Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Cards ❯ Shuffle the Deck and Pull an Ace. ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wild Cards

Chapter 2-Shuffle the Deck and Pull an Ace.

Symbol Notes

(VO): Denotes a voice-over or when a character is thinking about another character and they don't want the person to hear him or her.

(CC): Signifies when a character confesses to the camera.

**** Scene Change

****** Act Change

** Beginning and End of Episode

Disclaimer-Any reality elements that are used in this series are by their creators, not me.


Eight different people
With different temperament and abilities
Brought together to live in Loughkeepsie, NY

(Begin thumping theme song, showing each member of the Wild Cards in split screen format)

Allen, lifting weights
Joseph, shooting the breeze in a crowd

Danny, hitting on an attractive female
Keiko, meditating on a tatami mat

Tristan, shooting an arrow through an apple
Tony, helping an old lady across the street

To fight for the common man
To be the best

(End theme song with a group shot of all eight heroes and the title Wild Cards under the group)

The episode begins with a camera pointed at the front door of a white Victorian style mansion with Joanna Cross standing in front of the door.

Joanna: Welcome to Wild Cards. I'm Joanna Cross and today, eight different individuals will come to this beautiful mansion on the outskirts of Loughskeepie, NY to live together and serve the common man. Also, the Wild Cards will meet with the town liaison. The liaison will be the bridge between the town and the Wild Cards.

(A large white hummer limousine appeared in front of Joanna)

Joanna (smiles): Here are the Wild Cards now.

(A driver steps out of the car and opened the door while another large man in the passenger seat beside him stepped out. The large man went to the trunk of the limousine to take out the Wild Cards luggage and computer equipment, brought by Scott. Brianna Leahy stepped out of the limousine first and glared at Tristan Hendricks, who only smirked in response. Joseph and Keiko stepped out next, Keiko with a impassive look on her face while Joseph had a small frown on his features. Scott and Danny appeared next, both looking at their new home in awe. Allen and Tony were last. Allen belched while Tony glared at the muscular man.)

Joanna (brightly): Hello everyone.

Brianna (scowls): What are you doing here?

Joanna: I'm here to show you around.

Tristan (lecherous grin): I'm glad you're here, Jo. (Pointedly looks at Brianna) At least you're a REAL woman.

Brianna (sneers): Right, she's just the kind of woman you want, dumb and weak.

Joanna (offended): Hey!

Keiko: There's no need for that, Tristan. Let Ms. Cross do her job.

Joseph (annoyed): Stop trying to be the leader of this outfit, Keiko! You're trying to get brownie points by being nice.

Scott (drawls): How could we forget about your "leadership" credentials? You did nothing but talk how you should lead the team. Damn man, we'll talk about it later today.

Joseph (glares at Scott)

Allen (pleading): Can we go already? I'm hungry.

Tony (comments softly): You seem to eat a lot, Allen.

Allen (smirks): I have to keep up this woman pleasing physique.

Everyone with the exception of Tony and Joanna groans.

Brianna (rolls her eyes): I can't believe the nerve of that statement.

Tony (moves his pectoral muscle): It's the truth.

Joanna (annoyed): Enough! Let's get on with this. You people are giving me a headache.

The Wild Cards and the helper got their stuff and entered the mansion behind Joanna.


The group entered a large living room with a sparkling chandelier, a large, well-polished oak table, a couple of white couches and the most important accessory of all, a very expensive entertainment system.

Joanna (waves her hand around expansively): This is your living room area.

Scott (looks pensively at the 50 inch television set): I can make that better.

Tony: How?

Scott (smiles): I'm the tech man here trust me.

Keiko: This is too much, Ms. Cross.

Joanna: You all deserve the best. Let's move on.

The group moved out of the living room and entered the kitchen, which was also spacious and state of the art.

Joanna: As you can see, this is the kitchen. We've got some plates, glasses and other utensils scattered around here.

Allen (ran towards the refrigerator and opened it in a rush): Dammit!

Joanna (smirked): You're not that lucky, you greedy oaf! Now get back with the rest of the team.

The rest of the Wild Cards except for Keiko laughed at Allen's misfortune, since there was no food in the refrigerator to eat. Allen glared at his teammates as Joanna waved them forward. The Wild Cards went through the kitchen and walked down a long hallway. Joanna turned left, with the rest following her.

Tristan (VO): This place is SWEET! The parties I can throw down here would be EPIC!

Danny (annoyed VO): Yeah, the mansion is tight but she needs to speed this up! I'm losing my MIND here.

Joseph (annoyed VO): Dammit, Joanna! Hurry up so I can lay down the law to these buffoons, especially Keiko and Brianna.

