to walk around him. His hand shot back out and gripped her wrist tightly, beginning to pull her backwards as the growling became fiercer.

"Oh, enough of this." she growled angrily as she suddenly stepped into him, hooking her left leg around his right and jerking sharply against her wrist, all the while applying pressure with her thumb against the nerve point on the back of his hand. Pulling her leg back forcefully, she broke his stance and he fell, landing hard on his back. Her right knee came up and landed solidly against his neck, as she twisted the now nerveless hand up behind his head.

"Nanook, down." she said without looking over her shoulder, the growling stopped. "Are you now going to listen to me?" she asked the gasping man beneath her and easing up the pressure of her leg, she watched as he took deep breaths to restore air to his lungs. His gray eyes glared furiously up at her, when they heard a choking sound next to them and turning they found Legolas sitting on the ground, clutching his stomach helplessly, head bent forward his long blond hair trailing over his face.

Rain, worried that something had happened to him, quickly jumped up off of Aragorn and darted over to the elf. Kneeling down in front of him, she reached out gently to touch his head. Sliding her hand down to his chin, she worriedly raised his face to hers. Merriment twinkled in his blue eyes and tears of laughter poured down his face.

~ The idiot was laughing. ~ she thought, furious that he had worried her.

"Legolas, you dork! I thought you were hurt!" she yelled, causing him to wince at her loud voice. "Oh, I have had enough of the two of you. I am going to bed. Come on Bup-pup!" she yelled as she bounced up and stormed furiously out of the clearing and back to the manor, Legolas's laughter ringing though the night behind her.

Aragorn sat up gingerly, rubbing his sore neck as he looked at the laughing elf.

"How did she do that?" he asked hoarsely to Legolas as he stood and brushed the leaves and dirt off the back of his clothes. Legolas, who was still chuckling, managed to standup also and walked over to join Aragorn.

"Don't feel bad, Aragorn. Your not the only one that she has taken by surprise, myself included." Legolas said, pride ringing through his voice. "Come my friend, it is late and I will tell you all on the way back." He said as he slung his arm around Aragorn's shoulder and pulled him unwillingly back to the manor.


"Damn annoying arrogant elves." Rain raged as she stomped angrily up the stairs to her room, Nanook bouncing happily behind her. Slamming open her door and then shut with a resounding bang, she angrily began tearing off the dress as she strode across the room to her bed, leaving bits and pieces of her clothes behind. Seeing that Elenna had left her nightwear, she pulled it over her head and bounced unhappily into the bed. Nanook, seeing that she had settled down, jumped up on the end of the bed, circling around several times before curling up next to her feet.

"One minute he's kissing me soundly and the next he's laughing at me." she grumped, remembering the feel of his lips on hers and his hand buried in her hair. He hand came up involuntarily to touch her softly bruised lip, still feeling the heat of his kiss. Catching herself she grunted and slid down under the covers, bound and determined to ignore the "pain in the ass" elf from now on. She didn't need the problem, she had other things to worry about.

Sleep came difficulty that night, as irritation and desire warred within her mind.


"Lady Rain. . . . Lady Rain, please wake up. Lord Elrond has requested your presence for lunch." Elenna sighed as she gently tried to walk up the reluctant Rain. It was already quite late in the morning and she gave no indication of moving anytime soon. She looked up at the large dog sitting next to her on the edge of the bed, startled when he swiped a wet tongue over her face.

"Ugh. Stop that." she said, putting her hand up to stop him.

"He seems to have taken a liking to all the elves he meets." came a rueful voice from the bed. Elenna turned from fighting Nanook off, to find Rain propped up on one elbow, a sudden sadness flashing in her eyes.

"Thank Valar, you are finally awake. Lord Elrond has sent for you." Elenna said as she stood up and strode over to the closet to pull out another dress, this one the color of silver.

"No, Elenna." Rain said as she threw back the covers and walked to the closet past her. "No dresses today." she was not about to get caught in that trap again. Rummaging came up with a pair of black trousers and cream colored shirt. Digging deeper she found a heavily embroidered forest green vest and a pair of high topped laced boots. Taking her findings to the bed, she laid them out as she searched for her A-3 bag, spying it in the corner, she grabbed it and dug her hairbrush and hair bands out.

"But Lady Rain, don't you need. . ." Elenna said as she watch her quickly brush the tangles out of her hair and plait it into a long braid.

"Elenna, I am sure. When does Lord Elrond expect me?" her voice took on a ringing tone that startled Elenna. Shaking her head she looked at the painfully stiff-back woman in front of her, wondering what had happened to cause her to become so aloof.

"My Lady, he is waiting the solarium for you." Elenna said formally.

"Thank you Elenna. Please tell Lord Elrond that I will join him shortly." Rain commanded as she gathered the clothes in her arms and strode away into the bathroom, not looking back at the startled elf.

"Yes, My Lady." she said softly as she quickly left.


A/N: So things are beginning to heat up between Legolas and Rain, but I think that she is a little peeved with him right now. I think Aragorn is also going to be shocked when he finds out who she is also. . .have you all figured it out yet??? If not, you have to wait, I ain't tellin' yet. . .

Let me know, do ya like it??? I also want to thank all of those that have been faithfully following this fic and leaving me wonderful reviews. If you really enjoy this story leave me feedback, I use your word as my inspiration to write and without them your next chapters don't get done. . . . . . . .