Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Cards ❯ Formation ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wild Cards

Chapter 1-Formation

July 5, 1999

A short blond haired woman sat in her leather chair with a frown on her face. The woman gazed on the papers on her desk in disgust. Her latest television program’s ratings were in the toilet. She had to be insane to think that an American Bandstand like show was going to do well. But she was sure that was what the public wanted. Delilah Morrison waited for her phone to ring and hear her lovely boss harangue her latest failure. The old coot was stupid enough to sign off on it, so it was his fault as well. Delilah drawled to herself, “5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.” The phone rang shrilly in the air as the television producer sighed and picked up the phone. Delilah listened with half an ear as her boss yelled in her ear. When he finished, Delilah replied with a slight hint of exasperation, “I’ll have something for you in 3 days. Yes, I know that this had better be good or else. Good-bye.” Delilah hung up the phone and held her head in her hands. Delilah screamed for 3 minutes before stopping. Delilah whispered, “Got to get out of here.” The producer sprang out of her chair and exited her office.

Delilah went down the hallway, ignoring the snide looks from her co-workers. She knew they wanted her job as head television producer for TBC (Total Broadcasting Company). At the rate she was going, somebody was going to get their wish. Delilah ignored the whispers as she stepped through the lobby to the outside of the building. The sun shone as Delilah slipped on a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses. Delilah groaned as she walked across the streets, disgusted at the catcalls of the filthy construction workers. None of the brutes were worthy of her attention. Delilah got into her black Porsche coupe and sped off to her home.

Delilah stopped in front of her white condominium. Delilah grumbled as she got out of her car and slammed the door with a speeding ticket in hand. She hated dumb cops with an itch to write a ticket. She was barely over the speed limit. Delilah was of the opinion that a driver shouldn’t be ticketed if they were 5 miles over the speed limit. The woman stormed up the stairs of her condo and stalked into her living room, slamming the door behind her in a pique of anger.

Delilah threw her white purse on the table and flounced onto her green couch. She could barely enjoy her tastefully furnished apartment. The woman growled and spat angrily, “Stupid cop!” Delilah closed her blue eyes and calmed herself. Delilah decided to turn on her television. Maybe she could be inspired. Delilah opened her eyes and scoffed to herself. After all, everything in television was recycled in some way or another.

Delilah turned on the huge television and clicked through the channels, rapidly growing more disgusted with the sheer amount of crap on the television screen. Idiotic talk shows, moronic soap operas, horrible cartoons and insipid comedies. She was ashamed that she’d put a lot of these shows on the air. Delilah stopped on a news channel and saw Big Money blast a criminal into a wall with his Ghettoblaster attack. As Big Money and Ice took care of a mass of Golden Glocks, the anchor relayed the story of the heroes appearing in New York City and stopping a plot to destroy the New York Stock Exchange. Delilah perked up as she watched the anchor’s face shine with admiration. She couldn’t remember the last time Greg Williams actually resembled a human being instead of an automaton.

Delilah could feel an idea forming in her head. She searched through all of the news station for more appearances of super-heroes. Without fail, whoever reported the news would break out of their professionalism enough to smile. Delilah grinned as she knew exactly what to do now. Her boss was going to love this idea.

July 8, 1999

Delilah Morrison smoothed her gray business suit as she stood in front of the network board. She always hated standing in front of them. All of them were old as dirt, fat and looked at her like a piece of meat with Mr. Turner being the lead lecher. Delilah could feel Mr. Turner’s brown eyes rake over her body. The old bastard was lucky that he was her boss or she’d slap the taste out of his mouth.

Mr. Turner coughed and said gruffly, “Let’s hear it, cutie.”

Delilah held her retort in check and responded, “Thank you, Mr. Turner. Television is a powerful and important part of many people’s lives. It’s made everyone in this room very rich, but lately television has fallen into a morass. I watched television for the past three days and quite frankly, it made me sick.

A television rose behind Delilah. Delilah stepped aside as the television turned on to show various superheroes defeating the bad guys. Delilah continued, “These superheroes are admired in our society. People can’t get enough of them which is why I propose a new reality television show involving super-powered humans. I think we should get 16 of the best candidates and form a super hero team. The team will be split like so, 8 will be the front line members and 8 will be on the reserve roster in case anyone gets injured. We’ll show the group living their everyday lives as well as the battles that are sure to happen.” The board looked at Delilah with interest. Delilah could feel that she had them in her hand. The producer moved on with her pitch, “Gentlemen, this is a cant miss proposition.”

