Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Confusion Reigns Again ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


A/N: Okay I screwed up, that what I get for trying to write when I was exhausted. Here is the corrected chapter, with the right spellings and the right characters….Thanks. :-(

Disclaimer: I don't own Tolkein's characters, only borrowing them for a short time.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 25 - Confusion Reigns Again


'Dammit, why am I acting like a lovesick school girl.' Rain raged as she paced furiously back and forth between the door and her bed. Nanook, laying contentedly on the floor near the end of the bed, looked up from the bone that he had been gnawing on. His ears laid back and he whined lightly as he watched her stomping around the room, waves of agitation pouring off her.

'What the hell do I think I'm doing messing around with Legolas!' she yelled inwardly at herself. 'I have no right to do this. I haven't even completely figured out if I am going to stay here or return to my time.'

She stopped her pacing and looked out the window into the dark night, which was lit by the many bonfires and ghostly shapes flickering around them. Her mind was racing a mile a minute, conflict and confusion raging side by side. Running her hands up her face and burying them in her hair, she closed her eyes and threw back her head. 'What am I going to do?'

* If you continue to torture yourself, you shall never see the path that lies before you. * whispered a soft voice inside her head. * Rest my dear, let your worries fade for tonight. *

A heaviness came over her suddenly and she laughed ruefully. Lady Galdadriel was pushing into her mind and closing it down. Stumbling, she barely made it to the bed before sleep overcame her.


A soft whisper of sound and an even lighter touch awoke her the next morning. She opened her eyes to find Lady Galdadriel sitting on the chair next to her bed. Sitting up, she brushed her hair out of her face and looked exasperatedly up at Galdadriel.

"I don't know whether to be extremely angry or extremely thankful for that stunt you pulled last night." she said caustically, a slight frown pulling down the corners of her mouth. "But for now, I'll just reserve judgement for later."

Flinging back the covers, she stood and walked purposefully over to the small closet, pulling out pants, shirt and her combat boots. Carrying them back over to the bed, she laid them down on the end of the bed before turning back to Galdadriel.

She stared at her, feeling her anger begin to burn slowly. Rain had always been an intensely private person, preferring to keep all her thoughts and worries to herself. She didn't like the fact that Galadriel knew of her fears, nor did she enjoy the way the Lady continually invaded her thoughts, knowing Rain's displeasure at doing so. With Galadriel, Rain felt exposed and vulnerable, the two things she hated the most.

"So, was there a reason that you came to see me this early in the morning." she said.

"Yes, I was worried about you. You were broadcasting your emotions strongly last night." Galdadriel said, as she shifted in her chair, crossing her legs at the ankle. "Your path is still a long and difficult one, and your emotionally well-being is very important."

"I highly aware of that fact. I have been in worse situations than this and I am able to keep my head. But what I do in my own time to blow off steam is my own business, no one else's." Rain replied tartly, her arms coming up to cross across her chest, staring down into Lady Galdadriel's eyes. "If you would excuse me, my lady, I would like to clean up. When would you like to cover the maps for the remainder of my journey?"

Rising gracefully, Lady Galdadriel smiled enigmatically, her eyes twinkling merrily at Rain's stubbornness. "If you and Legolas would join us for lunch, we can cover what is needed so that you may continue your journey tomorrow."

"Thank you, we shall join you." Rain said, her teeth gritted tightly as she tried to keep control of her anger. She watched as Galdadriel exited her room quietly before she snatched up her clothing and stomped into the bathroom to bathe and dress. Still fuming, she stormed out of the room, intent on finding a way to blow off her anger.

Her expression was enough to send several elves backing quickly away from her path as she strode purposefully toward Elrohir and Legolas's room. Rapping sharply on the door before pushing it open, she looked around to find that only Elrohir was still in the room. He was sprawled haphazardly across his bed, face down, with one leg and arm hanging off the edge of the bed. He still had one boot on and his shirt was missing. A wicked grin spread over her face as she spied several limp wine bags scattered on the floor.

Creeping stealthily forward till she was within inches of his head, yet out of flailing range, she drew in a deep breath. "Wake Up." she screamed loudly in his ear. She bounced back quickly as he bolted upright, tangling himself in the sheets on the bed and falling soundly off the side of the bed to the ground with a solid thump.

