Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Let the Party Begin ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: Well as I have said before and will say again and again and again. . .I don't own Tolkien's characters, just my own.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 24 - Let the Party Begin


Elrohir bounded up the stairs looking for Rain and Legolas. When he had checked her room, all he had found was a whining Nanook, who had been scratching at the door to get out. Together they had set off to find the pair. Rounding the corner, Elrohir came to a sudden stop, Nanook bouncing off the back of his legs. Peering around the back of the elf's legs, Nanook jumped around and pelted across the room towards his mistress. Elrohir, his mouth agape, lunged after the running dog, but only managed to fall flat on his face.

Legolas and Rain, hearing the commotion both looked up from their embrace to see Nanook running towards them and Elrohir lying face down on the ground with one hand outstretched. Laughing at the scene, Rain and Legolas turned to intercept the furry creature as he bounce up on them. Legolas braced Rain as Nanook's partial weight landed against her torso.

"I take it that Elrohir let you, huh Bup-pup." she said as she reached her left hand up to scratch gently behind his ear. Legolas did the same, but from the other side. Nanook, his eyes closing in ecstasy from the caresses, lean heavily into the pair.

"But, since he let you out, he is going to have to put you back." she said. Both Nanook's and Elrohir's head came up to peer at her. Nanook, looking very dejected as he got down off of her. Talking a step forward she leaned down and hugged him about the neck.

"Nanook can come with us to the festival Rain." Legolas said as he stood behind them. Rain stood and turned back to him shaking her head, "No, I don't want him getting into any trouble or frightening anyone. He needs to go back to the room."

"All right, I understand. Elrohir, get up from there and take Nanook back to Rain's room." Legolas said as he turned to look at the elf laying on the ground. Elrohir grunted as he pushed himself up from the ground and dusted his clothing off.

"Yes, I'm fine, than you for asking," Elrohir said sarcastically, shooting Legolas a meaningful glance. Legolas merely cocked an elegant eyebrow and fought to hide his grin.

"Go on, Bup-pup. Go with Elrohir." Rain said as she pointed in the direction of the elf. Nanook, with both his head and tail hung low, slunk sullenly over to him. Elrohir looked down at the gloomy dog before leaned over to whisper in his fuzzy ear, "We'll stop by the kitchen and get you a treat before we go back to your room." Nanook's head came up slightly and looked Elrohir in the face and before he could move, swiped a wet tongue across his face, his tail wagging gently.

"Ugh, stop that." Elrohir cried as he jumped up away from the now grinning dog. Turning, he ran down the stairs, Nanook hot on his heels. Rain laughed at their antics.

"Well, shall we go to the festival." said Legolas as came up behind Rain and scooped her up into his arms.

"Hey, put me down. I can walk fine on my own, thank you very much." Rain squealed as he set off in the same direction that Elrohir had gone for once reveling in the feel of his warm body pressed so tightly into her. Just for tonight, she vowed, I'll have fun and enjoy my time.

"Yes, I know. But it is a long ways down to the festival and I don't want you getting tired out before we get there. As soon as we are closer, I will let you walk. So just enjoy the moment, will you." he said as he walked lightly down the long spiral staircase. Rain couldn't help but smile as he voiced her thoughts, and instead of arguing with him, she turned her attention to her surroundings. The sounds of laughter and music drifted up through the air surrounding them and intrigued she craned her neck to see lights from several bonfires blazing brightly below them. Shadowed figures danced, silhouetted by the light. She was startled from her scrutiny by Legolas stopping and gently setting her down onto her feet. His hands came up and clasped her lightly about the waist as she staggered slightly. She looked up into his bright blue eyes, the lights of the fires reflected within them, causing them to glow with a fiery light.

She smiled up at him, glad to see that he was finally happy. She could only take so much of a moody Legolas before it wore on her nerves.

"Shall we get something to eat and then see if you feel like dancing?" he asked, squeezing her waist lightly, before he took her left hand in his and pulled her towards several long tables setup along the edge, near the dancing.

"I'm really not hungry, but I could use something to drink." she said as she allowed herself to pulled through the crowds of gaily laughing elves. She cried out loudly when a drunken elf stumbled into her right shoulder, causing pain to flare recklessly through her shoulder and arm. Legolas turning quickly, gathered her close, cradling her injury side against his, protecting her from the crush of elves around them.

"Are you all right?" he asked concerned, his eyes worriedly scanning her face for pain. Seeing her flinching and lines of pain forming around her eyes, he swiftly pulled her away from the milling crowd. Spying a bench located next to the path, but away from the horde behind him, he deposited her there. Kneeling down in front of her, he took both of her hands in his and looked anxiously up into her face. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily through the pain.

"Rain, please. . .are you all right?" he asked again, concerned that she may have been injured further. Berating himself for putting her in the position to get hurt again, he stood up suddenly, "I'm going to take you back to your room." he said as he reached down to scoop her up into her arms.

Rain opened her eyes and raised her left hand to stop his attempt to pick her up. "I'll be all right in just a minute, Legolas. I really don't want to go back to my room right now." she said as she placed her hand on his chest. He slid down and sat next to her on the bench, cradling her uninjured side against him. He leaned down slightly and placed a light kiss on her hair, inhaling the soft fragrance of her shampoo.

