Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ The Morning After ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Aaron woke slowly, awareness coming to him bit by bit. He was first and foremost aware of something warm and soft pressing up against him. A moment later he realized it wasn’t so much pressing against him as he was holding it to him, and that it was breathing in a slow, steady rhythm.
Opening his eyes, he took in the expanse of white before him. The thick mane of Lira’s hair was spread out all over his pillow, brushing up against his face lightly. Aaron swept his hand through it gently, tucking it down so he could see. His fingers brushed one of her ears lightly, resulting in a twitch. Lira let out a very slight moan and shifted a bit in her sleep.
Letting his hand drift, Aaron ran his fingers over her cheek, tracing the line of one of her stripes. He followed it back to where it ended just above the line of her neck, then trailed down to her shoulder. Lira tensed and sighed deeply. As his hand ran down her flank she pressed back against him.
He reached around to stroke the patch of soft fur that ran from her neck to the base of her tail. The fur was amazing soft, almost down like. As he ran his hand across her stomach he could feel the outline of her abdominal muscles as they tensed a bit. Lira was twitching and squirming in her sleep, tiny moans and purrs interrupting her breathing.
Rubbing up between her full breasts finally brought her awake. Lira gasped and sighed happily. She rolled onto her back and looked over at him with a smile. He smiled back and kissed her.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Lira returned the kiss eagerly, holding onto him tightly. Aaron kept rubbing lightly across her body, not even really aware of how low his hand had drifted until he felt it dip and Lira moaned into his mouth. She squirmed under his touch and pulled him in closer.
Rather enjoying himself, Aaron carefully pressed his index and middle fingers into Lira, feeling around inside her folds. The catgirl was purring happily at his attention. Her head had titled back and her eyes were closed tightly, a smile growing across her face.
Curling his fingers against her insides, Aaron found great amusement seeing what kind of reactions he could get out of her. Lira’s purr filled moans were almost musical to listen to, and the way her ears twitched and flicked was amazingly cute.
When he rubbed across a firm nub of flesh near the top of her opening Aaron was surprised by the response he got out of her. Lira’s eyes snapped opened as she drew in a shuddering breath. Her own hand reached down and grabbed his, pressing it firmly against the spot.
Taking the hint, Aaron turned his attention to the area. Lira was writhing from his touches, her hips lifting off the bed. Deep, throaty moans tore from her lips before she clamped her jaws together, breathing in bursts through her teeth.
Aaron tried to keep his attention focused, but Lira’s squirming, panting, moaning form was getting him more then a little worked up. He felt his heart hammering him in the chest just watching her. When her eyes locked onto his with an intensity that sent chills down his spine, his self control just slipped away.
It took but a handful of seconds to get rid of the boxers he had worn to bed. Lira used the time to adjust her position to receive him, her legs wrapping around his waist as he lined up and pushed in. He tried to take it slow, but Lira wasn’t in the mood for that. Her powerful legs pulled his waist to hers in a rush.
Aaron wasn’t sure how it happened, but the next thing he was aware of he was supporting Lira’s lower back as her shoulders pressed into his bed. If the angle she was laying at was uncomfortable in any way, she sure didn’t seem to care. Her legs just kept urging him on, pulling him into her as far as he could each time. Her arms pressed against the bed over her head, arching her back more and lifting her hips higher.
Lira was totally lost in a fit of lust. No matter how much she got, she wanted more. She had already gone through two orgasms, and could feel another one building. Her whole body was jolted each time Aaron thrust into her. He was hammering her as hard as he could, but she still wanted it harder. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was vaguely aware of the fact that she was somewhat stronger then he was, but she was in no mood to contemplate the effect that fact made on Aaron’s ability to preform. She just wanted more.
Aaron felt Lira tense up all over again. She was thrashing around beneath him, screaming loud enough to set his ears ringing. While part of him found the view nothing short of unbearably erotic, another part of him was a bit worried. In the back of his mind Aaron couldn’t forget that she was strong enough to hurt him rather badly if things went wrong, and that her claws that could easily make a mess of him.
However, yet another part of him found the risk exciting. It was the same part of him that made him love fighting and drove him to seek out that thrill. Now it was driving him to try and give the Wildcat everything she was asking for. The risk of injury just made him want to slam into her all that much harder. It was also driving him rapidly towards his own point of release as he felt Lira’s insides tightening around him.
Feeling Aaron start to slow down, Lira tried to use her leg to coax him back up to speed. She had already felt him come inside her, and knew he was pretty much spent for the time being. Still, she was so close to coming again herself, and she wasn’t about to let it slip away from her.
