Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Cards ❯ Cat Scratch Fever ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wild Cards

Chapter 3-Cat Scratch Fever

Symbol Notes

(VO): Denotes a voice-over or when a character is thinking about another character and they don't want the person to hear him or her.

(CC): Signifies when a character confesses to the camera.

**** Scene Change

****** Act Change

** Beginning and End of Episode

Disclaimer-Any reality elements that are used in this series are by their creators, not me.


After the theme song, the camera points at Keiko Yagami, sitting crossed-legged on the tatami mat with her eyes closed. Her chest rose slightly as she focused on finding her inner peace. The camera panned around Keiko’s room to show her futon, an Ah My Goddess poster above the futon and two katanas hanging over Keiko’s laptop. A small thumped sounded in the quiet of the room. Keiko opened her eyes and sighed. The leader of the Wild Cards got up and left her room.

Keiko entered the living toom to see Scott Thompson taking apart the big-screen, high definition television.

Keiko: What are you doing?

Scott (startled): Dammit, Keiko! Don’t do that!

Keiko: Do what?

Scott: Sneak up on me like that.

Keiko (contrite): I’m sorry.

Scott (smiles gently): It’s okay, Keiko. Anybody could sneak up on me when I’m working.

Keiko: Do you sleep? You were working on something last night.

Scott (shrugs): Sleep’s overrated, although I could ask the same of you. We’ve been here for like a week now and all you’ve done is meditate and spar constantly.

Keiko: I get 3 hours of sleep.

Scott (drawls): That’s a lot.

Keiko: It’s all a warrior needs. Which brings us back to the original question, what are you doing now?

Scott: Just making some improvements to the television.

Keiko: Like?

Scott: Well, eventually this baby will be a voice-activated gateway to the internet.

Keiko (eyebrow raised): Are you serious?

Scott: Very. All you have to do is say the website address and the television will go to the site.

Keiko: That’s incredible.

Scott (modestly): I do what I can.

Keiko: I suggest you take a break when you finish with this project. You’ve already given all of us communicators and upgraded the security system to the mansion. Enough’s enough.

Scott: No problem.

Keiko: Now keep it down, I’m trying to meditate.

Scott: Sure

Keiko exits the room and we see Scott with a pensive look on his face.

Keiko walked down the hallway, intent on returning to her room when a groggy Brianna Leahy met her.

Brianna (yawns): Hey, Keiko.

Keiko: Hello, Brianna.

Brianna (looks at Keiko in disgust): How can you be so awake?

Keiko: I’m special.

Brianna (yawns again): Oh, would you mind going out with me for lunch?

Keiko: You don’t want to eat here?

Brianna: God no. I need to get out of here for a bit, especially to get away from Tristan.
We can get to know each other better, since we’re going to be partners and all.

Keiko: You’re right. We do need to check out the town. We’ll meet at the garage at 12.

Brianna: Cool. Need some coffee. See you.

Keiko: Later.

Brianna yawned again and shuffled toward the kitchen while Keiko went to her room. Fade to commercial


We return to show Tristan and Danny playing a game of pool in the game room. Tony is also in the room with them and holds a pool stick, waiting the winner of the game.

Tristan (scowls as he misses his shot): Dammit.

Danny (smoothly knocks the ball into the corner pocket and ends the game): Damn I’m good.

Tony (walks up to the table): Don’t get too cocky. I’m next.

Danny (smirks): I’m supposed to be afraid of you? Please.

Tony: You’ll see.

Tristan racks the balls and mockingly stood aside, letting Tony break. Tony smiled slightly before breaking. 5 balls immediately went into the pockets. Tristan and Danny stood in shock as Tony smirked and put the cue stick behind his back. Without looking at the shot, Tony lightly knocked the cue ball into another ball. The ball sank softly into the right corner pocket.

Tony (walked over to the next shot and closed his eyes): Gentlemen, you can’t compete.

The ball sank right into its corner. Tony finished the game with three more trick shots before twisting the cue stick in the air.
Tristan (in amazement): I didn’t just see that.

Tony: Yep, you saw it.

Danny: Where the hell did you learn to play like that?

Tony: Dad taught me. He was a champion pool player.

Tristan: I bet your dad made a killing on the pool circuit.

Tony (voice turns cold): Killing is right.

Danny: What happened?

Tony: My dad did make a lot of money on the pool circuit, which brought him to the attention of the Golden Glocks.

Tristan: Those dudes are bad news.

Tony: Yeah, the local leader told Dad that he needed to throw a match so he could collect on a bet he made. Dad refused and the Glocks killed him that night.

Both were silent as Tony continued.

