Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Confrontation and Evasion ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: I don't own the characters from the Lord of the Rings, only my own. . .

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 28 - Confrontation and Evasion


As the heroine sat staring off into the sunset, she contemplated her existence in this physical plane of life. 'Man that sounds like the start of some cheap western novel.' Rain thought as she looked out over the gold tinted water. The dying sun's rays glistening off the tips of the gently flowing river, as day began to fade into darkness. She sat there for a long time, watching as day faded into night and the stars began to glow brighter one by one, her mind a turmoil of confusion.

'Should I tell him the truth?' she thought. Logically if you broke it down she was really unsure about it all.

Number one, if she did tell him, she was quite sure that his reaction would not be pleasant.

Number two, if she did wait to tell him, his reaction would quite obviously be even worse than if she told him now.

Number three, and if I tell him about my choice, should I also tell him about where I am really from.

'This is too complicated, even for me.' she moaned at the thought, pulling her knees up to her chest and laying her head on top of them.

'I mean, what if he freaks out entirely and take off. I don't think I could go through that. I love him too much. I know that he told me not to doubt his love for me, but this is a big thing to have kept a secret. What will I do if he rejects me?' she tilted her head back and looked up at the stars shining overhead.

'I know that I could always return home, but it just wouldn't be the same without him. I've come to love this place.' She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't hear him approaching her until he called out her name.

"Rain." Legolas said huskily.

She jumped banging her head against the tree she was leaning against. "Oww." she cried softly as her hand came up to rub the sore spot on her head.

"Are you all right." he said concerned that she may have re-injured herself.

"No, I'm fine. Just bumped my head." she said, still rubbing the sore spot. "Uhm, Legolas did you want something."

"Yes." he said as he slid gracefully down next to her. "I thought we could continue our earlier conversation about your apology."

"Ohh, yeah right. My apology." she said gratefully that he wasn't quizzing her about her unusual knowledge of his close friends. "I really meant it Legolas, I didn't mean to lose my temper like I did. I do know that I have a wicked temper and normally can control it quite well, but. . ."

"I understand." he interrupted, his voice soft. "I also wanted to apologize for the way I acted the first time you tried to apologize. It was rude of me not to hear you out."

"No, that's all right. You had to have been quite mad at me. I know that I can be a royal bitch sometimes. I've lost friends because of my temper, I just hope that I haven't lost you." she said her voice trailing off into almost a whisper.

He slid closer to her, feeling her pain rippling through the air surrounding them. Gathering her into his arms, he held her close enjoying the feel of her warmth against him. He felt the wetness of her tears seep through his clothes and gently rubbed her back trying to comfort her.

"Rain, why are you doing this? Why is this key so important to you." he asked softly into her ear. Suddenly, Rain knew the answer and it shocked her. Legolas was the reason the key was so important. The key would allow her to stay with him forever.

But it was that same key that could drive him away forever. It was the blade edge that Rain sat so precariously upon.

Feeling her stiffen in his arms, he leaned back and looked down into her forest green eyes. The moonlight causing them to glow like jewels. He could see a variety of emotions darting though those eyes.

Pain. Confusion. Fright?

The last emotion caught him by surprise. 'Why would she be frightened?' he thought.

"Rain?" he said, concerned about the fright she was projecting.

She sat up abruptly, breaking his embrace. Leaning forward she wrapped her arms about her knees again and rocked slightly back and forth on her hips. She kept her face adverted from his questioning gaze trying to come up with the words to say to him. She didn't know what to do.

"Legolas. . .I. . ." she stammered, trying to control her emotions raging through her body. 'Why now!' her mind cried.

"Rain, no matter what you tell me it will be all right. Remember that I love you." he said as he brought his hand up to stroke along her back.

Taking a deep breath, she sat up turning her head to look him directly in the eyes. Steeling herself she started, "Legolas, the key that we search for will unlock a magical sword called Feadúril. It is the twin sword to Aragorn's Andúril. It has the power to determine my destiny." she said, not telling the whole story but enough, she thought, to appease him.

Apparently, she thought wrong. "Your destiny? What destiny would that be? You're not going to leave are you?" he said, worry clouding his voice.

"I'm not planning on leaving if I can help it, but it all will become clear once I have the key and the sword." she said evasively. Watching the confusion in his eyes, she finally admitted that he would not be satisfied until he knew the whole truth. She suddenly felt overwhelmed, and cowardly, she added mentally, and decided to forestall the barrage of questions she could see forming in his head.

"Legolas, I am tired and we are leaving early in the morning. Do you think we can go back now?'

He looked down at her, questions rolling through his mind. He could see that she didn't want to answer anymore of his questions, and knew that he would have to ask them again later. Sighing lightly, he stood up, pulling her up with him.

"Let's go. I'll walk you back to your room." he said.

"Thank you, Legolas."


Morning came quicker than it should have and suddenly they were gathered once again to leave on their journey. Of course this time, it was Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn that saw them off. As Legolas and Elrohir packed the horses, Rain approached Lady Galadriel.

"I wanted to thank you for all of your assistance, my lady." Rain said as she bowed to her. Galadriel took a step forward and placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

"No, my dear. It was my pleasure to assist you in your journey. I hope that all will work out for you in the end." she said, with a meaningful glance at Legolas.

Rain looked over at the blonde elf who was gathering the reins of Arod and Hasufel and walking towards them.

"I pray you are right." Rain sighed gently as she turned back to Galadriel. "I hope I will see you again."

"Never fear my dear. We shall meet again, that I promise. Good journey." Galadriel said as she swept forward and embraced Rain. Rain, slightly shocked, hugged her back before stepping away.

"Are you ready to continue, Rain." Legolas said as he stepped forward and handed her Arod's reins.

"Yes, let us go."


A/N: Well this chapter came out relatively quick in comparison to the last one. The journey has moved into its second stage and our group is off to Mirkwood. What other unknown adventures await them? Only time will tell.

Thanks for reading ~ DBZ Vegeta