As her lover sank down onto his knees, Lira pulled herself up, settling in his lap. Her hands used his shoulders to push off of, lifting her up before dropping her back down hard. Aaron just tried to hold on as Lira slammed herself down on his manhood. Her tail was whipping about behind her, and Aaron could feel the tips of her claws peeking out. Her breath was spilling hot and heavy on his neck as she drove him into herself.
After several bone rattling drops, the Wildcat finally found what she was looking for, tossing her head back and screaming up at the ceiling as she tensed up. Lira held her pose, perched on top of Aaron’s shaft, for several breaths before she finally relaxed. Aaron was pulled forward as she fell back, landing on top of her a bit roughly, not that she seemed to care or even notice.
He tried to move off of her, but Lira wouldn’t let him. She held Aaron tightly, enjoying the warmth and weight of him on her. She allowed him to move enough to find a more comfortable position though, laying his head down on her chest. Her fingers combed through his hair as they both lay there to rest.

Aaron was roused out of bed about an hour later by someone pounding on the front door. By the time he had untangled himself from Lira, slipped out of bed, and opened his window the pounding had turned to shouted obscenities. Standing in his front yard was Andy, who was shouting loud enough that neighbors all down the street were peering out of their houses to see what the fuss was about.
“You!” Upon spotting Aaron leaning out his window, Andy leveled a finger at him. “ You get your ass down here right now you little shit!” Aaron just sighed in response. He’d like nothing better then to head on down and personally shut Andy’s mouth, but he knew it’d never happen. The wannabe tamer would just end up hiding behind his pokegirls. He already had his Pidgeota out and Aaron could see at least a pair of pokeballs strapped to his belt.
He was saved the trouble of having to do anything as his father stepped out of the house, Lina and Morgan trailing right behind him. Aaron shifted aside a bit as Lira moved beside him. They both leaned on the window sill to watch.
“ Is there something I can help you with?” the older man asked lightly.
“ Yeah there is.” Andy sneered. “ You can get your little fuckspring of a son down here and start by apologizing for sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. Then you can fork over the cash you owe me.”
“ Cash?”
“ You heard me. For what your bitch did to my Alice. And finally, you can hand over that Wildcat you stole from me.”
“ I see. Well then, I’m afraid I can’t help you at all then. Now please leave.”
“ .....p-please leave?” Andy sputtered. “ Are you fucking kidding me!? You think I’m just gunna walk away? Are you fucking insane old man? You, will do what I tell you to do, or I will have Trista here blow your fucking house right out of the neighborhood. You got me?”
“ I’m sorry, but it’s just not going to happen.”
“....oh....oh, oh you think I’m fucking joking? Trista, show this motherfucker just how serious I am!” Behind him, Andy’s pokegirl leapt, a strong breeze kicking up as her wings drove her into the air.
“ Lina....” With a flash that left a jagged afterimage on everyone’s retina and a boom that set their ears ringing, the Oni blasted the birdgirl right out of the sky. The light thud she made when she hit the ground seemed painfully anticlimactic by comparison.
“ You know, I don’t think in all my years I have ever come across such a fool headed tamer as you. Only a complete moron sends a half trained pokegirl into battle against a fully trained pokewomen with a type advantage. It’s no wonder Morgan whooped your Spidergirl as easily as she did; you are a pathetic excuse for a tamer. Now go home before I call the police.”

“ Heh. Ten to one, Andy doesn’t do the smart thing” Aaron glanced over at Lira, who just looked back at him.
“...t..en to one...” Lira repeated.
“ You’re on” Aaron turned his attention back to the scene outside just in time to see Andy tossing his two remaining pokeballs. “ Told ya.”

Lina regarded the pokegirl in front of her and sighed. A Galem. Rock type. Andy was obviously trying to make up for his earlier mistake by making sure his girl had the type advantage this time. In a normal pokebattle, this would have been a good move on his part. This was not a normal pokebattle though. This was a grudge match, and the normal rules had been tossed out the window.
Lina merely stepped back as the Galem came at her, clearing the way for Morgan. The Rockgirl was so intent on taking care of the Oni that she never even saw the Amachamp. Morgan powered into the pokegirl, her lower arms holding her fast as her upper pair came down in a double hammer fisted slam that sent a tremor through the ground.
Andy’s other pokegirl, an Ivywhore, moved in to try and strike at the Amachamp from behind. The plant/poison type pokegirl was a good choice, having a type advantage over both her and Morgan. However, Lina knew a few ways to cheat the type system.