Keiko (amazed VO): I can't believe the size of this place. I was expecting to live in some cheap, rat-infested house or something. But the TBC likes to keep us in the lap of luxury.

Brianna (pissed VO): Stupid little girl showing us around here like we're lapdogs or something. God, Joanna makes me sick!

Scott (VO): Can't wait to take apart that television set. I've got some big plans for it. Wonder when she's going to show us the tech lab. Superhero teams HAVE to have a high tech lab.

Allen (VO): Need food!

Tony (VO): Stand down, evildoers! No, that's not good enough. Prepare to be destroyed, fools! God, that was really bad! Umm, get ready to get wrecked. Hmm, there's a possibility.

Joanna stopped in front of a door and opened the door. The host stepped aside and the Wild Cards looked into the room. They saw a large bed, a dresser drawer and a large walk-in closet.

Joanna: All of your bedrooms like this one. Joanna walked over to the bed and pushed a spot on the edge of the bed. The bed shrunk. Joanna pressed the spot twice and the bed expanded to almost encompass the room.

Tristan (drawls): Aww yeah!

Danny (small smile flits over his face)

Brianna (snorts): Perverts.

Tristan and Danny (in unison): And proud of it!

Scott: Keep down the orgies, you two.

Keiko (blushed)

Joseph (roared): That's enough!

Scott (hissed): You're not to boss of me, Joseph.

Allen: We're all friends here. C'mon.

Joseph and Scott glared at each other, but eventually the two calmed down.

Joanna (cuts in): Now that the testosterone level is down, let's go.

Brianna (grins): Wow, you do have a brain after all.

Joanna (barely holds back from yelling at Brianna): We're almost done. The bedrooms are spread out throughout the mansion.

Joanna showed the Wild Cards a huge sickbay and a game room, which brought a big cheer from everyone. The host led them to the final destination on this tour, the Jacuzzi room. The Jacuzzi room had a large blue Jacuzzi in the middle of the room. Past the Jacuzzi was a small patio area with a grill sitting on a hill.

Joanna (smiles): This is the last stop on the tour, the Jacuzzi room. After a long day of fighting crime, you'll come here to relax. Also, the patio area gives you a splendid view of Loughskeepsie.

Tristan: Will we see you again?

Joanna (shrugs): Probably not. Well, I'll be off now. Oh, and one more thing. Your rooms have cameras in them as well, so if you have a problem with privacy or whatever this is your last chance to get out.

No one answered Joanna. The host smiled brightly and exited the room.

Brianna: God, I'm glad she's gone.

Joseph: I agree.

Scott: So what now?

Tony: We should probably unpack our stuff and get settled in.

Joseph (thunders): Not until we decide on a leader!

Danny: C’mon, Joey boy. We can do that tomorrow. Let’s just get our stuff out of the living room.

Tristan: Damn right. The quicker the better, so we can hit the clubs.

Brianna (scoffs): Right. This place isn’t like New Orleans, Tristan. I doubt there are any hot clubs around here.

Tristan: There’s ALWAYS a club somewhere and it’s my civic duty to find out where the hot spots are.

Danny (smirks): So you can hook up?

Tristan (grins): You know this man.

(Danny and Tristan give each other a high five)

Keiko (slight frown on her face): Remember why we’re here, you two.

Tristan (waves his hands in compliance): I know, I know. But all work and no play makes the Ragin Cajun a dull boy.

Scott: Isn’t that name gimmick infringement?

Tristan (shrugs): Nah

Joseph: ENOUGH! Let’s go and decide who leads this team.

Scott (shakes his head): Man, you need some Prozac

Allen: Or a nice juicy steak.

Tony: Let’s humor him.

Brianna: Fine, we’ll do this at the living room table.

The camera showed the eight men and women sitting at the large oak table with the seating arrangement Brianna, Keiko, Tony, Scott, Joseph, Allen, Tristan, and Danny.

Scott (looks at Joseph with slight scorn): Okay, leader boy? How are we supposed to do this?

Joseph: Simple, we vote on it and the person with the most votes wins.
Brianna (annoyed): Brilliant deduction. I think he meant that there should be a bit more involved.

Joseph was about to answer when the doorbell rang.

Tristan (sprang to his feet): I’ll get it. Maybe it’s a hot chick.

Danny (also gets up): I’ll help you.

Both men exit to answer the door.

Tony (frowns): I’m not sure about the dedication of those two.

Keiko: I have confidence that Tristan and Danny will get the job done when it’s needed.

Brianna: You believe that if you want, Keiko.

Joseph: It seems like you want to lead the Wild Cards, Keiko. You’re saying all the right things so far.

Keiko: Joseph, I’m not trying to be anything but myself. You’re very anxious to lead, almost like your life depends on it or something.

