Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Destiny of the Elves ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I wish I owned it, but I don't.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 12 - Destiny of the Elves


Rain strode quickly across the hall towards the solarium. Turning the corner she saw Lord Elrond standing next to a small table with two place settings. He turned and smiled as she walked across the sunlight-dappled room.

"Ah, Rain my dear. I am so glad you could join me. Are you feeling better this day?" he asked, smiling down at her as she stopped in front of him. Reaching out, he caught her hands in his and brought them tenderly to his chest, waiting for her response.

"Yes, Lord Elrond. I am feeling much better." she said, her tone low and even. Her professionalism clearly was backing up her posture and words. She nodded her head to him stiffly as she eased her hands away from his.

"My child, please you do not have to be so formal with me. We are family after all." Elrond chuckled, his voice richly filling the air around them.

"Shall we have some lunch and a little conversation. I am sure that you have many questions." he said as he pulled a chair away from the table and gestured for her to be seated, before seating himself directly across from her. As he sat, an elf silently slipped in and laid their meals in front of them before departing just as silently.

He watched as she ate quietly, puzzling over her seeming indifference. He leaned back in his chair, his glass cradled gently between his fingers, watching the enigmatic woman before him. She was dressed in elvin clothing this morning, though not what a woman would normally wear. Her hair had been pulled back and severely braided, the tail end falling over her shoulder. Her expression was neutral and bland, but he could see emotions raging thorough her emerald green eyes.

She was aware that Elrond was studying her closely, though he seemed unaware of her own scrutiny. She was able to watch several things at one time and yet be seen as not paying attention. It had served her well when dealing with mischievous airman, who thought she wasn't watching them, only to find themselves caught numerous times.

Abruptly glancing up, green eyes locking with gray, she softly laid her fork down and sat stiffly upright in her chair, her hands moved to clasp fingers together in her lap. "There was something you wanted to talk to me about, sir." she said, her voice low and calm. Elrond could hear the tightly reined emotion in her voice. Something was bothering her, but he was unsure exactly what it could be.

"Yes, I wanted to speak to you about why you are here. I am sure that you are genuinely confused about what has happened to you." Elrond said as he sat forward in his chair and placed his glass back on the table. Folding his fingertips together before steepling them under his chin, his elbow on the table.

"I should tell you about your ancestor, my brother Elros. You know that elves are immortal, but the Half-Elven family was granted the power to choose between an immortal and a mortal life. My daughter Arwen has chosen a mortal life, so that she may be with Aragorn, so that when he passes on to the next life she will not grieve to death. Such was with my brother. He chose to become the King of Men and to begin the line of Núnenor. But still the Half-Elven blood runs through his descendants, prolonging their life to a grand old age for men. My brother lived another five hundred years after he chose mortality." Elrond stood suddenly and strode over to the banister that overlooked the gardens below.

"I do not understand why this would pertain to my being here, sir." Rain said as she also stood and walked over to stand next to him, her legs spread slightly apart and her hands clasped behind her back.

"Elros's blood runs through you from your father. You are a descendant of the elves. Lady Galdadriel has spoken of her visions of your future, of great metal birds that carry men from place to place. Of wars so terrible that more people are killed in one day than all that live currently in Middle Earth. And of how elves are no longer remembered and sadly have disappeared from the world. You are the last elf in your time." Elrond said, a great sadness creeping into his voice.

"But, sir. I have two half-brothers, wouldn't they also be Half-Elven." Rain asked, confused by what he was telling her.

"No, the bloodline only passes to the firstborn. You are the firstborn and the lastborn. The line of Elros will be no more when you depart from this world unto the next." he said turning, his gray eyes filled with a sad light.

"It is your choice, your destiny to decide if the line of Elros lives or dies. You must decide whether or not to become a full elf, and become immortal, or stay human and die. The decision is yours."


A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter, but this was a great place to end it. Let me know, what do you think? Rain has a big decision to make, what is she going to do?

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