Tony (clenches his pool stick in rage): Those sons of bitches took my father away from me. Mom was never the same after that.

The pool stick crumpled into pieces.

Tony (hisses): That’s why I’m here. I’m going to make this world a better place for everyone.

Tony stalked out of the room. Tristan and Danny looked at each other uneasily.

The camera points to show Allen, Scott and Joseph watching television on the couches.

Joseph (scowls): Can’t we watch something else?

Scott: Nope, we’re watching Springer and that’s all there is to it.

Allen: Yeah!

Joseph (glares at Allen): Like you know anything except eating.

Allen: I know what I like.
Scott: Besides, he’s not a phony like YOU.

Joseph: What did you say?

Scott: You heard me. All you do is talk about how you’re this bad and bad warrior. What the hell have you run into in NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT?

Joseph: I resent that. New Haven isn’t a easy place to live in.

Scott: Please. After one night in Brooklyn, you’ll run away and cry to your mommy like a little bitch.

Joseph (pulls out his pimp cane and snarls): Let’s go.

Scott (jumps up and says): Step to me without the prop, punk.

Joseph (sets the Pimp Cane aside): Fine.

Allen: C’mon, guys. Sit down.

Scott and Joseph (bark in unison): Stay out of this!

Allen gets up as both men tackle each other and trade wild punches. In the background, Keiko watched as the two brawled and shook her head before heading to the garage to meet with Brianna.

Allen sighs and lifts both men off of each other by the back of their shirts.

Allen (snaps to Joseph): If you don’t like what’s on the television, you can go somewhere else. (Turned his head to Scott): Stop baiting him or you’ll answer to me.

Both men glare at each other. Joseph wriggles out of Allen’s grip and storms out of the room. Scott looked balefully at Allen. Allen let Scott go. Scott calmed down and laughed as he watched the antics of the Springer guests as we fade to commercial break.


We return to Brianna and Keiko sitting at a medium sized table on a patio-like area. Cars drive by and passerby walk on the sidewalk. Both women are wearing designer shades. Brianna is attired in a white-t shirt and faded blue jeans while Keiko wears a bright yellow dress. The duo is sipping on ice teas as they enjoy the day.

Brianna: This place is great!

Keiko: Yes, the food is excellent.

Brianna: We should tell the others about Pastorelli’s

Keiko: Even Tristan?

Brianna: Even him. No one should be deprived of the chicken alfredo here.

Keiko: I’m surprised you liked Italian food.

Brianna: I’ve visited Italy before and got hooked on the food. What’s your excuse?

Keiko: My mom loved to make miso soup and would give it to me every day, without fail. After all, miso soup is just what a growing warrior needs to keep up her strength.

Brianna: Mom was big on the warrior thing, huh?

Keiko (dryly): You have no idea. If my friend Ami didn’t introduce me to other foods like Italian, I would’ve lost my mind.

Brianna (shakes her head): I’m not sure I could’ve grown up like you did. Your parents were pretty anal. No offense.

Keiko: None taken. But their strictness has made me what I am today and I’ll always be grateful for that.

Brianna: So how do you think this team is going to go?

Keiko: Well, we won’t know for sure until we get into battle. I will say that Scott, Tony, Allen, and you are the dependable members so far.

Brianna: Scott could be a problem if he can’t control himself against Joseph.

Keiko (snorts): He’s been a model of restraint, all things considered. All Joseph’s done is bitch and moan since we’ve been here.

Brianna: I guess that means you condone that fight you saw between them in the living room?

Keiko: Up to a point. If it keeps up, we’re going to have to handle it.

Brianna: That’s true. I’m itching for some action. No one has called us for help or anything.

Keiko: Don’t worry. We’ll be doing things soon enough.

Clarissa walks up to the two, in a white business suit and her ever present suitcase.

Brianna (sees the liaison first): Hey, Clarissa. How are you?

Clarissa: I’m good. How are you ladies doing?

Keiko and Brianna: We’re good.

Keiko: Would you like to sit with us?

Clarissa (looks at her watch and sits down): I’ve got some time.

The three chat until a female scream burst from across the street.

Keiko: Looks like we’re on duty.

Keiko and Brianna get out of their seats and ran towards the scream with Clarissa looking at the two with curiosity.


Keiko and Brianna ran towards an alleyway. The duo entered the alleyway and saw an older woman lying on the ground while a rough black alley cat stalked in front of the woman.

Older Woman (slides back in terror): Don’t hurt me!

Brianna (helps the older woman to her feet): We’ll take care of this.

The older woman nodded gratefully and ran with a speed belying her age.