The Ivywhore’s attack was brought up short as the grass in front of her burst into flame. She skipped backwards away from the flames, but Lina boxed her in, another thunderbolt igniting the dried plant matter behind her. Rain had been scarce the last few weeks, and the fire on the lawn spread quickly.
Lina heard sirens in the background and figured someone must have called the police. A wise idea; pokebattles were not something that should take place inside a neighborhood. Luckily she and Morgan had managed to contain the fighting to a small area thus far and collateral damaged looked like it would be minimal.
Glancing to her left, she could see Morgan still easily dominating the Galem. She had the Rockgirl’s arms firmly held with her lower pair of arms, allowing her to rain down blows at will. The pokegirl’s rocky skin looked cracked, and her struggles were tapering off quickly.
“ Lina, dodge!” A flurry of razor edged leaves sliced through the air as the Oni ducked and rolled, responding to her master’s command without thought. Just like the old days, he was still keeping watch of everything that went on in a battle.
The Ivywhore had found her way out of the ring of fire and was thoroughly pissed off. Lina jumped to the side, just avoiding the plantgirl’s vine whip. A thunderbolt staggered the Ivywhore, but she shook it off. Another lashing vine whip struck out, just missing the Oni. The following razor leaf flurry however, hit dead on.
Lina raised her arms to cover her face as the leaves tore into her. She quickly hunkered down to minimize her target area. Still, she got cut up pretty badly. Blood was running freely down her body. Even worse though, was the damage to her ego. Type advantage or not, she knew she should have been able to put this poorly trained pokegirl down with a lot less effort. Feeling pissed at herself for her poor performance, and rather embarrassed for getting cut up by an amateur in front of her master, she decided it was time to end this fight.
As the Ivywhore reared back for another vine whip, Lina sprung up from her crouched position. She rushed the surprised pokegirl, who hesitated in her attack. That cost her big time as it let Lina in close enough to grab hold of her. Wrapping her arms around the plantgirl firmly, Lina let go with all the electric energy left in her body.
The effects were incredible. Even with her lids closed, Lina’s eyes burned from the light, and her ears throbbed with the buzzing. Feeling more drained and weary then she had been in years, Lina let go of her opponent and staggered backwards, landing in a half kneeling position. When she finally opened her eyes, even she was amazed at what she’d done.
The ground around her had been scorched clean for a good ten foot radius, leaving nothing but charred earth. In the middle of the circle the Ivywhore was sprawled out, her body twitching. She was still breathing, if a bit irregularly, so she wasn’t dead. However, she was definitely not getting back up. Lina could quite clearly see the vaguely hand shaped, blackish burn marks on the pokegirl’s green skin.
There was a pop of static electricity as Morgan helped her sister up. Lina glanced over to see the Galem buried halfway into the yard.
“ Guess we still got it” Lina tried to sound more upbeat, but she was too weary. Discharging all of her electricity had been tough on her body, and her cuts were still bleeding.
“ I guess we do. You alright?”
“ I’m fine. You?”
“ If you’re fine, then I guess I must be doing great”
“ Heh” Lina pushed away from Morgan as the police pulled up to their house for the second time in two days. She noticed Andy try to make a run for it, but an Officerjenny jumped out of one of the cars and nabbed him before he got far. “ You know, if this is what happens when Aaron stays around the house instead of sneaking out, maybe we should just let him go do whatever the hell he wants?”

Lina entered the house stiffly, leaning a bit on the walls for support. Her master was busy talking with the police and Morgan was needed to help pull the Galem back out of the ground so she could be checked for injuries. After that, Lina suspected that both pokegirls would be locked in their balls and sent to Henry’s ranch. Andy had definitely made a bad choice today. It was very likely that he’d end up losing his tamer licence. He might even have his Titmouse taken away, even though the laws around here were pretty lenient on pet ownership.
She made her way into the living room and paused to rest for a moment. She knew she was just being stubborn by refusing the help of the Nursejoy that had shown up with the paramedics, but she didn’t care. She’d never liked Joys much, and she didn’t trust them after that one incident. If she could just make it to the back room she could get the medkit out and deal with her cuts herself. That was providing she didn’t pass out first. She felt dizzy and her vision was blurring.
“ Hey mom...” Lina was so out of it she hadn’t even noticed Aaron. It took her a few seconds after that to realize that he had gotten out the medkit for her. He’d also pulled one of the kitchen chairs out into the living room for her; it wouldn’t matter if she bled on the molded plastic chair since it would wipe right off.