Brianna: I wouldn’t mind being the leader.

Joseph (scoffs): You! All you want to do is pound everyone into submission. That was clear from all those barroom brawl stories you regaled us with.

Brianna was about to reply with a scathing retort when Tristan and Danny returned with a petite 30-something woman with short cropped black hair and gray eyes framed by a pair of silver eyeglasses. The woman wore a gray business suit and held a small briefcase in her hands.

Tristan (grins): Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to meet Clarissa Powers. She has to tell us something that’s important for all of us.

The rest of the group greets Clarissa.

Clarissa (sits down beside Danny): Hello, everyone. I do have something to tell you all. Quite simply, I’m here to tell you that I’m the liaison for the Wild Cards. I’m the bridge between you and the local government. I’ll give you concerns from the citizens and tell you the rules that need to be followed.

Allen (VO): She’s pretty.

Joseph (thunders): Rules! This town should be honored that we’re here.

Danny (VO): That moron’s pissing her off. He’s ruining any shot I have at shooting the game at Clarissa.

Tristan (VO): I want to drop Joseph into the bayou and let the crocs eat him.

Clarissa (coldly): Joseph, you’re lucky the network found this place. No other town wanted to deal with the potential headache of having a superhero team around. Also, you can’t expect to just have the run of the town. The whole point is for you eight to help uphold law and order in Loughkeepsie when the police can’t get the job done not just be television stars.

Scott: We’ll do our job, Ms. Powers.

Danny: Anyways, we were just deciding on who was going to lead the outfit.

Clarissa: I expected that decision to be worked out tomorrow. You must be dedicated. I was here to welcome you to Loughkeepsie before going to work on a case.

Joseph: (smug look on his face)

Clarissa: Since you’re going to decide a leader now, I would like to make a couple of suggestions. Each person who wants to lead should speak for 2 minutes on why they should lead the team. Also, no one should vote for themselves. In case of a tie, I’ll be the tie-breaker since I have to work closely with the leader in the coming months.

Allen: Sounds good to me.

Brianna: That’s fair.

Joseph (shrugs): Fine.

Scott (drawls): Aight.

Tony: Good idea.

Tristan and Danny (in unison): Wonderful idea.

Clarissa: Okay, let’s go around the table, starting with Brianna.

Brianna (rises to her feet): Thank you, Clarissa. Quite simply, this team needs a strong leader and I fit the bill. We’re sure to face many difficult challenges in the future and there’s no room for weak-willed simpletons. It’s all about strength and will.

Brianna sat down to a contemplative audience.

Clarissa pointed at Keiko.

Keiko (stood and looked at the team with a clear gaze): Brianna is correct about strength being a characteristic of a leader. However, a team such as ours needs a clear, level head like mine. Sometimes, brute strength won’t be enough. Remember that we’re here to protect and serve the citizens of Loughkeepsie. Thank you.

The Asian woman sat down in her seat.

Scott (VO): I like Keiko’s calm leadership.

Joseph (seething VO): Damn Keiko! She’s like a damn politician!

Clarissa: Tony, would you like to speak?

Tony (nods at Clarissa and stands stiffly): The leader of the Wild Cards is the main representative of the team. I believe that I would make a great leader because you can respect someone like me. I’m able, strong, and dependable, which are important traits to have. I won’t embarrass any of you and am willing to deal with each individual fairly.
Joseph (annoyed VO): That was good. I should’ve thought of that.

Clarissa (looks at Scott).

Scott (shakes his head): I’m not leader material.

Joseph sprang to his feet before Clarissa could speak.

Joseph (blusters): All of that is well and good, but we need experience as well. I’ve been doing this for a lot longer than the rest of you.

Scott (drawls): C’mon, Joseph. How much crime is in Portland, Oregon?

Joseph (glares at Scott): A lot. Now, we need an experienced hand to do this. I’ve worked with a lot of heroes on the West Coast and know what’s needed in a team setting. Simply, a strong, disciplined hand that will beat all of you slackers into a well-oiled machine.

Joseph was about to say more, but Clarissa cut him off

Clarissa: Your two minutes are up.

Joseph sat down as Clarissa smiled at Allen. Allen blushed and shook his head in the negative.

Tristan and Danny (VO): No way that big oaf is attracted to MY woman. Crap, she looks like she’s flattered. NO!

Clarissa (smiles even more at Tristan and Danny): What about you two?

Tristan: Non, petite.

Danny: Same here, Clarissa. I’m not a political dynamo.

Clarissa (opens her briefcase and pulls out a small bowl and a piece of paper): Well then. It’s time to vote. Rip off a small piece of paper, write in who you think should be the leader and put it into this bowl. I’ll count the tally.