Brianna (looks back at Keiko, who stood completely still): Keiko, what’s wrong. It’s just a cat.

Keiko (shakes in fright and turns pale)

Brianna: C’mon, leader lady. Buck up!

Keiko (whimpers and shakily points at the cat)

Brianna (turns and sees the black alley cat glare at the two with a will as the cat glowed).

Brianna: What the fuck?

The black cat glowed and morphed into a muscular catman. The catman growled and charged at Brianna, claws raised to strike.

Brianna smirked and yelled as she clenched her hands. Orange fire crackled in her fists as she charged at the cat. The two swung wildly at each other. The cat’s superior reflexes helped it dodge her flaming fists and counters with a right slash to Brianna’s face. The blow sent Brianna spinning into the wall. The cat hissed and ran away.

Brianna (moaned): Damn, that cat packs a punch.

Keiko still stood in petrified shock

Brianna (sighs): Time to get some help. The Irish lass touched a black wristband and said, “We’re on, Scott. Get the crew assembled ASAP. A cat morphed into a huge catman here. We’ve got to find it and take action. Brianna out.

Before the transmission was cut, we heard Scott’s voice yell, “The name’s Tech when you’re calling me on the communicator!”

Brianna (shakes her head): Right.

Brianna sighed and shook Keiko’s shoulders.

Keiko (moaned): Is it gone?

Brianna: Yes, the cat is gone.

Keiko: Good.

Keiko’s eyes roll into her head and the leader of the Wild Cards faints away.

Brianna: Dammit!

Brianna picks up the unconscious woman and puts her over her shoulder.

Brianna (VO): Shit, I want to go take care of the cat but I can’t just leave Keiko behind. Tech and company should be coming here soon in the van. When I used the communicator, it immediately told them my position. I guess I should wait until they get here.

Brianna stood impatiently on the sidewalk, waiting for the rest of her teammates as we fade to commercial.


We return to see Tony standing on the small patio area with a sad look on his face.

Tony (angry VO): Damn them for reminding me! DAMN THEM!

Tony smashed the table in a rage, breaking it into kindling.

Tristan: We’re sorry, Tony.

Tony turned around and saw Tristan and Danny behind him with expressions of regret.

Tony (sighed): You didn’t know.

Danny: Do you need anything?

Tony: I’m fine.

Danny: Are you sure?

Tony (gritted teeth): I’m fine, but I’d like some time alone.

Tristan and Danny left without another word as Tony clenched his fists. Joseph walked up and looked at the smashed table with a raised eyebrow.

Joseph: What’s your problem?

Tony turned around slowly and grabbed Joseph by the neck. Tony’s eyes were filled with rage as he squeezed.

Tony (crazed VO): DIE, DIE, and DIE!

Joseph: ACK!

Joseph kneed Tony in the stomach. Tony released the chokehold as Joseph gasped to catch his breath. Joseph pulled out his Pimp Cane and snarled, “GHETTO!” A golden light enveloped Joseph and he changed into Bankroll, attired in a lime green suit.

Bankroll: Let’s dance.

Bankroll lashed out at Tony with a right hand. Tony ducked the wild haymaker and came back with a quick one-two combination to Bankroll’s ribs. Bankroll moaned in pain as Tony backhanded Bankroll and sent him flying into the Jacuzzi. Tony tackled Bankroll and the two rolled in the Jacuzzi, trading sledgehammer blows.

Scott, Allen, Tristan, and Danny jogged into the room. Tristan had a long crossbow and a red quiver filled with arrows on his back

Scott (not paying attention to the fight): Hey guys, we’ve got to roll. The city needs. What the hell?

Allen ran up and pulled Tony off of a bloodied and bruised Bankroll. Scott and Tristan helped Bankroll up and managed to hold him back. Tony screamed as Danny sped over and helped Allen hold Tony back. Bankroll’s face was a bloody mess as he swayed in Scott and Tristan’s grasp.

Scott: Damn, Tony kicked your ass.

Bankroll (coughs): Let me at him.

Tristan: IF Tony pounded him while he was normal, he would’ve killed him.

Scott (yells at Tony): What’s wrong with you!

Tony shook his head and slowly came out of his anger-fueled battle haze as he saw a bloodied Bankroll being held up by Tristan and Scott.

Tony (eyes widen in shock): I’m sorry, Bankroll. I let my rage overcome me.

Bankroll tried to respond, but the pounding he too from Tony’s superhuman strength weakened him. Bankroll fell to the floor in a boneless heap, unconscious.

Scott (glares at Tony): Good job, Tony. I don’t like the jerk, but I wouldn’t kill him. Damn!