"I was worried that you had gotten hurt. I am sorry, I shouldn't have brought you down here." he said, torment lacing his voice. She looked up to see that he was blaming himself for her injury, his head handing in shame. She turned on her seat and with her good hand, tipping his head up so that their eyes met.

"Legolas, it wasn't your fault. I'll be fine in a few minutes and I am sure that no damage was done to the wound." she said softly, trying to convey her feelings through her words and eyes. He still looked upset that he had hurt her. "Why don't you go get me that drink that I was wanting. I will just sit here until you return and let my shoulder rest, all right." she teased gently, trying to cheer him up.

Still looking morose, Legolas bounded up and into the crowd of elves surrounding the tables. She sighed heavily, 'What am I going to do with him?' she thought, 'He thinks that I am made of glass and am easily hurt.' She gently probed her sore shoulder, wincing slightly at the pain that radiated from the injury, but assured that she hadn't pulled any of the stitches. The bandages were still clean and dry.

She sat back and enjoyed the music and laughter that surrounded her. 'The elves sure knew how to throw a party.' she thought as she watched the dancers jump and leap to the music, which was hauntingly beautiful. Closing her eyes, she swayed slightly with the rhythm of the music, wishing that she could dance. It had been a long time since she had been dancing.

Legolas walked back towards Rain, carrying two earthenware mugs and stopped suddenly. He smiled at the picture that she made, sitting on the bench swaying gently to the music surrounding them, her eyes closed and her long black braid thrown forward over her shoulder. The silver dress she was wearing seemed to glitter in the firelight, emitting a subtle glow about her. It was entrancing, delightfully so. Walking forward again, he sat down next to her. Rain feeling movement next to her, opened her eyes and smile gently up at him, taking the proffered cup that he held out to her, their eyes never parting. She sipped from the cup, savoring the complex flavors of the wine contained within. Hearing the music slow down, she softly sat the cup down onto the bench and gracefully stood up. Holding her hand out to him, she smiled again, beckoning him to join her.

Spellbound, Legolas sat his cup down and stood up, gathering her into his arms as they swayed gently to the music, holding her body smoothly against his. They danced together, their eyes locked, never saying a word, yet volumes of emotions passing between them. They continued to dance slowly, even as the tempo of the music changed and the others began to gyrate wildly. Legolas stopped, looking deep down into her beautiful green eyes, as he leaned forward and gently nibbled upon her lips. He tasted the wine upon her lips and heard the weak moan that echoed from the back of her throat. Slipping down from her mouth, he trailed his lips down her throat. Her skin smelled of lavender and felt like warm silk against his lips. Heat pulsed through his body and his mind shut off any outside stimulus. He was only aware of this moment in time, this woman within his arms.

Rain closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of him. His lips, his hands, his tongue. Liquid fire began to seep through her veins. Her left hand came up to cradle the back of his head, as her right encircled his waist. The smell of burning wood, the feel of his hands against her body, the musky flavor of the wine intoxicated her senses.

A sharp noise, like the clearing of a throat, penetrated their world. Leaning back they dazedly looked up into the amused gray eyes of the elf standing next to them.

"If you want each other so bad, why don't you take that back to the room. Or have you decided to become an exhibitionist now Legolas." Elrohir chuckled at the flush that swept up both of their faces as they hastily broke away from each other.

"I. . .Uhm. . .Did you put Nanook back into the room?" Rain stammered slightly as she absently ran a hand down her braid toying with the end, a nervous action that she had always had.

"Yes, I left him happily munching away on a large bone that the kitchen staff was able to dig up for him." Elrohir smiled wickedly, "So are you enjoying the festival Rain?" he asked, his bright eyes saying he already knew the festival was the farthest thing from her mind. Rain felt the blush creep its way up her throat and flare up her cheeks.

"Yes, I am. But I am a little bit tired and I think that I will return to my room. Good evening." she said as she turned and hurried away from the two elves. Elrohir and Legolas watched as she darted effortlessly between the crowds and up the spiral staircase towards her room. Elrohir turned back to look at Legolas, who was still watching her assent.

"So, what are your intentions with my cousin, Legolas." Elrohir asked sternly, all amusement fading from his face and voice.

Legolas turned and looked at Elrohir. "I assure you my intentions are honorable, my friend. I love her." he answered softly as he looked back at the staircase, making out her slight form as she entered her room. He was brought back to the present as Elrohir's hand came down smartly upon his shoulder and he looked into his laughing gray eyes.

"Good, just remember that." Elrohir chuckled, "So let's get some wine and talk about old times, shall we."


A/N: Well another chapter done, Rain and Legolas seem to be getting hot for each other, aren't they. Okay here is the million dollar question for you. What do you want to become of their relationship in writing?

Do you want a lemon, lime or heavy petting? Of course, this will not be right away, Rain's not that type of girl, but who knows in the future, all this heavy petting could get very frustrating. Let me know what you would like, I will go with the majority, so please understand.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy ~ DBZ Vegeta