Clarissa passes the paper and bowl over to Danny. We fade to a commercial break as Danny passes the bowl on to Tristan and so forth.

Commercial break

We fade in to see the bowl filled with the votes and Clarissa standing at the table.

Clarissa (pulls out a piece of paper): One for Keiko.
Joseph winces as Clarissa said, One for Brianna.

Brianna (grins)

Clarissa: Two for Keiko.

Keiko (sits impassively)

Clarissa: Three for Keiko

Joseph: Dammit!

Clarissa: One for Tony

Tony: That’s right.

Clarissa: Another vote for Tony.

Brianna (concerned VO): It’s getting tight between Keiko and Tony. Come on, I need these two to force a tie. Of course, I don’t know if Clarissa will vote for me but I’d rather take a chance with a tie breaker.

Joseph (pissed off VO): No votes for me! Our damn liaison cut me off before I could finish my point. I know I would’ve gotten some votes if I could’ve finished.

Allen (VO): Clarissa’s so beautiful. But she likes those two lady killers Tristan and Danny. Then again, both of them don’t look like they want to share her. This could be a good thing for me. Almost as good as a big Philly cheese steak.

Clarissa: 2 for Brianna

Brianna (inches in her seat in anticipation)

Clarissa: The count is 3 for Keiko, 2 for Brianna and 2 for Tony. If Keiko gets this vote, she wins, if either Brianna or Tony receives this vote there will be a tie in which I’ll have to break the tie.

The tension in the room was palpable as Clarissa pulled the final vote.

Clarissa (dramatic voice): 4 for Keiko. Joseph slammed a fist on the table in frustration and Brianna slumped in her seat. Tony sighed as Clarissa held her hand out. Keiko shook it in a daze.

Clarissa (put her bowl back into her suitcase): Congratulations, Keiko. I’ve got to get going now. Have a nice day.

Clarissa leaves the room as Tony got to his feet and patted her on the shoulder.

Joseph: I don’t believe this!

Scott: You should, you pompous windbag!

Joseph: Excuse me!

Scott: You heard me!

Joseph and Scott jumped to their feet and rushed at each other, fists raised.

Keiko (pulls out a katana from out of nowhere and puts it between them): That’s enough!

Both men back away from the blade.

Keiko: Now, thank you for letting me lead the Wild Cards. You won’t be disappointed. Now I believe we should all unpack and relax.

Everyone does as Keiko asks with Scott and Joseph shooting glares at each other as they took their stuff and exited the room. The only person left in the room with Keiko is Brianna.

Brianna: That was a nice move there.

Keiko: It had to be done. They were giving me a headache.

Brianna: Do a good job. I voted for you.

Keiko (smiles): I voted for you.

Brianna: Didn’t trust the guys, huh?

Keiko: Tony’s speech was good, but my instincts were telling me to vote for you. Joseph didn’t stand a chance.

Brianna (snorts): Do you think he’ll be an asset?

Keiko: His power can’t be denied, but his people skills need work.

Brianna: True.

Keiko: I could see how much you wanted this position, so I want you to be my second-in-command. You know the person who’ll lead in my absence or call me out when I get out of line.

Brianna: I accept.

Keiko: Good. We’ll talk later. You’ve got a lot of stuff to unpack.

Brianna (snorts): I’ve only got a couple of suitcases. All you’ve got is that duffel bag.

Keiko (smirks): Trust me, I’ve got a lot in there.

Brianna: If you say so. I’ll see you later.

Keiko: See you.

The two women pick up their stuff and exit the room. We fade out at this point.


Joanna (VO): Next time on Wild Cards

Keiko (freezes in terror): C, C,

Brianna (sees what Keiko is so scared of): It’s only a

(End of promo)

End Ch. 2

Author’s Notes

Well, here’s the start. I’ve already got conflict going between Scott/Joseph and potential conflict with Tristan/Danny/Allen over Clarissa. Keiko being voted as the leader of the Wild Cards was the logical choice. She’s the most grounded woman in the group, which means it’s going to fun to poke at her as the series goes on.

Here’s the voting breakdown

Even though Tristan and Brianna talked smack to each other throughout the episode, Tristan probably voted for Brianna mainly because he likes a challenge. As for Danny, he actually decided to vote on merit. Scott did the same. Joseph voted for Tony because he hated the women competitors, Allen believed in Tony’s vision, and I explained why Brianna and Keiko voted for each other at the end.

The next chapter will have Keiko and Brianna going out to lunch to cement their partnership more and as is my wont in the third chapter, they as well as the rest of the team will be tested.

I wish you all

Peace, love, and hair grease