Tony: I’m sorry. Whenever I think about my dad’s death, I lose control.

Scott (in exasperation): Okay, okay. We should do something about Bankroll. He’s not up to fighting.

Danny: Put him in the sickbay and we’ll go without him.

Scott (looks at Allen): Put him in the sickbay and put him on the med-bed. Press the red button beside the bed and the bed will do the rest until we can come and receive a full medical report on his condition.

Allen lets go of Tony and puts Bankroll over his shoulder. The powerhouse jogs down the hallway to the sickbay.

Scott: Okay, as soon as he gets back, we’re out of here? Tony, are you going to go off again?

Tony: I’ll be fine.

Danny (looks at Scott): Where’s your gear?

Scott smirked and pressed a silver button on his communicator. Small nanobots moved from the button and covered Scott’s body, creating a sleek black combat suit. An image of a computer monitor was on his chest in silver. Scott’s face was covered in a black mask with big silver eyes. Scott’s hands and feet were encased in black as well.

Scott (voice deeper than usual): Tech is ready.

Tristan (annoyed): Dammit, you get all the cool stuff.

Tech: I MAKE all the cool stuff. Nothing’s for free, including this.


Allen returned and the four scrambled out of the Jacuzzi room and went to the garage. The group passed a couple of motorcycles to reach a large black van. The men clambered into the van with Allen jumping into the driver’s eat. Tech sat down at a large computer console in the back while Tristan sat in the backseat. Danny sat beside Tristan as Tech’s fingers danced across the keyboard, looking to assess the situation. Allen pulled out of the garage and the van sped down the road to Loughkeepsie.


Brianna sighed as she gently laid Keiko down in a seat at Pastorelli’s. The Irish woman was tired of waiting for the rest of the group and decided to rush off when Keiko stirred.

Brianna (turned around): About time.

Keiko (holding her head in a combination of pain and shame): I’m sorry.

Brianna: Don’t be sorry. Just come through now.

Keiko (shakes): I can’t, Brianna. I can’t face those THINGS!

Brianna (VO): Dammit, she needs me to be supportive but I’ve never been too good at it. Here goes.

Brianna (outraged tone): I thought you were a warrior! You’re nothing but a coward!

Keiko: What did you say?

Brianna: You heard me. A little ball of fur and bones made the mighty Keiko Yagami nothing but a pussy.

Keiko (pulled her katana out): Take that back or suffer the consequences.

Brianna (lets the heat burn inside of her): Ooh, pulling out your big kitchen knife. You’re such a bad ass.

Keiko (angry VO): Bitch!

Brianna (sees Keiko twitching in rage): You’re mad at me. You should be mad at those cats, now shouldn’t you?

Keiko (sheathes her katana with effort): You’re right.

Brianna: I know I am.

Allen entered the room and ran towards the two women.

Allen (nervous): Let’s go!

Without another word, Brianna and Keiko follow Allen out of the restaurant. The three enter the van. The van speeds off.

Keiko (standing next to Tech): What’s the situation?

Tech (not looking up from the computer screen): Keiko, a huge mass of cats or whatever is convening at the Loughkeepsie Animal Shelter.

Keiko (to Allen): You heard the man, Allen.

Allen didn’t answer as he increased the speed on the van.

Brianna (looks around): Where’s Joseph?

Tony slunk down in his seat

Tristan: He’s in the sickbay.

Keiko and Brianna: What?!

Allen: Yeah, Tony and Joseph got into a brawl after Brianna called us.

Tony sank even lower in his seat

Brianna (looks at Tony): Why are you trying to hide? I’m sure you were justified.

Tony sinks even MORE and doesn’t look at Brianna.

Allen: We don’t know exactly what Joseph said to Tony, but it probably didn’t deserve that beating he dished out.

Danny: I don’t know, he probably said something about his dead father.

Tony (jumps in): I’m here you know! He just asked me what the problem was and I snapped.

Keiko (shakes her head): We’ll deal with this later.

Tech: We’re almost there.

Brianna: Good, it’s time for some payback. No damn cat slaps me around without consequences.

Keiko (VO): CATS! CATS! CATS! Why did it have to be CATS?


As the van speeds off to the Loughkeepsie Animal Shelter, we switch to show a mass of tall, muscled catmen and catwomen standing in front of the run-down shelter. One large white catman stepped up from the pack and strode into the facility.

The catman walked past the caged animals and stepped up to the cowering worker.

Catman (in a deep booming voice): Release our brothers and sisters!

Worker (sniveling): Don’t hurt me!

Catman: Release them, NOW!