He moaned heavily as his hands came up to clutch his sorely abused head. He moaned again as he slowly opened his eyes and found himself staring at the floor. Raising his gaze upward, he encountered first feet, then ankles and legs, he gaze traveling painfully upward until his eyes locked with the highly amused green eyes above him. Blinking blearily, he tried to focus on the person standing above him.

"Rain?" he croaked hoarsely, he voice dry and rusty to his ear.

Crouching down next to Elrohir, she smiled mischievously. "Drink a little too much last night, Elrohir." she said in a normal voice, watching as he winced heavily before closing his eyes and swaying slightly.

"Damn Legolas." he muttered, sinking slowly to the ground and curling up into a tight ball, his arms clutched around his head.

"Umm humm, you both decided to whoop it up after I left. But if you are here, were is you drinking buddy?" she said softly, taking pity on the obviously suffering elf.

"Practicing, like always." he mumbled, "Leave me alone."

Rain sighed as she pulled up the covers, that he had dragged off his bed, over the top of him. Hearing the muffled 'Thank you', she stood and looked around the room, noticing that Legolas's bow and quiver were missing. As her gaze scanned the room, her eyes alighted on Elrohir's bow and quiver. Looking back as the hung over elf, she picked up the bow and lightly pulled on the string. Her shoulder twinged at the weight, but not enough to hurt. A sly smile crept over her face as she slung the bow and quiver over her shoulder before she strode quickly out of the room and down the spiral staircase.

Snagging a reluctant elf on the way down, she got the directions to the archery range. Walking down the forest path, she inhaled deeply enjoying the crisp tang to the air and the freshness. It nearly reminded her of home. She could get to like this place, given enough time.

Stopping at the edge of the clearing, she looked about to find that Legolas was the only one practicing at the moment. She took this chance to watch him unobserved. He was standing with his legs braced apart as he flawlessly pulled and released his bow. She saw the muscles in his shoulders tighten and relax with each release through the thin cotton of his shirt. His hair drifted lightly behind him as a slight breeze stirred through the trees. He was any woman's wet dream, handsome and fierce. He was focusing totally on the target before him, seemingly unaware of her presence behind him.

A wicked gleam shown from her eyes, as she reached silently up behind her and plucked the bow and an arrow from her back. Knocking the arrow to the string, she gritted her teeth and pulled the string back, her fingertips resting along the edge of her mouth as she sighted down the shaft of the arrow. Holding tight, she waited until just moments after he released his arrow to release hers. Her arrow sped past him, ruffling his hair and buried itself in the target next to his.

Legolas whipped around suddenly, an arrow notched in his bow, pointed directly at her. Catching sight of Rain grinning at him, he lowered his bow, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. Hearing the shuffling of feet through the short grass, he looked up into her concerned green eyes.

"Are you all right, Legolas?" she asked, watching as his chest continued to heave as if he just finished a foot race.

"I almost shot you!" he began loudly, fright overtaking his common sense. "What the hell do you think you were doing!"

Her eyes narrowed and fire began to darken her eyes. "You think that you are the only one who can use this range." she growled.

"No, but at least you could have done was announce yourself. You could have missed and seriously hurt me." he shouted, loosing his temper.

"You doubt my abilities, even after I have proved them to you numerous times. Who was it that saved your life from the Uruk-hai! It sure wasn't you, that's for sure. Here I came down to spend some time with you, and you insult my abilities, again. Well, I'm not going to take it anymore. We will be leaving in the morning, I expect that you shall be ready to go by then. But until then, I would suggest that you stay out of my sight." she said, her voice low and even, yet there was a dangerous edge to it. A coldness that could chill the soul even on an extremely hot day.

He reared back, startled by the tone and the frosty expression contained within her eyes. He winced as she looked him up and down contemptuously, before turning on her heel and stalking angrily out of the clearing. 'What have I done?' he thought, his face paling as he finally registered her words.


A/N: Uhh Ohh. . .What has Legolas done now? Hopefully it was just because Rain woke up on the wrong side of the bed. . .or should I say in the wrong bed?!? Oh well, once again, Legolas has to dig his foot out of his mouth and work on his delivery.

Let me know what do you think?

Thanks for reading ~ DBZ Vegeta