Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Fateful Decision ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: I don't own it, so stop asking. . . .

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 14 - Fateful Decision


Legolas looked down into Rain's bright green eyes, dread washing over his body from her words. Nodding lightly, he watched as she turned and walked down the path that led to the river, before following her. He was entranced by the sway of her braid as she strode ahead of him, shaking his head he tried to focus his mind on the matter at hand.

Rain felt his gaze boring into her back as she led him down the path. She was stalling purposefully before talking with him, trying to gather her thoughts and subdue the remembered feeling of his body against hers. She needed to be clear-headed and logical when she talked with him. Spying a small clearing next to the river she turned towards it.

Reaching the grass-filled clearing, she sat down near the center, tucking her legs up beneath her. Looking up she gestured for him to be seated across from her.

"Legolas, I need to talk to you about what is going on between us." she said as she watched him seat himself close to her. His face was devoid of emotion, but his eyes seemed to flare at her words.

"What do you mean?" he inquired blandly, his voice even and calm, reflecting none of the turmoil rolling in his eyes. She smiled inwardly, he could try the poker face but his eyes were too expressive for his own good.

"I'm talking about this heat between us." she replied her voice mimicking his tone, though humor danced through her eyes also.

"There is nothing to say. You are just a diversion, I guess." he shrugged, pulling his eyes away from her piercing gaze.

"A diversion, humm." she murmured, knowing that he was lying, but it still hurt. He had turned away from her as he said it, an obvious indicator that he was lying.

"Would I have been a diversion if I had been an elf?" she inquired, curious for his answer.

He turned and looked back down at her, surprised that she wasn't furious with his answer. Unable to stop himself, he leaned forward and brought his hand to her cheek, lightly caressing the soft skin of her lips. "I'm sorry Rain, but I can't allow myself to care too deeply for you. It would be the death of me." He couldn't answer her question, wincing inwardly about his lies already.

She smiled gently against his fingers, before lightly kissing them. "So you do care for me though." she whispered softly against his fingers.

He quickly sat back, removing his fingers from her lips as if they had been burned. "No, I don't." he protested, a little too quickly, she noticed.

"I mean, you are my friend and I will always be yours, but I can't be anything more than that." he said as he jumped up and turned away from her. His shoulders set stiffly as he quickly walked away from her and bolted back up the path to Rivendell manor.

Rain watched as he ran away from her, sighing against the pain in her heart. She knew that he had been lying to not only her, but also himself. It only made her choices harder now. Groaning, she laid back on the grass, looking up at the white clouds drifting lazily in the sky. Closing her eyes, she tried to relax, but her mind continued to reply the pain in Legolas's eyes as he ran from the clearing.


Legolas paced his room angrily. 'Why did I say that to her?' he thought, mentally chastising himself for his words earlier. He knew that the inevitable had happened, he was in love with her, but he was denying his feelings.

'How could this of happened? I have only known her for five days and yet I feel as if I have known her forever.' his thoughts bounced erratically through his mind. He stopped pacing abruptly, remembering her last question to him before he had bolted out of the clearing.

`Would I have been a diversion if I had been an elf?' she had said.

'What did she mean by that?' he thought, trying to understand the sudden confusion her words caused him. He started pacing again, not noticing that the door to his room had been opened and closed quietly.

Aragorn watched as his friend agitatedly paced back and forth, mumbling to himself. He had never seen Legolas so upset before and wondered if it had anything to do with the mysterious Lady Rain he had met. Clearing his throat, he grinned as Legolas jumped and turned abruptly, crouching against an attack.

"Aragorn, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you come in, what can I do for you my friend." Legolas said as he stood up, looking embarrassed.

"It should be more like what can I do for you. Are you all right Legolas?" Aragorn asked, striding across the room to stand in front of his friend. "I have never seen you this upset, what is wrong?"

"Nothing. . . Everything." he said, frustration creeping into his voice. He started pacing again, aware that Aragorn was watching his every movement with confusion spread over his face.

"I have done something terrible." Legolas began, raising a hand to forestall Aragorn's reply. He had to say it before he lost his nerve. "I lied to Rain today. She asked me what I felt about her and I told her that she was nothing but a diversion." Stopping his pacing he slumped heavily on the edge of his bed, burying his head in his hands.