Screams and other sounds of assorted violence filled the air as the Catman turned around to see his comrades in arms battling the Wild Cards. Keiko stood on the outside, fighting her fear of cats as Tech blasted a trio of animals into a wall with a sonic blast from his suit, Brianna scorched her adversaries, Allen and Tony teamed up to pound their adversaries down with their abnormal strength, Tristan shot off a couple of trick arrows into the air, blinding the cats with flashes of light. Tristan used this to his advantage and clocked the cats while Danny ran around a group of cats, creating a spinning whirlwind that dizzied the cats and sent them flying out of the door. The worker saw the carnage and crawled out the back door. The birds, dogs, and snakes hissed, barked, and cawed as the Wild Cards and Cats battled.

The leader of the cat force growled and tackled Brianna. The Catman slashed Brianna in his chest. Brianna gasped and threw a column of flame at the Catman. The cat dodged and got off of Brianna. Brianna stumbled to her feet and shot flames at the catman. The catman rolled under the blasts. The flames almost hit Tony in the back, but Keiko ran into the fray and pushed Tony out of the way. Keiko yelled as the flame scorched her.

Brianna (VO): Dammit!

Catman (heard a soft voice in his head): Retreat for now.

Catman: (VO): But we haven’t saved our brothers and sisters.

Soft Voice: We will, but our forces are diminishing. Fall back.

Catman (VO): Yes, Exalted One.

Catman (bellows and looks at Brianna): We’ll be back! (to the forces left): To me!

The group of cats ran toward the Catman and linked paws. In a flash of light, the cats disappeared.

Allen: Damn!

Tech (gently lifted the moaning Keiko up and carried her in his arms): We can talk about this later, Keiko needs medical attention.

Brianna: I’m so sorry, Keiko.

Brianna (distressed VO): She came in despite her fear of cats to save Tony and now I hurt her.

The Wild Cards stepped over the bodies of the bloodied and beaten cats. Tony scribbled a note for the owner to call their number. The team exited the store and got into the van. The van zoomed off to return to the mansion as we fade to commercial.

We return to see Keiko sitting up in her bed in the sickbay while Jospeh lies beside her, still unconscious. Scott, who’s taken off his Tech suit, Tony, Tristan, Danny, Brianna, and Allen are also in the sickbay.

Brianna (snaps): Keiko, you need your rest.

Keiko (croaks and sits up): I’m fine.

Scott (firmly): Lie back down or I’ll MAKE you lie down.

Keiko glares at Scott, but acquiesced to Scott’s demand.

Keiko (looks at Joseph): What about Joseph?

Scott: He’ll be back to annoy everyone in a day or two.

Keiko (feeling the rigors of the day wash over her body and starts to fall asleep): Great. We did okay today, but we’ll have to do better in the future.

Keiko closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Tristan: She’s barking out instructions even when she’s hurt. That’s dedication.

Brianna: Exactly. She’ll be back in a couple of days, so until then we go and try and find out who’s behind this. (Looks at Scott): Scott, I want you to get on that computer and figure out who would want to see animals let loose.

Scott (salutes sharply): Right. Then what?

Brianna: Then, we take care of the person or persons responsible, with extreme prejudice.

Allen: I like that idea.

Danny: Hell yeah.

Brianna: Let’s get out of here and get some rest.

The Wild Cards exit the sickbay and we fade to the group going into their rooms to rest up.


Joanna (VO): Next on Wild Cards

Tristan (pissed off look on his face): Danny, are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Danny (equal look of rage on his face): Oh yeah, T.

Tristan and Danny (in unison): It’s fucking ON now!

(End of promo)

A slim, 30-ish woman with short black hair and grey eyes idly stroked the Catman’s fur. The woman wore a shirt with a black Siamese cat on the front with faded blue jeans. The Catman was kneeling in front of the woman.

The Catman said, “I failed you, Exalted One.”

The woman smiled, “It is okay, my champion. We WILL succeed.”

End Ch. 3

Author’s Notes

Well, a lot went on in this chapter as is usually my wont in chapter three. We found out one of Keiko’s weakness and also found out more about Tony’s background. Scott and Brianna were also shown to be capable, especially Scott when he was Tech. I didn’t plan on having so many confrontations in this chapter, but that’s just how my mind was going. Oh, and I introduced you slightly to my villainess in this arc.

For the next chapter, there will probably be another battle with the Catman and his brethren against some of the Wild Cards. Also, Brianna and Scott’s investigative work set up in this chapter will be brought forth. Also, Tristan and Danny will have a double date that won’t end well.

I wish you all

Peace, love, and hair grease