“...Aaron.” She was a bit confused and very surprised. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d done anything for her sake. Their relationship had never been a good one, despite her wishes. More then anything, she was envious of how well Morgan and Aaron got along. It was the kind of relationship she always wanted to have with her son.
Lina just didn’t know how to relate to Aaron, and he didn’t know how to relate to her. With neither one being able to see the others’ side, they had just never been able to talk to each other, except by yelling. She’d never really been able to find a way to let him know how much she cared about him, and she had suspected that he just didn’t care about her.
Aaron fidgeted a bit and looked somewhat uncertain. Nonetheless he helped her sit down and began cleaning and bandaging her cuts one by one. Lina felt a heavy swell of emotions build up inside her. She knew she say something, tell him how she was feeling, but she just couldn’t make herself say it.
“ That was pretty awesome mom” Aaron suddenly spoke after a moment of silence.
“ What was Aaron?” Lina asked in a tired tone.
“ That last attack of yours. You really fried that pokegirl. Hell, you even tripped the circuit breakers in the house just from the extra voltage.” Lina blinked and glanced over at clock set in the television. Sure enough, the electronic display was blank.
“ I guess I might have overdone it a little.” She admitted.
“ No, really?” Aaron replied jokingly. Lina managed a slight smile despite her weariness.
“ Heh, well you know how I get when I’m upset.”
“ Do I ever.” Another period of silence came over them as Aaron continued to patch Lina up. Time seemed to stretch out; The Oni was covered in dozens of cuts, and Aaron wasn’t exactly a trained medic, so he wasn’t speeding along in his work.
While none of the injuries were serious, there were enough that together they were taxing Lina’s body. She fidgeted a bit and felt her skin being pulled and pinched in all directions by the bandages that were all but completely covering her. She was going to be very stiff tomorrow morning. Or afternoon, or maybe the following night; Lina felt very tired and wanted to just crawl into bed for about a week.
“ Hey uh mom...” Aaron paused. He glanced off to the side.
“ Yes?”
“ Well...sorry. For what happened out there. It is kinda my fault...”
“ Aaron” Lina cut him off. “ You have nothing to be sorry about. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“ Yeah, but still...”
“ Hey, I should be thanking you really.” Aaron looked up at her with clear confusion.
“ What?”
“ Well everyone knows what an ass Andy is. Personally, I’ve been wanting to do something like that for years. It’s about damn time someone showed that punk his place.”
“ can you, you say that?” Aaron jumped to his feet, practically leaning over his mother as his voice rose. “After all the crap you’ve given me about fighting and violence and all that shit you...” Aaron nearly fell backwards as Lina suddenly stood up, her fatigue seemingly falling away. Aaron found himself holding his breath as he had his own mother stare him down.
When she pulled him in close and hugged him, Aaron was surprised beyond words. He could not remember the last time she had hugged him. He actually had no memory of ever being hugged.
“ I know Aaron, I know. So I’m nothing but a big hypocrite. That’s fine, if it would keep you safe I could care less about what I am.”
“ Mom?”
“ Please Aaron, just let me hold my son for a moment.”
“...okay.” Aaron hesitantly hugged her back. He felt rather awkward at the embrace, but he couldn’t bring himself to let her go or push her away. It was as close as he and his mother had been, physically and emotionally, in years. It was weird, but not overly unpleasant.
The moment was broken by the sound of the front door closing. Aaron felt Lina’s arms slip away from him suddenly as she stepped back. She didn’t seem to be able to look at him.
“ Aaron, would you mind going and resetting the breakers please?” Aaron glanced over as his father and Morgan entered the room. Both paused as they took in the scene before them, obviously realizing they had stumbled onto something unusual.
“ Yeah, sure thing mom.” Turning his back, he made his way towards the rear of the house.
Lina took a deep breath as she felt an arm slide behind her. She leaned into her loves embrace.
“ What was that about?”
“ Nothing dear. Forget about it.” She leaned her head into his chest, opening one eye to glance at Morgan who stood by in silence. The Amachamp looked back at her sister, her eyes hinting at a smile she didn’t let cross her face.
“ I think you could use some rest.” Lina mumbled a reply into her loves chest as he gently scooped her up. The Oni just held on as she was carried off to bed, feeling amazingly well for someone as cut up as she was. As she was laid down on the mattress, her last thoughts before she drifted off were that maybe things weren’t as bad between her and her son as she had thought.

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: This took way too long to finish, I know. Sadly I have no excuse for the length of time it took, especially considering it’s a deal shorter then the first two chapters. This is not a good way to build up a fan base, that’s for sure. My apologies.

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.