"But, she is not a diversion. I can't get her out of my mind, she haunts me every waking minute. I feel as if I cannot breathe unless she is near. I don't know what to do." Legolas mumbled through his hands. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he looked wearily up into Aragorn's compassionate gray eyes.

"Legolas, why would you lie to her about your feelings. It is obvious that you are in love with her, why not tell her." he said as he slid down and sat next to the elf.

"I can't tell her! She is mortal and if I let myself love her, then I will die of grief when she leaves this world!" Legolas yelled as he jumped up and continued again pacing back and forth agitatedly.

"I think it's already too late for that, Legolas. Look at yourself, you are grieving now by not allowing yourself to be with her." Aragorn pointed out. "If you want another opinion, why don't you talk with Arwen. She would understand."

Legolas stopped pacing at Aragorn's words. 'Yes, he could speak with Arwen, she would understand.' he thought.

"Thank you Aragorn. I will take it into consideration." he said as he smiled sadly back at his friend. "Now, I know you just didn't come here to cheer me up. What did you want to talk to me about?"


Rain woke up to a light sprinkling of rain on her face. Opening her eyes she found that night had fallen and the clouds had thickened considerably since the afternoon. The stars where blotted out and the moon cast a very dim glow to the area. Sitting up she wrapped her arms about her knees and shivered once. She looked out into the pitch black night and wondered what it would be like to live forever, to not have to worry about old age and disease.

She knew that with her mother having passed away from cancer, she was heretically predispositioned to possibly contract it also, but if she were an elf, the possibility would drastically change. But, if she were immortal, she would have to watch all of her friends die and she was unsure of how that would affect her. Sighing heavily, she suddenly wished that her mom were here to talk to. She always was able to help her through the most difficult decisions. She didn't have anyone to share her feeling with about this, she was on her own for this matter and it was a big one.

The rain began to fall heavier and she decided it was time to get back to the manor. Standing up she trudged wearily back up the path, slipping occasionally as the dirt path began to become muddy.

'Damn, I wish I had my combat boot on, instead of these elvin boots. They at least have better traction.' she cursed to herself as she fell heavily onto her hip, when she slipped on the muddy slope again.

Pulling herself up, she attempted to brush the mud off her pants, giving up when the sticky substance clung wetly to her hands. Sighing she continued on, grasping tree limbs to help her back up the steep path, her feet sliding dangerously. She recognized her situation was perilous, but she needed to get back to the manor before the storm got worse.

Stepping carefully forward, Rain missed the rock unburied by the rivulets of water washing down the path until her foot found it. Slipping, her hands losing grip on the tree, she fell heavily, striking her head against the very tree that she had been using to hold herself up with. Blood began to streak down her face and into her eyes. Prodding the area gently, she winced at the pain the hammered through her head. Closing her eyes against the pain, she drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to control the pain.


Legolas and Aragorn were still talking softly when the door burst open. Lord Elrond crossed the threshold, his robes swirling around him wildly.

"What is wrong?" Legolas asked, feeling a tightening of fear in his heart as he stood up.

"Something has happened to Rain," Elrond replied brusquely, concern etched deeply into his brow.

"What?" Aragorn rose from his chair and came to stand next to Legolas.

"I do not know." Elrond began to pace. "I suddenly felt this great wave of anxiety and knew that she had projected it somehow. I have checked her room and Elenna swears that Rain has not yet returned."

Legolas had a sudden vision of the clearing where he'd left her earlier. His blue eyes flicked to the window, the glass blurred by the driving rains outside. Without saying a word, he raced from the room, Aragorn close behind him.


Pulling herself up again, she swayed slightly as dizziness overtook her. Leaning heavily against the tree, she fought to stay conscious, her only thought was to get back. Pushing herself off the tree, she struggled to place one foot in front of the other, over and over again.

Hearing voices, she looked up to see the lights of the manor shining like a beacon in the night. Staggering forward, she heard yells as she collapsed heavily across the stone entryway.

'I have made my decision.' she thought as blackness enveloped her.


A/N: Oh my god, am I ever terrible. The master of cliffhangers is back, again . . . Well, you just have to wait and see what is going to happen next. Well, let me know what do you think, should she go for it and become an elf or should she decline and stay a mortal.

Thanks for your reviews and continued support ~ DBZ Vegeta