One man asked Delilah; “Isn’t this like the Real World?”

Delilah answered brightly, “You can say that, but this is better because we aren’t focusing on normal people. We’re focusing on super-human beings. What would it be like to live life as a woman that can walk through wall or a super-powerful mage? These are the types of questions that our public asks themselves. We can provide the answers and in turn bring this network back to the top.”

Mr. Turner asked shortly, “But how are you going to find these people?”

Delilah replied simply, “The usual, we make an advertisement saying that we’re looking for powerful humans to be on TV. People will do just about anything to be on television and I’m betting this won’t be any different. I’m positive that we can find more than enough candidates.”

A black haired man asked Delilah, “How much is this going to cost and where are we supposed to drop these people?”

Delilah answered, “Reality television is cheap, as you know. I won’t lie to you. This will cost more than the average reality show because of the costumes that the winners will wear along with the house, paying off the town to film there and other things. I say a season’s run will be a couple of million dollars. However, we don’t pay the team members for the privilege of being on television which is a plus. As for the location, I thought Loughskeepie, NY would be an ideal location. It’s right near New Wales, New York. We can be assured that Big Money and his friends will pop up from time to time to take care of business there. Also, criminals have migrated from New Wales to Loughskeepie so the team will have work to do.”

The black haired man smiled. That cost deal was music to his ears since stupid prima donnas on other shows commanded top dollar.

Mr. Turner rubbed his chin, “It sounds good so far, but something’s missing. I remember you talking about how the superheroes are supposed to be shining lights for society. Isn’t there something you can do to have this group help the common man? Just to show how awestruck normal joe-schmoe can be.”

Delilah’s eyes widened in surprise at the perception shown by Turner; she stammered, “Umm, we can have a 1-800 number for the residents of Loughkeepsie to call in case they need help. Maybe a little old lady needs a big strong man to help move her dresser or a cat is stuck in a tree. Stuff like that as well the big stuff.”

Mr. Turner nodded, “Good. I say we do it.” No one disagreed with Turner once he made his decision. Delilah smiled as Mr. Turner stated, “You saved your job, Morrison. Now get out of here.”

Delilah got out of the office and smiled to herself.

A young man and a woman cuddled up to each other as the movie on the television went to commercial break.

The woman sighed, “This movie is so touching.”

The man replied softly, “You’re right, babe.”

A Keith David-like voice proclaimed in a deep voice, “Looking for adventure?” We see images of Big Money dodging laser blasts and returning fire. The voice crowed, “Looking for fame?” We see Ice talking to reporters. The voice continued, “All of this can be yours if you’ve got what it takes to be a WILD CARD!” The voice explained the rules of the contest (send in a 2 minute video showing your power and explaining why you should be a Wild Card) and proclaimed the winners would be shown early next year. The voice exclaimed, “Only on TBC!”

The two sat on the couch. The man said, “I can’t wait for this show to drop man.”

The woman replied, “Ooh, I hope they come here.”

The man snorted, “Donna, nobody ever comes to Loughskeepie.”

Donna answered, “You watch, Billy. They’ll come here. All of the crazy crimes that go down here make this place a natural.”

Billy scoffed as the movie came back on. “Let’s watch the movie.” The two watched the movie.

January 5, 2000

Casting Special

A camera panned over an excited group of men and woman as applause and cheers filled the air. The camera stopped to show a short, spunky brunette woman in her twenties. The woman grinned, “Welcome back to the Wild Cards Casting Special. I’m your host Joanna Cross and we’ve had a lot of fun telling all of you wonderful people about the hot new super-team the Wild Cards. Now the time we’ve all been waiting for. Here are the 16 men and women who are now WILD CARDS!”

The audience applause rose in intensity as the scene faded out to show a graphic saying Front-Line Wild Cards. The graphic turned to show a green eyed, red hair woman wearing a worn leather jacket. The woman pulled out a cigarette and lit it using her finger. As she put out the small fire on her finger, the woman drawled in an Irish accent, “My name is Brianna Leahy and I’m definitely worthy to be a Wild Card, boyo. I don’t take any guff from any panty-waist bother.” The woman turned and put her hands out. A huge column of fire came out of her hands and burned a man that was leering at her from the corner. Brianna smirked and the video ended.

Joanna (VO): Brianna Leahy, from Dublin, Ireland.

The audience applauded as the next video came on to show a bald, brown-eyed man wearing a white t-shirt, khakis and black eyeglasses. The man was sitting in a chair in front of a computer. He turned and pushed his glasses up his nose. The man said, “Hey, I’m Scott Thompson and I should be a Wild Card because you need a tech guy. I’m the best there is at that stuff. You can see my work.” The camera panned to show a high-tech suit of armor and various bits and pieces of stuff strewn around. Scott turned back to the computer and scowled as sparks flew out of it. The video ended with the man grabbing a fire extinguisher and putting out the fire.

Joanna (VO): Scott Thompson, from Secaucus, New Jersey.

The third video showed a tall, blond haired muscular man in a black muscle shirt and pants. The man held four very fat men up in the air in one hand while eating a sandwich in his other hand. The man took a bite and said, “I’m Allen Davis and I should be a Wild Card because there’s nobody else as strong as me in the world.” Allen threw the men aside and flexed his impressive musculature until the video faded out.

Joanna (VO): Allen Davis, from Charlotte, North Carolina.

The audience reaction to Allen was mixed as we moved on to the fourth video, which showed a short, slightly overweight white man with black hair and cheap street gear. The man’s black eyes twinkled somehow as he pulled out a polished brown cane and put it in front of him. He whispered a word and a bright golden light surrounded him. When the light faded, the man grew a couple of inches and was wearing a yellow mustard suit. In a deep voice, the man said, “You can all call me Bankroll, but my real name is Joseph Jackson.” Bankroll walked out of the room and went onto his porch with his Pimp Cane in hand. Bankroll turned the cane into a shotgun and shot a pigeon out of the air. Bankroll smirked as he transformed his cane into a revolver, a sword, nunchucks, and twin sais before turning it back to it’s normal state. As Bankroll’s energy faded and he returned to Joseph Jackson, Bankroll said, “I’m the best superhero and as a Wild Card, I’ll prove it.” The video faded out.

Joanna (VO): Joseph Jackson, from New Haven, Connecticut.

The audience murmured as we moved to the next video. A ratty blond-haired man appeared. His blue eyes gazed as upon the viewer and he oozed arrogance. A sly grin moved across his face as he rushed out of the room. A sonic boom exploded in the air as the man came back in a second with a Mexican sombrero on his head, a tequila bottle in one hand and a lit Cuban cigar in his mouth. The blond puffed on the cigar and drawled, “The name’s Danny Smith and I’m the fastest man you’ll ever see. I had time to zoom down to Mexico and Cuba to get these items. A team of super-heroes like the Wild Cards need speed because let’s face it, nobody going to be fast enough to hit me. I’m definitely Wild Card material.” The video faded out with Danny’s smirk.

Joanna (VO): Danny Smith, from San Diego, California.

The audience cheered as the fifth member was revealed. It was dark in the room, but through infra-red camera work you could tell that a short, hooded athletic person was sitting cross-legged on a tatami mat. The person sat still while you could hear footsteps in the room. 5 large figures appeared in the room and charged the person, with katanas and nunchucks at the ready. The person sprang into action, knocking away all challengers with precise kicks and punches. As the bodies were sprawled on the feet, the person pushed aside the hood and let her black hair down around her shoulders. The woman hissed, “My name is Keiko Yagami and I’m a Wild Card. There is no question about my future.” The woman bowed to the camera and the video went out.

Joanna (VO): Keiko Yagami, from Osaka, Japan.

The next video showed a tall auburn haired man with auburn hair and hazel eyes. The man stood with an archer’s bow in his hand and a quiver of arrows on his back. The man drew quickly and shot the arrow at his target. The arrow hit directly into the bullseye. The man drew arrows quickly now, like a machine notching the arrows onto other targets. All of the arrows hit the bullseye. The man said, “I’m Tristan Hendricks and I should be a Wild Card because of my archery skills. I’ve been the United States Archery Champion 5 years in a row. I can’t miss and won’t miss when it’s time for action.” The video disappeared.

Joanna (VO): Tristan Hendricks, from St. Louis, Missouri

The eighth and last video for the front-line Wild Cards showed a tall, brown haired man with reddish brown hair and light blue eyes. The man wore a red, white, and blue t-shirt and blue jeans. The man said in a proud voice, “I’m Tony Young and I should be a Wild Card because of my integrity.” Tony shrugged, “I’m big and strong.” Tony went over to a car and lifted it up one handed. Tony floated in the air, “I can fly as well.” Tony flew in the air and saw two kids beating up a younger kid. Tony landed in front of them and glared at the bullies. The bullies ran away as Tony helped the beaten youngster up. The young kid whispered in awe, “Thanks, mister.” Tony replied, “You’re welcome, kid.” The kid smiled and walked away as Tony continued, “A Wild Card has to have integrity and I do.” Tony held his fist in the air as the wind blew his hair.

Joannna (VO): Tony Young, from Portland, Oregon and that’s the last member of the Wild Cards.
Now hear are the reserves.

Applause blared in the background as a graphic flashed across the screen saying Wild Cards: Reserves

The first video of the reserve team shows a petite woman with grey eyes and brunette hair cut like Jennifer Aniston. The woman smiled, “Like, I’m Madison Miller and you need a hottie like me on the Wild Cards.” Madison held a glass and made a couple of ice cubes from her hand. Madison poured herself a soda and continued, “I’m just too cool, you see. I’m like totally ready to kick ass and take names.” At this point, Madison started to rant for a bit as the video went away.

Joanna (VO): Madison Miller, from Beverly Hills, California.

The second video showed a wide girthed man with dirty blond hair in overalls. The man drawled, “My name is Barry Grant and I want to be a Wild Card bad. Nothing can hurt me.” A couple of brawny man kicked and punched him in his ample gut, but he didn’t move. Barry pushed them aside and picked them up. Barry threw them into the air. The man flew far away as Barry said, “I’m really strong. I want to do this because I’m the right man for the job. Yeah, I’m just a good ole country boy, but I know how to fight and I’ll fight for you out there.” Barry spat a wad of tobacco juice to the ground and walked away with another word.

Joanna (VO): Barry Grant, from Nashville, Tennessee.

The third video graced us with a dumpy, curly black haired woman with shifty black eyes. The woman caressed a Smith and Wesson revolver in her hand. The woman almost purred, “I’m Janice Gonzalez and I want to be a Wild Card. I should be a Wild Card because you need firepower to fight crime.” Janice waved a hand as the camera panned to show a VERY large cache of weapons in the room. Janice kissed the gun, “I know how to use every weapon in this room and will use them with extreme prejudice.” Janice hissed, “All criminals should suffer and they will when I get a hold of them.” The woman giggled like a schoolgirl, “Maybe a bullet behind the knee or a stab in the crotch.” Janice’s gaze turned unfocused as she whispered, “Die, Die, Die.”

Joanna (concerned VO): Janice Gonzales, from Brooklyn, New York.

The fourth video showed a tall man with purple eyes and blue hair. He wore a blue/black sorcerer’s robe. The man cackled, “I’m Rodrick Conners, the Crimson Mage.” Rodrick twisted his hands and muttered an incantation. A book appeared and floated in the air in front of his eyes. Rodrick smiled, “The world is about power and the Wild Cards need power like mine to succeed. Remember the name, Crimson Mage.”

Joanna (VO): Rodrick Conners, from Charlottesville, Virginia.

The fifth video showed a tall man with his black hair cut in a crew cut. The man’s black eyes flashed as he stood in front of a tree. The man idly clenched a hand into a fist. White electricity crackled in his hand as he turned and shot a blast of lightning at the tree. The tree cracked in half and burned. The man turned and said in a soft tone, “I’m Adam Raynor. I can use lightning to shock my enemies. That’s good enough to be a Wild Card to me.” Adam slunk away.

Joanna (VO): Adam Raynor, from Los Angeles, California.

The sixth video showed a short woman with white hair and blue eyes. The woman said, “My name’s Donna, or at least that’s what I think it is. You see, I only know that a man told me my name was Donna. I want to be a Wild Card and use my celebrity to find out who I am. As for my ability, well I.” Donna’s blue eyes turned cold and her white hair spiked up. Donna snarled, “I’m a berserker.” Donna screamed and ripped the door off its hinges. Donna charged out of her house into the street and jumped onto a car. Donna howled and smashed her hand through the windshield. The hand bled profusely as she jumped onto the roof and smashed it in with her bare hands. A group of men gang tackled her and dragged her away.

Joanna (VO): Donna, from Tampa, Florida.

The seventh video shows a stocky, gray haired man with gray eyes in a dark shirt and slacks. The man spat, “I’m Ben Pierce and the Wild Cards need me for experience. I’ll be the one to calm all the young turks down when they want to go off willy-nilly.” A short grin flashed across the wizened man’s face. Ben jumped onto the ceiling and walked on it upside down. Ben stated, “It’s all about the agility.”

Joanna (VO): Ben Pierce, from Greenwich, Connecticut.

The eighth and final reserve video shows a tall, slim man with spiky red hair. The man walked down the street in a cocky strut. The man drawled, “My name is Eric Ramsey and I’m from the great city of New Orleans, Louisiana.” Eric grinned, “I should be a Wild Card because I’m a wild one.” Eric’s eyes widened as a attractive blond woman walked by him. Eric shook his fingers and shot a couple of low-level plasma balls into the woman’s cleavage. The woman jiggled as the energy tickled her. The woman turned around and saw Eric walking down the street calmly. Eric turned and smirked before going into a bar.

Joanna (VO): Eric Ramsey, from New Orleans, Louisiana.

We come back to Joanna Cross, who proclaimed, “Ladies and gentlemen, these are your WILD CARDS! Come back next week for the first episode of Wild Cards! Good night everyone.”

The broadcast faded out and Delilah had a big smile on her face. She knew that this was going to be an awesome show. Delilah walked out of the control room to go back home and relax.

In a living room in Japan, a toned black man seethed at what he had just seen on the television screen while his lovely Eurasian wife rubbed his shoulders consolingly.

Dwayne Wayne-Arigami, a.k.a Big Money, spat, “I can’t believe this crap, especially that Joseph Jackson character.”

Megumi Wayne-Arigami, a.k.a. The White Tsunami replied softly, “It’ll be okay, honey.”

Dwayne growled, “You’re damn right it is, because I’m going to find out where they’re taping this farce and end it. They’re giving us a bad name. I mean, we didn’t try and look for freaking celebrity.”

Megumi answered wryly, “But we didn’t turn away from it, did we?”

Dwayne answered, “No, but this whole thing just rubs me the wrong way especially with Jackson. I can’t believe he would just blurt out his codename like that and show the world how the secrets of the Pimp Cane like that.”

Megumi said, “So he may be too brash, but the powers that be chose him for a reason just like they chose you, Bobby, Alec, Woo’oof, and Tammy. That’s not counting other people who have pimp canes either.”

Dwayne said coldly, “You’re right, I guess. But I’m going to have to talk to Bankroll.”

Megumi groaned, “I don’t like that tone in your voice.”

Dwayne replied, “You know me too well. But better I kick his ass than some other people. The Pimps are a community and I know for a fact that others won’t be as lenient as I will.”

Megumi sighed, “So are you going to do this immediately?”

Dwayne answered, “No, I’ll wait until he gets a couple of missions under his belt. I know the others will as well to see what he’s about.”

Megumi kissed Dwayne on his forehead, “Just be careful, okay?”

Dwayne grinned, “I’m always careful.”

Megumi snorted as Dwayne whispered, “Enough talk about him. I believe we have a prior engagement.”

Megumi answered coyly, “That we do.” The two got off of the couch and went up to their bedroom.

End Ch. 1

Author’s Notes

Well, another new series from moi. I’m going to say that this whole thing is inspired from DC’s Justice League International/Justice League Europe. Basically, the creators of the group decided to make the superhero game a lot more fun than the usual dark and gritty stuff. Today I’m going to pick up the first issue of the new revamp of the JLI, Formerly Known as the Justice League. I need to have something to make me laugh considering I was off my game at work yesterday. I’m not that into the job, but I do have a level of professionalism that was lacking. I didn’t want to be there at all, but I got through it. I hope that this series will have some fun stuff along with my usual action/adventure

I kind of had misgivings about the beginning of this chapter. It just seemed stilted to me, but as I read over it again I figured I did well enough. I always have problems with starting a series off anyways. I think the best part of the chapter was the introduction of all of the characters in the casting special. A note about upcoming chapters, since I’m doing the television show thing the rest of the chapters will be in script format like GWWA. The next chapter will have our heroes being taken to their new home and told what to expect from Joanna. I don’t think I’ll have them actually do anything of note in the next chapter except get to know each other. The third chapter will have the Wild Cards doing stuff.

Oh, the bit I mentioned with Dwayne will eventually come to pass way in the future of the series. I have no idea what I’m going to do with the villains and whatnot.

I wish you all

Peace, love, and hair grease
